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In this paper we address what is meant by feminization of poverty. We also provide a very brief historical review of poor women, their children, and their need for financial assistance. Furthermore we identify some of the obstacles women face while trying to become self-sufficient and how women attempt to overcome these obstacles while relying on government aid. A strategy used by some of these women on welfare is to attend college and earn a degree. We show how this group of women now faces a major obstacle with a recent reform in the welfare system. Finally, we offer some suggestions as to how policies and practices of institutions of higher education can help female students on welfare, thereby reducing the feminization of poverty in the United States.  相似文献   

The current excellence-in-education movement has dealt a heavy blow to the advancement of Hispanics seeking degrees in higher education. Attempting to reform education while ignoring the concerns of minorities who traditionally have not fared well in schools strongly suggests that reformers expect the benefits of reform to trickle down to minorities after first benefiting mainstream students. The result is that reform measures such as the raising of college admission standards, the restructuring of financial aid, curriculum changes, and competency tests for teachers have added additional hurdles for Hispanic students, placing greater restrictions on their access to higher education. Reconceptualizing the definition ofexcellence to include not only higher standards, but educational equity, is a demographic imperative as the nation moves to a minority majority.  相似文献   

Faced with economic constraints, the governments of Western industrial countries are subjecting higher education to sharper scrutiny, and are looking for new guides to difficult policy choices. In many countries, the expectations of higher education held by specific groups have come to carry greater weight in policy-making as a proxy for analysis of national needs. This article draws on evidence from Austria, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States and West Germany to review the changing expectations of the major groups affected by higher education - the increasingly influential employers of graduates, the consumers of research, young people and their families, new groups such as women and adult students, and others; compares these expectations with broader political interpretations of the needs of the community - for equality, investment and other functions; and describes the responses of government and of institutions of higher education.An earlier version of this article was commissioned by OECD to provide a synthesis of a Conference on Expectations of Higher Education, held at Hatfield Polytechnic in January 1982, organised by the UK Department of Education and Science for an OECD/CERI programme on Innovations in Higher Education. My thanks are due to all the participants in that conference, and especially to the authors of papers, some of whose contributions are quoted extensively in this article.  相似文献   

In many nations, adults without a secondary school diploma have, in increasing numbers, returned to formal education in order to qualify for admission to higher institutions. The Federal Republic of Germany has been among the leaders in efforts to facilitate such upward academic mobility. Therefore, this article deals with some of the most important developing or newly-created institutions or practices aimed at encouraging those young West German adults most likely to succeed. Status elevation of non-academic schools, e.g., largely in engineering, to Fachhochschulen, as well as creation of in part vocationally-oriented, yet higher education-preparatory secondary schools, are discussed. The article stresses the role of adult education and especially those day and evening institutions (Kollegs and Abendgymnasien) specifically designed to qualify young adults for academic studies. While these schools take into account the relative maturity of their students and the recently-initiated course electivity of West German secondary schools, they have not as yet attracted, in sufficient numbers, such previously disadvantaged groups as workers, women, and rural residents. Other measures in the direction of upward educational mobility are extensive regional television-based programs (Telekollegs), recently-enacted official regulations governing correspondence education, and external school-leaving examinations varying from state to state.Finally, attention is given to a number of current issues pertaining to upward academic mobility. Among them is the fact that the growing tendency of young people to attend a secondary school, instead of merely completing the upper elementary school, increases the number of students interrupting their school attendance. That fact, in turn, compounds both the difficulties resulting from admission restrictions in many academic fields and the unemployment picture for university graduates. There is doubt as to whether added centralized efforts can offer solutions to these problems.  相似文献   

Following the National Commission on Excellence Report, A Nation at Risk, a number of additional reports were issued calling for major changes in American public education. Because advocates for poor and minority groups saw a class bias in the recommendations of these reports, there quickly followed a subset of reports arguing that the disadvantaged should not be overlooked in the education reform movement. Not surprisingly, these reports have received less attention than the mainstream ones. This article reviews recent urban education reform reports and legislation, paralleling them to determine whether the reformers have been able to influence policy and whether the reforms they advocate would be likely to benefit the disadvantaged.  相似文献   

The Changing Debate on Internationalisation of Higher Education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Internationalisation, the growing border-crossing activities between national systems of higher education is losing ground to globalisation, increasing border-crossing activities of blurred national systems which is often employed to depict world-wide trends and growing global competition. This article addresses recent issues of knowledge transfer. It points out tensions between increasing diversity in higher education and efforts to facilitate recognition of prior studies on student mobility. It shows the diversity of steering and management policies with respect to internationalisation and globalisation. Finally, it asks whether globalisation of higher education has to be viewed as a manifestation of turbo-capitalism or could be viewed instead as a move towards global understanding.  相似文献   

Fifty-five college women enrolled in competency-based, humanistic or self-directed education programs completed their California Personality Inventory and listed five reasons for selecting their program. CPI results indicated that self-directed students scored lower than other students on the Femininity Scale (p.001). Using Chickering's seven vectors of change as a framework, the study found competency-based students identifying purpose and competence, humanistic students identifying inter-personal relationships and integrity, and self-directed student identifying autonomy and purpose as reasons for enrolling in their nontraditional programs. The study used these results to question the mythology that adherents to different programs are of different personality types and to argue that differences in perceptions of purpose in education distinguish students in the three programs.  相似文献   

The article, Educational Reform: Implications for Educational Psychologists, by Benton and Hoyt is an example of the consequences of asking the wrong questions to the right question. Educational psychologists do, indeed, have a vested interest in the current debate over reform in education, particularly teacher education. The data that Benton and Hoyt chose to dissect, however, completely omitted the substantial body of information where educational psychologists have special expertise. The elaborate factor analysis reformed by Benton and Hoyt simply confirms that if one starts with flawed data, no amount of statistical manipulation will lead to a valid conclusion.  相似文献   

This is the concluding part of a three-part series on Planning, Program, Budgeting Systems (PPBS) in higher education planning and management. After the experiences of the University of California with PPBS, which we reviewed in Part II, and the subsequent lack of success of PPBS in non-defense applications, we believe a more carefully focused policy analysis approach to be more fruitful. In this paper we describe the nature, foci, and analytical base for policy analysis and present a case study of policy analysis applied to the decision of year-round operations for the University of California. Finally, we give some concluding comments and observations.Parts I and II have previously appeared in Higher Education (1972), vol. 1, nos. 2 and 3.  相似文献   

The review of major research approaches and themes suggests that research on the relationships between higher education and the world of work has been closely linked during the recent three to four decades to changing themes of policy and practise. There were some indicators of research in this area being an agent of subordination of higher education to the employment system, being quantitative-structurally biased, tending to reproduce the actors' myths and being stuck in the over-education debate. A closer look, however, reveals that the range of research approaches is very broad and that a common core of themes and approaches emerged which provides the opportunity of examining controversial hypotheses. It is finally suggested that research in this area should be based on anticipation of likely changing conditions in the future, e.g. trends towards precarious or flexible employment, towards a mass or abundance paradigm, towards a 'life-long learning society' and towards an 'international' or 'global' labour market.  相似文献   

A number of recommendations to improve undergraduate education have been put forth in the higher education literature. However, we maintain that the implementation of these recommendations at our colleges and universities is unlikely if norms or group standards of appropriate and inappropriate behavior do not support these recommendations. Consequently, this study investigated the normative support for 6 selected recommendations to improve undergraduate education at teaching-oriented colleges. Results indicate support for 3 of the 6 recommendations: systematic program of advisement, providing students with prompt, formative feedback on assignments, and fostering an egalitarian classroom climate. These are the same recommendations supported by norms at higher education institutions that are more focused toward research and graduate education. The implications suggest that the normative structure that supports teaching improvement efforts may be more similar among various institutions than previous research might have indicated.  相似文献   

This article addresses the rapidly changing situation in higher education in the People's Republic of China. Although it is impossible to predict the nature of the final product, there can be little doubt that the present vibrant period of intellectual searching and questioning in China is having beneficial effects on Chinese higher education, and on educational exchange with foreign universities. The article examines the state of higher education in China today and investigates why, rather than just the ten bad years of a Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) for the entire country, higher education has suffered from a full twenty bad years. The effects of constant changes in the Party line and the use of class struggle to achieve objectives in higher education are examined as they relate to university administration, curriculum, the university structure, faculty, and libraries. The article focuses on the issues that are now being raised, and the parameters within which future changes in higher education will occur.  相似文献   

In the United States, kindergarten marks the beginning of formal schooling for more than 3 million children each year (Shepard & Smith, 1986). At the end of the kindergarten year, most of these children demonstrate expected levels of achievement and are promoted to traditional first-grade classrooms. Others are labeled unready or immature for successful performance in today's academically rigorous first grade. In most elementary schools, the placement for these at-risk children is either retention in kindergarten or social promotion to first grade. An alternative in approximately 17% of the nation's elementary schools is assignment to a transitional classroom between kindergarten and first grade (Educational Research Service, in press). This additional year of instruction is often viewed as a gift of time — time for children to mature and make a gradual transition from kindergarten to first grade.Judith E. Stroud is Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, Ball State University, Munice, IN. R. Ann Williams is Professor of Elementary Education, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.  相似文献   

The educational literature of the last several years is replete with both continuing calls for educational excellence reforms and for enhancing and upgrading the teaching profession. Importantly, both types of calls rely on the contribution of science. The educational research-and-development community continues to push for and believe in the notion that educational innovation is based on scientific advances in understanding child development and school functioning. Similarly, many teachers and teacher educators continually call for increased classroom autonomy and social status among teachers, based upon the supposedly scientific nature of their professional training. This paper takes issue with both of these points, arguing that the origin and success of most educationally innovative policies have as their origin the changing political, economic, and social forces visible in the country during the history of American education. Relatedly, since the science of teaching and learning takes a back seat in issues of school policy, teachers cannot and will not be able to convince the public and those in authority in the school that their insights and practices derive from any privileged understanding of the real needs of children. Arguing that teachers should, in fact, have more input into policy decisions in education, the paper concludes with a review and discussion of various strategies currently visible for improving the autonomy and control of classroom educators.  相似文献   

Using the 1975 National Center for Educational Statistics/Bureau of Census Participation in Adult Education survey data, this paper presents an analysis of part-time students at colleges and universities—who participates and who persists. Separate analyses of public two-year colleges and noncredit activities are also presented. The analysis is followed with a discussion of the implications. A general conclusion is that adult education at colleges and universities may rest on a precariously narrow base.  相似文献   

The results of an experimental study investigating the influence of problem familiarity on learning in a problem-based psychology course are presented. Participants worked with either a familiar or an unfamiliar version of the same problem. The following measurements were taken (1) a measure of problem quality as perceived by students, (2) number of explanations of the problem put forward by the students while discussing it, (3) quality of learning issues derived from the discussion, (4) amount of time spent on self-study, and (5) the amount of knowledge acquired as indicated by a test. The results demonstrate that participants in the familiar problem condition perceived the problem to be of higher quality than the participants in the unfamiliar problem condition. No significant differences in learning were found. The findings do suggest, however, that problems may be improved by making them more relevant to the everyday experience of students.  相似文献   

Uganda faces severe financial constraints which have resulted in a serious decline in the quality of higher education and the government faces an urgent need to find new sources of finance for higher education. At present virtually all tuition costs and students' living expenses are financed from public funds, whereas families must bear a substantial part of the costs of primary and secondary education. This inverted pyramid is inequitable and results in substantial transfer of income from poor tax payers to rich parents and their children. This article considers arguments for increased cost recovery and the introduction of student loans and also considers obstacles to student loans in Uganda.  相似文献   

Alfred North Whitehead's theory of learning is best understood in the overall context of his process philosophy. The rhythmic cycles of growth forming the basis of human learning (romance, precision, and generalisation) are organically connected to the characteristics of life typifying all entities in the universe (self-enjoyment, creative activity, and aim).The kind of balanced education which best enhances growth and connectedness is one in which art and aesthetic appreciation in the broadest sense are dominant. By experiencing the beauty of the sunset, for example, children and adults have access to feelings that flow through them from the world and connect them to distant events taking place in space and time. These bodily feelings at the base of all experience provide concrete ways in which human beings can appreciate the intrinsic value of the world around them.By way of contrast, the methods of 17th century science replace our concrete experience of the sunset with abstract categories that are used to measure the phenomena in question and deny the importance of that experience in understanding the world. Schools' and universities' emphasis upon this methodology produces an imbalanced education with minds in a groove.A renewal of balance in education helps us to understand the false dichotomy between child-centered and and curriculum-centered education. Education for Whitehead must pay attention to both. Moreover, he understands that the academic freedom enjoyed by bands of imaginative scholars in universities is not an article of commerce to be sold to the highest corporate bidder but something to be valued for its intrinsic worth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the "connection"between higher education and economic development in Massachusetts, a state whose renowned academic institutions have fueled the rise of a premier high technology industrial district. But in the aftermath to the abrupt demise of the Massachusetts Miracle, the state higher education system sought to develop a new mandate for public service in the 90s keyed to upgrading the state's industrial base and coordinating with labor market needs. These growing involvements in manifestly vocational endeavors seem to reflect a major shift in the models that articulate the higher education-economic development connection in Massachusetts. Thus, it appears that the elite model of the world-class research university sparking numerous industry spin-offs has been joined by newer diffusion-oriented models of academic outreach that extend out from the community colleges into the workplace and even into the K-12 schools.  相似文献   

The Repertory Grid technique was used to explore differences in the way in which freshers and postgraduate counselling students perceived the roles of counsellor and friend. Postgraduates viewed counsellors as more approachable than other students, while freshers viewed other students as more approachable than counsellors. The constructs identified by the students were content-analyzed to define approachability for each group. The perceptions held by students were used to address implications for the provision of outreach services, role-induction programmes, and the status of the counsellor as the professional.Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, New Mexico State UniversityFor information contact Peggy Kaczmarek, Ph.D., New Mexico State University, Box 3CEP, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, United States.  相似文献   

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