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美嘉 《高中生》2009,(11):61-61
加拿大留学优势明显 加拿大的大学入学制度不同于中国“一考定终身”的高考制度。入学申请主要是凭借学生的高中成绩。因为是采取宽进严出的教育制度,学生只要高中的平均成绩在75分左右就可以申请加拿大一类的学府。  相似文献   

美嘉 《高中生》2009,(22):61-61
加拿大留学优势明显加拿大的大学入学制度不同于中国"一考定终身"的高考制度。入学申请主要是凭借学生的高中成绩。因为是采取宽进严出的教育制度,学生只要高中的平均成绩在75分左右就可以申请加拿大一类的学府。  相似文献   

通过对台湾地区的2022年大学多元入学方案进行梳理和分析,发现其在原有的大学多元入学制度基础上提出了多项创新性举措,主要体现为“X+Y+P”的多资料采用模式、学习历程资料库的建置、申请入学和繁星推荐作业时程的延后以及校系考试科目数量的降低等方面。虽然此方案尚未正式施行,但其制度设计层面存在的问题已经凸显,诸如学生的考试负担过重、城乡学生间的教育资源分配不均等共性问题存在。因此,此方案在正式出台前仍有可完善的地方。  相似文献   

新西兰的高等教育分为综合性大学、农业大学、多科技术学院、教育学院四大类。其学历层次分为学士、荣誉学士、硕士、博士等。值得一提的是,在新西兰高校,海外学生被录取为硕士生、博士生前,一般要求其完成一年的桥梁课程,使海外学生首先了解其大学制度以及新西兰的条件。 作为海外学生,申请新西兰大学的入学许可及奖助学金,最迟在每年的9月1日之前。可直接与所选择的大学联系入学事宜,一般申请信可直接写给大学的招生办,便会得到一套关于该校的介绍资料、申请表等,然后申请者可按收到资料上的要求一步  相似文献   

贾晓华 《数学教学研究》2009,28(5):F0002-F0002
美国大学入学委员会(College Board)是一个1900年创建的非盈利性组织,主要为高中生提供大学入学指导、测试、奖学金申请、注册和教学等服务.大学入学委员会于2006年颁布了《为了顺利完成大学学业的标准——数学与统计》(College Board Standards for College Success:Mathematics and Statistics)(以下简称“数学与统计标准”),详细阐述了学生在中学6—12年级应该达到的数学学习目标.  相似文献   

2002年,台湾地区首次实行大学多元入学方案,对于大学而言,学校可以依据院校发展特色,招收符合要求的学生;对于学生而言,可以连择适合自己的渠道,进入大学院校就读.本文以台湾地区大学多元入学制度实施现状为切入点,分析其优点与实施中存在的问题,并从方案的考试形态、甄选入学、考试分发及其对台湾高中教育的影响等四个方面对大学多元入学制度进行评析.  相似文献   

加拿大的高校招生考试制度在漫长的历史发展中几经变迁,17世纪到19世纪的大学属于精英教育,大学和申请者的数量都较为有限,招生制度体现为自发零散的个校筛选;进入20世纪后的百余年,加拿大高等教育迅速发展,高校招考制度也变化迭出。二战前的各省多采取省级统考制,学生在高中阶段通过参加"初级入学资格"和"高级入学资格"的考试获得大学一年级和二年级的入学资格;二战后加拿大的高等教育迅速步入大众化阶段,省际间学生流动频繁,对国家统一外部考试的呼声日高,加拿大于1969年进行了历史上首次全国性的统一考试。然而由于缺乏信度和效度等原因,全国统考制仅维持了3年。此后,加拿大高校开始了综合选拔制的实践,即以学生的高中成绩为重要录取依据,选拔性招生与开放入学并存、高校自主招生与省内集中申请并行。目前,在高等教育普及化深入发展的阶段,如何在现有招生制度的框架内确保高校入学机会在社会阶层、种族、民族、性别等方面合理分布,成为政府和高校需要携手解决的问题。  相似文献   

为躲过学费上涨.英国近期掀起一股入学申请潮,申请人数创下纪录,但近23万学生今年将与大学无缘。  相似文献   

我国台湾地区从2002年开始取消长达47年的“大学联考”制度,实行“招考分离的多元入学”方案,即高中毕业生采用个人申请、大学甄别和学校推荐的方法升入大学。每个高中毕业生至少有2次机会:在寒假可参加学测考试,拿到成绩可以向自己理想的大学去申请入学;如果考得不好还可参加暑假的指定考科的考试,再向大学提出入学申请。这一改革改变了过去“一考定终生”的局面。  相似文献   

据日本《朝日新闻》报道,日本九州大学将从2010年度开始在法学部取消入学选考部(Admissions Office,AO)入学考试选拔制度。筑波大学和一桥大学也将在一部分学科专业取消AO考试入学制度。取消AO考试入学制度的原因是,通过A0考试选拔入学的学生在入学以后的学习成绩比一般考试入学的学生要差;通过AO考试选拔的学生与参加考试的学生相比并无特别优秀之处,且AO考试在面试、选拔等方面耗费许多时间和精力。  相似文献   

Public universities in Ghana are highly subsidised by the central government and account for about 80 per cent of university students in the country. Yet issues of fairness in terms of entry into the public university system have so far hardly been addressed. To find out whether participation in public university education is equitable, the authors of this paper carried out a binary logistic regression analysis. Individual data were collected from 1,129 (614 male and 515 female) final year senior high school (SHS) students for the 2009 cohort. The authors measured student, father and mother characteristics likely to influence admission to a public university. The results show that the major predictors of public university entry are students’ academic ability, quality of SHS attended and number of siblings. This seems to suggest that there is a significant bias in the selection of students from different socio-economic groups for admission to highly subsidised public universities. The implication is that public financing of university education in Ghana may not be equitable.  相似文献   

This research explores the impact of Taiwan's university multiple-channel entrance policy on student learning outcomes, using quantitative research to look for differences in the learning experiences of third-year students who were admitted via different methods (examination and placement, application for admission, recommendation and selection, and gifted aptitude selection) and who were at different types of institutions (public universities, public vocational/technical schools, private universities, and private vocational/technical schools). The source data for this research was a 2005 national survey of third-year university students by the National Taiwan Normal University Center for Educational Research and Evaluation. The data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and found that among students at public universities and vocational/technical schools, those who applied for admission had a better learning experience, while those selected for gifted aptitude had a poorer learning experience. Among students at private schools, those admitted through examination and placement or application for admission had a significantly better learning experience than students admitted through selection. Overall, the learning experience of screened students was generally poor, so it is worth considering a review of this admission method.  相似文献   

自主招生制度是大学准入制度的核心之一,在大学人才培养中发挥着重要作用。由于受政治体制、法律传统、社会形态的影响,哈佛大学与复旦大学自主招生制度各有千秋。在招生机制上,哈佛追求学术独立,复旦注重政治功能;在招生标准上,哈佛强调能力,复旦侧重水平;在招生程序上,哈佛崇尚自治,复旦偏重法治;在招生来源上,哈佛取向开放,复旦看重地域;在招生考试上,哈佛主张多元,复旦倾向统一。总体而言,哈佛大学自主招生体现出大学自治的特色,复旦大学自主招生则具有政府主管的倾向。通过对二者的比较,为进一步优化我国高校自主招生制度改革作一些有益的尝试。  相似文献   

博士生招生申请考核制的内在优势在于:有利于确定专业权力在博士招生与培养中的作用,有利于选拔高质量的、适合攻读博士学位的学生,有利于营造良好的学术生态,提高导师育人责任。其不足在于容易受制于人性的弱点,导致内部监督不畅,录取的公正性受到质疑。当前,这一制度所获得的良好发展机遇包括高校去行政化的改革背景,国外大学的有益经验和国内高校的实践探索。其所面临的挑战主要是中国人情社会的文化环境,行政力量的依然强势以及社会诚信的缺失。  相似文献   

Although diversity at universities has increased dramatically over the past 150 years, many groups are still under-represented relative to their proportion in the general population. Initiatives to improve diversity have included the increased use of entry pathways other than direct admission from secondary school. As admissions via these alternative entry routes have increased, concerns have grown that alternative-entry students are not well prepared for university study. Here, we describe the outcomes for students entering university via one alternative entry pathway and compare them with those of students entering from secondary school. We used quantile regression with restricted cubic splines to examine the relationship between secondary school performance (quantified by the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank; ATAR), pathway of entry to university, and performance during first year university. Entry pathway significantly affects the conditional distribution of first-year marks. Outstanding performance is largely confined to students entering university from secondary school (Year 12 entry), rather than from an institution for technical and further education (TAFE). Concomitantly, for any given ATAR, the risk of failure is higher amongst Year 12 entry students than among TAFE entry students. The results have substantial implications for changes in admission criteria and for the public funding of universities.  相似文献   

Honors colleges housed in public universities began only in the last half century, but have become nearly ubiquitous over the last 20?years. This paper, using recent data from the oldest stand-alone honors college in the country, is the first to study how the application and enrollment decisions of honors college students differ from the general population of students considering a large public university. Overall, the empirical results suggest that honors college applicants and enrollees are drawn from the right-tail of its host institution??s ability distribution, independent of residency status. Nonetheless, honors-college applicants are still more likely to enroll in selective and liberal arts institutions than the general pool of admits to a large public university, which is only partially offset by the effect of honors-college admission. It follows that honors colleges enroll academically stronger, but not the strongest, admits to a large public university.  相似文献   

This study aims to find factors linked to university choice in China that work for or against students’ access to higher education. China has undertaken many reforms in the past two decades and has rapidly expanded its higher education system. The transition from a sequential to a parallel mechanism for students to select universities is a significant change in the admission process. The expansion of higher education increased the number of high school graduates who dream of going to top-ranked Chinese universities. With this dream, students start preparing themselves for higher education during basic education. Despite the increase in top-ranked universities, the issues such as school education, familial expectations, choices of city and of major have a significant impact on students’ choice of university.  相似文献   

我国的地方高师院校主要承担着向地方中小学输送教师的任务,而教师人才能否符合社会需求,首要影响因素就是生源质量。目前,地方高师院校的生源质量存在录取成绩相对偏低、第一志愿录取率低、调剂生所占比重大等客观问题,而国家政策导向、社会价值取向,尤其是师范类就业前景等因素,都严重影响着其生源质量。本研究在实地调研的基础上,针对上述问题提出可行对策,以期为促进我国地方高师乃至高等师范教育的持续良性发展有所助益。  相似文献   

央属高校招生名额分配的原则和方案设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于我国央属高校的地区分布不均衡,加之招生名额分配缺乏明确、合理的依据和有力的统筹,导致不同地区学生就读优质高校的机会差异悬殊,引起了社会的质疑和不满。本文通过大规模的数据分析,直观地描述了目前在分省配额制之下,我国各省考生就读央属高校入学机会的差异及其影响因素,提出了促进央属高校入学机会均衡化的基本原则,并在对多种方案进行模拟计算后,提出了可以大幅度改进招生名额分配的公平性且具有较强现实操作性的建议方案。  相似文献   

China has a territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, and a population of 1.1 billion. There are 1,075 general colleges and universities throughout the country, enrolling a total of approximately 2 million students. Each year we have about 2.5 million graduates from upper middle school, which, added to the number of graduates from previous years, make for a pool of candidates for admission to college and university of about 2.8 million in any given year. In the last two years, in accordance with the state's planning, we have admitted about 700,000 new students to the general colleges and universities each year (which is approximately 3 percent of the total number of people of the same age in the country at large and about 20 percent of the graduates from upper middle schools for that year). To guarantee that the limited resources and funds that the state invests in higher education may take greater effect, we have to select the new students of the highest quality and qualifications to admit to the colleges and universities. At the same time, however, we also have to make it convenient for the broad masses of graduates from upper middle schools to take part in examinations locally and apply for admissions to all the appropriate colleges or universities in the country. Since 1952 we have begun to adopt a system whereby the questions for all general colleges/universities entrance examinations throughout the country are unified, and all colleges and universities are pledged to admit new students on the basis of competitive merit. Thus the plans of colleges and universities in terms of new student admission, the subjects of examination, the questions in the examinations, and the standard answers, as well as the scoring standards or criteria of evaluating results, are all formulated in a uniform way by the state, with the provinces (or autonomous regions or municipalities that are under the direct jurisdiction of the center) carrying out the work of printing the examinations, conducting or holding the examinations, evaluating scores and, finally, admissions. With the exception of a hiatus of twelve years' time during the period of the Cultural Revolution, this nationwide uniform examination system for college and university admission has been in place ever since, and has always been there to ensure, effectively, the quality of the new students being admitted to general colleges and universities, and to ensure the smooth and effective completion of the state's plans for college and university admissions. At the same time, to a certain extent, this system also promoted the enhancement of the quality of teaching and learning in the middle schools, by avoiding repetitive and redundant work and labor in the area of admissions examinations, saving large amounts of human, material, and financial resources.  相似文献   

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