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众所周知 ,下肢肌肉的力量对跑跳运动起着非常重要的作用 ,是完成跑跳技术动作的主要动力 ,下肢肌肉的绝对力量和爆发力的水平对跑跳运动员取得优异成绩极为重要。然而 ,在运动训练中运动损伤 ,特别是伸髋肌群的拉伤 ,严重阻碍跑跳运动的发展。实践证明 ,大腿前后肌群的力量比例严重失调是制约我国跑跳运动员水平的重要原因之一 ,而且也是造成伸髋肌群拉伤的主要原因。然而有一部分教练员在训练中对伸髋肌群的作用了解不多 ,同时可选择的训练方法较少 ;因而忽视了对运动员伸髋肌群的练习 ,造成许多伤害事故的发生。那么 ,如何在运动训练中避…  相似文献   

<正> 腘绳肌系指大腿后部的半腱半膜股二头肌,其急性损伤多见于跑、跳运动员。其拉伤后一般轻者10天才能恢复训练,而严重拉伤者反复停训可延续一年以上,治疗不易彻底,常常造成肌肉索条状或瘢痕,影响运动训练和运动成绩的提高。我们采用斜刺法加体外反搏治疗腘绳肌严重拉伤1例,仅用7天患者就完全恢复训练,15天后可参加正式比赛并提高运动成绩。此法明显优于单纯性针刺或体外反搏治疗运动性腘绳肌损伤。  相似文献   

怎样预防大腿后侧肌肉拉伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大腿后部肌群是由股二头肌、半腱肌和半膜 肌组成,也叫股屈肌。 股屈肌拉伤可直接影响训练和比赛,因此,必须积极预防。 一、股屈肌拉伤的原因 股屈肌拉伤,主要是由于准备活动不足,局部负担量过重及自身力量差、柔韧性差造成的。此外,某些运动项目(如短跑、跨栏、跳跃等)的技术特点对股屈肌有特殊要求,如“起跑时的后蹬动作、200米下弯道处的突然加速,以及踏跳瞬间力量都非常大,而跨栏的过栏动作又要求股屈肌有良好的柔韧性。因此,稍不注意就会拉伤。 二、如何预防股屈肌拉伤 运动前,要充分做好准备活动,还要加强专项的辅助…  相似文献   

为证明下肢后肌群(股二头肌、半膜肌、半腱肌、小腿三头肌等)伸展性对老年人下肢运动能力和姿势的影响,我们对60—65岁老年人和18—24岁年青人(对照组),分男女两类两组进行了“仰卧钩脚直膝屈髋”、“常态走路步幅”、“立正膝间距”等三项指标的人体测量.将获得的数据经统计学处理,揭示了老年人下肢后肌群的伸展性与对照组比较减退极明显(P<0.01).并与老年人下肢运动能力的下降、姿势的退行性变化之间高度相关(男、女相关系数显著性检验结果均P<0.01).提示老年人应注意加强下肢后肌群伸展性的运动锻炼,同时也为老年人预防与延缓下肢后肌群伸展性的减退,选择相应对策和方法手段提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

股后肌群是大腿后部屈肌,它的作用是伸髋和屈膝。在田径教学中,股后肌群拉伤是较为常见的一种运动损伤,多发生在短跑、跨栏和跳跃等项目的教学中。股后肌群的损伤不但会影响正常的生活和学习,而且也会使学生对田径教学产生恐惧和厌烦的不良心理反应。因此,如何防治股后肌群拉伤,就成为摆在体育教师和学生面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

谈短跑运动员股后肌群训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在短跑训练中,股后肌群的训练往往不被重视,而股后肌对提高运动成绩却有着突出的作用。本文对股后肌在短跑训练中拉伤产生的原因、训练方法及预防措施进行了探讨,供教练员和运动员参考。  相似文献   

在田径训练中尤其是短跑、跳远的训练中,运动员股后肌群拉伤的现象比较常见,不少有发展前途的运动员,因股后肌群拉伤,影响系统训练,甚至不少运动员,因伤后愈合慢,严重影响到运动员的发展前途。下面就田径运动员股后肌拉伤的原因及预防,谈一下笔者的看法。  相似文献   

一、肌肉拉伤的原因在全速疾跑时,大腿后群肌肉和小腿的肌肉产生剧烈的疼痛,无法继续跑进,即所谓的肌肉拉伤。在所有的运动项目中,发生肌肉拉伤最多的是短跑。容易产生肌肉拉伤的季节则是春秋之初和季节变化的时节。容易拉伤的肌肉:短跑是大腿后群肌肉;中常跑则是小腿后群肌肉。肌肉拉伤的感觉,宛如肌肉断了一样,实际上则是极少的一部分或局部拉伤。大腿后群肌肉拉伤,是田径运动中发生最多的运动损伤。拉伤的原因主要是由于肌肉做猛烈的收缩时,收缩力超过了肌肉本身所能承受的能力,而使肌肉发生损伤。运动医学认为:肌肉主动收缩时发生的肌肉拉伤叫“主动拉伤”,主动拉伤主要是肌纤维缩短时发生的,受伤时原动肌或协同肌都可能发生损伤。  相似文献   

正大腿内收肌群拉伤是比较常见的一种运动损伤,在田径跨栏、短跑、跳跃、投掷等项目中时有发生,它对运动员的日常生活、训练和比赛都会造成很大的影响。因此,了解大腿内收肌群损伤的原因、临床表现以及有效的治疗方法和预防措施,对于广大教练员和运动员都是十分重要和必要的。一、大腿内收肌群损伤的原因及临床表现大腿内收肌群由长短、大小各不相同的5块肌肉组成,由浅及深分别为股薄肌、长收肌、耻骨肌、短收肌和大收肌,其主要作用是使下肢靠近中线,即内收动作。大腿内收肌群急性损伤,多因居高跳  相似文献   

不同形式振动训练中下肢肌群的神经肌肉激活特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
探讨半蹲姿势下,垂直振动和多维振动刺激所引起的下肢不同肌群的神经肌肉激活特征.结果表明.两种振动刺激均能诱发激活更多的运动单位参与募集,增加肌肉的EMGrms值.但多维组合振动改变同群肌肉内和前后肌群间的支配比例关系,为科学运用振动训缘法提供理论依据.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to investigate the energy build-up and dissipation mechanisms associated with using an arm swing in submaximal and maximal vertical jumping and to establish the energy benefit of this arm swing. Twenty adult males were asked to perform a series of submaximal and maximal vertical jumps while using an arm swing. Force, motion and electromyographic data were recorded during each performance and used to compute a range of kinematic and kinetic variables, including ankle, knee, hip, shoulder and elbow joint powers and work done. It was found that the energy benefit of using an arm swing appears to be closely related to the maximum kinetic energy of the arms during their downswing, and increases as jump height increases. As jump height increases, energy in the arms is built up by a greater range of motion at the shoulder and greater effort of the shoulder and elbow muscles but, as jump height approaches maximum, these sources are supplemented by energy supplied by the trunk due to its earlier extension in the movement. The kinetic energy developed by the arms is used to increase their potential energy at take-off but also to store and return energy from the lower limbs and to “pull” on the rest of the body. These latter two mechanisms become more important as jump height increases with the pull being the more important of the two. We conclude that an arm swing contributes to jump performance in submaximal as well as maximal jumping but the energy generation and dissipation sources change as performance approaches maximum.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate whether high peak ground reaction forces and high average loading rates are necessary to bowl fast. Kinematic and kinetic bowling data were collected for 20 elite male fast bowlers. A moderate non-significant correlation was found between ball speed and peak vertical ground reaction force with faster bowlers tending to have lower peak vertical ground reaction force (r = ?0.364, P = 0.114). Faster ball speeds were correlated with both lower average vertical and lower average horizontal loading rates (r = ?0.452, P = 0.046 and r = ?0.484, P = 0.031, respectively). A larger horizontal (braking) impulse was associated with a faster ball speed (r = 0.574, P = 0.008) and a larger plant angle of the front leg (measured from the vertical) at front foot contact was associated with a larger horizontal impulse (r = 0.706, P = 0.001). These findings suggest that there does not necessarily need to be a trade-off between maximum ball release speed and the forces exerted on fast bowlers (peak ground reaction forces and average loading rates). Furthermore, it appears that one of the key determinants of ball speed is the horizontal impulse generated at the ground over the period from front foot contact until ball release.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the energy build-up and dissipation mechanisms associated with using an arm swing in submaximal and maximal vertical jumping and to establish the energy benefit of this arm swing. Twenty adult males were asked to perform a series of submaximal and maximal vertical jumps while using an arm swing. Force, motion and electromyographic data were recorded during each performance and used to compute a range of kinematic and kinetic variables, including ankle, knee, hip, shoulder and elbow joint powers and work done. It was found that the energy benefit of using an arm swing appears to be closely related to the maximum kinetic energy of the arms during their downswing, and increases as jump height increases. As jump height increases, energy in the arms is built up by a greater range of motion at the shoulder and greater effort of the shoulder and elbow muscles but, as jump height approaches maximum, these sources are supplemented by energy supplied by the trunk due to its earlier extension in the movement. The kinetic energy developed by the arms is used to increase their potential energy at take-off but also to store and return energy from the lower limbs and to "pull" on the rest of the body. These latter two mechanisms become more important as jump height increases with the pull being the more important of the two. We conclude that an arm swing contributes to jump performance in submaximal as well as maximal jumping but the energy generation and dissipation sources change as performance approaches maximum.  相似文献   

李晓浦  魏文仪  裘艺 《体育科学》2006,26(11):62-66,74
采用双机同步二维摄像法对参加2005年全运会预选赛的12名男子优秀运动员在500m单人艇比赛时的途中划过程进行了现场拍摄,并且运用自行研发并与摄像方法相适应的皮艇运动专项解析软件对所拍的图像资料进行解析。运用理论和统计学方法分析了途中划的划桨技术,拟揭示国内单人皮艇500m优秀运动员途中划的技术动作的运动学特征,以期从理论和解析数据两方面探究提高途中划划桨效果的皮艇技术的改进方向。结论:双机同步二维摄像方法和专项分析系统使用效果良好;根据拉桨过程中桨获得推进力的主要来源,整个拉桨阶段可分为入水升力推进时相、阻力推进时相和出水升力推进时相;拉桨时艇速的变化特征是分析划桨效果的重要依据之一;随速度的提高,后拉划距减小;最大艇速出现时刻前移和速度下降率增大,阻力作用于艇和桨的相对时间延长;在出水升力推进时相,减小划桨的水平速度,加大垂直速度,加大出水角,将更有利于提高艇速和划桨效果。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to: (1) assess the reliability of various kinetic and temporal variables for unilateral vertical, horizontal, and lateral countermovement jumps; (2) determine whether there are differences in vertical ground reaction force production between the three types of jumps; (3) quantify the magnitude of asymmetry between limbs for variables that were established as reliable in a healthy population and whether asymmetries were consistent across jumps of different direction; and (4) establish the best kinetic predictor(s) of jump performance in the vertical, horizontal, and lateral planes of motion. Thirty team sport athletes performed three trials of the various countermovement jumps on both legs on two separate occasions. Eccentric and concentric peak force and concentric peak power were the only variables with acceptable reliability (coefficient of variation = 3.3–15.1%; intra-class correlation coefficient = 0.70–0.96). Eccentric and concentric peak vertical ground reaction force (14–16%) and concentric peak power (45–51%) were significantly (P < 0.01) greater in the vertical countermovement jump than in the horizontal countermovement jump and lateral countermovement jump, but no significant difference was found between the latter two jumps. No significant leg asymmetries (–2.1% to 9.3%) were found in any of the kinetic variables but significant differences were observed in jump height and distance. The best single predictors of vertical countermovement jump, horizontal countermovement jump, and lateral countermovement jump performance were concentric peak vertical power/body weight (79%), horizontal concentric peak power/body weight (42.6%), and eccentric peak vertical ground reaction force/body weight (14.9%) respectively. These findings are discussed in relation to monitoring and developing direction-specific jump performance.  相似文献   

运用爱捷影像分析系统对欧晓涛和邱森的自由式滑雪空中技巧运动中高难bdFFF动作进行技术攻关研究。发现动作的第1空翻"dF"段存在横轴翻转严重过度,纵轴转体不足的现象;第1次论述了运动员在空中飞行时水平速度为非匀变速变化、垂直速度为非匀速变化及转体的非匀速性;并第1次准确地计算了三周台在出台速度、飞行远度、高度、空中转体用时、腾空总时间、合理落水角度等运动学变量,填补了国内外该项目研究领域的空白,并为运动队的日常训练和运动技术的规范提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the associations between lower limb biomechanics and ball release speed in 15 high-performance (HP) and 15 amateur fast bowlers. Kinematic and kinetic variables of the lower limbs collected in the laboratory environment with a 3D Vicon motion analysis system were compared between groups, as well as their associations with ball release speed. HP bowlers had a significantly higher run-up velocity at back foot impact but this difference became non-significant at ball release. Front knee kinematics were not statistically different, however effect sizes revealed medium-large differences with the HP group displaying a more extended knee joint at maximum flexion (d = 0.72) and ball release (d = 0.76). Only front hip positive power was significantly higher in the HP group and it was suggested that the probable cause was the HP bowlers having less knee flexion after front foot impact. From a joint power analysis, the extensor muscle groups of the hip and knee were shown to be important in developing ball release speed. This highlights the need for lower limb/core strength programmes to be multifaceted and focus on the muscles associated with both power and stability.  相似文献   

对我国男子优秀跳高运动员起跳技术的三维运动学分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋广林  闫之朴 《体育学刊》2005,12(6):115-118
采用两台SONY高速摄像机对我国部分男子优秀背越式跳高运动员进行赛场同步拍摄,运用爱捷运动录像反馈系统进行解析.结果表明:在起跳开始瞬间,身体重心的垂直速度较低;起跳腿的髋、膝、踝3关节蹬伸不充分,摆动腿的摆动速度和高度较低,助跑水平速度未能合理地转化为起跳的垂直速度.起跳的垂直速度是影响我国男子跳高运动员成绩的主要因素.  相似文献   

Testing is one of the important tasks in any multi-step sport programme. In most ball games, coaches assess motor, physical and technical skills on a regular basis in early stages of talent identification in order to further athletes’ development. The purpose of the study was to investigate anthropometric variables and vertical jump heights as a free throw effectiveness predictor in water-polo players of different age groups. Two hundred and thirty-six young (10–18 years) male water-polo players partitioned into three age groups underwent anthropometric variables’ measures and squat- and countermovement-jump tests, and performed water-polo free throws. Anthropometric variables, vertical jump heights and throw speed – as a proxy for free throw effectiveness – resulted different over age groups. Particularly, throw speed changed from 9.28 to 13.70 m · s?1 (+48%) from younger to older players. A multiple-regression model indicated that body height, squat-jump height and throw time together explain 52% of variance of throw speed. In conclusion, tall height, high lower limb power and throwing quickness appeared to be relevant determinants for effective free throws. Such indications can help coaches during talent identification and development processes, even by means of novel training strategies. Further research is needed over different maturity statuses.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of cluster set configurations on power clean technique. Ten male, recreational weightlifters performed three sets of six repetitions at 80% of one repetition max with 0 (P0), 20 (P20) or 40 seconds (P40) inter-repetition rest. During the first and second set of P0, the catch and first pull were in a more forward position during repetition 6 as compared to repetition 1, respectively. During the second set of P40, differences in horizontal displacement were found between repetitions 1 and 6 for the second pull and the loop. During the third set of P40, differences in horizontal displacement were found between repetitions 1 and 6 for the first pull, transition, and beginning of the second pull. No differences in horizontal displacement were found between repetitions 1 and 6 during P20. During each set of P0, vertical displacement decreased between repetitions 1 and 6 (1.02 ± 0.07 m vs. 0.94 ± 0.06 m; Mean ± s). Cluster set configurations led to the maintenance of vertical displacement throughout all sets. The results demonstrate cluster set configurations with greater than 20 seconds inter-repetition rest maintain weightlifting technique to a greater extent than a traditional set configuration.  相似文献   

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