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The present study explored the relationships of preservice teachers’ levels of commitment to teaching and their beliefs and perceptions of teaching as a career. Participants were undergraduate students enrolled in a teacher education program at a major university in the southeast. Sixty‐seven preservice teachers completed a survey in which they rated the importance of 20 factors for influencing their choice of career. Additionally, among the survey respondents, nine students were selected from three groups of preservice teachers for in‐depth interviews: (1) students who were currently considering teaching as a career choice, (2) students who were undecided about their future teaching career, and (3) students who were no longer considering teaching as a career. Overall, findings from this study revealed that preservice teachers’ understanding of their goal of becoming teachers and interpretations of their motivation for teaching were unique, yet the types of influences on their career choices were similar across participants’ stories.  相似文献   

<墙头马上>是元代著名剧作家白朴的著名爱情喜剧.它以活泼欢快的笔调塑造了李千金这一个性鲜明的年轻女性形象,她率真泼辣、敢做敢为;她追求爱情幸福,敢于私奔.其一言一行无不折射了对封建礼教的勇敢反抗、对个性自由和生命欲望满足的热情渴望,以及对独立人格和女性尊严毫不妥协的捍卫,从而彰显了清新的浪漫主义精神.  相似文献   

Research on gender provides a framework for understanding what it means to be a woman working within the community college; however, the voice of experience helps to add meaning to what it means to live as a woman leader of color within these institutions. Dr. Green provides a reflection on her career leading up to her presidency, and she outlines key areas of consideration to support women's advancement within the college system.  相似文献   

Professor Lesley Parker’s career has moved from teaching and advising graduate students at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia to leadership roles and advocacy positions in state and national governments and in international organizations. Throughout her distinguished career, she has been committed to social justice, particularly in gender equity. Indeed, that commitment infuses her professional contributions as teacher, advisor, administrator, and policy maker. In this Key Contribution, many of her colleagues describe their admiration for her as well as provide information that helps the reader place her work in a national and an international perspective. She has received many of Australia’s highest honors, and she continues to contribute to her university, her state, and her nation. Her contributions form a lasting legacy in social justice, particularly in gender equity and in educational leadership.  相似文献   

潘金莲是一个被封建制度和封建礼教文化压抑、逼迫,从而被扭曲异化的妇女典型形象。她是中国封建社会制度下觉醒的女人,她不安于现状,她渴望得到幸福,但是在她所生活的夫权制度社会下不容许她有这样的想法和行为。她企图改变命运,追求幸福,却遭到重重阻拦,在追求中丧失了自我从而走向堕落的深渊。她为了达到目的,手段凶狠,但是在封建夫权制度下她又束手无策,必须得到男人的帮助她才会实现自己的理想,在这点上她又很懦弱。  相似文献   

The author imagines a television programme relating to the education, training and professional life of a young woman engineer and she points out the differences with her male schoolmates. She suggests that the Associations of Women Engineers should undertake actions towards grants to help them to choose scientific and engineering studies and to convince them to make a career in new technical fields of activity. At the same time, employers should become aware that women engineers are a plus in the firm of the future.  相似文献   

职业素养是一个人在职业过程中表现出来的综合品质,将直接影响一个人在未来的职业生涯中职业技能的充分发挥和事业的发展。"2+1"顶岗实习的学生在企业实践中暴露出来的一些职业素养缺失的问题,需要学校和企业携手合作,共同帮助学生养成良好的职业习惯,为社会培养更多有用的人才。文章分析了"2+1"顶岗实习的学生职业素养问题,同时提出了解决的方法。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划不仅影响大学生学习,而且影响他们将来的职业成长。高校应大力开展大学生职业生涯规划教育和指导,使大学生根据自身的实际情况和社会发展需要,制定适合自己职业成长的职业生涯规划。虽然政府和高校都十分重视大学生职业生涯规划教育,但是高校的职业生涯教育体系还不完善。大学生就业心理不成熟,高校应明确职业生涯规划教育目标,把握职业生涯规划教育与专业教学的关系,引导大学生积极参与社会实践,充分利用网络技术开展职业生涯规划教育,以提高大学生职业生涯规划教育的实效性。  相似文献   

In this article, a biographical overview is offered of the life of [Estelle] Sylvia Pankhurst (1882–1960), suffragette, political activist, artist and writer, in order to provide a context for her 1959 proposal for an Ethiopian women’s college, which is published for the first time in this journal. Sylvia, one of five children born in Manchester, England, grew up in a radical household where she not only attended political meetings but was exhorted to work for a more equal society. As a young woman, she trained as an artist but was soon drawn into the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) founded by her mother in 1903 to campaign for the parliamentary vote for women. Sylvia, a socialist feminist, often found herself at odds with the radical feminist, women‐centred views of her mother and her elder sister, Christabel, the Chief Organiser of the WSPU and their mother’s acknowledged favourite. The tensions between Sylvia and her relatives intensified during the First World War which they supported and she opposed. During the 1920s she became more revolutionary in her politics and in the 1930s increasingly involved in campaigning against fascism, especially in Ethiopia. After Ethiopia was liberated, she went to live there permanently with her son, Richard, in 1956. A crusader all her life, as well as a prolific writer, the publication of her proposal for an Ethiopian women’s college reveals yet another aspect of her diverse interests.  相似文献   

目前有关大学生专业承诺和职业决策困难关系的研究还存在不一致之处。本研究使用大学生专业承诺量表和大学生职业决策困难量表开展调查,以典型相关分析探讨两组变量的关系和作用方向,研究发现专业承诺与职业决策困难存在一对显著的典型变量(ρ=0.510, χ2=168.675, df=16, p<0.01),情感承诺、理想承诺和规范承诺与职业信息探索、职业目标确立和职业自我探索的典型相关系数较大,专业承诺对职业决策的影响大于职业决策对专业承诺的影响。研究认为大学生专业承诺对职业决策困难存在影响,藉此可以多加强学生学业指导,进而缓解职业决策困难。  相似文献   

采用大学生社会支持量表、职业决策效能感量表和专业承诺量表对1336名大学生社会支持与专业承诺的关系以及职业决策效能感在其中的中介作用进行了深入研究.结果表明:(1)大学生社会支持与专业承诺、职业决策效能感均呈显著正相关;(2)在社会支持、职业决策效能感对专业承诺的影响模型中,社会支持直接影响专业承诺,并通过职业决策效能感这一中介变量作用于专业承诺.职业决策效能感直接影响专业承诺.  相似文献   

While most studies have focused primarily on the correlates of career barriers, research examining specific career barrier typology experienced among college students remains limited. Employing cluster analysis, this study explored the career barrier typology of 318 college students using the Korean college students’ Career Barrier Inventory (KCBI). The variables used in this study included ‘personality’ (hardiness, trait anxiety, locus of control, resilience, and optimism) and ‘career maturity attitude’. Two major conclusions were drawn. Firstly, cluster analysis of the KCBI identified four groups of participants; (a) a salient external career barrier group, (b) a well adjusted group, (c) a salient internal career barrier group, and (d) the worst career barrier group. Secondly, the results suggest discrepant differences of personality variables and career attitude maturity among the clustered groups. Limitations of the present study and suggestions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

A group of 633 college students at a large midwestern public university was asked fifteen questions pertaining to personal long-term course planning. The results indicated that only 48% of the students sketched out a tentative listing of at least two courses per term for one or more subsequent semesters when first planning courses for the current semester. Long-range planning was positively correlated with the number of years students had already spent in college and with students' perception of the following factors: course planning utility, degree of certainty about pursuing one's current first choice of career, and degree of commitment in using college coursework as a means of achieving a career goal (all p < 0.001). Long-range planning was negatively correlated with the anticipation of a possible change in academic interests. Such planning was not significantly correlated with students' entrance examination aptitude scores or grade point averages. Thus, students' long-range planning of courses was associated more strongly with career commitment than with recent academic performance or aptitude.  相似文献   

Stereotype threat theory (STT) offers one explanation for achievement differences in math and science for both women and minority students. Specifically, STT posits that the perceived risk of confirming a negative stereotype about an individual’s identity group acts as a psychological burden that negatively impacts performance. This study examined the impact of stereotype threat (ST) on gender differences in chemistry achievement, self-efficacy, and test-anxiety using a four-group, quasi-experimental design. 153 introductory-level college chemistry students were randomly assigned to one of four ST conditions including an explicit ST condition, an implicit ST condition, a reverse ST condition, and a nullified condition. Results indicated that there were no gender differences by ST condition; however, overall, the men had higher self-efficacy and lower test-anxiety than the women. An analysis of open-ended questions asking students about their intent to major in chemistry, beliefs regarding barriers to their achievement on the chemistry test, and gender differences in opportunities and mental capacity to achieve in chemistry provided insight into the quantitative results. Implications of our findings for future research on ST are discussed.  相似文献   

Nontraditional college students (29 women and 37 men) participated in a career counseling workshop based on Bandura's (1977) self-efficacy theory. Participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental treatment group or a delayed-treatment control group. Results suggested that participation in the workshop had a significant, positive effect on the career decision-making self-efficacy of the participants (p < .05) across levels of age, sex, year in college, and family income. Results provide support for career self-efficacy theory and indicate that the career decision-making self-efficacy of nontraditional college students is amenable to change through counseling interventions.  相似文献   

近年来,张欣的小说因为拥有众多读者而引起了评论者的注意。作为一名生活在城市的广东女作家,她以现实评论的创作方法、细腻、清新、真诚的笔触真实地描摹了生活在转型期的城市中知识女性在事业、家庭、情感上的追求和困惑。本文就沿着城市女性这一线索来探讨张欣的小说创作。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether social information can affect Ease-of-Learning (EOL), Judgments-of-Learning (JOL), and Feeling-of-Knowing (FOK) and their accuracy. Participants first learned associated word pairs and made the above-mentioned judgments. They were later divided into two groups of metacognitive ability in order to assess if they had been affected differently by the social cues, which consisted of information about previous performances of college students. Results revealed that the magnitude of the metamemory judgments assessed was significantly affected by the social cues and that participants with a Low level of metacognitive ability were more influenced than those with High metacognitive ability. Concerning accuracy, however, only the recall accuracy of JOL judgments was affected. Further, different patterns of influence across the three judgments were observed for the two ability groups. Results and educational implications were discussed.  相似文献   

Although the need for personal counseling services is on the rise across college campuses in the United States, many community colleges do not offer personal counseling services on campus. Instead, community college counseling services focus primarily on academic and career advising. The purpose of this study was to survey community college students in North Carolina to determine their interest in and need for a personal counseling center on campus. Participants were 134 men and 202 women, 18–68 years of age. Of the participants, 70% indicated that having a personal counseling center on campus would be “very helpful” or “helpful.” Results are discussed, and recommendations are made for college counselors working in community college settings.  相似文献   

The novel conveys important, political messages exploring the idea of feminism and women's emancipation. Alice Walker demonstrates her views on civil rights and commitment to feminism through Celie. From a womanist's point of view, this essay examines the traumatic journeys that Celie goes through, her spiritual and emotional growth, till finally she find her identity and happiness.  相似文献   

Many agree that educational systems should instill in students the value of lifelong learning (LLL), but few have suggested how to accomplish that or how to measure the effectiveness of those curricular initiatives. We developed a technique intended to strengthen students' beliefs about the value of LLL and piloted use of a recently developed scale to assess changes in commitment to LLL. Using a quasi-experimental procedure, we presented students with faculty members’ career biographies describing their personal career paths, including how they learned from their experiences and how they had to adapt and adjust to changing circumstances. To assess beliefs about LLL, students completed Bath and Smith's Propensity for Lifelong Learning (PLLL) scale. We found that students who listened to career biographies had significantly stronger beliefs regarding the value of LLL than the students who were not exposed to the career biographies. We concluded that listening to career biographies strengthened commitment to LLL and that the PLLL scale is a useful outcome measure of this commitment. We discussed limitations and future directions of our method and measurement instrument.  相似文献   

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