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该研究运用Halliday的系统功能语法,特别是Martin和Rose的评价理论从语境、及物性、评价系统等方面对"联合国秘书长2004年新年致辞"进行积极语篇分析,探讨语篇作者如何利用语言资源,特别是评价系统的资源,在隐含中明确地传达信息。  相似文献   

在系统功能语言学理论中,人际意义被认为是交际对话中话语双方的一种关系,是说话者对这种关系的态度或入侵,评价理论最初是由语言学家马丁在此基础上提出的。评价理论包括三大子系统:态度系统、介入系统和级差系统。本文以马丁的评价理论为基本框架,选取奥委会主席罗格在2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式和闭幕式的演讲致辞为研究语篇,对演讲语篇进行态度资源的统计分析。  相似文献   

领导致辞是一种带有互动性、针对性、权威性的讲话文体。一般言语凝练,主题鲜明,态度明确。领导者通过言语来表达思想,体现政策和措施。领导致辞可直接体现领导者的个人魅力和政策水平。中外领导致辞有共性有差异,本文将在新修辞的理论框架下,以受众为中心,从话语表现形式、诉求手段、美学手段等方面对中外领导致辞文本进行对比分析,探讨共性和差异,并总结其对汉译英翻译的启示。  相似文献   

随着越来越多的中国企业走向国际资本市场,英文董事长致辞的沟通作用变得日益重要。由于致辞的内容和形式都不受证监会的规定和限制,因此,企业可以根据公司既定的沟通目标,来选择适当的语言策略以传递符合公司印象管理战略的信息。在搜集整理了45份英文董事长致辞的基础上,对中国企业的英文董事长致辞中的缓和型模糊限制语的运用进行了分析,以了解缓和型模糊语在致辞中呈现的特点并探究其原因。  相似文献   

董事长致辞是企业社会责任报告的开篇部分,其内容能反映企业整体发展情况,语言表达能影响企业形象的树立。及物性系统用于分析句子和语篇,它包括六个过程且分布于董事长致辞的各个部分。本文通过分析六个过程在董事长致辞中所占比例和分布情况,探讨语篇类型与其意义表达之间的关联,帮助读者理解董事长致辞深层意义,帮助企业完善董事长致辞。  相似文献   

李佳瑞  朱万忠 《海外英语》2020,(6):91-93,103
该研究从体裁分析的角度,采用Swales的语步(move)-步骤(step)分析法,借鉴Kwan的功能-语义法对中国公司英文年报的董事长致辞和以英语为母语的外国公司年报中董事长致辞分析各自图式结构并对比异同.结果发现:尽管两者的交际目的相同但其实现形式仍存在较大差异:如英美等国家公司年报比中国公司年报结构更为灵活且前者的必选语步与核心语步相对较少等.根据Hofstede的文化维度理论相应地对各个差异点从文化等角度做出解释.该研究可以为公司在职人员培训和国内专门用途英语研究提供一些启示.  相似文献   

以大学校长开学典礼和毕业典礼的讲话为案例,梳理了百年来中国大学校长致辞的发展演化。民国时期的大学校长在致辞中注重探求教育本质、关注国家命运;新中国成立后的大学校长讲话政治意味较浓,强调又红又专;20世纪80年代以来大学校长的选拔任用高度行政化,他们的讲话呈现出同质化、模式化和专断化的特点;2010年以李培根院士毕业致辞为标志,中国大学校长的讲话进入一个多元的时期,力图以大学精神的光芒照亮学生的前行道路。  相似文献   

升旗致辞1993~1994学年第二学期升旗致辞计划北京五中主旨:对学生进行中华民族传统伦理美德的系列教育,树立正确的伦理观、道德观。周次主题主讲1做2l世纪的人才、英才、奇才吴昌顺校长2为"中国的世纪"而努力学习郝世林书记3继承中华民族的传统伦理美德...  相似文献   

体裁分析是语篇分析研究的新发展,是语言学、社会学、心理学等多种学科交叉发展的结果。本文运用Swales提出的语篇体裁分析的理论框架,通过对33篇高校校长研究生毕业典礼致辞组成的语料库进行考察,归纳了此类语篇的构建特征和交际目的,又一次证实了交际目的是决定体裁的重要因素,形成了语篇的图式结构。对理解语篇和写作实践都有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文利用批评语篇分析的方法,对奥巴马的一篇致辞从情态、人称代词和语义蕴含三个角度加以分析,探究这篇致辞的深层含义。  相似文献   

Developing special education programs that confer a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities has been a challenge for local education agencies since the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was first passed in 1975. Developing a FAPE has been particularly challenging when students require assistive technology (AT) services or devices to meet their unique educational needs. In this article, we consider how students' individualized education program (IEP) planning teams have met this challenge by examining administrative and judicial rulings on the use of AT services and devices by students' with disabilities. Specifically, we first examine rulings from 2005 to the first half of 2013 regarding the IDEA, FAPE, and AT. Second, we explore how courts have interpreted the AT obligations of educational agencies with a focus on cases in which parents were the prevailing party. Primary reasons for school district losses in these cases include failing to: (a) provide AT assessments (b) address AT needs, (c) provide the AT devices or services specified in a student's IEP, (d) properly implement AT services. We end by discussing the implications of these court decisions for school districts use of AT services and devices with students in special education.  相似文献   


Formative assessment (FA) has been a popular discourse in education, but its potential benefit is fundamentally dependent on teachers’ willingness to make changes to their classroom practices. These changes bring about much assessment tension (AT). This paper argues that how well teachers experience and manage AT determines the efficacy of their FA practices. Past studies have warned that AT experienced by teachers is complex and problematic. Therefore, it would be useful to investigate the variation of AT experienced by teachers, and how well they are dealing with these tensions. This phenomenographic research examines the use of FA in the context of different ways that AT is experienced. Findings on teachers’ conceptions of AT are presented, and each is then discussed for insights into teachers’ meanings and practices of assessment. In particular, instances of how AT hindered or helped FA are identified to highlight more productive ways of understanding and using assessment to support students’ learning. Implications of the research findings for the Singapore Teaching Practice (STP) will be discussed.


As increasing numbers of students with disabilities access postsecondary education, research studies and literature reviews have investigated the needs of these students who chose to pursue postsecondary education. These articles included studies that (a) asked students with disabilities to identify needs and (b) summarized needs in literature reviews about students with disabilities in postsecondary education. This article summarizes needs and recommendations from college students with disabilities and authors who reviewed related literature from 1995–2006. The summary includes needs in five areas: self-determination, social skills, academic preparation, accommodations, and assistive technology (AT). Each of these areas of need is described and recommendations for practice are discussed. The purpose of this article is to identify a set of evidence-based transition practices that will address these needs and increase the likelihood of success for students who enroll in postsecondary education institutions.  相似文献   

Educators try to use social network services (SNSs) in their teaching because they are regarded as beneficial to student learning. However, little research to date has empirically investigated whether the use of an SNS increases university student learning outcomes. A total of 730 university students in the capital area of South Korea participated in the present study. Based on social learning theory, we developed a general structural model that included SNS participation (SP) as an exogenous variable and a range of endogenous variables: cognitive domain learning outcomes, affective domain learning outcomes, social domain learning outcomes, social acceptance (SA) and attitude towards university life (AT). The study results confirmed that the model adequately explained causal relationships between student learning outcomes and SA, AT and SP. SA was identified as a key variable because of its direct effect on learning outcomes. However, SP was considered more important because of its large indirect effects on all learning outcomes through both SA and AT.  相似文献   

汇编语言是计算机软件系统中的基础学科,掌握《汇编语言程序设计》这一学科的难点之一。就是理解存储器操作数地址的形成。即每一个存储在内部存储器上的操作数都有唯一确定的地址(物理地址),这个地址由两部分构成:段地址和段内偏移地址。段地址存放在段寄存器中。而偏移地址存放的位置比较灵活,形成了如直接寻址、间接寻址等多种寻址方式。从分析存储器操作数的存放地址入手。可以更好地理解寻址方式,准确访问存储器操作数。  相似文献   

Assistive technology (AT) has the potential to increase developmental skills and provide solutions to challenges, such as behavior, attention, and communication, faced by students identified with disabilities or at risk in early childhood settings. Early childhood education professionals must have AT knowledge and competency to effectively use AT with young children and to include AT in the curriculum. Teachers share responsibility for effectively preparing all young children to develop important readiness and literacy skills enabling them to successfully participate in public school settings. This paper discusses the effectiveness of AT User Groups to prepare teachers to incorporate AT in the early childhood setting. User Group benefits to teachers, (i.e., increased knowledge and skills, effective use of time, collaboration, individualization of training, and onsite support) as well as distracters and strategies for involving “new” teachers are discussed. Reported child outcomes, such as increased attending, behavior, and communication are also presented.  相似文献   

针对传统的感温火灾探测器是基于简单双态的二进制探测器并且不能够编址的问题,数字温度传感器DS18820与单片机AT89S51以及上位机构成的感温火灾探测系统,可以实时检测各检测点的温度,判断其温度变化趋势,在火灾发生的初期进行报警,并可准确判断报警的地址,从而提高火灾报警的准确度,为灭火赢得时间。  相似文献   

基于ISP功能的单片机实验板设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AT89S5X系列单片机使用广泛,支持ISP在线下载功能.该文介绍利用该功能,设计出一种使用方便、简洁价廉的单片机实验板.  相似文献   

AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MATHEMATICS SPECIALISTS AND NON-SPECIALISTS AT THE HIGH-SCHOOL LEVEL in Cyprus – The data obtained from high-school seniors for the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) for the country of Cyprus appear to be contradictory. Although Cypriot students did not perform well in mathematics in elementary school, middle school, and in the non-advanced sectors of high school, students in advanced mathematics courses in high school managed to perform exceptionally well. In seeking to account for this apparent disparity, the present study examines the differences between mathematics specialists and non-specialists at the high-school level and discusses the implications that these have for teaching practice. It shows how students educated in an environment that might not be optimal for producing high-achieving students in mathematics and science in elementary and middle school (according to the TIMSS) might nonetheless manage to excel in these fields at the end of their schooling. In conclusion, the authors address the implications of their study for similar educational systems in other developing countries.  相似文献   

AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MATHEMATICS SPECIALISTS AND NON-SPECIALISTS AT THE HIGH-SCHOOL LEVEL in Cyprus – The data obtained from high-school seniors for the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) for the country of Cyprus appear to be contradictory. Although Cypriot students did not perform well in mathematics in elementary school, middle school, and in the non-advanced sectors of high school, students in advanced mathematics courses in high school managed to perform exceptionally well. In seeking to account for this apparent disparity, the present study examines the differences between mathematics specialists and non-specialists at the high-school level and discusses the implications that these have for teaching practice. It shows how students educated in an environment that might not be optimal for producing high-achieving students in mathematics and science in elementary and middle school (according to the TIMSS) might nonetheless manage to excel in these fields at the end of their schooling. In conclusion, the authors address the implications of their study for similar educational systems in other developing countries.  相似文献   

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