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台北故宫博物院是中国著名的历史与文化艺术史博物馆,始建于1962年,1965年夏落成,占地面积1.03万平方米。中国宫殿式建筑,共4层,白墙绿瓦。院前广场耸立由6根石柱组成的牌坊,气势宏伟,整座建筑庄重典雅,富有民族特色。台北故宫博物院共收藏、展出1000多年来宋至清历朝皇帝收集的稀世珍品70万件,这是一般博物馆(院)的收藏都不能比的。  相似文献   

中国有非常丰富的博物馆资源,博物馆里的标本资源更是丰富,北京自然博物馆馆藏文物、化石、标本10多万件,国家动物博物馆内现有各类动物标本530余万件,地方博物馆中的标本更是数不胜数。如何利用博物馆的资源进行教学,特别是相关的生物教学,是教育工作者的一件使命。教师需要在充分认识和了解博物馆标本资源的基础上,促进生物学教学。  相似文献   

01国家博物新馆开放经过为期4年的改扩建后,今年3月下旬,中国国家博物馆正式向公众陆续开放,观众可以前往一睹国家博物馆新貌。改扩建后的中国国家博物馆建筑面积由过去的6.5万平方米增加到如今的近20万平方米,藏品达105万件,现代化的地下文物库房可收藏1 20万件以上文物,成为与大英博物馆、卢浮宫等世界著名博物馆比肩的一流博物馆。  相似文献   

2008年4月8日,投资1.3亿元,建筑面积1.5万平方米的广东客家博物馆在梅州市落成开馆。梅州市根据该馆在全球所有客家博物馆中所处的地位和作用,为更好地发挥该馆的效能,于2008年5月向国家申报“广东客家博物馆”更名为“中国客家博物馆”。2009年3月,国务院办公厅批复同意广东省人民政府申报事项,将“广东客家博物馆”冠名为“中国客家博物馆”。这将给客家博物馆带来新的发展机遇。  相似文献   

前些日子,为写一篇访问圣彼得堡的游记,我找来一些资料。手头资料显示,俄罗斯圣彼得堡的埃尔米塔日博物馆,其藏品多达300万件。写游记时突然想到,要是每件展品看一分钟,这300万件展品需要多长时间呢?拿来计算器算了一下,结果让我大吃一惊:是5.7年!  相似文献   

传统文化的一朵奇葩——记韩国民俗村博物馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国位于亚洲东北部,是个半岛国家,总面积22万平方公里,人口有近4700万人。韩国是一个非常重视本国民族风俗和传统文化的国家,十分重视民俗博物馆的建立和运营。上世纪七十年代,韩国在全国范围内开展“地区的社会开发运动”,使韩国的文化事业有了奇迹般的变化。政府于1972年1月组建了关于建立韩国民俗村的咨询委员会,并于1973年8月,在汉城京畿道大约66万平方米的空地上,建立了有30余间房屋的民俗村,1974的10月竣工后正式对外开放。之后经过多次改、扩建,到2000年9月时,已经发展成占地面积约72万平方米、建有282栋各种建筑和设施、拥有400多…  相似文献   

薛邀 《中学教育》2006,(2):58-58
前些日子,为写一篇访问圣彼得堡的游记,我找来一些资料。手头资料显示,俄罗斯圣彼得堡的埃尔米塔日博物馆,其藏品多达300万件。写游记时忽然想到,要是每件展品看一分钟,这300万件展品需要多长时间呢?拿来计算器算了一下,结果让人大吃一惊:是5.7年!  相似文献   

高度重视农业、农村和农民问题.并给予积极的扶持.这是韩国历届政府都始终没有放松的国策.但是从金泳三到卢武铉总统10多年过去了.农村社会发展问题仍在困扰着韩国社会.人们不得不认真面对农村教育这一世纪性难题,2004年.韩国的人均GDP已经达到1.41万美元.今年有望达到1.6万美元.在农民收入与城市居民接近的情况下,  相似文献   

纽约大都会艺术博物馆是美国最大的艺术博物馆。它位于美国纽约五号大道上的82号大街,与著名的美国自然历史博物馆遥遥相对,占地13万平方米,共有藏品300万件,是世界上首屈一指的大型博物馆。  相似文献   

纽约大都会艺术博物馆是美国最大的艺术博物馆。它位于美国纽约五号大道上的82号大街,与著名的美国自然历史博物馆遥遥相对,占地13万平方米,共有藏品300万件,是世界上首屈一指的大型博物馆。  相似文献   

行业博物馆是上世纪八十年代开始逐步兴起的一种新的类型的专题博物馆,近两三年发展如火如荼.荆门目前建有两个行业类博物馆,一个是油菜博物馆,一个是蜜蜂博物馆,但经调查,荆门行业博物馆资源还有农耕文化资源、漳河水利资源、古民居资源、石碑石刻艺术资源等,因此,荆门应从现有特色资源出发,努力规划建设中国农谷农耕文化博物馆、漳河水利博物馆、荆门古民居博物馆、荆门石碑石刻艺术博物馆等,以此引导和发展荆门地区的行业博物馆建设.  相似文献   

博物馆是为社会服务的文化教育公益性机构,具有收藏、科学研究、传播科学文化知识、思想道德教育、丰富人民群众文化生活的社会功能。观众既是博物馆的服务对象,也是博物馆赖以生存的社会基础。了解观众、熟悉观众、服务观众、满足观众是博物馆的根本宗旨。博物馆免费开放以来,越来越多的观众走进博物馆,博物馆如何从观众的角度出发,更好地为观众服务,让观众处处感受到博物馆的人文关怀,是一个重要的课题。  相似文献   

敦煌,一颗闪耀在大漠戈壁中的文化明珠,被称为"东方卢浮宫",历经十六国、北朝、隋、唐、五代、西夏、元等时期的兴建,现存的735个洞窟中汇集了大量珍贵精彩的佛教艺术作品,以精美的雕塑和壁画而闻名于世。敦煌"莫高窟"又称"千佛洞"被誉为20世纪最伟大的发现之一。"藏经洞"的发现又衍生了"敦煌学"研究。本文重点讨论敦煌壁画艺术对现代造型艺术研究发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

博物馆引入市场营销理念与策略将有利于合理利用博物馆资源,发现市场机会,提高博物馆的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

近年来,互联网正以一种全球化的生存理念冲击着世界。伴随着信息化社会的到来,博物馆也开始利用互联网这种新的信息传播手段,实现了在信息交流和信息共享方面质的突破,称为数字博物馆。我国在数字博物馆方面的建设,目前还相对落后,因此应该积极迎接挑战,这对于在新形势下充分宣扬我国民族化具有重大意义。  相似文献   

This article examines how education could support the formation and establishment of identities. It focuses on museum education and in particular artist interrogations of museum narratives. These interventions into museum pedagogy are critical reworkings of the presentation of cultural histories in dominant narratives. The aim of this research is to examine the consequences of these interventions for pedagogy in the museum site, when linear narratives are subject to reconstruction by individual agencies. The complexities of museum pedagogy are revealed and analysed in order to identify models of teaching and learning that are inclusive. The work of Fred Wilson, artist and curator of an installation project at the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore, USA, is applied to explore notions of cultural capital and cultural empowerment through education in the museum. Throughout the article is concerned with investigating how the individual subject is formed and informed through the narrative. Analogies are drawn with the view that the curriculum may not be a neutral and objective selection of knowledge and that in the same way it is worth investigating this claim to enquire whether institutional presentations of history are equally subjective. If museum education projects are set by curators and education officers to meet certain curriculum requirements then there must be questions raised about the structure of narratives and the process by which they are disseminated. This article is an exploration of these actions with far‐reaching applications, to ascertain whether they can successfully promote social justice in education and empower the individual or whether they serve to polarize essentialism and multiculturalism.  相似文献   

Museum professionalism remains an unexplored area in museum studies, particularly with regard to what is arguably the core generic question of a sui generis professional knowledge base, and its necessary and sufficient conditions. The need to examine this question becomes all the more important with the increasing expansion of the museum’s roles and functions. This paper starts by mapping out the policy and organizational context within which the roles of museums have expanded in the UK. It then situates the discussion of museum professional knowledge within a cross-disciplinary matrix bearing on the question of what is professional about occupations classified—or classifiable—as professions. Against the backdrop of the current organizational context of the museum as well as theories of professional knowledge, it highlights the ways in which museum work, more specifically museography, poses a distinctive set of questions compared to other ‘professional’ fields; the paper thus homes in on the question of what it is that constitutes the uniqueness of museum professional knowledge in relation to museographic practice and the type of professional knowledge and expertise that can sustain it and enact its creative and educational potentials and affordances.  相似文献   

Drawing on observations of classroom art practice and visits to one museum and two galleries and on interviews with teachers and museum and gallery educators, this article examines the interactive relationship between school art education and museum and gallery visits. It studies: the ways primary teachers use such visits for art teaching purposes; and the reasons for the existing limitations in incorporating museum or gallery visits into school art education despite the wide acknowledgement of their educational value. The findings suggest the presence of two models of educational programmes which appear to influence differently the ‘three‐part unit’ of preliminary work, visit to the institution and follow‐up activities in the classroom.  相似文献   

Museums and buildings are both considered immutable by the majority of people who use them. A small team from Goldsmiths College, the V&A+RIBA Architecture Partnership and Pimlico School set out to challenge this preconception. The Victoria & Albert museum was taken as a case study to investigate how buildings are a physical manifestation of an institute, and how their physical presence records the way the museum has to respond to outside criteria, from government funding strategies to cultural trends. This article puts forward the argument that a museum building as a subject is a constantly changing environment, through which young learners can develop their historical imagination and critical abilities. It describes the process and findings from a project carried out with students from Pimlico School, who were asked to find and respond to evidence in the fabric of the V&A museum buildings of the substantial physical changes that it is currently undergoing. By choosing specific sites, the students put together a series of PDA‐based threads to describe and archive different narratives about the museum at the moment of their mapping. These are made for future visitors to see, hear and compare the museum environment they are experiencing with the one that the students recorded.  相似文献   

中国闽台缘博物馆是展示中国大陆与宝岛台湾紧密联系的国家级博物馆,基于WebGIS和虚拟现实的闽台缘虚拟美术馆是对闽台缘博物馆的补充,可以通过InternetZ维动态地展示美术馆,满足人们随时随地欣赏画作的需求.文章从虚拟美术馆的系统架构设计、系统功能设计及三维模型设计与实现三个方面阐述闽台缘虚拟美术馆的设计,并应用VRML构建了虚拟美术馆的具体模型及其虚拟场景展示.  相似文献   

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