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In the United States, research on child abuse and neglect is frequently criticized for being poorly performed and largely irrelevant to the important policy questions facing the field. Many of the problems plaguing research on child abuse and neglect are endemic to social science research generally, and this paper does not trod over such issues, which are well known and well described elsewhere. Instead, this paper describes how the inadequacy of definitions of “child abuse” and “child neglect” used by research studies places an additional—and largely unnoticed—burden on research, which aggravates the impact of these more general problems. Existing definitions of “child abuse” and “child neglect” fail to meet research needs because they lack: (1) comparability, (2) reliability, and (3) taxonomic delineation. As a result, they compromise the findings of incidence studies, sequelae studies, etiological studies, and program effectiveness studies. Therefore, if real progress is to be made in understanding child abuse and neglect, definitional issues must become an explicit methodological concern. Specifically, future research should include: (I) a careful determination of definitional needs, (2) the development of operational definitions to meet those needs, and (3) the circumspect statement of findings based on the limitations imposed by such definitions.  相似文献   

The legal and administrative systems for handling child abuse cases in England and The Netherlands are briefly described and it is argued that the two systems illustrate respectively the “legal” and “medical” models. The implications for this in practice are contrasted. In England the stress is on careful adherence to criteria for abuse, on procedures for placing children's names on child abuse registers, and removing them if they are no longer at risk, while in The Netherlands the stress is on family need with the abusive incident being regarded as no more than a signal that help is needed. This allows a much wider definition of abuse. In England sexual and emotional abuse are still relatively rarely used as grounds for intervention whereas in the Netherlands concepts such as “cognitive abuse” and “sexual neglect” are gaining currency. Other implications of the models such as differences in attitudes to confidentiality and public attitudes to authority and to seeking help are considered, as are the consequences for incidence figures. The handling of two cases with very similar circumstances are compared. Finally, it is argued that while each system might present the other with new ideas, the systems have to be seen in the social context of the two countries and neither system is likely to appear superior to professionals in the other country.  相似文献   

This paper reports the extent to which states assemble information on the incidence of abuse and neglect among handicapped populations. Data were collected from all states on the types of pre-existing disabilities cited on child abuse reporting forms and the perceived accuracy of this information. The study also sought to identify specific methods used to provide assistance to local agencies regarding the problems associated with abuse of the handicapped. Surveys were distributed to and completed by representatives of the designated child protection agencies within each state and the District of Columbia (n = 51). General findings were that although it is generally acknowledged in research that handicapped children represent a disproportionate number of abuse and neglect victims, nearly half of the states do not collect any information on “special characteristics.” Forms from the remaining states exhibited much variation in style and in the competency of collection techniques. These results suggest a significant lack of services specifically designed to improve the awareness of field representatives on the influence of exceptionalities in abusive cases. This information indicates that training and prevention programs will remain basically inadequate until the relationship between handicapped conditions and abuse/neglect is more clearly defined.  相似文献   

This study shows that child abuse and neglect as understood in the West are comparatively rare phenomena among the Samia of western Kenya. The existence of an extended family situation and a strong clan structure are importantly related to positive care accorded to children. However, due to increased migration to towns, socioeconomic change, and interethnic marriages, the clan unit has been eroded thus resulting in cases of child abuse and neglect. Several such cases are reported in this study. The Samia traditionally practice the “evil eye” which is here considered to be a form of child abuse. Our findings, therefore, also have implications for previous efforts to define child abuse cross-culturally.  相似文献   

Professionals who make decisions in child abuse cases often deny that their decision-making has a moral basis, claiming that they have a “non-judgmental” attitude, and that they only make decisions in the “interests” of their clients, reaching their conclusions on an assessment of the circumstances. This paper considers the implications of this for practice, and particularly for the ways in which cases are reported to the authorities. The study suggests that the general public are reluctant to report cases to the authorities, or even to suggest that professionals should intervene in an authoritarian way. This may arise from suspicion, often in effect justified, that the child will be removed and placed in an institution. Normally the decision to remove a child from home is taken in two stages: first professionals decide whether a child has been abused or whether he is in acute danger of being so; only if this is so can the second decision be taken, namely whether to remove the child or offer some less drastic form of help. This paper is primarily concerned with the first issue and with forms of abuse which are not in themselves life-threatening. Five types of criteria are considered for determining whether child abuse has taken place and the implications for each for public perception of professionals and for practice. The types are: legal, social norms, professional expertise, client subjectivity and no criteria. All present difficulties and may sometimes be in conflict with one another. The paper argues for standards to be clearer, criteria more available and for a shift of resources from therapy to education.  相似文献   

Following is a project sketch of a day program for adjudicated, abusive* and high risk families with babies 8–18 months of age.In order to broaden understanding and treatment of the battered child, four major agencies coordinated efforts to design a network of services under one administration, titled the Parental Stress Center, which houses a residential treatment center for babies 0–12 months. The FACT program is a very recent addition to the Parental Stress Center. This day program may be a transitional placement for families leaving the residential program but in need of continued support and further training, or an initial placement by court mandate.The goals of the program are to insure growth and development of the child and the parent; to assist in establishing more scientific and legally acceptable criteria for court determination and disposition, and to research the effectiveness of the program plan.The FACT program is both diagnostic and therapeutic in nature. The modality simulates a home environment — living, dining, play, nursery, kitchen and bathroom — with an interdisciplinary approach to parent and child, alleviating frustration and stress. By use of materials and affective behavior, a creative learning environment is established. In the church converted apartment parents and children experience a “typical” day's routine alongside teachers who are surrogate, model mothers. Each set of parents are given one day off per week. This “normalizing” factor aids the family in developing a routine which can easily be transferred to their own homes and lives. Simultaneously judicious use of social services helps remove environmental frustrations. In addition case conferences allow other ancillary services to assist in evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and implementation. Joint conclusions are submitted to the courts quarterly or biannually for further jurisdiction. Although the program is relatively new, emotional and behavioral changes are quite evident in the initial program participants.Pre-service and in-service staff training, based on the program plan and program evaluation, are an integral part of the program.Areas are being explored for further in-depth study. “Effective ways to care for and educate stressful toddlers” or “Methods of transferring modes of parenting from institution to the home” could be areas proposed to the Parental Research team for exploration.  相似文献   

Very often statutory intervention in child abuse cases can prove to be costly, inappropriate or even unwelcome. “Home-Start” began as a voluntary home-visiting scheme in Leicester, England, 8 years ago with the objectives of offering support, friendship and a practical approach to any young families experiencing difficulties. A recent evaluation by Willem van der Eyken, suggests that Home-Start enjoys a high success rate, particularly with the 25% of families referred to the scheme, who have children on the nonaccidental injury “At Risk” register. This paper outlines details of the objectives. the volunteers, the families visited and the Home-Start approach with child abuse cases. It highlights some elements of the scheme which have proved vital to its success, such as close liaison with the related statutory agencies, the intensive support to families in their own homes, and the meticulous preparation and support of the volunteers themselves. The Home-Start approach is now being used effectively in many other areas of Great Britain and consequently Home-Start Consultancy has been established at 22 Princess Road West, Leicester. England, to provide the opportunity for consultation, liaison and development with existing and new Home-Start schemes.  相似文献   

Sixty families assessed to be at risk of poor parenting were the subject of this study. These families were participants in a model multidisciplinary program designed for the secondary prevention of poor parenting and the extremes of child abuse and neglect. The model program consists of special medical, psychological, social and developmental services to families on an inpatient, outpatient, and in-home basis. Demographic information on these 60 families was tabulated. Each family was given a monthly rating on a simple measure of family function. Ratings over lime were observed, and families were characterized in terms of a family rating vector (up. up-plateau, plateau, fluctuating, and down). Families were also described in terms of the constellation of problems brought to the therapy situation. Problem lists for each family were subjected to factor analysis. Five factor constructs which made clinical sense emerged from the analysis. Each factor could be labeled as a “family type.” These types were: (I) Abusive Family. (II) Neglectful or Antisocial Family. (III) Family with an Emotionally Unstable Parent, (IV) Family with Cultural or intellectual Limitation, and (V) Family with Child-Rearing Difficulties. Approximately 20% of these families did not fit the typology. Families were then divided into two groups—those who were relatively long-term, ongoing recipients of services, and those who left the program in the observation interval. Families were categorized according to family function rating vector and “family type.” It was noted among long-term families, measured improvement in family function was most evident in families with transient situational crisis (who did not fit the typology) and those with intellectual and cultural deficits (Type IV). Among the families who dropped from the program. 15% were no longer at risk. Sixty-three percent of the remaining families were not improving. These techniques may be useful in determining which at risk families are more successful candidates for prevention efforts.  相似文献   

The provision of the most comprehensive funded statewide delivery of diagnostic, protective and treatment services to abused and neglected children and their families in the country has been made possible by the State of Louisiana and its concerned citizenry. The importance of obtaining a legislative mandate establishing and funding the statewide child protection concept by the Louisiana legislature was illustrated.We described how the medical and protective services components cooperate and coordinate at the state and local levels to provide the abused and neglected child and his family with the best possible services available. Throughout our presentation the use of the interdisciplinary team concept was emphasized as the best system known to enhance the reporting, investigation and diagnosis of child abuse and/or neglect cases as well as providing protective and treatment services to the child and his family.The Child Protection Center is the community agency serving as the “core” for the interdisciplinary approach to be successful. The role of each discipline employed by the center was reviewed and how interagency coordination is accomplished through their efforts.The interdisciplinary dispositional conference prior to a child's discharge from the hospital was considered as an excellent method to insure that several disciplines share in the definitive protective and treatment plans for the abused child.Several treatment modalities and their success rates for the child and his family were discussed. The accomplishments of the center were listed.Finally, a review of how the citizenry from the Baton Rouge Community responded overwhelmly by their involvement and commitments in an all out effort to combat a serious social symptom and disease — child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

This study examined the progress and disposition of child sexual abuse cases referred for prosecution in four urban jurisdictions. Most cases were accepted for prosecution. The vast majority of cases carried forward for prosecution resulted in guilty pleas. Only 9% of the total sample went to trial. A majority of the small number that went to trial were convicted. Over 3/4 of those convicted were incarcerated. The rate at which cases were carried forward for prosecution and convicted was comparable to that of a national sample of felony arrests overall, but child sexual abuse cases were more likely to go to trial (p < .005) and received more severe sentences (p < .005). Our results are strikingly consistent with those from previous studies of prosecution of child sexual abuse. A new understanding of prosecution of child sexual abuse is recommended that takes into account the large proportion of cases that do not go to trial.  相似文献   

This article is about my experiences of fostering abused children. I have been fostering for ten years and ours is perhaps a unique situation of two single women sharing the work. We have 13 foster children and have used the other children in the family as much as possible to help the two I am going to describe.I feel very strongly that children can give greatly to other children and that they grow in the process. Children can be cruel to each other — yes, but they have a tremendous capacity to give if we encourage them. We can help them to harness their own bad experiences constructively and achieve something in their giving.I have chosen two very different children to talk about. Mike was perhaps the most easily recognisable “neglected” child, and had all the classic symptoms. Alan is a much older child and I have decided to tell you about him because there is such ignorance about the long term effects of verbal abuse and mental cruelty, and sadly such children are rarely given the opportunity of being fostered.  相似文献   

This article contains a review of the current treatment approaches to child abuse in terms of the following models: psychopathological, sociological, social-situational, family systems and social learning. The psychopathological model of child abuse emphasizes direct services. The services provided may consist of individual, group and lay treatment, volunteer companions, and self-help groups. The sociological model's approach to intervention emphasizes the need for wide-ranging changes in social values and structures. The socio-situational model's approach to treatment is based upon the assumption that the cause of child abuse lies not in the individual, but in the social situation, which may, in turn, be maintaining abusive patterns of behavior. The family systems approach to treatment resembles that of the socio-situational model in that it too emphasizes changing the family's pattern of interaction and behaviors. Finally, the social learning approach to treatment involves the identification of behavioral goals, specific techniques for achieving these goals, and the use of social reinforcers to facilitate this process. Data indicate that parents who abuse their children face multiple social and psychological difficulties. It has been suggested that the reason why treatment programs have not prodoced significant results in treating parents who abuse their children is that they focus on only one of the factors that operate to produce child abuse, i.e., lack of child management skills, marital dissatisfaction, or vocation or interpersonal skills dissatisfaction. It is logical that a treatment approach to abuse must view the problem as multi-determined and services should be structured in such a manner. Thus, the comprehensive treatment program should consist of the following; (1) Child Management Program; (2) Marital Enrichment Program; (3) Vocational Skills Enrichment Program; (4) Interpersonal Skills Enrichment Program. Programs to accomplish the acquisition of requisite skills in each of the four areas of emphasis are chosen from the technology of applied behavioral analysis. Each of the four program components is reviewed along with the rationale for a comprehensive program delivered through a behavioral group work approach. The article concludes with a discussion of the implementation and evaluation of the program.  相似文献   

In summary, the Circle House Residential Treatment Program for abusive families did meet its goals of protection of the child without separation from the family. The program was also effective in making and executing permanent plans for children in a relatively short period of time, but at huge financial cost.Residential care tor abusive families may be feasible if planned for 12–18 families at a time, thus utilizing staff fully. Also, in the Circle House program the single-parent families were clearly able to utilize the program to deal with their child-care techniques. Because the program was primarily geared to improving child-rearing patterns, some fathers in two-parent families, who viewed themselves as only occasional disciplinarians, never really participated in the program. Some were successful in learning new techniques, others were not.Residential care may also be more feasible if utilized as a diagnostic and prognostic facility with enhanced opportunity for long-term relationships to be formed, rather than as a primarily treatment facility, with the expectation of improvement and “cure.” Treatment of abusive families then becomes long-term supportive care no matter how intense the initial intervention. Even with the multitude of services of Circle House at the beginning phase of diagnosis and treatment of a family, this does not reduce or remove the need for ongoing long-term services. The true results of present intervention will be measured in future generations.  相似文献   

School staffs have a major role in the prevention, identification and referral of cases of child abuse and neglect School administrators, teachers and school support staffs require knowledge about abuse and neglect, as well as a clear set of guidelines and procedures for dealing with it if they are to carry out these responsibilities effectively.The Toronto Board of Education has developed a program that has involved superintendents, principals, teachers, pupil personnel staff, caretakers, secretaries and community resources in an educational program oriented to the management of child abuse cases in their schools. The Board's Child Abuse Committee has developed a document which outlines employees' responsibilities under the legislation, provides assistance in the identification of child abuse and neglect cases, and outlines procedures for referral both internally and to the community. The document was used as the base for an extensive staff development program during the school year 1979–1980, in which all of the system's 6,000 school based employees participated.The Toronto Board's Child Abuse Program incorporated the establishment of the position “Resource Person, Child Abuse” for the purpose of consultation with school staffs, as well as the ongoing provision of resource material and staff training.The paper outlines the development of the program, includes guidelines and procedures for school staffs, the legislation under which it operates, the content of the training program, and an evaluation of the program with suggestions for replication.  相似文献   

The national debate surrounding the issue of school failure has renewed interest in the quality, efficacy, and outcomes of early childhood intervention programs that can promote early school success for children at developmental risk. Moreover, researchers and policymakers report the need to document developmentally-appropriate models for assessing and evaluating early childhood outcomes. We report on the first-phase results of Pittsburgh’s early childhood initiative (ECI). ECI is a privately-funded effort by a consortium composed of the business, corporate, foundation, and community sectors to implement high-quality early care and education options for children in high-risk neighborhoods. The overarching objective of ECI is to ensure early school success for high-risk children. Our Scaling Progress in Early Childhood Settings (SPECS) Evaluation Team implemented an authentic assessment and program evaluation strategy and an enhanced “constructed comparison group” statistical model to conduct longitudinal research on the child developmental impact of the ECI model. First-phase results on 155 high-risk children indicate that those who participated in high-quality ECI programs for the longest periods of time demonstrated patterns of progress that exceeded maturational expectations. Weekly collaborative consultation to teachers and caregivers by consultants about program quality using the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) standards as “best practice” benchmarks seemed to be associated with initial enhanced child outcomes and the particular impact of the ECI model.  相似文献   

Meet Melanie. She's a first-grader who's just taken her first standardized test. Melanie is a bright and happy child; but she's just been branded “below average” by the people who make tests--because she didn't feel well the morning of the test and it was hard to concentrate. … Yesterday, a bright child. Today, “below average.” (NEA, 1980)  相似文献   

“Acting Out” in the Case of Parental Violence. Two cases of abuse in infants of less than 3 months is discussed in the light of the mother's own past history. One of the mothers was abandoned in infancy and her foster family did not respect her cultural identity. The second mother identified herself to her own mother. The following mechanisms were involved: child considered as an object rather than as a subject, sadomasochistic mechanisms, compulsion to use child abuse as a defence against anxiety and memories. The therapist initially is treated like the mother's parents by the mother (“acted” relationship). This leads to the proposal of a two-step intervention: first a socioeducative support at home followed by psychotherapy when the mother expresses a wish for it.


Nous présentons deux cas cliniques de maltraitance infantile, inscrits dans l'histoire de la mére. Toutefois, l'un se réfère à la non reconnaissance de l'identité culturelle par la famille d'accueil de la mère dans sa petite enfance après abandon maternel, l'autre a rapport à l'identification de la mère à sa propre mère. Nous avons souligné les mécanismes en jeu: non reconnaissance de l'autre comme sujet, persistance d'une relation d'objet partiel renvoyant à un mécanisme de perversion sado-masochiste. Compulsion à la répétition où le passage à l'acte apparaît comme un mode de défense contre l'angoisse, et le souvenir. Sur le plan thérapeutique, nous constations dans un premier temps, la répétition avec le thérapeute de la relation de la mère avec ses propres parents sous forme d'agi. Nous proposons donc une prise en charge en deux temps (aide sociale et éducative à domicile favorisant ensuite une demande psychothérapique).  相似文献   

BackgroundAllegations of child sexual abuse provide complex challenges to family court systems.ObjectivesDespite being highly criticised in the academic research, this analysis examined whether and how the gendered concepts of parental alienation syndrome or parental alienation more broadly are still being used to rebut allegations of child sexual abuse in family court cases in Australia. Parental Alienation is broadly understood as the deliberate actions of one parent to disrupt and prevent children’s ongoing relationships with their other parent, in this case through allegations of abuse.MethodsWe examined 357 publicly available judgements of the Family Court of Australia between 2010 and 2015. Judgements were analysed qualitatively for key themes using N-VIVO software.ResultsFive themes emerged in the data, including use of the concept of parental alienation, coaching, mothers as manipulative, mothers as mentally ill, and impact of the best interest of the child.ConclusionsResults indicate that judgements made in the Family Court of Australia are both similar and divergent from those made in other jurisdictions internationally. The complexity of responding to allegations of child sexual abuse for parents is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper will consider ways to study educational reform efforts in order to allow policy-making to be developed on a relatively sound basis. At present, educational policy-making often derives from a pastiche of available anecdotes, research-based “good” ideas, and previous administrative guidelines. Educational evaluation efforts should not be used merely to identify and label programs as either “successes” or “failures” at a global level, but rather to permit the analyses of elements or components of programs which seem to be making positive contributions to a common sense perception of program success. A comprehensive, developmental sequence for such evaluation will be described.  相似文献   

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