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日汉语拟声词在文学作品和口头交流中应用广泛,具有很高的修辞价值。但是由于日语汉语属于不同的语言类型,而且日汉民族的思维习惯和文化传统各不相同,对于学习日语的中国人来说,要掌握日语拟声词是比较困难的。本文对日汉拟声词的语音、形态两方面进行比较,并将它们的修辞功能进行简要对比。  相似文献   

语言学习的初级阶段,语音习得的准确性非常关键,不同语言语音系统间的差异会对外语学习产生影响。目前我国藏族学生在学习藏语和汉语的同时,还要学习一门外语(英语为主),英语学习对于大多数藏族学生而言是作为第三语言的学习,已经习得的两种语言势必会对他们的英语学习产生影响。因此,应首先对三种语言的语音进行比较,寻找到差异所在,才能为进一步的学习提供建议和帮助。本文通过对藏、汉、英三种语言的语音进行对比,认为三种语言在语音数量、语音结构、语调等方面存在异同。  相似文献   

人类学习外语,无一例外会受到母语的影响.由于汉语对于日语所具有的根源性意义,中国人学习日语尤其会受到汉语多方面的干扰.通过从发音、同形相形词、文法三大方面的不同角度进行细致化分析,找出两种语言的差异性及汉语对日语学习的不利因素,以期对日语教学及研究起到一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

朱斌  韩冰 《教育教学论坛》2014,(28):236-237
本文从语音、词汇、句法以及文化差异等方面对比了日语与汉语和英语的不同,分析了"日语零起点"大学生学习日语时,已有的母语和英语知识对日语学习产生的负迁移影响,以期排除负迁移影响因素,探求有效的日语学习方法。  相似文献   

日语是中国高校外语专业常设的第二外语之一。不少日语学习者和教授者夸大汉语汉字对日语学习的正迁移作用,认为有大量汉字的日语容易学习,从而忽视日语中汉字的学习,导致一些常见的错误。文章以此为切入点,强调中、日语中的汉字在音、形、义等方面的差异,以期引起二外日语教学的重视。  相似文献   

语言迁移是外语学习中不可避免同时又值得重视的语言现象。语言迁移中的正迁移对外语学习有积极促进作用,属于正面因素。本文着眼衡阳方言的具体特征,从语音、文法、词汇搭配等层面同英语、日语对应层面进行比较,揭示其共性,突显衡阳方言在外语学习中的正迁移作用,从而激发本地大学生英、日语的学习兴趣,启发当地外语教师拓展新的教学思路,提高教学效率,促进外语教学本土化。  相似文献   

在日语教学较为普及的今天,语音教学仍然没有得到足够的重视,而语音学习是语言学习的第一步。由于日语和汉语语音体系不同,日语中有些发音对中国日语学习者来说格外困难。在日语学习的初级阶段,容易混淆的往往是"が行"鼻浊音和"な行"音、"し"和"ひ"的发音、"す"和"つ"的发音等等,本文拟对这些发音难点进行分析,并就如何正确区分掌握等问题展开讨论。  相似文献   

语言迁移现象一直是学习外语过程中备受关注的焦点之一。汉语和日语在使用汉字等方面有不少"共性",同时在语法上又有很大的差异。因此,汉语对日语学习产生正迁移和负迁移。通过对语言迁移现象进行分析的基础上,探讨其对日语学习的影响和作用。  相似文献   

随着社会上求职的需求,外语越来越受到重视,相反汉语却被轻视,年轻人的汉语水平逐渐下降,本文从日语学习的角度针对汉语水平对日语习的影响进行了探析,以促进外语学习者加强母语一汉语的学习,提高自身的汉语水平.  相似文献   

我国高校日语专业学生的大部分都在中等教育阶段接受了英语教育,他们对于外语现象的理解是通过英语学习来实现的。大学日语专业教育尤其是基础日语阶段的教育不可避免的要在学生汉语和第二外语即英语习得经验的基础上进行。因此、对汉语s和英语的迁移现象进行研究有助于基础阶段的日语教学和学习。  相似文献   

同课异构教学模式是一种创新型的,充分反映课堂中的具体教学手法的多样性和复杂性的教学模式。在英日复语教学中大胆尝试同课异构这种教学模式能够有效地解决我国英日复语教学中面临的以下三大难题:抵御复语学习中的语言磨蚀;克服语言负迁移,增加双语促进作用;解决目前的师资难题。  相似文献   

When can children speaking Japanese, English, or Chinese map and extend novel nouns and verbs? Across 6 studies, 3‐ and 5‐year‐old children in all 3 languages map and extend novel nouns more readily than novel verbs. This finding prevails even in languages like Chinese and Japanese that are assumed to be verb‐friendly languages (e.g., T. Tardif, 1996 ). The results also suggest that the input language uniquely shapes verb learning such that English‐speaking children require grammatical support to learn verbs, whereas Chinese children require pragmatic as well as grammatical support. This research bears on how universally shared cognitive factors and language‐specific linguistic factors interact in lexical development.  相似文献   

浅析德英两种语言的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德语、英语均属印欧语系,在历史上均受拉丁语、希腊语的影响,而且两种语言互相交流、互相渗透,有许多共同之处;但它们必定是两种语言,存在的差异还是很大的.对这两种语言的比较、分析,可以帮助人们对它们的学习.  相似文献   

缩略语是现代语言中一种重要的构词方法.日本的文化、语言文字虽然自古以来就受到中国的影响,不同语系的日语和汉语,它们又有着明显的不同.因此,我们有必要对日语和汉语中的缩略加以分析,比较其异同,从而有助于更深入地分析这一语言现象.  相似文献   

我们从三个方面入手为学生建立了外语学习课外辅助教学平台。1.课外英、日语资料库学习平台;2.外语多媒体网络课堂学习平台;3.英、日语课外活动辅助教学平台。这三个辅助平台的应用,为学生自主学习和个性学习创造了条件,提供了开放式的语言学习环境。多种形式的外语辅助教学,在提高学生学习外语的兴趣、主动性、创造性和实际运用语言能力方面发辉了重要的作用。  相似文献   

The era of Asia has been felt in foreign language education in Japan, with more and more youth reportedly opting to study Chinese and Korean as the second foreign language. The shift in popularity, from European to Asian languages, not only reflects the societal demand for the institutional rearrangement of academic staff but also stirs teachers of European languages to appeal for the continued study of their language. The present discussion paper, drawing from secondary statistics and scholarly knowledge, first reviews a series of Japan’s foreign language education policies from the 1990s to 2012 that have been affecting the organizational structure of foreign language education in Japanese higher education. The study then addresses an array of issues that emerge with the changing needs of the times: the waning popularity of European languages, the Japanese government’s policy shift to English and Chinese, English language professionals’ detached attitudes toward other language education, and the dominance of university language teachers with little to no language teaching training. By addressing these pending yet gravely overlooked issues that merit due attention from language teaching professionals beyond Japan, the present study hopes to provide insight into the traditionally one-sided, English-centric discussion on foreign language education in Japanese higher education in a matter that is informative for international scholarship.  相似文献   

In a series of 5 auditory preference experiments, 120 5-month-old infants were presented with Approval and Prohibition vocalizations in infant-directed (ID) and adult-directed (AD) English, and in ID speech in nonsense English and 3 unfamiliar languages, German, Italian, and Japanese. Dependent measures were looking-time to the side of stimulus presentation, and positive and negative facial affect. No consistent differences in looking-time were found. However, infants showed small but significant differences in facial affect in response to ID vocalizations in every language except Japanese. Infants smiled more to Approvals, and when they showed negative affect, it was more likely to occur in response to Prohibitions. Infants did not show differential affect in response to Approvals and Prohibitions in AD speech. The results indicate that young infants can discriminate affective vocal expressions in ID speech in several languages and that ID speech is more effective than AD speech in eliciting infant affect.  相似文献   

亲属称谓语作为一种普遍的语言现象,存在于所有的语言当中。但是,每种语言都有其各自特殊的称谓体系,而每种体系都与其文化息息相关。本文主要从四个方面——区分长幼辈分、父系和母系、血亲姻亲、亲属称谓的泛化来比较汉语、英语、日语中亲属称谓语的异同,并对其差异产生的文化根源进行探讨。  相似文献   

人类的和谐共处和矛盾冲突的必然性、偶然性是2007年奥斯卡最佳影片《通天塔》的主题。在上帝创造了世界之后,整个地球只有一种语言和少量词汇。地球上的人类决定建造一座可以直达天堂的高塔。但上帝并不乐见于此。他决定将所有这些人划分成不同的种族,居住在不同的地方,讲的是不同的语言,因而使他们无法互相容易地沟通交流。在电影中,一次灾难情况的出现引出了不同种族、不同语言以及不同文化背景的个体之间的千丝万缕的联系并体现了人类的区别性和同一性。这部影片的和谐与冲突的主题也随之变得突出。语言作为人类的普遍沟通方式,也是影片用来揭示主题的一个重要因素。这部电影涉及了多个国家和不同的语言:英语、日语、墨西哥语、摩洛哥语,甚至还有聋哑人的手语。影片所使用的语言,以及各类人的表面沟通和错综复杂的关系体现人类思想相互沟通的重要性。  相似文献   

Languages change and adapt to new political, socio-cultural and economic realities, and people change in terms of their attitudes towards languages, the languages they learn, the circumstances in which they use those languages and the purposes they use them for. These changes have important implications for language planning and language policy, and for determining the ends and means of language teaching. This paper outlines the different roles and functions of English and attitudes towards the language during its transition from colonial language to international lingua franca. I argue that attitudes, and particularly the attitudes of those involved in the English language teaching ‘industry’, have failed to take these changes adequately into account. The paper distinguishes between international and intra-national purposes for using English, and considers the target language proficiency, curriculum content and the ideal teachers for a notional international (as opposed to intranational) variety of English. The paper concludes that identifying such a variety would free the international language from native-speaker, and other, ethnocentrisms, and from any remaining colonial or neo-colonial assumptions of cultural and linguistic superiority. Defining International English in this way would also make it easier, quicker and cheaper to learn.  相似文献   

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