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探寻了中西电视发展的差距,梳理了中西电视节目发展间的相互关系,本文认为从西方电视发展的共性力量看,中国电视发展有本体化回归、商业化、分众化及娱乐化的趋向.从电视节目形态个性化的角度出发,西方电视节目当下主流形态对中国电视节目形态的影响主要包括:真人秀节目的日常化、多样化、明星化;益智节目的复兴;电视剧对于弹性叙事的引进,边拍边播或许成为可能.  相似文献   

教育电视节目的大众化倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育电视节目大众化倾向主要表现为选材的大众化、叙述的故事化和制作的趣味化。电视的生存环境、电视发展的文化背景、电视的传播特性和受众的心理诉求是教育电视节目大众化倾向形成的主要原因。在对教育电视节目大众化倾向"以受众为中心"的理念表示认同的同时,我们也要清醒地认识到,大众化的滥用,对于教育电视节目的健康发展是不利的。  相似文献   

论电视大型活动对提高频道影响力的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电视大型活动通过把电视节目活动化、社会活动节目化的方式,在提高电视节目质量、扩展电视传媒作用和提高收视率的同时,也形成了电视频道的品牌效应,从而使电视媒体的社会价值和经济价值双双提高。电视大型活动更是经济落后地区频道的强心剂,对提高频道影响力具有重要作用。  相似文献   

本文通过剖析某些电视节目低俗化的外在表现,探讨了电视娱乐节目低俗化产生的内在原因,认为过度草根化、盲目追求收视率、社会价值观的迷失、主持风格的低俗化倾向与媒体监管缺位是导致电视娱乐节目道德意识的逐渐缺乏、文化意味日渐淡薄的四个深层次因素,并提出了引导其电视节目健康发展的相应策略。  相似文献   

在计算机网络高速发展的今天,电视的整体已日趋向计算机网络化迈进。通过对传统电视节目制作发展趋势以及网络时代下电视节目制作的优势与不足等基于计算机网络化的电视节目发展相关的问题进行分析探讨,正确认识现在电视节目制作的发展现状,促进网络技术与电视节目制作的融合,使电视节目能向更好的方向发展。  相似文献   

本文对英国、美国、澳大利亚三个西方国家大众化电视节目形态进行了逐一分析:英国创造了许多新的节目类型,并且推动了世界电视的不断翻新;美国个人主义和英雄主义从谈话节目中可见一斑,季播节目带来了美国电视节目的变革;澳大利亚大众化节目反映新移民心态,其观众参与性增强.笔者对以上西方国家的电视节目作了调整与分析,希望可为我国电视节目运作带来一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

张秀 《文教资料》2008,(28):50-52
中国电视纪录片栏目化的进程已十多年.自上个世纪九十年代末纪录片栏目走向没落以来.至今未有变革.在电视节目频道化尚不成熟,栏目化又走入艰难瓶颈的特殊时期,被各级电视台视如鸡肋的电视纪录片栏目现状如何?电视纪录片栏目的突破性发展在哪里?该文试从以上几个方面论当前中国电视纪录片栏目.  相似文献   

李盾 《现代企业教育》2014,(14):535-535
收视率一直是电视节目的主要标准,也是对于电视节目的一种潜在评价标准。收视率在很大程度上决定了电视节目是否会长期存在,或者是是否更加具备商业价值。在目前的商业为主导的电视行业内,收视率是非常重要的因素。因此,对于电视导演而言,如何提高电视节目的收视率,则是其要进行重点研究的内容。本文重点分析,关于电视导演的审美标准对电视节目收视率的影响因素。  相似文献   

电视节目有平庸化的趋势,娱乐性节目有俗滥化的趋势。万物不可俗,一俗便不足观。电视传媒究竟起了什么作用,我们必须对此进行反思。电视传媒应负起建构当代意义的时代使命,塑造高贵的荧屏人物形象。  相似文献   

中国电视在半个世纪的发展过程中,观念历经变革。电视本体从制作人时代到制片人时代再到策划人时代的步步演进,推动了电视节目形式单个节目—栏目化—频道化的步步递进,受众的地位也由被动转为主动。这些生动鲜活的观念,指导着电视实践的推进和发展。  相似文献   

Recognition of the important role television plays in children's lives has led during the 1970s to the beginnings of an effort to modify television's impact on children by teaching them how to manage their viewing behavior, how to understand the medium, and how to evaluate its content (so-called, “critical television viewing skills”). The objectives pursued by critical viewing curricula are discussed, and it is argued that critical viewing is strongly related to critical thinking. A review of studies of the effects achieved by television curricula indicates that television curricula can be effective in increasing children's knowledge of the medium and in altering children's perceptions of television content. However, there is little evidence that curricula can modify television's effects on children's attitudes and behaviors, and curricular effects on children's viewing behavior at home have yet to be demonstrated. The research conducted is evaluated, and suggestions are made for future work in this area.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth ( N  =   1,159), this study reexamines the link between maternal reports of television viewing at ages 1 and 3 and attention problems at age 7. This work represents a reanalysis and extension of recent research suggesting young children's television viewing causes subsequent attention problems. The nonlinear specification reveals the association between television watching and attention problems exists—if at all—only at very high levels of viewing. Adding 2 covariates to the regression model eliminated even this modest effect. The earlier findings are not robust. This study also considers whether its own findings are sensitive to unobserved confounding using fixed-effects estimation. In general, it finds no meaningful relation between television viewing and attention problems.  相似文献   

This study relates to the television viewing behaviour of selected families in Kwara State of Nigeria. A total of 600 households heads, dispersed over the 12 local government areas of Kwara State were used for the study. The instrument was a questionnaire with items designed to measure the social and spatial television viewing behaviour of each household as well as the values attached to television viewing. Results showed that the opinions of respondents tended to move towards a consensus in statements which related to the values and social effects of television. The implications are discussed of knowledge of television viewing behaviour of households on educational planning, moral reformation, policy making and the dissemination, adoption and diffusion of innovations in society.  相似文献   

A survey answered by 842 respondents representing British children aged from 7 to 15 measured their amounts of television viewing, listening to music, serious reading and outdoor games playing, and their attitudes to leisure activities, such as television viewing. Children said whether they did school homework and if so, with or without the television switched on, and if so, whether they regarded it as a help or not. About a quarter of those aged 10 and over said they did work along with television, accepting its presence, and another one in six did so, actually welcoming it. Attitude measures showed clearly different stereotypes of the heavy viewer, reader and music listener. This children's sample had a broadly positive image of a heavy television viewer of their own age. A process of rationalisation is detectable in which those who reported heavy viewing themselves, were more likely to do homework with the television on, to say it helped them and that it was linked with good achievement at school. Reported behaviour and stereotypes were somewhat similar among those who were heavy music users, but noticeably different among those who claimed to read a lot.  相似文献   

<正>For many years,the public discussion about the relationship between television viewing and child obesity is not new.The majority of people seems to concur that television viewing will exert a dramatically negative implication on child obesity.  相似文献   

For 25 years, Israeli television operated as a virtual monopoly, with one single channel shared by Educational TV and the Public Broadcasting Authority. Young viewers were exposed to non‐commercial quality programs primarily geared for children. The introduction of cable television challenges the ways parents control their children's viewing and fills the role of mediators between television and the child. This study is based on two surveys among parents of Israeli children aged 2‐8. The first was conducted with 537 parents in 1989, prior to the introduction of cable TV, and the second with 552 parents who had cable in 1993, when cable TV penetrated half of all Israeli homes. The results indicate that the introduction of cable TV changed strategies of parental control and mediation and parents’ assessment of television's influence on children. Active parental mediation was closely related to the attribution of learning values to children's viewing and to gratifications attributed to educational television broadcasts. Loosening of control and allowance for independent children's viewing was closely related to the attribution of entertainment value to children's viewing and to viewing of cable television.  相似文献   

From time to time, studies of links between youngsters’ television viewing habits and their social behaviour suggest pointers which may help identify those prone to ill‐effects from exposure to television programming.

This article refers to some of this research, before linking these pointers to the viewing habits of exceptional children (especially those with significant difficulties in their social and emotional behaviour). The article then makes cursory reference to initiatives designed to help safeguard young viewers from deleterious effects of television‐viewing.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of home environment and parental involvement in the achievement of pupils in the lower primary classes in nine schools found in four zones in Singapore. In total, 3,759 pupils and their parents participated in the study. The study was designed to answer four main questions relating to the effects of the home environment (SES, time engaged in television viewing, reading, school work and ethnicity of parents) and parental involvement in the children's school work and in other school matters. The findings indicated that significant differences in achievement were found for all combinations of SES categories and between most ethnic groups. A higher percentage of high-achieving pupils spent more time on television viewing, reading and school work. Parents of high-achieving children were more anxious about maximising every opportunity for their children including those not directly related to school work.  相似文献   

This paper reports an observational study of families watching television in their own homes. Observational data were collected via a video camera housed within a special television cabinet placed in six family households. Results show that family members were absent for substantial proportions of the time the television set was in operation, and even when present did not pay full attention to the screen for more than a minority proportion of that time. Families and family members varied significantly in respect of certain patterns of television watching, but were similar in other respects. The results have implications for understanding the nature of television viewing in the natural viewing environment. Recommendations are offered for further analysis of these data.  相似文献   

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