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美学是研究美的本质与人们对于客观审美对象的具体感受以及与之相关问题的科学:教学是增进人们的知识、技能,改变人们的思想、意识活动的教育手段与过程:美育就是按照美的标准培养人的教育.语文教育则是关于祖国语言文字的教育。通过美育,使受教育者具有美的理想、美的情操、美的品德、美的素养,具有欣赏美、创造美的能力。通过语文教育,使学生热爱祖国语言文字,具有一定的读写听说能力,能够发现美,表述美,鉴赏美,创造美。  相似文献   

城市美具有自身的内在特征,必须体现形式美的多样统一规律,又与技术、功能、环境以及美的秩序差异具有内在关系。创造美的空间环境,必须遵循美的内在本质特征。  相似文献   

一节具有综合美的音乐课应是艺术的内容与表现方法的统一,美育内容的思想性与艺术性的统一,教师要设计美的教学环境,美的教学方法,美的情感体验,实现音乐课堂教学的综合美。  相似文献   

岑参的边塞诗开辟了前所未有的美学境界,作品具有美的色彩、美的声音、美的线条、美的境界,充满生命的光华和热腾腾的内在感情,蕴含着一种任何东西无法替代的光彩与魅力。  相似文献   

语教学是科学,具有科学美,语教学又是艺术,具有艺术美。在语教学中,教师应创设美的情境,烘托美的情感,让人久久难忘。  相似文献   

在高校思想政治工作中,美的教育可以起到开发智力、道德感化、人生导向等作用。在思想政治工作中善于运用美的教育,创造美的环境、展现美的人格、追求美的方法,对于增强思想政治工作的吸引力,提高思想政治工作的成效具有积极意义。  相似文献   

美的事物具有形象性、愉悦性、感染性等特点。在小学数学教学中创设美的情境,让学生感受数学美的情趣,能激活心智,开拓思维,起到“以美激思”的作用。  相似文献   

张子泉 《教育与职业》2006,(29):123-125
通过语文教学对学生进行审美教育具有得天独厚的条件。对大学生进行审美教育,要注意塑造美的心灵、陶冶美的情感、提高美的感受能力、培养美的实践能力。同时,教师要提高自身的审美修养,使学生潜移默化地受到思想熏陶和艺术感染。  相似文献   

美育与语课有着质的统一性。在阅读教学中,把美学的内容融入其中是顺理成章之事。通过阅读审美教育,使学生具有美的理想、美的情操、美的品德、美的素养,建构完善的语审美心理结构,并使学生在热爱祖国语言字,具有一定的读写听说能力的同时,能够发现美、表达美、鉴赏美、创造美。那么,如何在阅读教学中融入审美教育呢?笔认为拟从以下几方面入手。  相似文献   

美学方法是数学思维方法中的一类重要方法。数学美是科学美的一种,它既具有美的共性,更具有独特的个性。数学美学方法的特征是简洁性、对称性、统一性和奇异性,它们是数学美的基本内涵。简洁性是数学形态美的基本内容,是数学发现和创造中的美学因素之一。  相似文献   

经营权的性质与定位决定其财产权收益实现。现代经营权是一种法定的商事权利和新型用益物权,具有主体多元性、权利集合性、行为时效性等特征。经营权可通过出资、担保、抵债、信托和证券化等方式来行使。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of learning in work role transitions from specialist roles to managerial roles in a context of a large international technology organisation. Prior theorisation of learning in role transitions has been based on quantitative, psychologically-oriented studies prescribing different role and personal attributes related to work adjustment. Personal experiences have received only a superficial or instrumental part in most of the preceding studies. Therefore, this study draws upon a transformative learning theory to outline an interpretative framework and focuses on in-depth, narrative analysis of a small number of role transition experiences. As a result, the study reveals how first-time project managers and team leaders wonder about their abilities and actions; compare ‘self’ with role models; and become aware of the power aspect of managerial roles. Such reflection eventually leads to a perspective transformation regarding ‘self’ and new roles. However, it also involves adaptation to the prevailing organisational norms, values, and leadership ideals. The study will add to our understanding of learning in transitions and inform those working in the human resource development or otherwise involved in the organisational transfer processes. Moreover, it reminds that perspective transformations should not be taken innocently as examples of ‘empowerment’, but critically concern why transformative learning is encouraged at work nowadays and what purposes it serves.  相似文献   

市场经济面临新的管理课题是怎样管理和做人们的思想工作。只有认识势,掌握度,顺应事物发展的趋势进行工作,才能事半功倍。  相似文献   

领导者统御权是现行领导者权力的重要组成部分,它对领导者的领导效能有着重大影响,是正确而成功领导的关键。高校领导管理的特殊性决定其在行使权力的过程中,统御权的影响作用权重更大,直接影响着领导效能。在当前构建和谐社会的新时期,加强高校领导者统御权建设的重要性显得越来越重要。  相似文献   

Previous work has identified time spent in nature as a child as a precursor to active care for the natural world (i.e. environmental commitment), but a paucity of data exists on what happens to environmentally committed people’s relationship to nature over time, including the time spent in nature and the quality of that experience. In addition, previous work has not more finely categorized these nature experiences, with the exception of natural history-oriented professionals. I address these gaps by conducting in-depth interviews with 12 faculty in the environment at Duke University regarding relationships with nature throughout their life. The interviews reveal that the amount of time spent in nature, and the quality of that experience, changed for this cohort over time. Moreover, these interviews revealed nuanced aspects of relationships with nature that changed with life stage, complementing that work which was conducted on natural history-oriented professionals. This work suggests that more research is needed on the changing relationship with nature among adults and environmental educators.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):397-415

In the last two to three decades teachers’ work has been plagued by problems internationally. These problems include a growing dissatisfaction of teachers about their working conditions (characterized by heavy workloads and low salaries), the growing attempts by governments to control teachers’ work and the increasing negative public image of the teaching profession. This negative public image of teaching is manifested in the failure of the profession to attract enough students and the fact that those who are already in the profession want to leave. These factors had, inter alia, lead to a collapse of professionalism amongst teachers in general.

There are, however, also other factors that have an influence on the professionalism of school teachers. It is argued in this article that the management role of the school principal is a crucial factor that influences teacher professionalism. This influence can be either positive or negative, depending to a large extent on how effectively the principal is managing the school. This article, derived from an empirical case study undertaken among a number of secondary schools in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is an attempt to conceptualise the important and pivotal managerial role of the principal in promoting professionalism amongst teachers in this province.  相似文献   

从职业教育工学结合教学管理的依据入手,对酒店管理专业工学结合教学过程中形成的教学档案进行了直接鉴定法分类,并对工学结合教学档案管理建设提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

是否具有公共性是企业思想政治工作与企业化建设的本质分野。公共性的被消解是现行企业思想政治工作存在的问题。这种状况源于当代中国社会及公共权力领域发生的整体性转换,回应这种转换应该从执政党的执政理念及制度层面创制思想政治工作的公共性。  相似文献   

高等教育要适应市场经济规律要求 ,由精英教育向大众教育过渡 ,并充分认识高等教育的经济属性 ,引入其他经济成分 ,实现高等教育资源的最佳和有效配置 ,建立宏观调控、社会积极参与、学校自主办学的高等教育运行机制 ,加快管理体制改革步伐。  相似文献   

新疆自建立自然保护区以来,各项建设和保护工作均取得了显著的成绩,经过多年的努力,已逐步形成了具有新疆特色类型的、功能较为完备的自然保护区网络。但自然保护区在建设和保护中,还存在一些不尽人意的问题。应当进一步加大对自然保护区的建设保护的资金投入;结合新疆自然保护工作的实际,加快立法执法力度;科学规划、界定、调整、升级自然保护区;建立自然保护区生态的补偿机制等,才能确保新疆自然保护区建设越来越好。  相似文献   

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