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eterachopsis was proposed by the senior author as an independent genus of the family Aspleniaceae in 1940 with 2 species.  Since then much study on its morpho- logy,  anatomy,  gametophyte and palynology has been carried out by Nayar,  Bir,  Chan- dra & Nayar and Chang et al.,  and they are of the opinion that the genus like Ceterach, is a comparatively primitive element in the family Aspleniaceae.  The queer zigzag pa- tern of cutting of lanceolate fronds appears extraordinary in the family Aspleniaceae, and also suggests its antiquity in evolution. So far only 3 species  (C.  dalhousiae,  C. paucivenosa and C. magnifica) are recognized,  the former from W. Himalayas,  also known from Africa,  while the latter two from W. S. China (Yunnan).  However,  in the past forty years the Chinese botanists have discovered 2 more species as new in N. W. Yunnan,  thus bringing the total known species of the genus up to 5.  The present paper is a brief summary on the genus Ceterachopsis,  which will be published in detail in the Flora Sinica vol. 4.       Pteridologists are also divided in their views regarding the generic status of Cete- rachopsis with 5 well-defined species in Yunnan and the East Himalayas.  We prefer to mintain it as a genus separate from Asplenium on account of its distinct morpholo- gical features.  It is to be hoped that more species may come to light in the mountainsin N. W. Yunnan through further exploration now under way.  相似文献   

 One new species of the genus Mecodium, M. paramnioides H. G.Zhou et W. M. Chu, is described from Guangxi, China.  相似文献   

山东鳞毛蕨属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

 高山耳蕨组的成员是中国西部、印度北部和喜马拉雅山区常见的蕨类。其成员为夏绿植物,叶片 薄而柔弱。秋季叶片枯萎后叶柄基部宿存在地面形成一个丛堆以保护幼芽,这显然是对高山严峻环境 的适应。作为高山地带特有类型,1972年日本蕨类学家Sigeru Daigobo将它们作为耳蕨属下的一个组 ——高山耳蕨组Sect.Lasiopolystichum Daigobo,这是合理的。Daigobo建立此组时只包含3个种,经过 对中国大量标本及有关文献的研究,现知在中国约有30种应归人此组,其中有3新种:红鳞耳蕨P.ru- fopaleaceum,石生耳蕨P.saxicola,康定耳蕨P.kangdingense;2新变种.裂叶耳蕨P.sinense var.loba- tum,条裂耳蕨P.mollissimum Var.laciniatum;1新组合,钝裂耳蕨P.integrilobum(Sorolepidium)。据羽片背面的小鳞片类型可将高山耳蕨组划分为2个系:穆坪系Ser.Moupinensia和中华系Ser.Sinensia。  相似文献   

对实蕨属Bolbitis的17种植物的孢子进行了扫描电镜观察。根据孢子周壁特征,中国产实蕨属的孢子明显可分为3种类型:A型孢子具网状周壁,B型孢子具鸡冠状-波状周壁,C型孢子具平滑的波状周壁。孢子周壁特征、叶脉式样和叶片顶部的形态是实蕨属中最有价值的分类学性状。根据标本检查,结合野外调查和孢子形态观察,对中国产实蕨属的分类进行了修订,确定中国有实蕨属植物20种和3杂交种,其中包括2个新组合B. fengiana (Ching) S. Y. Dong和B. medogensis (Ching & S. K. Wu) S. Y. Dong,以及2个中国新分布B. costata Ching ex C. Chr.和B. hookeriana K. Iwats.。将B. latipinna Ching、B. media Ching & Chu H. Wang、B. yunnanensis Ching、Egenolfia crassifolia Ching、E. crenata Ching & P. S. Chiu、E. fengiana Ching、E. medogensis Ching & S. K. Wu和E. ×yunnanensis Ching & P. S. Chiu等8个名称处理为新异名。文中给出了分种检索表、每个种的生境和分布资料、大多数种的特征集要和孢子扫描电镜照片。  相似文献   

中国樟科植物的地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 From the study of the geographical distribution of Chinese lauraceous genera and species, we may concludely obtained some results as follows:      1)  Lauraceous family is a pantropical one in distribution, sometimes it may be reached to the subtropical or temperate zone.  There are 18 genera in China natively. Among them 17 genera are of the tropical distribution-pattern.  The tropical Asia dis- tribution-pattern, i.e. Indo-malaysian distribution-pattern, is the nucleus of Chinese lauraceous flora.  Only 1 genus is of temperate distribution-pattern, i.e. the East Asia- North America distribution-pattern. From the analysis of the primitive forms and the concentration of species in these genera, we may regard that:  a)  All genera of the tropical distribution-pattern were originated at Gondwana in the past period.  South- western and Southern China may be the birth-land of some genera of tropical distribu- tion-pattern because it was the northern boundary of Gondwana in the past period. b)  The genus of temperate distribution-pattern may be originated in the montane region of Western or South-western China.       2)  Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Sichuan are the provinces having laura- ceous species in abundance. But the provinces having lauraceous endemic species in abundance are Yunnan, Guangdong, Taiwan,, Guangxi and Sichuan. In general Chinese lauraceous plants are distributed mainly in south-western and southern parts of China. The southeastern and southern parts of province Yunnan are of great abundance in lauraceous species or endemic species.  The species amount of lauraceous species in these two parts of Yunnan is 67.3% of the total species amount of the lauraceous flora in that province.  It may be explained by the fact that a) where it is of existence of primary forest, b)of great specific endemism in the rocky region and c)  the passway in migration of lauraceous plant from east to west or reverse.      3)  The great similarity of lauraceous flora  between  Yunnan  (especially  its western or north-western part) and Xizang (especially its southern or south-eastern part), as well as between Guangdong and Guangxi, may be exhibited by the background in perfect harmony of each own flora with environment in the past period.  The en- demism of lauraceous flora in Taiwan and Hainan is manifest from the standpoint of island's isolation.  But the latter is of a more manifest one, because it is situated at the southern latitude and is more adaptive to the development of lauraceous plant.       4)  The deciduous species of lauraceous plant which are the principal elements in the flora of subtropical or temperate zone, are mainly of inland distribution-pattern. Their geographical distribution are more concentrated  at  the  montane  region  of Western or South-western China.  Where it may be the birth-land of the subtropical or temperate lauraceous species, or even of the whole temperate flora.      相似文献   

the present paper is a meterial of the genus Hemsleya Cogn. for flora of China-Cucurbitaceae.      The genus Hemsleya was established by C. A. Cogniaux in 1889.  By 1982 about 7 species had been discovered in China, and most of them are mainly distributed in S. W. China, particularly in Yunnan and Sichuan.  Their tubers have been used as a folk medicine for a long time.  However, we began to search for them, and meanwhile collect and cultivate them, only about ten years ago.  After a general survey and taxonomical study, 20 species of Hemsleya are recorded from Yunnan in the paper.  Among them 18 species and 3 varieties are new. All the types are kept in Herb. KUN.      According to the characters, of corolla and fruit also the seed condition, widely or narrowly winged, proposed are four sections, namely: Sect. I. Craciliflorae; Sect. II. Amabiles; Sect. III. Carnosiflorae and Sect. IV. Hemsleya, among which 3 are new.  相似文献   

The Xizang (Tibetan) flora with numerous endemics is of importance in Chi- nese flora.   According to recent statistics there are in Xizang 27 genera of  spermatophytes endemic to China, being only 2.25% percent of the total number of genera in the Xizang flora. Four of them are regarded as palaeoendemics (14.81%) and the others as neoendemics (85.19%). These endemic genera, of 30 species and 3 varieties, belong to 17 families, of which, Umbelli- ferae contains 6 genera, 7 species and 3 varieties; Compositae has 6 genera and 7 species, and Gentianaceae 1 genus and 2 species.  All the other families each comprises one genus with a single species.       The cosmopolitan families together comprising 14 genera with 15 species have the highest perecentage (52.92%) and the tropical ones (5 families, 5 genera with 5 species) come to the next (29.42%), followed by the temperate ones (3 families, 10 genera with 10 species) (17.66%). It shows that these endemic genera are obviously related to the tropical flora and temperate one in essence.        According to the number of species, the genera endemic to China and occurring in Xi- zang flora may be grouped as fallows. Monotypic endemic ones 14 (51.85%) Ditypic endemic ones 6 (22.22%) Oligotypic endemic ones 4 (14.81%) Small endemic ones 3 (11.11%)        The formation of the endemic genera is correlated with the topography, climate and en- vironmental conditions, and they may have resulted from the diversification in geography and climatic influence for a long time.  The southeastern part of Xizang Plateau is of very diverse ecological conditions, with the adequate precipitation, which may explain the concentration of these endemic genera in this region.        The largest similarity coefficient (38.30%) of the genera endemic to China and occurring in Xizang is with those in Qinghai Plateau, next, with those in Yunnan and in Sichuan pro- vinces (both 27.60%), which shows that these endemic genera are related to the floras of the regions mentioned above.        The difference in the horizontal distribution of these endemic genera is obviously between the southern and northern parts of Xizang Plateau.  The vertical distribution of the genera is also rather obvious, from 800 m to 5200 m above sea level, but concentrated in the zone of 3000 m to 4500 mm.  Therefore their occurrence in Xizang is not only affected by the historical environmental conditions but also controlled by the horizontal and vertical distribution.      The origin and evolution of some endemic genera, such as Psammosilene, Parateropyrum, Sphaerotylos, Salweenia, Ajaniopsis, Xizangia, Sinoleontopodium, are discussed in this paper.      Parateropyrum, a monotypic palaeotropic endemic, belongs to the tribe Atraphaxideae in- cluding Atraphaxis, Calligonum and Pteropyrum.  It may be a comparatively advanced group in the tribe, and is closely related to the genus Pteropyrum  which is  distributed in western Asia.  The genus Parapteropyrum has possibly survived as a palaetropic-tertiary  relic in this region.      Sphaerotylos, a member of the subtribe Sphaerotylinae, the tribe Boehmerieae in the family Urticaceae, is a comparatively primitive genus in the tribe Boehmerieae so far known.  As the other subtribes, such as Boehmerinae, Sarconchlamydinae, Orecnidinae and Maoutinae, are dis- tributed in the tropics, rarely in the subtropics, the genus is no doubt a palaetropic -tertiary relic.      Sinoleontopodium, belonging to the tribe lnuleae in Compositae, is also related to the ge- nus Leontopodium.  It is probable that the genus Sinoleontopodium arised later than the other.       We come to the conclusion that the southern part of Xizang Plateau is also one of thecentres of the origin and differentiation of genera endemic to China.  相似文献   

本文对我国种子植物特有属作了初步研究,提出如下几点粗浅的看法:     1.根据我国各特有属的现代地理分布格局,大部分特有属具有明显的温带性特点。     2.我国特有属在水平分布上具有极不均匀的特点。各特有属的广布程度都很低,生态特     化现象十分明显。在垂直分布上,则主要分布于中海拔地区。特有属数目并不随海拔增高而     增多。     3.根据特有属分布的密集程度和分布区边界的密集交叠情况,划定了三个特有属分布中    心,即川东—鄂西中心, 滇东南—桂西中心和川西—滇西北中心。前二中心可能是残遗中心,后一中心则可能为分化中心。  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum malipoense S. C. Chen et Tsi is a very interesting new species with its flower similar to that of Cypripedium, especially section Cypripedium.  It belongs to subgenus Brachypetalum, the most primitive group of Paphiopedilum, but differs from its allied species in hgniva elliptic-lanceolate sepal with cuspidately acuminate apex, rather narrow petals and horizontal lip, which are of common occurrence in many cypripediums, but very rare in paphiopedilums.  Apparently, this is an intermediate form, or a link, between Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium, but it does not seem to arise from hybridization between them, because no Cypripedium has been found wherever Paphiopedilum occurs.       The new species is distributed in southeastern Yunnan of China. In this area, as well as in river valleys of western Yunnan or the Hengduan Mountains, there have been four species of the same genus reported before. As we know, the Hengduan Mountains and their adjacent areas are rich in Cypripedium.  The differentiation of the genus there is remarka- ble.  All five sections it contains occur there and three of them are quite distinctive.  For example, the general appearance of the section Bracleosa is dissimilar to that of any other cypripediums, but closely resembles that of Listera.  It appears that the difference between sect.  Bracteosa of Cypripedium and sect.  Brachypetalum of Paphiopedilum is not neces- sarily wider than that between sect. Bracteosa and sect. Cypripedium of the same genus. Apparently, it is reasonable to consider Paphiopedilum to be an evolutional branch of Cy- pripedium extending into tropical area, with its primitive group (subgenus Brachypetalum) still remaining in its northern fringe area.  This primitive subgenus has eight species, dis- tributed from western Yunnan to the Malay Peninsula.  Five of them, including the inter- mediate and primitive form published here, are found in the hilly land of southeastern Yun- nan and the river valleys of western Yunnan.  All these facts suggest its area of origin: the river valleys of the Hengduan Mountains and the lower hilly land contiguous to the southof them.  相似文献   

中国柳属植物地理分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了中国产柳属植物的分布,并探讨了该属的起源与演化问题。  我国产柳     属植物255种,约占全世界总数的46%,隶属于37个组,几乎包括了该属所有的进化类型。     因此,中国是世界柳属植物种数最多、类型最丰富的地区。青藏高原的出现,是形成这一分布     特点的重要原因。我国柳属植物主要分布在西北、东北和西南地区。西北地区是中亚分布区     的一部分; 东北地区是东北亚分布区的一部分; 它们又都有一些中欧-西伯利亚和北极-高山成     分。青藏高原与其他分布区间的联系很少,是柳属又一个重要的分布中心。作为泛北极植物 区系的典型属之一的柳属,可能起源于东南亚热带山区。  相似文献   

This paper presenta a brief introduction to the taxonomy and geographic distribu- tion of the genus Wendlandia.       The genus Wendlandia in tribe Rondeletieae of the family Rubiaceae was proposed by Bartling in 1830. There are now more than ninety species throughout the world. It is distributed mainly in tropical and subtropical Asia. Thirty species, ten subspecies and three varieties are recorded in the paper. Among these, nine species, two subspecies and one variety are new. They are distributed mainly in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong, Xizang and Taiwan Provinces. Only one species, namely W. longidens (Hance) Hutch. Extends northward to Hubei and Sichuan.       The classification of the genus in this paper is based on Cowan's system. It is divided into four series mainly by their stigmatic and staminal characters, namely Euexsertae, Subinclusae, Montigenae and Clavigerae. The first two series are each subdivided according to the stipule feature into two subseries, designated as Cuspidatae, Orbiculares, Tinctoriae and Paniculatae.       From the distribution patterns of the genus in the flora of China, we may understand:       1.  The genus has the most species in China, where is its distribution centre, and Yurnan is the province richest in species of the genus.       2.  There are twenty-one species, five subspecies and three varieties endemic to China. Most of these endemics have their distributional area confined to a single province, and some of them are confined to an even narrower district, with only a few of them extending beyond province boundaries.       3.  The series Subinclusae Cowan has the most species not only in China but also in other regions of the world, whereas the series Montigenae Cowan has fewer species and they are all restricted to China.       The new species, new subspecies and the new varieties described in this paper are as follows: W. brevipaniculata W. C. Chen, W..villosa W. C. Chen, W. tinctoria  (Roxb.) DC. subsp. affinis How, W. laxa S. K. Wu, W. uvariifolia Hance subsp. pilosa W. C. Chen, W. guangdongensis W. C. Chen, W. parviflora W. C. Chen, W. scabra Kurz var. pilitera How, W. pubigera W. C. Chen, W. jingdongensis W. C. Chen, W. brevituba Chun et Howand W. oligantha W. C. Chen.  相似文献   

青藏高原柳属植物的发生和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  1.  Uplifting of Qinghai-Xizang plateau has brought great influence on the origina- tion and distribution of species inside the genus Salix.  There are 91 sp. (incl. 2 cult. sp.), 16 var. and 3 f. belonging to 15 Sect. in this region, among these species the en- demics attain to 58 sp., 14 var. and 3 f.  So it has become one of the most important centres of distribution of Salix in the world. Species common with other regions attain only to 32.  Thus it is also clear that correlation between salicaceous flora in this re- gion and that of other regions is not so much developed, and that the salicaceous flora of Qinghai-Xizang plateau was mainly originated autochthonously during the upheaval of plateau.      2. Along a demarcation line delineated from Gyirong through Lhasa and Qamdo to Lanzhou, to the north-western region the total number of species of this genus is sum- med up to 7 sp. and 1 var. (incl. 2 cult. sp.), and they distribute only in the West Hima- laya and Pamir-Kunlun regions.  Besides 2 cult. sp., there is only 1 endemic, and others all should be migrants from Europe or West Asia. In the south-eastern part, be- cause the climate is moister, the species of Salix may be summed up to 84 sp., 15 var. and 3 f., among them 73 sp., 20 var. and 3 f. are endemics, accounting for 68 percent of the total.       3.  In East Himalaya and South Henduan Shan (southward of lat. 30°N.) there are 78 sp., 12 var. and 4 f., among them 50 sp., 10 var. and 2 f. are endemics.  They represent the different stages of phylogenetic development of this genus.  So here may be the centre of origination and distribution of Salix species in the all Sino-Himalaya flora. The common species between East Himalaya and South Henduan Shan regions attain to 41. Because the latter forms a part of Sichuan and Yunnan plateau and the former did not become a land until Quaternary Period, the plants of the former mainly are the migrants from the latter.      4. The most characteristic group of Salix in this  region  is  Sect. Lindleyanae Schneid. with a total of 18 sp. and 1 var.  This group adapting to the somewhat en- vironment changes is quite different from Sect. Retusae A. Kern. in the Arctic and high mountains of higher latitudes in many characters, so it should be originated autochto- nously, and it is certainly not a migrant from Arctic. This Sect. seems to be developed from Sect. Floccosae Hao and in turn from Sect. Sclerophyllae Schneid. and Sect. Den- ticulatae Schneid.  This developmental direction has assumed an important branch in the phylogenetic development of the whole genus.      5.  In addition, there are two interesting and important regions on the north-eastern and eastern to Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, i. e. on the north-east Anymaqen Shan (Amne- machin mountain) and on the east Qiong Lai Shan.  There are many endemic species pertaining to these two parts, among these species some may be ancient relicts since Tertiary. It is to be expected that more additional scientific results will be obtainedafter some more extensive works done in these two regions.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the first record of the eGnus Stachyphryni- um, Marantaceae, in China.  It is characterized by solitary spikes, elongated and erect with impricated bracts.  The inflorescence arises from a short stem on the rhizome.       In this genus there are 14 species in total.  They are distributed from Sri Lanke to Java and Borneo, through Indo-China Peninsula, Malay Pennisula.  Its distribution center is in Indo-China Penninsula and Malay Penninsula.  The north limit lies in sou- thern Yunnan of China. Most species of the genus have a stenochorie area, for example, S. zeylanicum is endemic to Sri Lanka; S. latifolium occurs in Java only and so on.      A New species, S. Sinense H. Li, to China, is illustrated and described in Latin.  相似文献   

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