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社交故事有助于增进自闭症学生对社交处境的理解,使他们主动、自发及适当地就相应处境做出反应。针对一例自闭症儿童的情绪问题,开展前期目标技能评估等,进而编写相应的社交故事,并进行阅读故事、理解测验、角色扮演等,可帮助其正确对待各种情绪,学会正确应对情绪问题的方法。  相似文献   

邹佩 《绥化学院学报》2013,33(7):92-97,102
对他人面部表情的识别是一种重要的心理能力和社交技巧。自闭症儿童在识别他人面部表情时有一定困难,影响了他们的社会交往,因而对自闭症儿童面部表情识别的干预非常必要。通过对自闭症儿童面部表情识别干预的已有研究进行梳理分析,总结了两大类干预方法:一是社会技能课程干预技术,即将面部表情识别作为社交技能的一部分,通过社交技能训练课程,如角色扮演游戏,改善自闭症面部表情识别能力;二是情绪识别干预技术,即设计专门的情绪识别课程或软件改善自闭症儿童面部表情识别能力。最后指出已有研究存在的问题及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

弱中央统合理论是近年来用于解释自闭症个体认知特点的重要理论之一。本研究采用积木测验和镶嵌图形测验对10名自闭症儿童和10名智力发展障碍儿童实施测验,以验证自闭症儿童在视觉加工任务上是否存在弱中央统合倾向。研究结果表明:自闭症儿童和智力发展障碍儿童在这两个测验任务上的表现并未存在显著差异;实验材料的难度可能使得两类儿童在测验任务上出现了"地板效应";在镶嵌图形测验中,自闭症儿童从阴影型图片中识别出目标图形的能力高于智力发展障碍儿童。  相似文献   

以积极行为支持理念为指导,干预人员要对自闭症儿童的攻击行为进行功能评估。研究发现,自闭症儿童攻击行为产生的主要功能特点是正强化、负强化及感觉调整或感觉刺激。文章基于自闭症儿童攻击行为的功能评估,梳理与总结了如下干预策略:事前控制,防范于未然;社会消退,阻断强化来源;区分强化,培养合适替代行为;常规塑造,建立有效沟通技能。  相似文献   

如厕技能是一项至关重要的生活自理能力。自闭症儿童的如厕训练具有其特殊性,掌握独立的如厕技能事关他们的生活品质和生命尊严。文章介绍了自闭症儿童如厕主要存在的问题,总结了国外近50年来有关自闭症儿童如厕训练的主要方法:快速如厕训练法(RTT)、生活自理流程图、录像示范法和社会故事法,以期为在国内开展自闭症儿童如厕训练的进一步研究和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

本研究利用社会故事,采用小组干预研究对3名自闭症儿童的社会交往能力进行训练。在前测确定学生干预基线的基础上,通过视频示范使学生初步了解正确的社会交往知识,利用故事讲解深入学习正确的社会交往知识,并用角色扮演的方式强化巩固正确的社会交往技能,在生活实践中泛化应用正确的社会交往技能。后测结果显示,经过训练,3名自闭症儿童的社会交往能力得到了提高。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童在社交技能方面的缺陷对其各方面发展有着深远的影响,有效的干预可以提高自闭症儿童的社交技能,从而改变其发展轨迹。对已有自闭症儿童社交技能干预文献进行梳理后,总结几种主要的自闭症儿童社交技能干预方法,对其效果进行分析,在梳理这些方法的基础之上,做出进一步总结,并对自闭症儿童社交技能干预方法的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

"太田阶段法"是借鉴皮亚杰符号表象机能发展阶段理论和临床测试方法,针对自闭症儿童特殊的言语机能特点而独创的一种集心理评定和认知疗育于一体的综合性教育评量方法。该方法在测试实施、阶段划分的可靠性和有效性、以及教育干预等方面都具有独特的优势。对太田阶段法的理论及其言语解读测验(LDT-R)的使用进行详细解读,以期为家长和教师评估自闭症儿童的认知发展提供快速有效的参考。  相似文献   

本研究采用文献研究、问卷调查等方法,基于贵阳市内的社会大众,进行了自闭症儿童认知的随机抽样实地调查,对特殊教师及自闭症家长进行了深度访谈。试图在对当今社会对自闭症儿童认知调查的基础上,去分析当今社会普遍对自闭症儿童缺乏认知存在的不足及原因,从而探索出解决途径及措施;通过以贵阳市市民对自闭症儿童认知的研究,以适当弥补关于此方面理论研究的空白。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童的问题行为不仅会扰乱日常的课堂秩序,也会对其自身的发展造成极大障碍。社会技能训练的开展,可以培养自闭症儿童互动能力及认知性自我控制等技能,改善儿童行为不足、行为过度、行为不当等问题行为。可将社会技能训练作为自闭症儿童日常训练的一部分,根据其特点将社会技能训练融入个别化教育计划、学校课程和亲子互动中,多方位地对儿童问题行为进行干预。  相似文献   

102 children whose histories included a diagnosis of infantile autism or childhood schizophrenia were followed longitudinally to assess cognitive developmental trends. Despite some sample attrition, administration of a test battery of 5 language skill measures and 2 perception skill measures during 5 test periods over 4 years yielded 336 usable test batteries. After all tests had been administered, diagnosis of subjects for autism and schizophrenia using developmental histories and behavioral observations drawn at the time of first test-battery administration showed 111 test batteries on 33 children diagnosed as autistic, and 100 test batteries on 27 children diagnosed as schizophrenic. Comparisons of age and test score correlations, comparisons of cross-sequential means, and trends for means for diagnostic subgroups and normal controls suggest developmental delay for all skills at all ages for both autistic and schizophrenic children. Findings also suggest a trend for steady prepubertal cognitive skill development, followed by a postpubertal decline in skills for both diagnostic groups.  相似文献   

Children with autism often show a lack of the interactive social skills that would allow them to engage with others successfully. They therefore frequently need training to aid them in successful social interaction. Video modelling is a widely used instructional technique that has been applied to teach children with developmental disabilities such as autism, and has been shown to be effective in teaching a variety of skills. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of video modelling on social skills development in children with autism living in the United Arab Emirates. The research was carried out by Mohammed Alzyoudi, AbedAlziz Sartawi and Osha Almuhiri, all from the United Arab Emirates University. A sample of five boys with autism was chosen to participate in this study. The boys ranged in age between five and seven years. Each child was asked to watch a videotape which presented two individuals interacting in a role‐play setting. One person portrayed a therapist giving cues, while the second portrayed a child acting appropriately and demonstrating correct social behaviours. The boys were then asked to complete a social task and their performance was compared against baseline assessment measures. The results of this study indicate that this is an effective instruction method. Results are discussed and implications for further research and practice are provided.  相似文献   

Teaching BSW and MSW students beginning interviewing and relationship-building skills is essential in order to prepare them for practice with clients. In social work methods courses, role plays are commonly-used instructional strategies for helping foundation-level students acquire these initial practice skills. Despite the popularity of this teaching method, the social work literature contains limited studies on the use of role play. In this study, 2 role-play methods are compared, a traditional one in which social work students act out the role of client and social worker and a nontraditional one where the only difference was that theater students role-played the client. Findings revealed that social work students perceived the nontraditional role play as providing a more realistic experience that more closely approximates actual work with clients. Many unanticipated benefits for both sets of students surfaced as a result of this research. Implications for ways to improve this pedagogical tool are discussed along with suggestions for further evaluating role-play methods.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated use of the Superheroes Social Skills program as a means of increasing social skill accuracy in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Participants included four Caucasian male students that were eligible for special education services within the autism category. Social skills training was presented twice weekly for 9 weeks. The results demonstrated that implementation of the intervention improved social skill accuracy within the training setting as indicated by visual analysis and nonoverlap of all pairs. Additionally, improvements in social skill accuracy during probes conducted within the classroom with typically developing peers was observed. Despite improvements in social skill accuracy in both settings, sociometric status of participants demonstrated little change from baseline to postintervention.  相似文献   


Children with deficits in executive functions (EFs) and impairments in pragmatic language have a range of cognitive and language difficulties that affect their literacy and educational achievements. As deficits in EFs and pragmatic impairments are characteristics of autism spectrum disorders, this study examined the associations between EFs and pragmatic skills in children with high-functioning autism (HFA). Fifteen children with HFA (5–9 years; M?=?7.44, SD 1.21), matched to 15 typically developing peers on age, gender, and non-verbal intelligence participated in the study. Children completed a pragmatic language assessment protocol, and a rating scale of EFs was administered to parents. Our results point to two main findings: children with HFA presented pragmatic difficulties and EFs impairments when compared with typically developing peers; and, as shown by a significant indirect effect of group on pragmatics via EFs, the poor pragmatics skills of HFA children were associated with their EFs difficulties. These findings may be of clinical relevance for children with pragmatic impairments, such as autism spectrum disorders. Future studies are crucial to further investigate the relationship between impaired pragmatics and EFs.


The social needs of children with autism are complex, and their inclusion in mainstream schools necessitates a consideration of the nature of a child's participation in peer culture and how it is received by others. The case study reported here sought to investigate the social engagement of a child with autism and his peers using naturalistic methods to provide contextualised and detailed information. A comparative approach was used to study different social contexts: the wider class group, the peer group which included the child with autism, and the individual participation of the child with autism compared with this smaller group. Findings indicate that the child with autism demonstrated a number of competencies in relation to his own social group and that social difficulties were not necessarily seen as a weakness within the peer culture. The importance of careful analysis of social processes and the use of reflective assessment to autism education is highlighted.  相似文献   

Although there is ample clinical evidence supporting sensory hyper- and hypo-sensitivities in children with autism, empirical evidence is scant. Review of the available evidence indicated that there was a need for further systematic data on unusual sensory-perceptual sensitivities. A questionnaire was developed to investigate this phenomenon in 30 young children with autism and their controls across auditory, tactile, visual, gustatory, and vestibular domains. Significant differences were found between the two groups across all domains, although the limitations of this preliminary investigation need to be taken into account. The findings are interpreted within the framework of theory of mind and joint attention deficit, as well as psychodynamic hypotheses for autism. A brief argument is given as to how an ongoing experience of sensory aberrations may have an inhibitory effect on the prerequisite processes through which social interactivity, attachment, and communication skills develop. The applied implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of social skills training and peer involvement on the peer acceptance of disliked preadolescents. 56 fifth- and sixth-grade children were identified as unaccepted by their peers and deficient in conversational skills. These children were then randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatment conditions: (1) conversational skills training (individual coaching), (2) peer involvement under superordinate goals (group experience), (3) conversational skills training combined with peer involvement (group experience with coaching), and (4) a no-treatment control. Differential treatment effects were observed at both a posttreatment and follow-up assessment. As predicted, conversational skills training promoted skill acquisition and increased skillful social interaction. Peer involvement increased peer acceptance and children's self-perceptions of their social efficacy. The results were interpreted in terms of a developmentally based multidimensional model of social competence.  相似文献   

社会故事作为一种应用于自闭症谱系障碍儿童社会能力训练的教学方法,目前得到广泛的推广与应用。本文试图从国外自闭症谱系社会故事干预的研究文献中梳理现有的社会故事干预有效性研究的开展情况,试图总结研究中存在的问题,并为今后社会故事干预的有效性研究提供思路。  相似文献   

This article draws together findings from expert evidence and empirical studies to identify the preconditions for developing inclusive learning environments for young children on the autism spectrum. It concludes that in order to develop ‘best practice’, practitioners need to adapt interventions to the unique needs of the individual child, work in partnership with parents and other professionals, create enabling environments and be informed by a developmental approach to learning. Practitioners need to have knowledge of the autism spectrum and how it impacts on the child. Careful assessment of the individual child is also crucial. Finally, it is important to ensure that these young children receive direct teaching in communication and language, social understanding and skills, as well as learning with and through peers.  相似文献   

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