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国际化高技能人才"工匠型学徒"教学模式依托现代学徒制,采用不断修订完善的国际一流企业实际工作案例和技能竞赛项目作为教学内容,综合利用问题导向教学模式(PBL)和工程教育模式(CDIO)等优点,通过启发、探究、思考设计理论方案和实践考核等闭环反馈学习阶段,培养学员国际化视野、知识技能和工匠精神。结果表明:学员进入国际企业工作后能很快适应工作环境,良好的综合素养得到国际企业认可,职业发展顺利。该教学模式可以实现学校、企业、导师和学员的多方共赢。  相似文献   

We describe and evaluate an approach to student learning that aims to instil a culture of formative assessment based on peer-assisted learning. The idea is for suitably qualified undergraduates to assist in the running of weekly first-year tutorials. They mark submitted work, provide written and verbal feedback and lead problem-solving discussions during tutorials. However, contrary to normal practice, the marks they award do not contribute to the students’ end-of-year total; all tutorial work becomes essentially voluntary. We report results from a pilot implementation of the scheme over a 12 month period in an engineering department at a leading academic institution. The scheme was such that a comparative and triangulated assessment was possible among the students and tutor team. Results show no discernible degradation in student attendance, submission rates and performance in either the weekly exercises or end-of-year examinations. Important benefits to the peer tutors are also found.  相似文献   

This article describes a project designed to ensure that class participation in a large introductory commercial law course is assessed fairly and reliably. The subjectivity often associated with this type of assessment is minimized by involving students in the specification of clear criteria and the assessment process as they were asked to assess themselves and their peers. Formative feedback is given mid‐way through the semester so that students have the opportunity to take remedial measures where necessary and teachers can reinforce positive behaviour. The data are analyzed to determine the relationships between the assessments given by the students, their peers and tutors. There is evidence of some gender bias in Week 13 that is not consistent with the final marks. Finally, the combining of the individual assessment of the criteria is shown to be a good estimate of the final class participation mark given by the tutors and the students.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an action research project which aimed to promote assessment for learning within a summative assignment. In an attempt to provide enhanced feedback to students, the process of their group assignment involved lecturer feedback at various stages. A particular focus was on a 'mini-viva', whereby students explained and justified to the lecturer selected aspects of their assignment after it was submitted but before a mark was awarded. Oral and written evaluation data were collected from students, two peer observers and from colleagues taking part in an action research team. Some implications for 'good assessment practices' are discussed.  相似文献   

Student ratings of problem-based tutors at Harvard Medical School in 1987–1988 indicated that tutors were seen by first year students as most helpful in encouraging critical appraisal of information, questioning and probing the reasoning process, and balancing basic science and clinical discussions. Narrative comments about the best tutors further indicated that such tutors were most helpful in balancing student-directedness with guidance and sharing professional expertise without lecturing. A concurrent survey of faculty tutors indicated that tutors rated these same skills as important. Comparing students' ratings of helpfulness with tutors' ratings of importance, two discrepancies emerged. Tutors rated student direction as more important than students rated its helpfulness. On the other hand, tutors rated the ability to balance clinical and basic science discussion as the least important skill while students' ratings indicated that it was extremely helpful. These disparities suggest points of discussion and skill building for faculty development programming.  相似文献   

We compared effects of tutoring by students and by staff. In four courses in each of two consecutive first years of an undergraduate problem-based law curriculum we examined the achievements and perceptions of tutors of students taught by student and staff tutors. Achievements were measured by the results on the regular end-of-course tests. After the end-of-course tests students’ perceptions were obtained by an online questionnaire and by a semi-structured focus group interview. The aim of the focus groups was to gain more in-depth insight into students’ perceptions. No significant differences in achievement and perceptions of tutors were found. Students’ perceptions of both staff and student tutors were generally positive. The results suggest that students that are carefully selected and well trained can be effective as tutors in the first year of an undergraduate problem-based curriculum.  相似文献   

毕业论文环节是培养学生创新实践能力典型阶段。根据愿景和能力双坐标分析法和学习立方体理论,结合目前轮机工程专业本科生毕业论文的特殊性,提出构建指导团队、形成论文小组、结合科研项目选题和确立创新的成绩评定机制等方面的措施,以期在毕业论文的环节中切实提高学生的创新实践能力。  相似文献   

One prominent approach in the exploration of the variations in project team performance has been to study two components of the aggregate personalities of the team members: conscientiousness and agreeableness. A second line of research, known as self-categorisation theory, argues that identifying as team members and the team's performance norms should substantially influence the team's performance. This paper explores the influence of both these perspectives in university software engineering project teams. Eighty students worked to complete a piece of software in small project teams during 2007 or 2008. To reduce limitations in statistical analysis, Monte Carlo simulation techniques were employed to extrapolate from the results of the original sample to a larger simulated sample (2043 cases, within 319 teams). The results emphasise the importance of taking into account personality (particularly conscientiousness), and both team identification and the team's norm of performance, in order to cultivate higher levels of performance in student software engineering project teams.  相似文献   

This paper describes how a multimedia design team at Wayne State University, working on an engineering education project funded by the National Science Foundation, incorporated Keller's ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) model into the design and development of a computer-based instructional (CBI) module for a college engineering course in economics. A discussion of how and why the components were incorporated into the traditional instructional design phases of definition, design, development, implementation, and evaluation is presented. where she earned her doctorate this year, and coleader of a multimedia team in the design and development of CBI modules for a manufacturing engineering education project funded by NSF.  相似文献   


Practical work is an important element in undergraduate engineering courses and laboratory‐based classes provide valuable experience. It is also important students should experience real industrial problems preferably through industrially related projects. A scheme was started in 1969 to provide students in the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering with industry‐based, group project work. The Sheffield Industrial Project Scheme (SHIPS) is an intensive 8‐day exercise in which groups of students are taken to a company, given a real problem and then asked to provide some possible solutions which they present orally and as a written report. It has hitherto been regarded as a valuable exercise in itself, developing students' personal skills and experience, and no mark is awarded at present. A student‐based marking scheme has been tried, but it was not well received.  相似文献   

近年来本科生毕业论文质量严重下滑,已经背离了毕业论文制度设计的初衷,有必要对其进行改革。毕业论文工作改革需要考虑学生的兴趣和能力,以锻炼学生的实践能力和创新精神为目标,建立新的本科生毕业评价机制。新机制可采用论文、调研报告、文献的翻译与评析、作品制作等多样化的论文形式,导师团队和学生兴趣小组参与的人性化的指导方式,等级制、小组评阅和自由答辩组成的评价方法和全方位的过程监控与质量监督模式。  相似文献   

This study focused on students' observations of student and staff tutors' behavior during two academic courses, using a thirtynine-item rating scale. The study took place within an integrated problem-based law curriculum. Six major factors in tutors' behavior were identified. Differences between student and staff tutors' performance were investigated. The results showed that student tutors were better at understanding the nature of the problems students face in attempting to master the subject-matter. Student tutors were also more interested in students' daily lives, study experiences and personalities. In addition, student tutors referred to end-of-course examinations more frequently than staff tutors to direct student learning. Alternatively, staff tutors used their subject-matter expertise more often and displayed more authoritarian behavior than student tutors. No differences were found with respect to tutors' focus on cooperation among group members. The results are interpreted in terms of the nature of the knowledge and experiences of students and staff with regard to problem-based learning and its requirements.  相似文献   

Students in the Physiotherapy Programme carried out a group project in their final year of studies. The objectives of the project were that the students learn and appreciate the process and activities involved in research, acquire deeper understanding of a topic in their professional interest, learn to work as a team, manage their own time, collaborate with others and produce a meaningful report. In the case of group work, usually the written report is assessed and the same mark is given to all members. Sometimes the supervisors’ and group members’ assessment of the members’ involvement and participation in the project, oral presentation or viva voce contributes a small portion to the final grade of each student. This practice is limited to the assessment of the outcome of the group effort and does not reflect the process of learning by individual members. Portfolio assessment of learning involves the students themselves reflecting on and evaluating their learning and also allows teachers to evaluate individual students’ learning in group tasks. In this paper, the implementation of the portfolio assessment, the criteria for the assessment of the portfolios and the students’ opinions on the portfolio assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

工科毕业设计的传统指导模式在选题上存在命题的随意性较大、难易程度相差较大、选题的知识覆盖面不宽、研究内容单一的问题,在指导方式上不利于培养学生的合作精神与协调组织能力,不利于师资力量的培养和建设。为此,提出大项目小课题的毕业设计指导模式,即以教师科研项目为背景,将大项目分解成多个小课题,采用课题组团队指导、定期汇报的形式,实现教师与教师之间、学生与学生之间以及教师与学生之间相互交流、学习、督促的关系和作用。以"油罐区自动消防系统"为实例,说明了大项目小课题毕业设计指导模式的具体组织实施过程,实践证明该指导模式有利于培养学生学习、科研和团队合作能力等综合素质,能提高学生就业竞争力与适应能力,同时对师资力量的培养也有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

This article reflects on six years of research activities in the field of long‐distance collaboration and more specifically on how creative virtual teams operate and respond to challenges set by emerging and developing technologies. Furthermore, it considers how to build, manage and shape a more inclusive virtual team, documenting the methodologies applied in each activity, the experiences of both tutors and students and the educational context in which the international study took place. The project set out with a methodology for observing, managing and developing the interaction dynamics between each creative team member involved in the design of activities and practice of delocalized teams. The project is positioned within the field of educational technology and identifies a set of operative recommendations aimed at educators so that remote creative collaborative work can result most effective. The article explores the potential of virtual teams supporting communication and design.  相似文献   

For a structural engineer, effective communication and interaction with architects cannot be underestimated as a key skill to success throughout their professional career. Structural engineers and architects have to share a common language and understanding of each other in order to achieve the most desirable architectural and structural designs. This interaction and engagement develops during their professional career but needs to be nurtured during their undergraduate studies. The objective of this paper is to present the strategies employed to engage higher order thinking in structural engineering students in order to help them solve complex problem-based learning (PBL) design scenarios presented by architecture students. The strategies employed were applied in the experimental setting of an undergraduate module in structural engineering at Queen’s University Belfast in the UK. The strategies employed were active learning to engage with content knowledge, the use of physical conceptual structural models to reinforce key concepts and finally, reinforcing the need for hand sketching of ideas to promote higher order problem-solving. The strategies employed were evaluated through student survey, student feedback and module facilitator (this author) reflection. The strategies were qualitatively perceived by the tutor and quantitatively evaluated by students in a cross-sectional study to help interaction with the architecture students, aid interdisciplinary learning and help students creatively solve problems (through higher order thinking). The students clearly enjoyed this module and in particular interacting with structural engineering tutors and students from another discipline.  相似文献   

提出了在机械原理、机械设计课程中应用基于问题式学习的教学模式,并阐述了从结合专业方向、课程设计、科技创新活动以及改进实验项目等几方面设置问题,激发学生的学习热情。  相似文献   

工科专业毕业设计改革的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以福州大学环境与资源学院工科专业近年来毕业设计的实施为例,对面向高等工科院校教学环节中毕业设计的组织管理、课题来源、毕业设计选题、指导过程和毕业答辩等环节进行了深入研究和改革探讨。教学研究与改革取得了良好的成效,在这一过程中,学生理论联系实际,毕业实习与就业有机结合,学生的工程实践能力得到了提高,高校指导教师的工程背景得到了加强,实习基地弥补了实习经费的不足。  相似文献   

The national movement towards progress files, incorporating personal development planning and reflective learning, is supported by lecturers providing effective feedback to their students. Recent technological advances mean that higher education tutors are no longer obliged to return comments in the ‘traditional’ manner, by annotating students' work with red pen. This paper considers some of the options currently available for returning computer‐assisted feedback, including the Electronic Feedback freeware. This MS Office application enables tutors to readily synthesise and email feedback reports to students. To further ascertain the value of this software, 169 1st‐year Pharmaceutical Science and Pharmacy students completed a questionnaire to gauge their reaction to formative feedback on an extended laboratory report. This included 110 responses from students graded by three tutors who marked work using either handwritten annotations or the Electronic Feedback program. Principle component analysis (PCA) of the Likert scale responses indicates that the identity of the marker did not significantly affect the response of students. However, the type of feedback was a factor that influenced the students' responses, with electronic feedback being rated superior. A Mann‐Whitney analysis of the satisfaction ratings (generated by PCA) indicates that four features of the assignment and feedback were considered significantly improved when the software was used to create feedback, namely; markscheme clarity, feedback legibility, information on deficient aspects, and identification of those parts of the work where the student did well. Modern academics face a number of challenges if they wish to return meaningful and timely feedback to students, among them large class sizes and infrequent face‐to‐face contact. It is pleasing to note, therefore, that assessors reported taking less time to mark when using the software. It is concluded that electronic formative feedback can be returned more quickly and may be used to synthesise relevant feedback that is both fair and balanced.  相似文献   

This study uses a new approach to assign individual marks from a team mark using individual contributions to a teamwork product. A team member’s contribution to a teamwork product, in the form of an individual weighting factor, is calculated using team members’ co‐assessment. A comparison of the proposed approach with existing methods has been discussed with the help of a typical teamwork example. The approach has been refined to make it applicable for the Australian grading system at universities. It has been implemented in a large undergraduate engineering course to observe its effectiveness in practice. The results show that the method encourages teamwork, penalises below‐average contributions and rewards above‐average contributions. An analysis of a students’ perception survey shows that students prefer the approach over alternative approaches.  相似文献   

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