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2006年2月24日,一份来自国家信息中心的《互联网信息择要》,分别呈送到国务委员陈至立和国务院副秘书长陈进玉手中。《择要》中“浙江瑞安‘阳光助学’遭遇难题,教育界人士建议全国推行‘教育助学凭证’制度”的新闻报道,引起了两位领导的高度关注。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款是我国的既定政策 ,它解决了大多数贫困生的困难。但在实施过程中出现了不同程度的违约现象。要从加强诚信教育、建立学生信用凭证体系、建立个人信息制度、健全国家助学贷款操作流程和规范等各个方面来解决这些问题。  相似文献   

文章从制度经济学的视角,对教育凭证制度的运行进行比较制度分析,以找到经费制度与凭证制度在内容、主体角色、行为特征和制度绩效等方面的异同;为教育凭证制度提供支持性证据。  相似文献   

高自考助学教育创新模式的实践探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新形势要求自考助学在制度层面上不断完善,北京城市学院教育培训中心从完善助学制度出发,近年来对自考助学教育模式的创新进行了实践与探索.  相似文献   

论民办高等教育成本的政府分担   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论、法律、现实以及国际经验等方面来看,政府都应积极成为民办高等教育的成本分担人。政府分担成本,客观上有利于强化政府的管理职责,保持民办高校的公益性,促使其健康发展。政府在分担民办高等教育成本的政策中应选择合理的资助对象和资助项目,设立民办高等教育发展基金,完善学生助学贷款制度,推行教育凭证制度,积极优化民办高校融资的制度环境。  相似文献   

随着20世纪初教育收费制度的确立,民国的助学政策也进行了相应的调整和尝试。即近代的助学制度由清末的膏火转化为民国时期的公费、免费、奖学金和贷学金等多种形式,表现出民国时期助学制度的鲜明特点,并在一定程度上保证了教育公平性的实现。民国时期的助学经验至今仍有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

教育过程为研究高校自考助学价值提供了一个新的角度。教育是对教育者进行教育的过程,高校自考助学作为教育的一种方式,注重的是助学教育的过程。高校自考助学具有教育的过程价值,其主要表现为自考助学过程中实现的制度价值、社会价值和教育交往价值。研究和探索自考助学的价值,对于在新形势下建设中国特色自考助学的终身学习体系具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

我国《民办教育促进法》是政府对民办高校实施资助政策的依据。而美国、日本以及部分发展中国家对私立高校实施的不同资助政策都促进了私立高校的发展。应借鉴他们的做法,加强完善对民办高校的资助政策,进而实施一般性资助与重点资助相结合、直接资助和间接资助相结合、尝试推行教育凭证制度、完善民办高校学生奖励和助学政策等,以确保民办高校按照国家的教育方针规范办学。  相似文献   

从分析我国开展教育助学贷款工作的现状入手,对我国与国际上教育助学贷款的风险补偿制度进行了比较,指出了我国实施助学贷款风险补偿的政策取向。  相似文献   

大学生助学贷款制度是政府通过金融手段支持教育事业发展的一项重大举措。自1999年我国实行助学贷款制度以来.出现了许多不尽如人意的情况。本文以对比的方式介绍了新加坡、马来西亚和澳大利亚三个亚太地区国家的大学生助学贷款制度.指出目前我国助学贷款存在的主要问题.以进一步完善我国的助学贷款制度。  相似文献   

This article draws on quantitative and qualitative data from two institutions to compare the student experience of those with and without bursary awards. Using the student life cycle model, the article examines the ways in which bursaries impact on the student experience before they enter the institution, in the early weeks of their studies and as they progress through their programmes. At these two institutions, students with bursaries were more likely to be retained and to perform well during the first year than those without bursaries. The study found that bursaries can ease financial pressures during their transition to higher education (HE) and that institution‐specific bursaries can affect students’ perceptions of an institution and their commitment to succeed. After 2006, those institutions wishing to charge variable fees will be required to provide bursary support for low‐income students. The findings from this article suggest that HE providers should consider the timing of the bursary payments and the implicit message the bursary sends to applicants if they want to ensure that their bursaries have a positive impact on the student experience.  相似文献   

The DES bursary aims to attract people onto pre‐service education courses in order to train as physics, mathematics and CDT teachers. Perceptions of the effectiveness of this initiative, and its influence on the comparative quality of entrants to these courses are investigated with the tutors leading bursary courses. Responses in the three subject areas are presented. The drop‐out rate of students from the courses is shown to be in the order of 7%.  相似文献   

The questionnaire survey reported in this paper is part of an ongoing evaluation of the effect of a bursary scheme on recruitment to Cambridge University. It sought to identify factors that encouraged or discouraged highly successful A Level students from applying to Cambridge. Findings reveal three main dimensions associated with the decision to apply to Cambridge, the nature of the courses, the prestige of the university and anxiety about the application process combined with fear of failure. Further analyses showed that there were complex interactions between these three dimensions which governed the decision to apply to Cambridge. These findings are relevant to other prestigious universities. The availability of a bursary did appear to influence the decisions of those who were eligible, but its influence was not as great as some of the other factors.  相似文献   

英国政府通过多种渠道为成人教育学生提供资助,资助政策较为完善:为学生提供贷款、奖学金和助学金,资助学习成本和育儿费用,部分课程还可以免费学习。  相似文献   


As digital data become increasingly central to education, hopes for educational equity are pinned more strongly on educational technology providers. This paper examines the data practices of edtech providers who are not simply making token gestures towards justice and equality. Drawing on ethnographic interviews and Berlant’s notion of cruel optimism, it presents three data stories. The paper suggests that datafication in education provides a showcase of cruel optimism, i.e., when the object of desire is blocking one’s flourishing. The conclusion considers the constitutive paradoxes of datafied education, and implications for the current phase of edu-technical transformation.  相似文献   

Tokens were given to university students in two separate experiments for participation in small group discussions. In the first experiment a multiple baseline design was used with two small groups in an educational psychology class. In the second, 10 small groups were assessed on group participation without and with a token condition. Results of the first experiment were inconclusive though favorable; the second experiment resulted in a significant difference (t=15.41; P<.001, df=77) in group participation when tokens were delivered contingent upon group participation. The results indicate that token technology can be an effective technique to increase small group participation when a variety of back-up reinforcers is offered. The results are discussed in terms of possible applications of token technology within a university setting.  相似文献   

教育学的人文沉思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨教育学的学科归属问题是学界长期以来从未放弃的追求。本试图对教育学体系建构过程中凸现出的科学主义倾向的方法论、基础及表征作理论上的梳理,对教育学学科建设与人精神的内在联系作初步思考与阐释。  相似文献   

教育政策执行滞后问题是教育政策执行过程中由于各种因素综合作用产生的非正常状态,对于教育政策目标实现、教育政策问题有效解决具有严重负面影响,大大地降低了教育政策的绩效。在综合分析了教育政策执行滞后的诱发因素的基础上,基于治理理论提出了相应的教育政策执行滞后问题的消解策略。  相似文献   

“就近入学”教育政策公平性考问   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"就近入学"教育政策实施的主要目的在于促进教育公平。从教育公平的内涵看,在不具备适合条件的情况下,"就近入学"教育政策与教育公平之间并不存在必然的联系,相反加剧了教育的不公平。要全面实施"就近入学"教育政策,促进教育公平,必须建立以政府为主导的多元教育经费投入体制,发展多元、互通有无的教育格局,积极探寻高考人才选拔与基础教育的衔接机制,使学生们在"就近入学"教育政策的主导下能有更多选择的可能,而不是限制。  相似文献   

制度视野下,教育政策执行研究的方法论正经历着范式转换。传统制度分析中方法论整体主义和方法论个体主义对教育政策执行均有启迪,各自分别形成了教育政策执行的自上而下路径和自下而上路径。但这两种方法论范式均有不同程度的缺陷,难以为政策执行中的执行行为和执行活动做出整体性的解释。政策网络作为教育政策执行方法论的新范式有效地弥补了这些不足,对于教育政策执行四重路径的形成具有很好的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

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