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黄丽佳  袁勤俭 《现代情报》2017,37(10):114-121
通过对相关文献的回顾,本文对国际网络隐私研究进行了计量分析,发现现有的研究主题集中在"基于移动位置服务的隐私问题研究"、"隐私保护算法研究"、"隐私保护技术研究"、"云计算的隐私安全研究"、"网络隐私权限控制研究"、"社交网站和电子商务中的用户隐私态度与行为研究"、"青少年敏感信息的隐私与安全保护研究"、"数据公开共享策略与国家治理研究"8个方面。研究发现当前研究中存在"利用数据纵向分析网络隐私主题随时间发展变化的研究较少"、"对于一些发展中国家的隐私问题关注度较低"、"国家的治理与业界的隐私政策相对独立缺乏联系"等问题,"大数据时代移动信息和社交信息挖掘过程中的隐私问题"、"在线医疗的隐私问题"等是未来研究值得关注的领域。  相似文献   

Recent controversies surrounding privacy have sparked a move by regulators toward the idea of privacy by design (PbD), a concept pioneered by Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner Ann Cavoukian. Industry has also started to recognize the importance of taking privacy seriously, with various PbD corporate initiatives currently underway. However, some commentators have criticized PbD for being too vague. Using three case studies and a range of best practice examples of PbD, privacy impact assessments (PIAs), and privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), this article addresses the gap between the abstract principles of PbD and their operationalization into more concrete implementation guidelines for software engineers.  相似文献   

电子政府信息公开隐私权保护制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐私信息是政府信息公开的例外,但有时政府信息公开又在无形中侵害公民隐私权。公民既要保护自己的隐私权,免受他人获取、公开和传播隐私信息,又希望政府信息全面公开,以充分保障自己的知情权。尤其在人们越来越注重保护个人隐私权的数字时代。因此,政府机关在公开政府信息的同时,如何能够做到既合理公开政府信息又保护公民的隐私权就值得思考。  相似文献   

以网络调查为研究手段,以读者隐私保护政策为研究对象,在调研国内外读者隐私保护政策及其现状的基础上,提出隐私保护政策的结构和内容,并详细阐述隐私保护政策应具备的9项内容。  相似文献   

周拴龙  王卫红 《现代情报》2017,37(1):137-141
选取中国的阿里巴巴电商网站和美国的Amazon电商网站进行比较,详细地比较其收集信息的类型、用户权利说明、共享信息的对象与Cookies使用等隐私政策,对其隐私政策做较全面比较,分析各自特点,发现其中存在的问题,进而提出电子商务网站隐私政策建设意见,找出我国电子商务网站与美国电子商务网站相比在用户隐私保护方面的不足,以期为国内电子商务网站制定保护用户隐私政策提供借鉴,最后指出我国电子商务网站保护用户隐私的努力方向。  相似文献   

Although there is near consensus on the need for privacy, the reality is that people's attitude toward their personal information privacy is complex. For instance, even when people claim that they value their information privacy, they often trade their personal information for tangible or intangible benefits. In this article, the research on different ways in which people respond to risks to privacy is examined. They include information seeking to reduce uncertainty, the withholding of information, and the provision of fabricated information. The impact of trust and inducements on Internet users’ willingness to share personal information is also examined. Thereafter, important postulates from theories in communication, social psychology, and sociology are synthesized into a comprehensive theoretical framework for personal information-related behaviors in the online environment.  相似文献   

Despite mobile applications being at the frontier of mobile computation technologies, security issues pose a threat to their adoption and diffusion. Recent studies suggest that security violations could be mitigated through improved security behaviors and attitudes, not just through better technologies. Existing literature on behavioral security suggests that one of the main predictors of users’ perceptions of security is their perceived privacy concerns. Using communication privacy management theory (CPM), this study examines the effects of privacy-related perceptions, such as privacy risk and the effectiveness of privacy policies, on the security perceptions of mobile app users. To empirically test the proposed theoretical model, two survey studies were conducted using mobile apps requesting less sensitive information (n = 487) and more sensitive information (n = 559). The findings show that the perceived privacy risk negatively influences the perceived security of the mobile apps; the perceived effectiveness of a privacy policy positively influences user perceptions of mobile app security; and perceived privacy awareness moderates the effect of perceived privacy risk on the perceived security of mobile apps. The results also suggest that users have different privacy-security perceptions based on the information sensitivity of the mobile apps. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

信息通讯技术(ICT)的迅速发展使得人们可以通过微博、即时通信软件(IM)、手机终端应用及社交网络(SNS)来发布个人真实信息,网络将以往零散的碎片信息整合成完整的个体信息,造成隐私泄露现象日益严重。本文总结了个体隐私泄露的渠道和类别,通过访谈研究,分析了个体隐私感知风险以及个体隐私保护行为特征:个体特征差异(受教育水平、网络经验)导致隐私关注差异;信息关联及商业价值在不同程度上与隐私关注的变化相关;隐私关注对感知隐私风险产生影响;个体隐私保护行为(常规保护、技术保护)因隐私风险感知不同而发生变化。在此基础上,构建了个体隐私感知与保护行为模型。  相似文献   

This study seeks to examine consumers’ self-disclosure in mobile payment (MP) applications by highlight the value of personal and proxy control enhancing mechanisms: perceived effectiveness of privacy setting and perceived effectiveness of privacy policy. To empirically validate the model, we conducted two quantitative survey studies in the same research inquiry. The empirical results suggest that perceived benefits, perceived effectiveness of privacy setting, perceived effectiveness of privacy policy, and perceived risks together predict perceived value and psychological comfort, which further determine consumers’ self-disclosure in MP applications. This study contributes to the information privacy literature by highlighting personal and proxy control enhancing mechanisms to promote consumers’ self-disclosure in MP applications.  相似文献   

陈美  梁乙凯 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):169-175,168
[研究目的]从隐私风险防控的角度,调查荷兰政府开放数据的隐私保护实践,为我国政府开放数据和隐私保护提供参考。[研究方法]利用文献调研和案例分析的研究方法,以荷兰为例,获取一手资料阐述荷兰政府开放数据中隐私风险防控的经验,对政府开放数据中个人隐私保护政策法规、隐私风险应对的数据处理规范与机构进行分析和概括。[研究结论]荷兰开放政府数据的隐私风险控制的优势在于,注重数据存储安全、关注数据聚合、个人数据保护制度比较灵活、强化国际合作;劣势在于,隐私保护政策缺乏更新、政府数据收费政策模糊、没有任命国家首席数据官、内政和王国关系部承担的决策和咨询责任非常少。在此基础上,提出优化个人信息保护的政策法规,确定个人数据处理原则,完善个人数据处理机构。  相似文献   

I begin with a discussion of the value of privacy and what we lose without it. I then turn to the difficulties of preserving privacy for genetic information and other medical records in the face of advanced information technology. I suggest three alternative public policy approaches to the problem of protecting individual privacy and also preserving databases for genetic research: (1) governmental guidelines and centralized databases, (2) corporate self-regulation, and (3) my hybrid approach. None of these are unproblematic; I discuss strengths and drawbacks of each, emphasizing the importance of protecting the privacy of sensitive medical and genetic information as well as letting information technology flourish to aid patient care, public health and scientific research.  相似文献   

张晓娟  徐建光 《现代情报》2019,39(7):133-142
[目的/意义]构建政务APP个人隐私信息保护评价指标体系,对我国政务APP个人隐私信息保护进行科学合理评价,为完善政务APP个人隐私信息保护提出建议。[方法/过程]从隐私政策视角,利用专家访谈法与层次分析法,从"用户知情同意、信息安全控制、个人权利保障"3个维度构建我国政务APP个人隐私信息保护评价指标体系;并选取我国直辖市、省会城市和计划单列市的36个政务APP进行实证分析。[结果/结论]构建的政务APP个人隐私信息保护评价指标体系具有一定的实用性和可操作性,实证分析发现我国政务APP个人隐私信息保护问题严峻,政府部门应着重关注和解决。  相似文献   


Higher education institutions have started using big data analytics tools. By gathering information about students as they navigate information systems, learning analytics employs techniques to understand student behaviors and to improve instructional, curricular, and support resources and learning environments. However, learning analytics presents important moral and policy issues surrounding student privacy. We argue that there are five crucial questions about student privacy that we must address in order to ensure that whatever the laudable goals and gains of learning analytics, they are commensurate with respecting students' privacy and associated rights, including (but not limited to) autonomy interests. We address information access concerns, the intrusive nature of information-gathering practices, whether or not learning analytics is justified given the potential distribution of consequences and benefits, and issues related to student autonomy. Finally, we question whether learning analytics advances the aims of higher education or runs counter to those goals.  相似文献   

姜宁  顾锋 《科技管理研究》2021,41(1):160-165
基于企业非授权信息使用在手机购物APP情境下对消费者的影响,根据收集的269份消费者问卷,对提出的概念模型与研究假设进行检验。研究结果显示,非授权信息使用会增加消费者感知的信息脆弱性,而信息脆弱性则会促进消费者的转换行为;另外,信息设置有效性和信息政策有效性都可以减弱信息脆弱性与转换行为之间的正向关系。研究不仅促进相关理论研究的发展,同时也为手机购物APP企业如何管理消费者信息与隐私提供策略建议。  相似文献   

师斌  李凯  严建援 《科研管理》2018,39(4):64-73
随着LBS在全球范围内的快速发展,LBS用户使用意向的影响因素及用户认知过程引发了相关领域学者的广泛重视。然而,以往研究缺乏对其中个人隐私问题的有效关注。本研究以公平理论和价值接受模型为理论基础,从个人隐私信息视角出发,探索LBS特性对用户使用意向的作用机制,构建LBS用户使用意向的认知过程模型,并利用264份有效问卷对研究模型进行实证检验。研究发现,首先,LBS平台的个性化和互动促进特征对用户的感知有用性和感知娱乐性都有正向提升作用;其次,互动促进会增加用户的隐私关注,而隐私政策会减少用户的隐私关注;最后,用户的感知有用性和感知娱乐性正向提升其感知价值,进而增加LBS使用意向,而用户的隐私关注会降低其感知价值,进而降低用户的使用意向。  相似文献   

As federal agencies move toward more sophisticated e-govern- ment offerings, they must consider both policy and operational requirements for electronic authentication (e-authentication). One important consideration in designing and deploying e-authentica- tion solutions is the balance between access, security, authentication, and privacy. Public law and government-wide policy encourage e-government and e-authentication simultaneously with privacy protection, creating policy and operational tensions for e-government efforts. A review of the relevant laws and policies and analyses of the privacy implications of authentication technologies indicates that federal agencies have at least two analytic frameworks for balancing privacy concerns with e-authentication. A framework offered in the 2003 National Research Council report Who Goes There? and the privacy impact analysis requirements of the E-Government Act of 2002 provide e-government projects with the tools for navigating the path between privacy and openness, required by both e-government law and policy.  相似文献   

陆雪梅  古春生 《现代情报》2016,36(11):66-70
针对大数据环境下用户信息隐私泄露问题,论文首先分析当前用户信息隐私保护的现状与趋势,并指出当前用户信息隐私保护存在的问题;然后通过典型案例、统计分析和系统分析等手段,研究大数据环境下用户信息隐私泄露的发生机制和成因;最后聚焦用户信息隐私泄露的成因,分析研究用户信息隐私保护的关键社会方法与技术方法,并构建用户信息隐私保护的社会技术模型以及优化策略。  相似文献   


As federal agencies move toward more sophisticated e-govern- ment offerings, they must consider both policy and operational requirements for electronic authentication (e-authentication). One important consideration in designing and deploying e-authentica- tion solutions is the balance between access, security, authentication, and privacy. Public law and government-wide policy encourage e-government and e-authentication simultaneously with privacy protection, creating policy and operational tensions for e-government efforts. A review of the relevant laws and policies and analyses of the privacy implications of authentication technologies indicates that federal agencies have at least two analytic frameworks for balancing privacy concerns with e-authentication. A framework offered in the 2003 National Research Council report Who Goes There? and the privacy impact analysis requirements of the E-Government Act of 2002 provide e-government projects with the tools for navigating the path between privacy and openness, required by both e-government law and policy.  相似文献   

In this article, I summarise the ontological theory of informational privacy (an approach based on information ethics) and then discuss four types of interesting challenges confronting any theory of informational privacy: (1) parochial ontologies and non-Western approaches to informational privacy; (2) individualism and the anthropology of informational privacy; (3) the scope and limits of informational privacy; and (4) public, passive and active informational privacy. I argue that the ontological theory of informational privacy can cope with such challenges fairly successfully. In the conclusion, I discuss some of the work that lies ahead.  相似文献   

占南 《现代情报》2021,41(1):101-110
[目的/意义] 新冠疫情防控期间个人移动轨迹、关系图谱、电子健康码等个人信息在精准定位疫情传播、防止疫情扩散和推进复工复产等方面发挥了重要的作用,但由于缺乏一定的信息采集保护机制和共享安全规则面临着个人信息滥用和泄露的风险,突发公共卫生事件下如何平衡信息利用和个人信息保护意义重大。[方法/过程] 本文从疫情防控背景下个人信息保护涉及的个人信息主体、个人信息收集和处理者、数据治理监管者三方出发,构建面向隐私保护设计的个人信息全生命周期保护框架,通过对个人信息采集、存储组织、分享利用和处置归档等过程的有效控制,建立个人信息合法合规使用的良性生态。[结果/结论] 疫情防控背景下个人信息保护涉及多元利益主体,需要重视对个人隐私信息的收集和利用,兼顾经济、社会发展和个人隐私保护需求,更好地实现个人信息的社会价值。面向隐私保护设计的个人信息全生命周期保护框架的提出对于进一步规范疫情防控背景下个人信息采集、存储组织、分享利用和合理处置具有一定的指导性意义。未来还需要在实践中进行探索和完善个人信息安全治理体系,构建应急预防和社会救济为一体的保护体系,设置独立的个人隐私保护监管机构,完善国家应急管理情报体系建设。  相似文献   

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