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在英语学习的过程中,学习者往往受到母语知识的影响,在认知心理学中将其称为母语迁移.当母语规则与英语规则出现差异就会形成语言的负面迁移,从而造成语言错误及学习困难.要克服母语的负迁移,就应尽可能地为自己创造逼真的英语环境,才能学会地道的英语.  相似文献   

学习迁移有正负两方面的作用,在母语以外的语言学习中体现尤为明显。语言迁移既包括语间迁移,也有语言内部迁移。在英语学习中,注意引导学生充分利用各种形式的正迁移,防止汉语学习中许多负迁移对英语学习的阻碍作用至关重要;同时,还要引导学生利用好先行学习对后续学习的正迁移作用。  相似文献   

纪全艳 《海外英语》2011,(15):238-239
英语学习的过程,不仅仅是语言学习,更是文化学习。英汉文化差异使学习者在学习英语过程中受母语文化的影响产生母语文化负迁移现象,给语言学习和跨文化交际带来障碍。该文从中西文化词汇、语用、价值观念及思维方式等方面予以比较、分析,试图从文化负迁移的角度来探析母语文化负迁移现象,并提出一些建议以便在英语学习中减少母语文化的负迁移,提高第二语言习得水平和跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

研究表明,母语迁移是影响二语习得的重要因素之一.它分为正迁移和负迁移.正迁移促进外语学习,负迁移则妨碍外语学习.本文通过英汉语对比,探讨了中国学生学习英语过程中母语在语音、语法、词汇、文化习俗等方面的负迁移对英语学习的影响,同时对母语的正迁移现象也做了一定的分析.在此基础上,还得出了母语迁移给外语教学所带来的一些启示.学习者们在今后的二语习得过程中应促进正迁移,避免负迁移,保证语言学习的有效性.  相似文献   

语言的迁移在二语学习中的迁移是一种普遍的现象。中国学生对母语的语言规则的掌握是根深蒂固的。在学习英语时,不自觉地采用母语一些发音规则来发英语的语音。在语音层面上,汉语对英语发音的干扰作用要远远大于促进作用。浅析语言迁移现象、语言迁移的成因以及在英语教学中的对策。  相似文献   

语言学习中的母语迁移主要表现在语音、词汇、句法等各个方面。英语教师在教学中应合理地利用母语的正迁移;进行英汉两种语言对比教学,提高英语教学的预见性和针对性;创设适宜情景,遏制母语的负迁移。  相似文献   

在第二语言学习中,"母语迁移"对二语习得造成的影响非常重大,是指学习者广泛依赖母语,将母语语言形式、相联系的文化迁移到第二语言习得中,而这种语言迁移性对英语学习造成一定影响,正迁移促进,负迁移阻碍。本文分析了母语迁移对英语学习的影响,并探讨基于这种语言迁移性的教学对策。  相似文献   

在英语学习过程中,母语迁移必然对英语的学习造成一定的影响.通过阐释迁移理论、分析母语在英语习得中的迁移现象,并结合高职学生的自身特点,提出在教学中应该注重对比分析,促进正迁移、避免负迁移;积极引导,在充分理解母语语言模式上修正并建立起正确的英语语言模式;采用原版教材,激发英语学习兴趣;鼓励课外阅读,创造各种学习机会,从而达到提高高职英语教学质量的最终目的.  相似文献   

邵琳娜 《海外英语》2013,(16):255-256
在二语习得中,母语迁移现象普遍存在,这给我国大学生进一步提高及熟练掌握语言技能带来了许多阻碍。该文从语音、词汇、句法的角度探讨了母语迁移对大学生英语学习的影响,提出有效提高学习成效的策略以帮助学生克服母语负迁移的干扰,成为准确得体的英语使用者。  相似文献   

在二语习得中,母语迁移现象普遍存在,这给我国大学生进一步提高及熟练掌握语言技能带来了许多阻碍。该文从语音、词汇、句法的角度探讨了母语迁移对大学生英语学习的影响,提出有效提高学习成效的策略以帮助学生克服母语负迁移的干扰,成为准确得体的英语使用者。  相似文献   

换热器的强化传热   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
说明换热器强化传热的意义,介绍了强化传热的途径,强化传热的分类、原理,评价强化传热方法的基本原则。  相似文献   

PBI是建构主义倡导的一种以问题为核心、以学生为中心的教学方式,有助于知识从学习情境到应用情境的迁移。而且作为典型的建构主义教学方式,从某种意义上讲,它也是对传统迁移理论的解构和重构。  相似文献   

This study examined the use of self-report to measure training transfer by comparing three training transfer assessment methods. Applying a framework provided by instructional alignment theory, the study tested the hypothesis that if training transfer is measured by assessment methods that vary in their degree of alignment with the post-training learning assessment, the training transfer scores would be higher as the degree of alignment increased. Instructional alignment is the extent to which stimulus conditions match across instructional components: intended outcomes, instructional processes, and assessment. Three training transfer assessments were administered to 40 telecommunications technicians approximately 60 days after they completed a training course. The moan transfer score for the job performance assessment with high alignment was significantly higher than the two self-report assessments of moderate and low alignment with effect size differences of 0.96 (p < .01) and 0.87 (p < .01), respectively. The mean scores for the two self-report assessments did not significantly differ. This study has implications for the extensive use of self-report to assess training transfer in both research and training evaluation programs.  相似文献   

In California, the majority of students of color who enter postsecondary education do so in the community colleges. However large numbers of them leave and do not transfer to four-year institutions; in particular to highly selective public four-year colleges and universities. By using the theoretical perspective of critical race theory, transfer can be seen as a dual commitment between both the sending and receiving institution as we put forth the conceptual framework of a “transfer receptive culture.” We define a transfer receptive culture as an institutional commitment by a four-year college or university to provide the support needed for students to transfer successfully—that is, to navigate the community college, take the appropriate coursework, apply, enroll, and successfully earn a baccalaureate degree in a timely manner. We outline five elements, informed by critical race theory, that are necessary to establish a transfer receptive culture and outline specific strategies within each element that practioners can employ on their home campuses.  相似文献   

迁移是心理学术语。母语迁移对外语学习者有着正、负两方面的影响。母语负迁移是客观存在的,并在学习者的学习过程中产生多层面的影响。本文对母语负迁移给大学生英语学习所造成的干扰及其造成的典型错误进行分析,寻求解决途径,以便能高效地进行大学英语教学工作。  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats solved two concurrent discrimination problems in which one stimulus (i.e., a facilitator) signaled the reinforcement of another stimulus (i.e., a target). Then a transfer test assessed the capacity of facilitators trained in one problem to promote responding to targets trained in the other. Experiment 1 found that a facilitator promoted as much responding to such a transfer target as to the target with which it was originally trained. Transfer was not obtained with a pseudofacilitator that was uninformative, in training, about the reinforcement of its target. Experiment 2 manipulated the stimulus modality of the targets and facilitators. Its results indicated that transfer performance was not due to generalization between training and transfer targets or facilitators. These results parallel those from comparable autoshaping paradigms with pigeons, and they agree with the view that facilitators promote responding by lowering the threshold for activation of the US representation.  相似文献   

进一步研究广义转移的性质,证明了几个较深刻的结果,推广了Grün第一定理.  相似文献   

劲是人体的动量,劲法是人体动量的有机构成和有效使用.在太极推手或自由搏击时,双方的身体接触是一个动量传递过程.太极拳推手的精妙在于三个方面:如何有意识的造成我方动量;如何将作用冲量和对方动量叠加而使对方失稳;如何在反作用冲量叠加于我方动量时我方仍然保持稳定.  相似文献   

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