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通常在讲话和写文章中,为了使语言表达精确、明了,问题论述全面、严谨,增强逻辑说服力,人们经常运用一种逆转的判断形式.例如,“人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同”,“看起来,反动派的样子是可伯的,但是实际上并没有什么了不起的力量”,“虽然他很聪明,但是很不用功”,“多劳应该多得,但是必须照顾整个社会”……这类判断的特点是,在同一个判断中,同时表达了相对或相反的两层意思,两个支判断分别揭示出事物的两个对立面,形成鲜明的对比,具有深刻的辩证意义.对于这种判断形式,在现行的逻辑教材中,都把它概括在联言判断中,可是仔细分析一下,又感到这类判断与一般的联言判断有所区别.因为它在实践中运用非常普遍并且极其重要,所以我们认为有必要把这类判断独立出来加以研究.本文准备对此谈一些粗浅的意见,希望大家指正.  相似文献   

<正>在学习义务教育历史教科书部编中国历史(八年级上册)《洋务运动》一课(下称“课文”)后,有的学生认为:“李鸿章是洋务派代表,是好人”,有的学生断定:“李鸿章贪污腐败,是坏人”,持不同观点的学生之间展开了激烈的争论。甚至一些年轻的教师也卷入其中。“判断是对事物情况的断定。判断是属于思想方面的认识内容,事物情况是属于事物方面的认识对象。”[1]事实判断是对事物本身的描述和判断,价值判断则是对事物做出的有关“好”“坏”等的评价。“前者是理性分析得出的关于事实的判断,  相似文献   

什么是否定概念,否定概念要不要带否定词,语言形式是什么,有什么特点等等.逻辑学家的看法不尽一致。大体有下列几种说法,一是,“负概念就是反映不具有某种属性的事物的概念”,“在思维中反映对象不具有某种属性的概念就叫负概念。”二是,“否定概念则是指不反映着什么,不包括着什么,不存在着什么的概念。”三是,“否定概念是反映某一特定对象以外的事物的概念。”四是,“被否定的概念叫正概念或肯定概念,否定了的概念叫负概念或否定概念。”  相似文献   

一、什么是判断判断是对事物有所肯定或否定的一种重要的思维形式.下面就是两个判断:“四人帮”是一个反革命阴谋集团.“四人帮”的“两个估计”不是从事实出发的.这两个句子,第一个肯定了“四人邦”具有反革命阴谋集团的属性,第二个否定了“四人邦”的“两个估计”具有从事实出发的属性.两个句子都对客观事物有所说明,或肯定什么,或否定什么,旗帜鲜  相似文献   

判断是运用概念对事物的性质和事物间的联系,进行肯定或否定的断定。没有概念自然就没有判断。判断对概念的依赖还不止于此,人们对事物认识的深度和水平,也直接决定着人们对该事物能作出的各种判断的深度和水平。所以,要提高学生的判断能力,就一定要在概念教学中下足功夫。笔者的一点体会是,在概念教学中,要注意引导学生多方面认识事物本质。例如,认识“循环小数”,通过计算练习(1 3,70.7÷33,2.7÷4),积累感性材料,然后再对商进行比较、抽象和概括,揭示出“一个数的小数部  相似文献   

考试大纲对高考作文发展等级中的“深刻”作了界定,即“透过现象深入本质,揭示事物内在的因果关系,观点具有启发作用”。依笔者浅见,关于“深刻”的具体内涵分别指向认识对象本身、认识对象与其他对象的关系、认识对象的发展走向。“透过现象深入本质”就是要求我们拨开假象的迷雾,穿透表象的藩篱,用思想之手挖掘潜藏在纷乱现象背后的事物的本质属性和特点。“揭示事物内在的因果关系”则要求我们研究事物之间的相互联系,  相似文献   

本文試图扼要地讲讲形式邏輯所讲的关于判断的知識对使判断恰当的作用。判断也像概念一样,是在調查研究过程中形成的。判断是对事物有所肯定或否定的一种思維,由主概念、謂概念和系詞“是”或“不是”組成的。例如,“所有服务性的工作都是光荣的”这个判断,是肯定全部服务性的工作都有光荣的属性。在这个判断里,“服务性的工作”是主概念,“光荣的”是謂概念,“是”是系詞。判断有內容和形式(即結构)。判断的形式是指同类判断中的不同內容的共同联系方式。如,“所有服务性的工作都是光荣的”,“所有科学都是有用的”,这两个判断,內容不一样,但有共同形式,即所有甲都是乙。在这个公式里,甲代表主概念,乙代表謂概念。研究各种判断形式,对使判断恰当有帮助。什么是恰当的判断?恰当的判断就是正  相似文献   

本文通过对“有限与无限”、“直与曲”、“常量与变量”的剖析,揭示了高等数学中解决这些矛盾的辩证思想和方法。处理这些矛盾概念的数学方法是对立统一理论的完美注解,对学生认识事物,处理问题具有良好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

叙述和议论是两种不同的表达方式。叙述用于叙事、记人、状物,带有感性的特点。而议论则通过条分缕析,用以揭示事物的内在联系和蕴涵的意义。这些“联系”和“意义。虽然隐而不见,却是可以悟得的。议论带有理性的特点。人们认识事物不外乎由感性到理性,因此,在表现事物时,就会既有叙述,又有议论。叙述示以形象,议论生发思想。  相似文献   

林慧 《考试周刊》2014,(53):71-71
<正>数学概念是人脑对现实对象的数量关系和空间形式的本质特征的一种反映形式,即一种数学的思维形式。它是进行数学推理、判断、证明的依据,是建立数学定理、法则、公式的基础,也是形成数学思想方法的出发点。我们每接触一个新的事物或一个新的知识,首先就是要知道它的概念,也就是要搞清楚什么是什么,如果概念不清就会做出错误的判断。由此可见,概念教学在整个数学教学活动中是至关重要、举足轻重的,它是整个数学教学的核心。下面我就如何做好数学概念的  相似文献   

关于意向的思想古已有之,近现代的意向性研究则由布伦塔诺所开创,他提出了第一种意向性概念:心理行为指向内存在对象(色声味等)。胡塞尔在继承和发展意向性研究中提出了第二种意向性概念:心理的感觉内容通过赋予意义而指向客观事物(可简述为心理指涉外物)。关于意向性的存在地位问题现在仍是众说纷纭而尚无定论。但有证据表明,意向性是后天形成的,是经由感知—动作协调过程结合学习—联想—回忆机制而形成,实为一种整体觉知效应。故意向性不能为心理的本质特性,心理的本质应是知(觉知),因为知乃是一切心理现象性命攸关的共性,有之则是,无之则否。而且,知也是最奥秘的心性,它不可定义,也难以用关系范畴和主客体模式来理解,只能凭借现象学方法来揭示其大义,由之证悟了明的境界和我的内在,开显了心的堂奥。若绕开知来论究心理意识将不得要领。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study that examines the integration of tablet technologies such as iPads into literacy lessons to investigate how reading and meaning‐making occur within this digital medium. Specifically in this paper, we discuss the concept of reading paths as applied to physical and cognitive planes of meaning‐making. The paper reports on data collected as part of a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded project involving researchers from Canada, the United States and Australia. The study is currently under way in schools in the three different countries where the researchers are observing students in classrooms in primary and secondary schools. The research is designed with a mixed methods approach coding video footage of dyads to enable close study of their interaction during literacy tasks incorporating iPads. Our findings show that the affordances of touch technology allow for multimodal, multidirectional reading paths. By tracking students' interactions with the digital platform through touch, it is possible to see navigation as evidence of the relationship between material and cognitive processes, which fosters metatextual awareness. These aspects of modes and new literacies construct a dynamic materiality for students' reading and writing. As a result, we propose that current awareness of the mode of gesture needs to be expanded to take into account haptic ways of learning.  相似文献   

现代逻辑学家周礼全先生通过自然语言来分析逻辑语用,使我国的逻辑体系出现新的研究趋势,扩大了逻辑研究的范围。文章从语用学角度考察语言,提出语言三视维度的概念。这些概念的提出,旨在分析语用学的逻辑机理。分析了周礼全的语用逻辑思想,提出了一些新的逻辑概念,例如逻辑的"顺势"与"动势"。逻辑语用学是分析哲学的一个根本目的,是通过思想的哲学理解而达到的,而语用学又包括对符号使用者的心理学的,社会学的研究,可见,语用学总是脱离不开语言学。语用学的研究及应用也日渐成为逻辑学研究的重点。  相似文献   

There is a surprising lack of systematic research evaluating the effects of reading exercises for young deaf children. Therefore, for this article, two computer-based exercises were developed and learning effects were determined by posttests. One (spelling oriented) exercise was to select the correct word among three orthographically similar alternatives that corresponds to a drawing or a sign (digital video). The other (meaning oriented) exercise was to select the correct sign or picture among three alternatives that corresponds to a written word. Eleven deaf Dutch children with a mean age of 7 years 10 months participated in the study. A first question was whether in single-word exercises the meaning or the spelling of a word should be emphasized. A second question was whether there was any effect of using drawings or signs to refer to the meaning of the word. The results reveal that emphasizing the word spelling is most effective for learning to read for deaf children and the findings also suggest that drawings are more efficient in the current exercises.  相似文献   

"名"是先秦诸子关于语言问题探讨的重要方面,但对其确切含义和分类较为混乱。文章将"名"与西方哲学较有代表性的苏格拉底关于"概念"的思想进行比较,指出"名"不同于"概念",而应当是用来指称对象的"名称"。从"名"指称的对象种类的不同,可以分为"指物之名"和"喻道之名",分别指称形而下的物和形而上的道。  相似文献   

人的主体性是人文学术领域的一个重要范畴,但对人的主体性的理解仍然停留在直观、简单、笼统的表面层次上。布伦塔诺丰富了历史上的“意向性”这一概念,进一步明确了“意向性”的内在性,并进而把人的意识活动区分为具有意向性指引的“心理现象”和无意向性指引的“物理现象”,心理现象是由内知觉产生的,内知觉是一种当下的不假借于外物的意识,它具有直接自明的特性,内知觉才是心理现象真正唯一的知觉。意向性是心理现象的重要特性,只有具有意向性的意识活动才能作为心理活动或心理现象。布伦塔诺的这一思想,是在意识研究领域具有弗洛伊德式的科学发现,它消解了西方思想史长期以来的主客二分的思维定势;揭示了意义世界和价值世界内在于人的内心,也为建立真正主体性的思想而牢固奠基。  相似文献   

The National Curriculum for Initial Teacher Education in English is specific and detailed about the knowledge expected of primary teachers. Shulman (1987) argued that teachers transform this sort of subject content knowledge into something accessible and meaningful to their pupils and this knowledge is described as ‘pedagogic content knowledge’. Medwell et al. (1998) found that effective literacy teachers only knew literacy in the way that they taught it. The research project underpinning this article aimed to explore student teachers' conceptions of the teaching of reading in order to find out what they thought they were teaching when they taught reading. It was thought that the personal reading histories of the students would impact on their developing conceptions of teaching reading. This article traces one student, Gordon, through the year of his PGCE course. In the form of dialogue between Gordon and the researcher developing understanding is articulated. Three different types of reading are described: decoding, making meaning and engaging. Reading is seen as a transformative process, where the reader is both within and outside the text. This has implications both for the conception of reading contained within the curriculum and the way it is implemented within the classroom. A teacher can only introduce children to experiences and ways of reading that are known to herself. It is argued, therefore, that student teachers need to extend the boundaries of their own reading and so appreciate the wide range of ways in which meaning is constructed and readers are created.  相似文献   

曹诗图教授长期从事旅游教学和研究,对旅游学科基本概念的“混沌”状态,以及问题发现、知识创新和理论建树的缺失深感忧虑,遂致力于旅游哲学研究,以便为旅游研究和问题解决提供学科理论和哲学思想的指导.《哲学视野中的旅游研究》是其旅游哲学研究的最新成果.经两度阅读,仔细体会,试揭示著作者对旅游本质与内涵深层阐发的意蕴和要旨.  相似文献   

The study explored the effects of an 8-week intervention in which a teacher/researcher used direct instruction to show the multiple meanings of 7 words to 4 deaf students ages 11-13 years in a school for the deaf. Applying conclusions from emerging research that links knowledge and strategy with metacognitive skills, the teacher/researcher used specific metacognitive strategies to facilitate both the acquisition of the concept of multimeaning words and the ability to distinguish one meaning from another while reading, and thus improved the students' reading comprehension. The study participants were able to increase their vocabulary of multimeaning words as well as their reading comprehension in general, and, overall, experienced an improvement in their observable understanding and confidence when approaching the task of reading.  相似文献   

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