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当代美国高等教育研究理念主要包括“学术资本主义”、“学术资本主义与新经济”、“大学的企业性”、“全球一体化与社区学院”、“知识和金钱对研究型大学的影响”和“大学的组织转型”等。这些理念对高等教育实践具有解释作用,对决策人员具有参考、引导作用,对高等教育行政管理人员具有指导作用。这些理念的应用有一定限度。  相似文献   

The continued gender imbalance in senior positions in higher education is a problem that persists despite decades of feminist research and publications in the area, as well as interventions in many countries to promote the advancement of women. In this article we view the issue of gender inequality through the lens of the prestige economy, which suggests that academics are motivated by prestige factors accrued through advancement in their careers. Prestige, authority and status, we suggest, may be more easily acquired by male academics. We draw on a case study of one institution in the Republic of Ireland, including data from a survey on academic careers (n = 269), to explore how the concept of prestige is gendered. We explore the cumulative effect of four themes: homosociability; non-transparency of criteria; academic workload balance; and self-promotion.  相似文献   

The study is an analysis of gender and power in British universities. It draws from a lifetime of experience of the difficulties encountered by those women who do reach senior decision-making positions in academic institutions, in the UK and overseas. It spans a period of forty years which begins with women as an unassimilated minority among student populations and moves to an analysis of their opportunities for shared control beneath the glass ceilings of the levels they attain as established academics. A survey of the incumbents of senior management roles in universities reveals few women. Fewer attain honorific positions. Suggesting that the observations made represent an improvement on the past, the paper presents two case studies of the implications of senior administrative work for academic women's professional lives. The first is of a small university weighted in favour of a narrow band of technological disciplines and the second a large mainstream university with many women staff. From here, commenting on external influences in Britain and elsewhere, the paper concludes by suggesting: ways in which women's leadership in academic institutions might be encouraged; the role of the professional bodies in monitoring and promoting this; and the learning required by women themselves to become effective as leaders for change once in position.  相似文献   

大学开展老年教育,既是积极应对社会老龄化的重要举措,又是大学职能充分发挥的良好机遇,也是构建终身教育体系和建设学习型社会的重要内容。大学的老年教育责任包括共享大学教育资源、设置老年教育专业、开发老年教育课程、依托大学的继续教育机构和联合社会力量合作举办老年大学。当前,大学承担老年教育责任已具备相应的条件,但尚不成熟,主要受以下几方面的影响:对大学主体缺乏统一客观认识;老年学历教育有所欠缺;老年教育资源共享整合度低等。大学应以更加开放包容的姿态融入终身教育体系,优化大学老年教育资源结构,将老年学历教育视为己任,不断产出高水平的老年教育科研成果。  相似文献   

高校教师从事的是学术职业。基于学术职业和学术职业主体地位的高校组织的特点,高校教师管理具有自身的特征:严格学术标准、强调学术自治、遵循学术自由、重视学术成就与声望等。  相似文献   

随着高等教育改革的不断推进,高校管理中的“行政化”问题日益突出,严重干扰了学术活动的活力和创造力,因此.推行高校管理的“去行政化”势在必行。我国目前的高校管理行政化的历史由来已久,探究我国高校管理“去行政化”的有效途径可以从以下三个方面着手:一是转变政府职能,理顺政府与高校关系,增强高校的自主办学权;二是民主管理高校,崇尚学术权力,处理好行政权力与学术权力的关系;三是以法律作为保障,坚持依法治校。  相似文献   

Internationalization of higher education is a concept that often is transformed into a set of activities that has a certain international dimension. This can be done more or less consciously. Issues such as development of skills and knowledge, creation of an international culture on campus and the involvement of an international dimension in all activities concern university management. These are issues university managers have to deal with. But it also opens up new opportunities. The broader issues of internationalization require a strong involvement of the academic leaders and of senior officers. This contribution describes how changes around us force universities to take action and introduce clear policies for internationalization of higher education, based on the needs institutions for higher engineering education should respond to. Special attention is given to a recent Swedish evaluation on the effects of student exchange. This study is compared with experience at Chalmers.  相似文献   

经过多年的计划体制的管理,我国高校仿佛成为了"一级政府"。除了给学校赋予一定的行政级别外,事实上把行政管理的一套移植到高校的内部管理中,形成与行政部门对口的管理机构,从而形成高校内部管理的"行政化"。造成高校中行政权力泛化和强化,而学术权力相对弱化。然而,随着我国市场经济的逐步确立,高等教育旧的内部管理体制已不能适应经济和社会发展的需要,因此,对高校"去行政化"和高等教育内部管理体制的变革已迫在眉睫。本文将以去行政化为切入点,对我国高等教育内部管理体制改革的路径选择作详细论述。  相似文献   

A growing number of public colleges and universities in the United States have hired management consulting firms to help develop strategies aimed at increasing institutional effectiveness and efficiency. The purpose of this paper is to explore the frames and strategies of consultants in US public higher education reform efforts. Drawing upon a range of documentary evidence, the paper examines four consulting firms (Accenture, Bain & Company, Deloitte and McKinsey & Company) and their perspectives on higher education reform. The paper analyses the consultative process with two public universities and two state higher education systems to determine possible avenues by which consultants exert influence. Through reference to theory on academic capitalism and new institutionalism, the paper reveals the ways in which consultants circulate crisis narratives and diffuse private sector management ideas among public colleges and universities that are seeking both financial solvency and legitimacy.  相似文献   

The achievement of gender equity in universities continues to warrant attention. Globally, universities have much work ahead of them if they are to redress the gender imbalance in senior positions and remuneration rates. To examine this issue, multiple sources of evidence were used to observe teaching and research workload of academic staff employed at mid-tier business faculties from two urban Australian universities which had more women employed in junior academic ranks. This article argues that although gender equity, in terms of workload, has improved, inequality, in terms of pay and status, still exists. Specifically, while workload differences between genders were largely not evident, fewer women were employed in senior ranks. These results suggest, despite policy reforms, that inequity continues to be a problem in the Australian higher education sector with implications for the recognition (and addressing) of inequity in the global higher education industry. In summary, higher education institutions, senior policy-makers and managers must be cognizant of balancing teaching workloads with opportunities and support systems for research-related activities and directing human resource efforts and promotion opportunities.  相似文献   

高校学术权力与行政权力的耦合及机制创新   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
在社会主义市场经济条件下,高等学校成为面向社会、依法自主办学的法人实体。深化高等学校内部管理体制改革,推进体制创新,应从如下方面入手:充分发挥学术委员会等学术组织的作用,加强学术权力;建立二元权力耦合模式,整合学术权力与行政权力;合理划分学校权力与院、系权力,调适学术权力与行政权力;正确处理学术带头人与行政负责人的关系,协调学术权力与行政权力,形成学术权力与行政权力有机耦合、良性运行的新机制。  相似文献   

高校校誉是典型的无形资产,但高校对校誉缺乏必要的管理。近年来,与高校有关的科技活动校誉侵权案日益增多。高校应根据校誉具有无形性、排他性、整体性和使用价值等特点,在科技活动中强化校誉的管理。  相似文献   

The paper is based on research into the position of women academic staff in a sample of colleges of higher education in England. This reveals a pattern of entrenched sexual inequality in these institutions, especially at middle and senior management levels. A similar pattern has been found in the university and polytechnic sectors of higher education. However, in the colleges there is an even greater disjunction between the sexual distribution of students and staff. The research is related to recent literature on equal opportunities in education. It is argued that the formal curriculum of equal opportunities is continually subverted by a hidden curriculum of unequal opportunities. Finally, several approaches to positive intervention are suggested.  相似文献   

"新大学"的核心价值体现在一种全新的高等教育类型,作为大众化高等教育的产物,它应该区别于传统精英高等教育,既是人才培养上一种新的规格,又是在办学理念上对传统的一种突破和挑战,也是大学经营、管理体制上的新模式,更是对"社会需求",而非"学术需求"的响应。作为新型大学的代表,美国的州立大学和赠地学院、英国的新大学在管理体制、运行模式等方面比起传统大学均有很大程度上的变革和创新。国内目前对"新大学"的研究只是停留在办学定位、发展模式、学科建设、师资队伍等大学内部制度建立上,借鉴发达国家的不同时期出现的面向经济社会培养应用型人才的新型大学制度,从分类管理角度出发,探索应用型大学的发展路径,建立现代大学制度,逐步推进政校分开、管办分离。  相似文献   


Women remain outsiders in university leadership and management. The literature indicates that discipline base, career mobility, experience outside academia, selection processes, and gender stereotyping may impact on women becoming senior managers. This article reports on research with current and former Vice‐Chancellors, senior managers, and recruitment firms to identify skill requirements for effective leadership and management. Our research indicates gender is an issue in higher education leadership, in recruitment and selection, exclusion from male camaraderie, and preference for transformational leadership. This research will produce a skills benchmark to assess future leadership positions and hopefully cut across current gender bias.


In the prestige economy of higher education, research productivity is highly prized. Previous research indicates, however, a gender gap with respect to research output. This gap is often explained by reference to familial status and responsibilities. In this article, we examine the research productivity gender gap from an international perspective by undertaking a gendered analysis of the Changing Academic Profession Survey. We suggest that family is not, in all cases, operating as a form of negative equity in the prestige economy of higher education. In addition, we argue that an over-reliance on an explanatory framework that positions family-related variables as central to the research productivity gender gap might well be drawing our attention from significant structural and systemic discriminatory practices within the profession.  相似文献   

Teaching is increasingly being considered for inclusion in academic promotions in a number of universities. This raises questions about how teaching is appraised in relation to research; and which teaching criteria contribute to promotions outcomes. This article investigates these questions from a gender perspective by statistically analysing the actual promotions outcomes by rank levels at a South African university where teaching and research have been equally evaluated in academic promotions. The findings show that, overall, there was no statistically significant difference in promotions success rates between males and females and that more females achieved excellence in teaching with higher scores than males. Two of the 10 teaching criteria analysed – ‘ongoing study of tertiary education’ and ‘special recognition of teaching’ showed statistically significantly higher scores for females with high effect sizes, pointing to the importance of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in academic promotions for women. This study has implications for closing the gender gap in the senior ranks of universities.  相似文献   

英国高等教育评估与质量保障机制:经验与启示   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
金顶兵 《教育研究》2005,26(1):76-81
英国高等教育质量保障责任经历了一个从教师个人到大学,从大学到国家,从国家又回到大学的演变历程。这体现了高等教育质量保障机制的深刻变革,即从传统的文化机制到采用科层机制,最后又回归到文化机制;说明高等教育质量管理必须遵守高等教育自身的规律,应从根本理念上把高等教育质量保障的责任落实到院校自身;明确高等教育质量保障更根本的是要发挥各个高校和广大教师的自觉性,高等学校应该是主动自我规范、学术自治的共同体。  相似文献   


Obtaining a tertiary degree no longer guarantees entry to the best occupational positions in today’s labour market. Success is no longer about ‘more’ education, but about ‘better’ education for university graduates. This study aims to understand whether university prestige in Korea accounts for occupational outcomes in both monetary and non-monetary aspects, such as salaries and job satisfaction. The study particularly focuses on the way different levels of university prestige are affected by gender. The fourth wave data from the Korean Education and Employment Panel were used, providing information from the results of a panel survey of university graduates in terms of their social and academic background and job employment status. Results show that university prestige continues to matters in occupational outcomes in particular, for wage, but it is not significant for job satisfaction. The effect is more significant among male graduates than among female graduates.  相似文献   

英国产业大学是英国构建终身学习型社会背景下,借助网络信息技术的普及而发展起来的公私合营型远程教育组织。英国产业大学与我国产业学院在资本构成、教育内容等方面具有相似性,但在设立本旨及运营治理方面有所不同。我国产业学院作为高职院校体制机制创新的重要组织形式,在重视职业技术教育、发挥校企合作优势、开发市场导向课程、吸引多方资本投入、实行课程证书融通等方面均可借鉴英国产业大学的成功经验。  相似文献   

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