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著名儿童心理学家皮亚杰认为:一个数字不只是一个名称,它表示一种关系,关系不存在于实际的物体之中,关系是抽象的,数是儿童在物体之间通过反省抽象而创造的两种关系的综合,儿童不是被动接受数的概念的,而是重新发明算术的……根据皮亚杰的这一  相似文献   

皮亚杰有关儿童数理逻辑概念获得的研究成果告诉我们,数学究其实质是一组关系,关系并不存在于实际的物体之中,而是对作用于物体的一系列动作的协调的抽象(皮亚杰称之为"反省抽象")。儿童的数学学习正是其原有认知结  相似文献   

儿童道德的经济学发生──兼论皮亚杰的儿童道德发展理论王冬兰,把多勋编者按:本文主要运用西方经济学道德观审视皮亚杰儿童道德发展理论,比较了两者的一致性,并指出,皮亚杰理论有个根本缺陷即对儿童道德形成的动机缺乏解释,而经济学道德观刚好解释了这个问题。全文...  相似文献   

肖华军 《学前教育》2023,(10):22-23
<正>很多家长都十分重视孩子的数学学习,但对孩子来说,数学的学习和感知离不开孩子的兴趣与具体的生活。皮亚杰曾指出,儿童最初的思维是动作水平上的思维,也就是通过实际的动作来认识事物和事物之间的关系,这种认识在后期将逐渐内化为抽象的逻辑思维。皮亚杰的这一理论也可以用来解释儿童的数学学习。下面,分享我和孩子一起玩购物游戏的故事,来看看孩子在生活中是怎样学习数学的。  相似文献   

赵志红 《早期教育》2011,(12):26-27
数学是抽象的,它反映事物之间的数量关系,不存在于物体的外部,而是建立在人脑中的一种抽象联系。皮亚杰认为:"数学开始于对物体的动作,真正理解数意味着儿童通过自己的活动发现或能动地建立关系。"因此构建初步的数的概念应以幼儿对物体探  相似文献   

本文在对卡米洛夫一史密斯“表征重述模型”的基本假设,主要内容以及对儿童领域发展的解释作系统分析的基础上,着重把这一模型与皮亚杰的解释模型相比较,论文表明,表征重述模型实质上不过是用“信息加工”语言表达的皮亚杰理论的一种变体,它并不构成一种对皮亚杰理论的真正反叛。  相似文献   

孙亮 《成才之路》2013,(21):87-87
皮亚杰认为,儿童认知发展关键在于具体运算到形式运算的转化。当学生的思维活动不再受到自己过往经验的限制,而能够运用各种抽象的符号解决问题,才标志着学生的思维能力走向了纯熟。而在这两个阶段过渡正是学生由算术向代数思维的  相似文献   

一、自我中心言语理论的简要概述(一)皮亚杰关于自我中心言语的主要观点1926年皮亚杰发表了《儿童的言语和思维》一书,首次提出了“儿童自我中心言语”这一概念。皮亚杰认为自我中心言语是儿童不明白他的话是说给谁听的,也不在乎别人听不听,对方也不易听懂他说话的意思。自  相似文献   

皮亚杰智力发展理论的教育价值已有不少人做过专门研究,但大都是从皮亚杰理论出发提出教育应该遵循的一般原则,而对诸如儿童学习的基础和动力一类的具体问题则少有涉猎。因此,本文拟对此做些探讨,以期有助于皮亚杰理论在教育上的进一步应用。 一、活动是儿童学习的基础 儿童学习的基础是什么,现代认知心理学家大都接受了皮亚杰的构建思想,强调原有知识的作用。如布鲁纳认为是已有的心理框架,奥苏伯尔认为是已有认知结构中起固定作用的观念。  相似文献   

简评皮亚杰关于反省抽象及其发展的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反省抽象(reflecting abstraction)是皮亚杰发生认识论中的一个核心范畴。本文主要介绍了反省抽象在发生认识论中的重要地位,以及反省抽象与经验抽象、伪经验抽象、再反省抽象及元反省抽象之间的关系。同时,以个体对序列关系的掌握过程为例来说明反省抽象的发展过程。反省抽象对发生认识论解释人类逻辑—数学知识的起源和发展起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

著名的儿童心理学家和哲学家皮亚杰用心理学的方法研究儿童认知发生发展的过程和规律,并创立了发生认识论。他的有关儿童认知发展的内在动力理论、儿童认知发展的连续性和阶段性理论、以及儿童认知发展能动性的观点,无不蕴涵着丰富的辩证法思想。研究和学习皮亚杰理论中所蕴涵的丰富的辩证法思想,对于我们深入理解和研究儿童认知发展,并对促进儿童的课堂教育和学习有着深远的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Niaz argued for the “epistemic subject” as an “ideal knower,” with never a mention of logic—only of science understanding. Lawson identifies the epistemic subject as “pure logical reasoner”—a “straw man.” Net result: no meeting of minds, and little light shown on Piaget. Both fail to present the constructivist Piaget who, as far as he went, did resolve the contextual knowledge/abstract reasoning dilemma.  相似文献   

We present a detailed look at children's learning about the balance scale. In our study, as children explored the balance scale, they acquired and built on special-case and context-specific knowledge. Before making general and context-independent observations, they made more local observations.We contrast our findings with two previous analyses of children's knowledge [Inhelder and Piaget, 1958; Siegler, 1978] about the balance scale in light of assumptions about the nature of knowledge and its acquisition. Educational implications of all three analyses are considered.  相似文献   

库伯的经验学习模式是在杜威、勒温、皮亚杰思想理论的基础上发展起来的。库伯将经验学习模式描述为四个阶段:(1)具体经验;(2)反思与观察;(3)抽象概念化;(4)积极实践。库伯认为学习者应在这四个阶段中往复循环,从而产生不断上升的复杂体的学习螺旋。由于成年学习者的经验更加丰富,因此库伯的经验学习环模式更加适用于成年学习者。在成人经验学习的四个阶段中,教师的工作是引导成年学习者在每个水平上发展、拓展他们的话题。  相似文献   

According to research on mental representation carried out in the Piaget tradition (Galifret-Granjon, 1981; Piaget & Inhelder, 1966), the cognitive processes of decentration in terms of the states (initial and final) and anticipation (of change and movement) form the basis of the reconstruction of a dynamic situation. Children centered primarily on the initial and final states have great difficulty creating a mental representation of a dynamic situation. This study, based on a socio-constructivist approach (Gamier, 1985), seeks to help children develop these two fundamental processes. The pedagogical analysis focuses first on the observation of children's behaviour while playing ball in a group and then on the graphic representation of their actions drawn by the children after each play session. We saw in the children's game definite changes stemming from decentration. We also noticed that the children were centering less on the states in their graphic production which became increasingly rich in codes.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the belief by Piaget that immanent justice responses occur when fairness judgments override conceptions of physical causality in young (6-8 years) children's understanding of a certain type of story. The structure of Piaget's stimulus stories was analyzed, and they were found to involve 3 narrative elements: motive valence, outcome valence, and causal connection. These 3 factors were crossed to create 8 types of stories, one of which (e.g., a character with a bad motive receives a negative outcome which is noncausally related to the previous motive) was the type used by Piaget. It was predicted that 2 types of stories would yield immanent justice responses: good motive/positive outcome/noncausal and bad motive/negative outcome/noncausal. Subjects received 4 stories and answered the Piagetian immanent justice questions and rated outcome fairness. Subjects were 48 each of children in grades 1, 3, and 5 and 38 college students. Results supported the prediction that children use the belief in a just world in immanent justice judgements.  相似文献   


Fifth-grade students (N = 103) from 4 classrooms were administered a multiple-choice test of Piaget tasks (B. J. Wadsworth, 1996). Fifty of the students were identified as preoperational in their cognitive understanding. Two of the classrooms served as the experimental group for 24 identified students; 26 students were in 2 classrooms that served as the control group. The experimental group received special lessons and activities designed to increase abilities in concrete and abstract thinking. The school had a large Hispanic population; therefore, the students received the instruction in the language in which they demonstrated mastery. Students in the experimental group showed a significantly greater increase in concrete operations than did the control group. All the students in the 2 experimental classrooms indicated greater use of concrete operations than did the students in the 2 control classrooms.  相似文献   

Conclusions Although we do not understand very well what the processes are that contribute to language development, it is clear that communication plays a central role. As children strive to become increasingly skilled at communicating their ideas (White, 1959), as they have increasingly complex ideas to communicate (Piaget, 1955), and as they encounter an increasingly diverse set of people with whom to communicate (Brown, 1973), they must learn to use language which is richer and more flexible.When children come to school or to a day care center they already know a great deal about language. They have readily and actively mastered words, sentences and forms of communication which they need in their own family and community. In their new environment—the school or center—children's language development can further be fostered by adults who are receptive to children's efforts at communication. Adults who encourage children to use language in new ways, who attend to what children mean to say and who recognize that children's errors are often not mistakes, are likely to play a positive role in children's language development.Janet H. Kane and Karen Sheingold are on the Staff at Bank Street College of Education.  相似文献   

Young children's combinatoric strategies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Children aged between 4 years 6 months and 9 years 10 months were individually administered a series of novel tasks involving the formation of different combinations of two items, selected from discrete sets of items. An analysis of the children's performance revealed a series of six, increasingly sophisticated, solution strategies ranging from a random selection of items through to a systematic pattern in item choice (cf. Piaget and Inhelder's, 1975, combinatoric operations). A significant number of children independently adopted more efficient solution procedures as they progressed on the tasks, with many displaying an algorithmic procedure reflecting the odometer strategy (holding one item constant while systematically varying each of the other items). Given that children as young as 7 years demonstrated this systematic strategy, it would appear that, within the appropriate learning environment, young children can discover a procedure for forming n x n combinations prior to the stage of formal operations postulated by Piaget and Inhelder. The findings support the inclusion of the combinatorial domain as a topic of investigation in the elementary school curriculum.  相似文献   

幼儿的认知规律总是从感性认识到理性认识,从具体思维到抽象思维。意象图式理论恰好契合了儿童的认知规律,它主张从形象直观的图式出发,把空间图式映射到抽象的认知域,形成隐喻投射,从而认识抽象的概念。将这一理论运用到幼儿英语教学中,有助于克服空间认知这一幼儿英语教学难点,让幼儿轻松愉快地掌握英语方位词汇。  相似文献   

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