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波兰的图书馆事业同欧洲其他各国一样,也是从中世纪修道院图书馆开始的.大约在公元1000年左右,基督教传入波兰,当时,由于基督教的神秘主义占据着统治地位,科学和文化艺术活动都禁锢在修道院所辖的学校里,这些活动既不许触犯宗教的教义,又不得超越宗教规定的范围,因此当时的图书馆以收藏基督教书籍为主,并多属于修道院的附属机构.  相似文献   

介绍了波兰图书馆事业发展的现状、各种类型图书馆的职能作用以及图书馆学教育、职业培训工作的开展状况。  相似文献   

据《中国新闻出版报》报道:来自法国的消息称,欧洲网上图书馆已经初具规模,人们不久以后就能上网进入这一图书馆。法国图书馆将把其80%的图书资料转化为电脑本模式,使其可以进入欧洲网上图书馆的数据库;德国、西班牙、意大利以及波兰等国也已正式加入法国提出的欧洲网上图书馆建设计划。  相似文献   

选取IFLA数据库来自德国、波兰等33个国家的图书馆学会或协会所制定或修订的图书馆协会伦理准则。从形式和内容两方面,结合文化维度论中的不确定性规避指数(Uncer-taintv AvoidanceI ndex,UAI)及个人主义(individualism,IDV)两个指数对各专业伦理守则进行分析,解读各国文化差异是影...  相似文献   

21世纪全球图书馆协会伦理准则现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取IFLA数据库的世界各国及地区的图书馆协会于21世纪所制定或修订的图书馆协会伦理准则,这些准则分别来自德国、波兰、中国香港等11个国家和地区.并从伦理准则的形式和伦理准则的内容两方面进行比较分析,获悉新世纪全球图书馆协会伦理准则具有欧洲国家积极参与该项工作、新世纪的图书馆协会核心价值在变化、新世纪图书馆协会伦理准则的适用范围在扩展及体现网络环境下的信息伦理困境等特点.  相似文献   

去年,在莫斯科举行了社会主义国家图书馆学专家会议,出席这次会议的有保加利亚、匈牙利、越南、民主德国、古巴、蒙古、波兰、苏联和捷克斯洛伐克的代表。会议的议题是,社会主义国家图书馆事业发展的重要问题以及图书馆贯彻党的决议中所做的贡献。会议还研究了图书馆自动化系统的现状和前景。保加利亚代表在发言中介绍了图书馆在执行党的决议过程中所开展的各项活动。在图书馆门前的宣传栏内全面展示科技成就,生产成果以及  相似文献   

▲最古老的图书馆是公元前六六九年至六三○年亚述帝国都城尼尼微的皇家图书馆。▲最早的国家图书馆是我国周朝专门收藏图书的“盟府”,设立时间不晚于公元前六世纪。▲最早的公共图书馆是波兰的查路斯基图书馆,该馆于一七四七年在华沙开放。▲最早成立藏书逾一千万册的图书馆是建于一三八六年的法国国立图书馆。▲最早利用太阳能的图书馆是美国亨利耶塔公共图书馆,面积1718.65平方米,可藏书66,000卷(册),阅览座位109个。▲最大的图书馆是美国国会图书馆,馆舍面积为三十三万六千平方米。  相似文献   

捷克共和国是欧洲中部的一个内陆国,东靠斯洛伐克、南邻奥地利、西接德国、北毗波兰,由捷克、摩拉维亚和西里西亚三个部分组成.首都布拉格。国土总面积为78866平方公里.人口为1021万人(截至2004年5月)。主要的民族为捷克族,其他有摩拉维亚族、斯洛伐克族、德意志族和少量的波兰族等。官方语言为捷克语.主要信仰天主教。  相似文献   

《苏菲的抉择》里面,斯特里普演的极度苍白、极度无助的波兰女人苏菲,刚到美国时,用蹩脚的英语在图书馆里向人询问美国诗人狄金森的作品,遭人鄙视,因为狄更斯是英国人。苏菲坚持说,我确定,艾米莉-狄金森,20世纪美国诗人,  相似文献   

面对图书馆2.0到来的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈煜 《晋图学刊》2009,(1):21-23
在网络冲击整个社会的21世纪,图书馆界也面临挑战,图书馆2.0顺势出现。本文谈到了笔者对图书馆2.0的认识和理解,并提出具体的图书馆2.0的实践,希望对同仁理解图书馆2.0有些帮助。  相似文献   

The Polish Library Anxiety Scale (P-LAS) was developed and validated using as bases Bostick's Library Anxiety Scale (LAS) and three other scales: Multidimensional LAS (MLAS), Hebrew-LAS (H-LAS), and Kuwait-LAS (K-LAS). P-LAS consists of six components: barriers related to staff, personal affect, technology, library knowledge, library comfort, and resources. The research to develop this instrument took place in two empirical stages. Initial research using P-LAS concluded that about 40% of surveyed Polish students may be affected by some form of library anxiety. The general level of library anxiety among Polish respondents was relatively low.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a quantitative comparative analysis of the activity of 59 Polish public university libraries on the social networking site Facebook (2009–2022). The study aimed to assess the use of Facebook by university libraries of different types and to evaluate the popularity of the content shared by these institutions based on the number of posts shared and the users' reactions to them. Fanpage Karma, a commercial online tool for monitoring social media monitoring was used to collect and statistically analyze the data from individual fan pages. The findings showed that overall, the degree of social media activity was not dependent on the type of library. Although the existence of Facebook is not new in the area of social networking, its use in Polish libraries has not yet become widespread. The phenomenon of the lack of library fan pages on social media is worrying given that several of these tertiary level libraries had no fan pages on any kind of social media. Nevertheless, for those that had a Facebook fan page, it was discovered that it was one of the primary tools for communicating with users, promoting library and information services, and other library activities.  相似文献   

In this article the author presents the concept of professional competencies. She describes the development of the notion of competencies in Polish librarians’ jobs in recent years and the possibility of competency management, both by the employer and the library worker. She also discusses recent laws, regulations, and standards related to qualifications for librarians’ jobs.  相似文献   

This article discusses the legal deposit system in Poland, outlining important issues, legal regulations, cooperation with publishers, and the importance of delivering books for academic environment. It emphasizes the significance of legal deposit for shaping collections and improving institutional quality. Poznań University Library is presented as an example of the Polish approach to the issue of book acquisition, including the library’s mission statement and elements of its collection development policy. The author also writes about tasks for the Legal Deposit Office and the library in the near future, including implementation of electronic legal deposit in Poland.  相似文献   

Prewar and wartime photographs of Polish Jews are historical documents and unique records. A worldwide interest in photographs presenting Jewish life in Poland on the eve of the Holocaust and during the war has been sustained by the traveling exhibit And I Still See Their Faces: Images of Polish Jews, which first opened in Poland in 1996. In recent years, some Polish archives and research institutes have begun digitizing their photography collections, including prewar and wartime photographs of Polish Jews and their communities. In this article, the author focuses on two main questions: the archiving and retrieval of digitized photographs and the identification and subject analysis of the digitized collections, including participatory or social “tagging.”  相似文献   

On February 24, 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine, an independent country. Although the topic of academic library assistance directed to Ukrainian refugees has appeared in the media, the review of literature demonstrated that these activities have not been documented in the scientific literature so far.The aim of the study was to find out what actions addressed to the Ukrainian refugees.Polish academic libraries took to help build social resilience in case of war.The study used quantitative and qualitative methods: the survey method and the heuristic method. The survey was sent to all directors of state academic libraries in Poland.The collected data were divided into the domains: institutional, social, physical and economical. These domains were then used to design a library model of building community resilience in case of war, and to describe the links between these domains.The multi-level spectrum of activities undertaken by the academic libraries in Poland to improve the situation of Ukrainians and described in this paper lead to the recognition that libraries: are important institutions of social trust, and in order to maintain this status, they have to respond to the needs of local communities on an ongoing basis.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of past and present developments in the digitization of Polish and Polish-American historical newspapers and periodicals. The focus is on the collections held by Polish libraries, including the National Library. The article examines access to and searchability of major digital collections and provides examples of digitized titles. Additionally, the article discusses the importance of including Polish-American newspaper content in the Library of Congress Chronicling America database.  相似文献   

The article discusses the program “Registration of the Polish Collections Abroad,” conducted by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland. Its goal is to create a register of the significant Polish collections outside Poland.  相似文献   

The New York Public Library (NYPL) holds one of North America's largest and oldest collections of books pertaining to the Slavic, Baltic, East European and Eurasian languages and peoples. The present catalog describes 514 volumes dating from the fifteenth through eighteenth centuries held by the NYPL. The following categories of material are included: books printed in the Polish‐Lithuanian Commonwealth; books printed outside of the homelands by Polish printers; titles by ethnic Polish authors, regardless of place of imprint or language of publication; works by foreign authors printed in the Polish language, or on subjects connected with Poland and/or the Rzeczpospolita. The catalog includes incunabula and 62 works of the sixteenth century.  相似文献   

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