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项士元是民国台州藏书家的杰出代表,他既将台州大多数藏书家旧藏中的精品收入囊中,成为地方文献的集大成者;又顺应时代潮流,主动将数万卷藏书尽数捐献,开启了近代台州私藏向公藏过渡的历史序幕。从项士元的生平和藏书活动中,可见他的藏书思想的特点:在藏书上不唯古本,专藏乡邦文献;藏以致用,重视整理利用;开放藏书,促进交流传播以及化私为公,接轨公共收藏等。  相似文献   

周代文献的收藏与流传经历了三个阶段。西周至春秋前期,藏书机制完善,周朝的室、府与列国的正宫、礼官署、象魏行使藏书职能,文籍藏在官家,完好无损。春秋后期,官方的藏书机制遭破坏,官家所藏文献日渐散失,私家藏书开始出现;幸赖史、府世职属尽职守,其所掌管的文献犹可凭信。战国时期,官家藏书遭受严重破坏,传世文献大量流落民间,私人藏书盛行;私人著述活跃,成为私家藏书的一个重要来源,由于散失窜乱巨至,传世文献难  相似文献   

图书馆在经常地不断地补充藏书,要了解我们补充的藏书是否具有实用性、科学性,这就需要我们定期的对入藏的文献进行评价,才能得出结论.因此,搞好图书馆藏书评价,是我们开展图书馆藏书建设工作的一个重要环节.图书馆怎样对藏书体系进行评价?进行藏书评价有哪些重要意义和内容?我们应该采取什么样的形式和方法进行评价?这是开展这项工作应该了解的首要问题.  相似文献   

图书馆藏书系指图书馆所收藏的各种出版物的总和,它是以该图书馆的类型、任务、读者对象和图书经费为依据,经过全面筹划、系统收集而逐步构成的既有广度又有深度的书刊文献资料的综合体.因此,不同性质、类型的图书馆、它的藏书是有区别的.但不论是那种性质和类型的图书馆、它的藏书都分为基本藏书、重点藏书和一般藏书三大部分.此外,就是同一性质、类型的图书馆,由于经办人员的学识水平和责任心、事业心;馆舍的大小与设备条件;经费的多少以及有关领导的重视程度的不同,其藏书状况也会产生差异.因此,如何在现有人力、物力、财力的基础上,建设好图书馆的藏书,这不仅仅是一个理论问题,而且是一个摆在任何一个图书馆面前的实际问题.  相似文献   

敦煌文献北京图书馆藏効76号(北新876号)为吴和尚藏书目录,是唐成通六年(865)正月三日点检藏书的记录.本文再次申论此吴和尚是法成,而非(吴)洪辩,据目录又谈了法成的藏书所反映法成的佛学学识.  相似文献   

谈新形势下的高校图书馆馆藏建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在信息技术和出版业高速发展的新形势下,高校图书馆要满足师生教学、科研的需要,应从藏书规划、电子文献的入藏、加强特色馆藏、建立合理的藏书评价体系等方面调整自己的馆藏建设.  相似文献   

大凡读书人,皆有书癖,买书读书藏书,理所当然,无可厚非.闲暇时刻,拉开久藏一隅的藏书抽屉,满屉书香扑面而来.真如久历阴雨,突有灿烂艳阳,打开天窗迎来一屋阳光.   温馨、惬意之情当然不消多言.   ……  相似文献   

大凡读书人,皆有书癖,买书读书藏书,理所当然,无可厚非.闲暇时刻,拉开久藏一隅的藏书抽屉,满屉书香扑面而来.真如久历阴雨,突有灿烂艳阳,打开天窗迎来一屋阳光.   温馨、惬意之情当然不消多言.   ……  相似文献   

所谓动态管理就是要保证在图书馆藏书建设中入藏与剔旧及时到位,科学合理的入藏图书,及时准确的剔除过时无用图书,使图书馆内的藏书象一个生长着的有  相似文献   

图书馆“样本书”的价值在于使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>图书的价值在于使用.图书馆的一切工作都是围绕“藏”与“用”展开的,“藏”是手段,“用”是目的,“藏”是为了“用”,当代的图书馆不是昔日的“藏书楼”.在中国图书馆事业深化改革,加快发展的今天,各图书馆应从实际出发,开放“样本”书库,提高藏书利用率,充分发挥“样本书”的作用,最大限度地满足读者对知识的需求.  相似文献   

The reading development of children depends on various sensory stimuli, which help them construct reading contexts and facilitate active learning and exploration. This study uses sensory stimuli provided by picture books using various forms of media to improve children's concentration performance. We employ picture books using four forms of media: conventional picture books, pop-up books, talking books, and e-books. Children in young (Grade 3) and senior elementary school students (Grade 6) are recruited as participants. The NeuroSky MindBand (electroencephalogram) is used as a tool to measure children's concentration. The results indicate that children in Grade 3 express higher concentration and interest than children in Grade 6 in picture books, and the effect of gender is greater than that of grade on the level of concentration invested in the picture book media form and exhibits a significant interaction and effects on children's concentration performance. As a result, we suggest that talking books or e-books, which provide multisensory stimuli, should be selected for elementary school boys. In addition, talking books should be selected for girls in young elementary school students, while conventional books should be used for girls in senior elementary school students to avoid distraction caused by excessive media stimuli.  相似文献   

湖州是人文荟萃之地和典籍聚散中心,不仅藏书文化源远流长,而且著述繁富。本文立足于藏书,对湖州丰盛的藏书与繁荣的著述之互动关系进行了深入的探讨,认为这种互动关系对内表现为:学者因著述的需要而藏书;藏书家因藏书而成为学者。对外则表现为:藏书家之间互通有无,以利于收藏刊刻;学者借阅湖州藏书而成就自我,撰写出学术著作。  相似文献   

中国的私家藏书有2000多年的历史,它在文化史上占有独特的地位,安徽作为文献之邦,其藏书文化历来备受世人瞩目,从汉唐讫至近代,涌现了一大批酷爱藏书的文人志士,久为世重。刘尚恒、郑玲两位先生基于安徽的藏书盛况编撰《安徽藏书家传略》,该书以时间和地域为线索,罗列了从汉朝至近代安徽的500多位藏书家,并详细介绍了十余位主要藏书家的生平事迹、藏书事迹、学术思想等,详略得当,图文并茂,条理清晰,具有很高的学术价值和文献价值,完美彰显了安徽作为文献之邦的丰厚的文化底蕴和历史内涵,也让我们有幸窥探了安徽私家藏书文化的源远流长,不愧是展现安徽藏书盛况的一部力作。  相似文献   

This work investigates the presence of Thought Experiments (TEs) which refer to the theory of relativity and to quantum mechanics in physics textbooks and in books popularizing physics theories. A further point of investigation is whether TEs – as presented in popular physics books – can be used as an introduction to familiarize secondary school students with physics theories of the 20th century. The study of textbooks and popular physics books showed that authors of both types of books consider TEs as an important tool when presenting the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Furthermore, a qualitative research conducted in secondary education revealed that the historical TEs which were transformed into forms accessible to the public could trigger students’ interest and act as educational material to familiarize them with concepts and principles of the 20th century physics.  相似文献   

We read 48 children's books featuring characters with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to determine which books would be appropriate for use during read-alouds in early childhood classrooms. We conducted a search on Amazon for children's books on ASD published after 2010 and identified 50 books that met the following criteria: (a) the book was a picture book for young children, (b) the main character had ASD, (c) the book was not a skill-building book for children with ASD, and (d) the book received more positive than negative reviews from readers on Amazon. We evaluated books for visual and literary content and accurate portrayal of ASD characteristics. We then showed books to special education professionals, general-education teachers, and education professors for their input. Through this review process, nine books were identified as appropriate for read-alouds in early childhood classrooms. We also contacted authors of select books to gather information on their experience with ASD. Overall, we found that the characteristics of books we selected featuring characters with ASD were different from the characteristics of children's literature typically used for class read-alouds. We therefore present recommendations for teachers to use when selecting children's books featuring characters with ASD.  相似文献   

Children’s picture books that recreate, parody, or fictionalize famous artworks and introduce the art museum experience, a genre to which I will refer as “children’s art books,” have become increasingly popular over the past decade. This essay explores the pedagogical implications of this trend through the family program “Picture Books and Picture Looks” conducted at the Art Institute of Chicago. Program sessions were observed to learn the extent to which picture books featuring the painting A Sunday on La Grande Jatte1884 (Seurat) informed and impacted children’s experiences with the original artwork. The books Katie’s Sunday Afternoon (Mayhew, 2005), Babar’s Museum of Art (De Brunhoff, 2003), and Willy’s Pictures (Browne, 2000) provided the foundation for the program. In addition to these three books, The Dot (Reynolds, 2003), which does not include a reference to La Grande Jatte (Seurat, 1884–1886), acted as a “control” variable. This research demonstrates that while most picture books can be used to establish a level of comfort in an environment that is new to children, those that directly referenced the painting provided a base level of knowledge from which children could confidently draw upon encountering the original work. The research further indicated that, when used in conjunction with original artworks, children’s art books provide unique and distinct entry points for talking about art. The inclusion of artwork in children’s picture books elicits an enthusiasm and recognition that enhances the museum experience, and such books can be effective tools for enabling reflective, imaginative experiences with art.  相似文献   

Culturally diverse books are written for children to promote acceptance of diversity; however, there is little research that has examined their use. The purpose of this study was to examine the culturally diverse book use of preschoolers in daycare. Research Findings. Thirty-five children (ages 44-65 months) and their teachers in two daycare classrooms participated. The children represented a variety of socioeconomic levels and raciaVcultura1 groups. Observations of book use were conducted during freeplay and naptime. In a multiple baseline time series experimental design, comparisons were made between the use of culturally diverse books and books depicting no cultural diversity (Euro-American books). It was determined that one category of culturally diverse books (Culturally Conscious) was not being used as frequently as others. The Culturally Conscious books depicted characters from one of three cultural groups—Black, Asian, and Latino. A simple intervention was implemented in which the teachers introduced some of the Culturally Conscious books at group times and this led to an increase in their use. Additional book use information was gained through parent questionnaires, teacher interviews, and teachers' anecdotal notes. Implications for Practice. In daycare centers similar to the ones used in this study, it is likely that children will use culturally diverse books when available. Teacher introductions of infrequently used culturally diverse books may be an efficient and effective practice for encouraging their use.  相似文献   

Culturally diverse books are written for children to promote acceptance of diversity; however, there is little research that has examined their use. The purpose of this study was to examine the culturally diverse book use of preschoolers in daycare. Research Findings. Thirty-five children (ages 44–65 months) and their teachers in two daycare classrooms participated. The children represented a variety of socioeconomic levels and raciaVcultura1 groups. Observations of book use were conducted during freeplay and naptime. In a multiple baseline time series experimental design, comparisons were made between the use of culturally diverse books and books depicting no cultural diversity (Euro-American books). It was determined that one category of culturally diverse books (Culturally Conscious) was not being used as frequently as others. The Culturally Conscious books depicted characters from one of three cultural groups—Black, Asian, and Latino. A simple intervention was implemented in which the teachers introduced some of the Culturally Conscious books at group times and this led to an increase in their use. Additional book use information was gained through parent questionnaires, teacher interviews, and teachers' anecdotal notes. Implications for Practice. In daycare centers similar to the ones used in this study, it is likely that children will use culturally diverse books when available. Teacher introductions of infrequently used culturally diverse books may be an efficient and effective practice for encouraging their use.  相似文献   

焦竑是晚明最负盛名的学者之一,其籍贯在各书中说法不一,经考证其祖籍为山东日照琅琊人,后因远祖焦朔受封,占籍南京应天府上元县旗手卫。焦竑著作等身,《四库全书总目提要》收录其著作十六部,其中十三部被列入存目中。根据各书存目提要,归纳出三点原因:与儒家学说相悖;受李贽思想影响;著作内容不佳。最后就《国史经籍志》提要内容从体例、成书过程和馆臣评价三个方面对该书的价值重新作了相对客观的评价。  相似文献   

Early experiences with books predict later reading success, and an interactive shared reading style called “dialogic reading” is especially beneficial to emergent literacy. Electronic console (EC) books, CD‐rom books, and e‐book apps are designed to teach preschoolers preliteracy skills, but research has yet to systematically explore the impact of these types of books on established predictors of positive literacy outcomes. This research fills that gap with two studies investigating dialogic language and children's story comprehension in a total of 165 parent–child dyads reading battery‐operated, touch‐sensitive children's electronic console books or traditional books. Results revealed that parent–child dialogic reading and children's story comprehension were both negatively affected by the presence of electronic features. Ways in which e‐books may be altered to better serve as educational tools in this new era are discussed.  相似文献   

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