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The decade 1997 to 2007 was a dramatic one for Ireland. Driven by a strong economy it had low rates of unemployment and attracted a large population of immigrant workers. These changes impacted directly on family life – most particularly in the area of the education and care of young children. The recent and equally dramatic change in economic circumstances has provided an unexpected context for a significant policy shift in early childhood care and education (ECCE) which, if carefully managed, could have profound effects on young children and their families. This article considers what recent Irish ECCE policy tells us about views of children and childhoods and where Ireland stands in respect of early childhood provision; it identifies some distinctly Irish tensions and considers what the likelihood is that recent policy initiatives mark a significant move forward for those seeking high quality ECCE provision for young children.  相似文献   


This paper traces the evolution of early childhood care and education (ECCE) in Ireland over the course of the last century. Changing conceptualisations of the nature of childhood provide the context for understanding historical and contemporary approaches to ECCE. Historically, young children's care and education were treated as separate entities, with ‘care’ provided within the home and ‘education’ outside the home. However, the contemporary perspective recognises that young children's learning occurs on a continuum from birth, with care and education being interdependent. Although a distinct ECCE sector is beginning to emerge, prompted by developments at policy, practice and research level, there is considerable scope for further progress. Given ‘where we have come from’ and ‘where we are currently at’, future directions and recommendations for ECCE are elucidated.  相似文献   

自幼儿阶段开始培养儿童的社会情感能力,有助于促进儿童的全面发展,为其将来的学校学习做好准备。美国伊利诺伊州在制定和完善儿童社会情感学习标准、提供支持促进儿童社会情感学习标准落实方面取得了显著成就。从霍尼格的政策实施理论分析伊利诺伊州的经验,可以发现其之所以能够成功,主要原因在于该州不仅有系统明确的政策,统一了各相关行动者对儿童社会情感能力的认识与发展期待,而且建构了不同相关机构与团体互动协商的实施机制,共同助力教师与家长不断提高支持儿童社会情感学习的教育能力。这使得伊利诺伊州形成了互相尊重与信任的文化,能够广泛调动各个层面的政策实施者的能动性,由此带来了政策工具的持续更新与相关资源的优化配置。我国若要进一步推动包括社会情感领域在内的幼儿学习与发展指南的落实,应进一步清晰界定政策目标和工具,形成有序且灵活的标准框架;以信任文化孕育共识,发挥政策对象的能动性;提升系统间的协同性,改进标准实施的支持系统。  相似文献   

International definitions of early childhood locate the field with the care and education of children between birth and six years. In Ireland, this definition applies to both pre-school and the infant classes of primary school. While primary school teachers in Ireland must hold a Bachelor of Education degree, there is no minimum training requirement for those working within the early childhood care and education (ECCE) sectors in crèches, pre-schools and so on. Consequently, the ECCE sector is characterised by a mix of trained, semi-trained and unqualified teachers. Many third-level Colleges, Universities and Institutes of Technology offer a degree programme in ECCE. One such college is Mary Immaculate College, offering a BA degree in ECCE since 2003. Drawing upon a BA ECCE Graduate Occupational Profile Survey, distributed to all graduates from the programme between 2007 and 2010, this paper explores a graduate's experiences with regard to their experiences of working within the ECCE sector. Although the majority of respondents were gainfully employed within the sector, the overarching finding across all graduate cohorts from 2007 to 2010 was that in Ireland, ‘ECCE is an undervalued under-appreciated profession’ (2009 graduate).  相似文献   

There are ongoing initiatives in curriculum development and implementation in Ireland and internationally in order to enhance the educational experiences and outcomes of learners. This article is the first historical longitudinal analysis of primary school curriculum development and implementation in Ireland from the 1890s to the 1990s. The purpose of the paper is to distil key lessons from the history of curriculum development and implementation to inform contemporary policy and practice. The paper begins by situating current curriculum discourse and developments in both a national and international context. It then delineates the three main curriculum reforms undertaken in Ireland in the period under review. The section relating to each period includes an overview of the societal context in which the curriculum was developed, the process of development, the content of each curriculum and its implementation. Three key themes emerge from the analysis – the impact of wider societal factors on curriculum, the impact of the radical nature of curriculum change attempted and a lack of focus on planning for implementation.  相似文献   

Societies which suffer from ethnic and political divisions are often characterised by patterns of social and institutional separation, and sometimes these divisions remain even after political conflict has ended. This has occurred in Northern Ireland where there is, and remains, a long-standing pattern of parallel institutions and services for the different communities. A socially significant example lies in the education system where a parallel system of Catholic and Protestant schools has been in place since the establishment of a national school system in the 1830s. During the years of political violence in Northern Ireland a variety of educational interventions were implemented to promote reconciliation, but most of them failed to create any systemic change. This paper describes a post-conflict educational initiative known as Shared Education which aims to promote social cohesion and school improvement by encouraging sustained and regular shared learning between students and broader collaboration between teachers and school leaders from different schools. The paper examines the background to work on Shared Education, describes a ‘sharing continuum’ which emerged as an evaluation and policy tool from this work and considers evidence from a case study of a Shared Education school partnership in a divided city in Northern Ireland. The paper will conclude by highlighting some of the significant social and policy impact of the Shared Education work.  相似文献   

自2016年以来,随着“全面二孩”政策的实施,0~3岁婴幼儿托育服务需求日益突显,国家也高度重视“幼有所育”,重视托育机构的建设和托育服务的质量,制定了许多政策方针。可见,托育服务问题越来越受到国家和人民的广泛关注。根据国家卫生健康委设定的托育机构的设置标准和管理规范,在具体了解目前托育机构的基本情况、管理规范及疫情前后的运营状况的基础上,从场地设施、人员规模、备案管理等不同方面分析其目前发展存在的问题,并从多方面制定相应的解决策略,以促使托育机构向规范化发展,更好地满足人民的需求。  相似文献   

Despite great changes in the level and type of early childhood services in Ireland over the last decade, relatively little research has been carried out on this topic. We know little about the types of services used, the reason for particular choices, the numbers of children attending different settings and the experiences such children are having. In an effort to broaden the research base and learn more about the lives of our young children the authors undertook to take part in an international comparative study investigating the early experiences of children—the IEA Preprimary Project. This article provides an account of the recent developments in early education in Ireland, addresses the question of quality in service provision and describes Ireland's participation in the research project.  相似文献   

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world struggled to address growing educational inequalities and fulfil the commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 4, which seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The pandemic has exacerbated these inequalities and changed how education functions, moving to online and hybrid methods. The challenges in global education highlighted and worsened by the pandemic make it necessary to re-evaluate education systems and the policies in place to support access, quality and equal opportunity. This article focuses on analysing education policies at a national level. It tests a pilot policy analysis tool, the International Education Index (IEI), developed as a starting point to begin this reconsideration and create an accessible and comprehensive way to evaluate national education systems to inform decision-making and policies in the new context. This research uses Ireland and Northern Ireland to test the IEI pilot tool. The IEI consists of 54 questions across nine indicators, including institutional frameworks, education strategies, digital skills and infrastructure, twenty-first century skills, access to basic social services, adherence to international standards, legal frameworks, data gathering and availability and international partnerships. Countries can score 108 points to be categorised as having developed, emerging or nascent national education systems. Ireland scored 94 and Northern Ireland 81, indicating that they have developed national education systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a more comprehensive picture of teacher preparation in Ethiopia on top of a closer scrutiny of current teacher education reforms. In particular, it presents teacher education within the context of policy implementation over the last six decades by highlighting key reforms and how these reforms impacted the education system in general and the teaching profession in particular. In analysing why and how the policy reforms took place, the paper draws on Chin and Benne’s strategies of change management and the world system theories. Further, based on government statistics, official policy documents, and observations, the paper argues that the series of policy interventions were short of addressing the challenges of teacher preparation, including maintaining minimum quality standards, though the sector’s expansion has had favourable impact on educational access and bridging regional and gender disparities.  相似文献   

The higher education sector in Northern Ireland has been fully involved in the public policies designed to enhance equality. Starting with measures designed to secure greater employment between Catholics and Protestants, known as fair employment, the policies are now designed to promote equality of opportunity across nine designated groups together with the promotion of ‘good relations’ on the grounds of religion and race. The paper examines the implementation of this new policy framework in the universities and suggests that progress to date has been fairly limited.  相似文献   

The article argues that there is no single globalisation of education systems, but rather multiple globalisations of each system taken in its individual context. We propose three explanatory factors to account for these vernacular globalisation processes, that is, for individual policy trajectories in each national context: path dependence on earlier policy choices and institutions, education policy-making through bricolage, and finally the translation by national actors of international-level ideas or tools as a function of the debate, institutions or national power dynamics in question. The research design is based on the study of a most-likely case: accountability policy in two school systems – France and Quebec – which show strong variations. Document analyses and semi-structured interviews were conducted in both cases. In the two countries, distinct vernacular globalisations are at work leading to different neo-statist accountability policies. In Quebec, the reinforcement of state power through a growing vertical accountability and the systematic development of regulation tools between policy actors and levels lead to a ‘centralisation by institutional linkage’. In France, we rather witness a ‘globalisation by discursive internalisation’ in which transnational imperatives are integrated in official discourses on the regulation of the education system, but without radically questioning the mainstays of this regulation.  相似文献   

This article problematises the construction of regulation as an effective manager of risks to children in early childhood education and care (ECEC) services. Adopting a Foucaldian, governmentalist approach to regulation and risk, the authors suggest that governments in Australia have ‘risk colonised’ regulation to meet their own interests rather than make effective use of regulation as a mechanism for quality assurance. They propose that the risk colonising of regulation has not effectively addressed societal risks to children in ECEC services, and has generated its own risks to quality standards through a preoccupation with institutional risk. In these ways, ‘the laugh of Foucault’ resounds in the regulation of ECEC services.  相似文献   

学位论文抽检政策是基于结果导向的问责制度而产生的质量保障手段,分析其效能可以为政策进一步完善与有效实施提供启示。检视J省2016-2019年学术型硕士学位论文抽检数据和相关政策文本,发现抽检政策实施和强化后,学位论文质量持续提升,然而不同类型院校和不同学科呈现出差异化政策回应,其中教学型大学和教学研究型大学的论文质量提升最快,文学和艺术学的论文质量提升较快,法学、经济学、教育学论文质量改善较慢,且政策强化后,各类院校和学科对政策的再次回应也呈现出差异。差异化效能反映出三组关键政策要素的博弈以及其中产生的相悖结果:公平与效率的政策价值博弈、简约与精细的政策规则博弈、外在激励与内在动力的政策措施博弈。忽视这三组博弈会抑制政策发挥应有的效能。为提高效能,抽检政策需处理好潜在的要素相悖问题,更好地平衡公平与效率的价值目标,适度细化规则,增强政策实施的内在动力。  相似文献   

2019年4月北京市启动了全市职业院校专业人才培养方案制定的诊断与改进工作。依据国家标准,从培养目标、职业面向与培养规格、课程体系及进程安排、毕业条件、实施保障、制度文件、文本质量、特色创新等八个维度对1104个人才培养方案及相关支撑材料进行全面分析发现,北京市职业教育人才培养方案制定情况整体优良,专业设置布局与首都产业结构高度契合,专业建设和教学管理水平发展还不均衡。从整体上看,各个人才培养方案的培养目标、职业面向与培养规格和课程体系进程安排则更为接近诊断标准;特色创新、实施保障、文本质量等指标与诊断标准还有一定差距。下一步,北京市职业院校应强化标准意识,掌握国家教学标准体系的构成及具体内容,重构课程体系,切实推进"三教"改革在人才培养方案中落地,完善教学管理与质量保障体系。  相似文献   

The present affiliation policy regime of Ghana’s higher education system has existed for more than two decades. However, empirical studies to examine the policy rhetoric and reality with regard to building quality assurance capacity in mentored institutions appear non-existent. This paper is based on an illustrative qualitative case study undertaken to examine the achievements and challenges of implementing the policy to build internal quality assurance capacities in mentored institutions. The study was guided by Institutional Theory using 12 key informant in-depth interviews and document reviews as data collection sources. The findings indicate a minimal achievement of the policy intent on internal quality assurance capacity building due to key implementation challenges such as a tripartite relationship structure; increasing cost on mentored institutions and increasing workload on mentor institutions. The study concludes that the gap between the policy rhetoric and reality in the studied mentored institutions appears undesirable and requires stakeholders’ attention.  相似文献   

In this paper, national research projects underway which are aimed at establishing national standards on lecturing capabilities within a new national qualifications framework, are argued to typify a policy narrative informed by functionalist understandings of education, curriculum and evaluation. This narrative is counter‐posed with two others, found largely but not exclusively in the historically white liberal English‐speaking universities, which critique that narrative, arguing that curriculum development, the evaluation of courses and programmes, and the assessment of teaching, are complex activities which are context‐bound, and incapable of being reduced to the measurement of the performance of certain capabilities. In the analysis undertaken in the paper, the two critiques identified are argued to be at odds with the dominant policy narrative partly because, although much of the language and the intentions are similar, at base lie fundamentally different concepts of quality. The dominant narrative is argued to regard quality as ‘fitness for purpose’, where the overall purpose of higher education is assumed to be singular and uncontested, and as meeting certain pre‐specified standards. The critiques understand quality either in the liberal sense as an absolute to be aspired to, or in a more constructivist way, as significantly adding to existing levels of development in particular sectors, thereby contributing to greater justice and equality in South African society. These different understandings have different implications for the assurance of quality in university teaching. The power differentials between the narratives are explored and it is argued that unless a way is found to accommodate the different perspectives, resistance to the dominant narrative might undermine its implementation. In this paper a metanarrative ‘told’ by the comparison of the three narratives, which attempts to take into account the conceptual dissonance examined, is put forward. It is suggested that, in order to lead to a policy‐relevant narrative on quality assurance with respect to university teaching, a conceptual distinction between ‘quality’ and ‘standards’ be made. With this conceptual separation, policies may be developed to assure both standards and quality, using different methodologies and different implementing bodies in such a way that potential resistance to the dominant narrative may be averted.  相似文献   

珠三角绿道政策是广东省落实科学发展观、建设宜居城乡的一项重要政策,但在执行过程中出现了各种问题.如长距离借道、未划定绿廊控制区、部分绿道功能不全、缺乏管理等,政策实施并未达到预期效果。主要是因为政策执行主体未充分认识绿道的内涵,缺乏相关法律、制度以及宣传不足等原因,为此提出要加快绿廊控制区的划定工作,完善配套服务设施,加大宣传力度,建立合理的管理体系和监督机制,健全绿道保护的相关法律等进一步完善珠三角绿道政策的建议。  相似文献   

在现代远程开放教育中实施素质教育,是促进开放教育为主体的现代远程教育事业发展的必然要求。在实施中应把握好以下三个方面的关系:一是确立以人的全面发展为目标的素质教育理念;二是正确认识素质教育内涵,把握人才素质标准。树立全面素质、综合素质意识,改革人才培养模式;三是妥善处理素质与质量、教学与管理的关系,通过深化教学改革和内部管理体制改革推动素质教育的实施。  相似文献   

In Northern Ireland, attention is currently focused on youth work in the context of wider changes associated with the integration of services for young people. Policy‐makers there have identified youth work as having potential to link formal and informal education. However, youth work has often been understood as predominantly out‐of‐school provision embodying different values and principles from that of schooling. Increasingly, and as ideas about education shift, schools have become an important setting for youth work, generating much debate amongst policy‐makers, youth workers and teachers. One important question is whether the school setting is an appropriate context for informal learning. This article draws on interviews completed with teachers and youth workers and explores their experiences of school‐based youth work in one part of Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

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