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In the interaction between the child and the adult, interest can be a significant motivational initiator of activities. Systematic monitoring and development of the interest in music activities enables the teachers to influence the preschool children in forming a positive attitude towards the art of music. The research involving preschool teachers, children at the age of five to six and their parents, was conducted in order to determine the interest of preschool teachers and children in music activities. We found that the teachers showed greatest interest in singing songs, playing instruments and listening to music. The children’s favourite activities in kindergarten were movement to music (dancing), singing songs and playing on instruments, namely activities where they could take active part in the educational process. The parents reported that at home the children preferred most to listen to music, to sing songs and move to the sounds of music, and less to play on instruments and to be creative in music. The development of the children’s interest in music depends on the teachers’ expression of interest in music activities, on the choice of music activities and music contents and on the experience in the music environment of the family.  相似文献   

The eight-year-long period from Japan’s initiation of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 to its unconditional surrender in 1945 forced Japan to invest its national economy and industrial and scientific technologies in the war. In addition, in the name of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japan initiated its assimilation and Kominka (Japanisation) policies (皇民化政策) in the colonies Korea and Taiwan. Japan used education as a tool to expand its influence over members of society, and attempted the frequent use of Japanese and Kominka (皇民化) in daily life to penetrate the awareness of people in the colonies. Japan also started to enforce various assimilation policies. A comparison of the implementation of Kominka policies (皇民化政策) in Taiwan and Korea shows that, in terms of school admission rates and frequency of use of Japanese, the proportion of school admission rates for frequent speakers of Japanese to primary education in Taiwan are significantly higher than those in Korea. Moreover, in terms of primary education, national schools were implemented in both Taiwan and Korea according to the “National School Order” promulgated in 1941. Japan made use of the term “education equality” to win people over. In fact, it aimed to strengthen the concept of Kominka (皇民化), the education of militarism, and to force the Taiwanese and Koreans to become “imperial citizens” loyal to the Emperor. Japan’s ultimate objective was to create an environment that met military needs for civilian and military resources.  相似文献   

高等学校科技档案日益丰富,但是科技档案工作普遍存在价值低估、管理制度缺位、专业化引导缺乏、科技泄密和知识产权争议等问题。为此,需要建设专兼结合的高素质档案管理队伍,提高科技档案的利用率;完善管理机制,增强科技资料归档制度的执行力;加大宣传力度,提升科技人员和档案管理人员的保密意识和能力;加强信息平台建设,提高科技档案管理信息化水平;开阔视野,构建高校科技档案资源共享系统。  相似文献   

Postmodern theory is used to consider literacy instruction with and without an electronic whiteboard to investigate what it means to move beyond using technology to replicate older models of classroom structure that may be historically situated but that also limit or at least, do not support engagement in ways that may be possible through use of new technologies. Using postmodern theory in this regard is a way in which to consider again the thoughts and practices that tend to construct identities and ideologies in ways that work against true engagement in literacy tasks, lead to subjection and demonstration of acquiescence in place of engagement that leads to participation and critical engagement. Critical engagement as opposed to gaining and maintaining student attention to task are considered in this paper. Thinking about use of the electronic whiteboard from a postmodern perspective cautions us about careful use of this technology to avoid sending messages to students about them and their role in literacy development, the classroom, and in society.  相似文献   

谈师范院校美术教学中的审美教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要切实加强对高师学生的审美教育,让学生在欣赏优秀美术作品的过程中认识真善美,提高精神境界,受到潜移默化的思想教育;美术欣赏教学是对学生进行审美教育的主要内容,可以培养和提高学生的艺术素养和审美能力;欣赏教学应贯穿于整个美术教学过程中,要与绘画、设计等其它实践教学相互渗透、相互融和;要通过审美教育激活学生的形象思维能力,培养学生健康向上的审美情趣和鲜明独立的创造个性,促使学生成为全面发展的优秀人才。  相似文献   

在马克思主义灵魂问题上有两个不等式,一是马克思主义的灵魂不等于马克思主义的基本原理,马克思主义的基本原理是社会主义革命和建设中所必须“运用的武器”,而马克思主义的灵魂则是“武器的运用”。二是实事求是不全等于马克思主义的灵魂,马克思主义灵魂意义上的实事求是不是一般意义上的实事求是,而是特指与马克思主义基本原理相联系,为着解决社会主义革命和建设的理论与策略问题而去找立场,找观点,找方法的理论联系实际的思想方法和实践过程。因而,只有符合先进性,革命性和人民性特征的实事求是,才是马克思主义灵魂意义上的实事求是。  相似文献   

Internationally there is concern in relation to the traditional learning environments evident in many science classrooms and the levels of understanding of science developed by students in such environments. Further, students have generally been found to be poor in relation to thinking in terms of models or theories and in terms of evidence to support their theories. The majority of research on classroom environments has focused on characterising the learning environment in classrooms rather than monitoring changes to a class's or an individual's perceptions to their learning environments as a consequence of interventions. This study reports an attempt to change the learning environment in a classroom and documents changes in participants' perceptions of their learning environments and the corresponding changes in a teacher's and her students' perceptions of their reasoning and understanding that such changes facilitated. A community of learners in which students and teachers began to understand the processes and the value of reasoning in terms of theories and evidence was developed as a result of the involvement of the researchers with the teacher and her class of students. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

关于当代西方国家中间阶层发展变化的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代化进程中,随着我国社会结构分化与整合程度不断加强,社会阶层必然产生新的分化与重组,在这一过程中,中间阶层正悄然崛起。本从全球视角分析了中间阶层在社会现代化过程中的积极意义,根据当代西方国家中间阶层产生的社会经济条件,根据中间阶层社会功能,提出我国在全面实现小康社会过程中应大力培育和发展中间阶层的理念和策略。  相似文献   

辛亥精神是指在辛亥革命过程中,以孙中山为代表的革命派为了推翻满清统治、建立资产阶级共和国而彰显的一种敢为天下先的不怕牺牲、勇往直前、追求民主与进步的优秀品质。它开启了20世纪中国人民精神的新风貌,是激励中国人民救国救民和推动中国社会进步的强大动力,这种精神对我们今天仍有积极的意义。  相似文献   

Developments in the field of gender theory as applied to education since the 1970s are briefly reviewed in order to highlight key challenges and debates around gender categorisation and identification in gender and education. We argue that conundrums of categorisation have haunted, and continue to haunt, the field of gender theory, and empirical applications (such as the case of education) in particular. We explain how we have attempted to address some of the conundrums arising in our own theoretical work, and analyse remaining challenges that we feel the field of education needs to address in order to advance theoretically. Identifying two key tensions underpinning this empirical dilemma of gender categorisation – the tension between agency and determinism in gender identification, and that between gender deconstruction and gender analysis – we seek to weave a path through some of these complex debates, and to indicate ways in which they may be addressed in future work. We argue that in order to avoid essentialism and reification of gender distinction, we need to apply a ‘three-fold’ analysis that incorporates three different elements in our categorisation of gender: spectator perspective; respondent perspective and social context.  相似文献   

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