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英国幻想文学大师罗尔德.达尔在其作品《女巫》中,以精准的笔触和出奇的幻想,成功地运用"叙述上的真实"、"细节上的真实"、"幻想小说文本自身的真实"这三种叙事策略,将女巫世界"描写得如同发生了一样",不动声色地便让读者仿佛置身于一个全然真实的幻想世界中,成功地营造了幻想世界"大真大幻"的真实性和现场感。  相似文献   

In this article David Lewis talks to Posy Simmonds about her career in illustration, cartooning and the writing and illustration of picturebooks. Together they discuss her early experience of working as an illustrator for newspapers and magazines; her first attempt at creating a weekly adult cartoon strip and her subsequent career as a regular contributor to the Guardian newspaper. They consider her approach to writing and drawing picturebooks; the balance of realism and fantasy in her work; her mastery of colour effects; her liking for drawing cats and her attempts to capture the truth of a situation in pictures and words. David Lewis has been a teacher in primary and secondary schools, an educational researcher, and lecturer in education at Goldsmiths’ College, London and the University of Exeter. He has written a number of articles about children’s picturebooks and is the author of Reading Contemporary Picturebooks: Picturing Text. He is a member of the UK editorial committee of Children’s Literature in Education.  相似文献   

The article begins by assessing Enid Blyton’s contribution to the Arthurian revival of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, setting this in the context of longstanding debates about the function of children’s literature. It goes on to argue that Blyton’s use of the story of Enid in The Knights of the Round Table (1930) has a personal significance which deserves attention. The article also suggests that other figures in the story—Enid’s father, her mother, and her husband Geraint—have parallels in Blyton’s life. In Alfred Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King,” the tale of Geraint and Enid concerns the early phase of married life—a phase which must meet certain criteria if children are to be forthcoming. But Blyton’s source might have prompted unease on her part, for it was in 1928—the year in which The Knights of the Round Table was serialized—that Blyton, who had not conceived after 4 years of marriage, consulted a gynaecologist.  相似文献   

20世纪英国作家罗尔德·达尔的作品充满奇思妙想,人物刻画细腻入微。《品酒"大师"》这部作品充满荒谬、贪婪、邪恶、虚伪,人物大都在"机关用尽"之际,不小心就"栽了跟头",或者在"聪明绝顶"之时,反被"聪明"所误。很多蛛丝马迹,如一张张隐形的手,将品酒"大师"贪婪的面纱层层剥离,露出本来面目。具体体现在六个方面:一是对葡萄酒的看法;二是叙述者"我"的交代;三是参赌前的欲擒故纵行为;四是对葡萄酒喝前存放位置的揭示;五是面部表情的描述;六是要求增加赌注的行为。小说的最后,一直处于模糊状态的"女仆",一下子清楚地站到了显眼的位置,一语惊人,令品酒"大师"的种种"蛛丝马迹"清晰再现,展示了罗尔德·达尔作品迷人的魅力。  相似文献   

In this interview Fiona French discusses her work and career with David Lewis. She describes early influences and stresses her lifelong love of colour and pattern. Amongst other themes she considers the factual basis of most of her books and her lack of interest in fantasy; her preference for clear, simple prose; her constant shifts in style and approach and the increasing freedom of expression she has developed over a long career. David Lewis has been a primary school teacher, educational researcher and teacher trainer. He has written numerous articles on children's picturebooks and is the author of Reading Contemporary Picturebooks: Picturing Text. He is a member of the UK editorial board of Children's Literature in Education.  相似文献   

儿童文学大师罗尔德·达尔用幽默的文字游走在传统与现代之间,塑造了一系列带有传统童话色彩的人物形象,并赋予了他们崭新的现代内涵。作品中隐含的家庭权威、反面的人格阴影和协助的童心成人,是儿童和成人心理的现实写照。达尔将这些真实心理融入到了虚幻的童话世界,为的是让读者在幻想世界中不断发掘自我,最终实现对现实自我的重新建构。  相似文献   

The depictions of cruel witches in Roald Dahl’s novel The Witches echo the cruel, abusive measures taken by adults in the historical treatment of children. The concept of child-hatred, described by Lloyd Demause and other critics, is an effective lens through which to view the hyperbolized hatred of children described in The Witches. However, Dahl’s text deals with more than just the explicit hatred of children. In fact, in its characterization of Grandmamma as an adult that truly values the state of childhood, and in Dahl’s narrative treatment of both his child protagonist and his child audience, Dahl’s text counters the notion that we have progressed to a culture that values and, at times, sacralizes the child. The Witches presents to readers the possibility that child-hatred is not some now-defunct phenomenon, but rather an extant danger in the historical present of childhood, a danger made ever more threatening by its ability to hide under a mask of benevolence. With the many instances of both child-protection and child-hatred that pervade The Witches, the text serves as an apt illustration of the ambivalence inherent in many works of children’s literature, which has been a central concern for scholars of children’s texts for decades.  相似文献   

In 2007 the Rudd Labor government in Australia introduced significant changes to education policy for the nation. The Skilling Australia’s Future (Rudd et al. Skilling Australia for the future. Election 2007 policy document, 2007) policy was meant to redress a perceived failure by the previous Howard federal Liberal-National Coalition governments to fund and manage vocational skills training adequately. The Skilling Australia’s Future policy established a number of areas for immediate action. This paper looks at one of these areas from the policy document, namely, the Rudd government’s plan for addressing skills shortages (Rudd et al. 2007, pp. 4–9) through the establishment of Trade Training Centres in schools. The policy is analysed using Critical Discourse Analysis, featuring the semiotic concept of intertextuality. Findings from the application of this method suggest that Skilling Australia’s Future (2007) belongs within a history of like-minded policy and, although a new direction is provided by the allocation of Trade Training Centres to selected high schools, the policy is not clearly separable from the market-driven discourse that has pervaded education policy since the 1990s.  相似文献   

Children learn to read at approximately the same stage in life as they start to master their physical environment. This article argues that some of the same mapping and schema-building strategies inform each activity, and draws on examples from a broad range of children’s books to support the idea that reading fiction and mapping one’s local surroundings work in tandem among many young children. Fictional examples include Ramona the Brave, The Moffats, and The House at Pooh Corner. As children grow, and their understanding of their own world increases, their relationship with fiction may become more complex; this proposal is discussed in relation to the works of Carolyn Keene and Enid Blyton.  相似文献   

Jill Chaney's first book was published over ten years ago, and since then she has produced eight more novels. Five of these have the young child in mind as reader, but her most interesting work lies in the four books she has written for teenagers,Half a Candle, Mottram Park, Return to Mottram Park, andThe Buttercup Field. She is a writer whose books are not widely known, and the purpose of this article is to examine some of the themes in her work and to suggest that what she has to say to young people deserves more attention, both from teachers and teenagers themselves, than she has received up till now.David has had three books for children published,Storm Surge (Butterworth),Quintin's Man (Dobson) andThe Missing German (Dobson). These are to be followed in 1977 by four more stories,The Spectrum (Dobson),Landslip (Hamish Hamilton),The Ferryman (Dobson), andRisks (Pyramid). He has also written articles on Penelope Lively and Penelope Farmer forThe Horn Book, and an essay on Philippa Pearce which appeared inChildren's literature in education. His novelQuintin's Man is to be published by Nelson in the United States this year.  相似文献   

Louise Erdrich is one of the most influential writers of the Native American Renaissance. Her contributions to the representation of Native American history have been great, and her masterpieces of children’s literature have won her a prominent reputation. This article explores the (re)location of the concept of home in Erdrich’s The Game of Silence and analyzes the novel’s historical context with reference to various discourses on space/place, including those by Native Americans. Erdrich’s narration reconstructs a space for Native American culture, religion and tradition, and for the continued survival of Native American people. She represents the silent history of her ancestors’ displacement to the West, as white settlers encroached upon their beloved homeland. As Erdrich’s work so poignantly illustrates, for Native American people, home is nowhere and anywhere.  相似文献   

Carol Ann Duffy’s three volumes of children’s poetry are important and interesting because they emerge from the work of a writer whose adult poetry has persistently associated childhood with dark and difficult areas of experience. This article explores what happens to such challenging material when a poet of major significance changes the focus of her work to address child readers directly. Since these areas of experience are bound up with issues that have made the meaning of childhood particularly problematic within contemporary society, Carol Ann Duffy’s poetry may be read as an oblique commentary on the condition of childhood within late modernity. The author focuses on strategies used by the poet in representing both romantic love and disturbing emotions for a child readership, assessing the roles played by distancing and estrangement devices in mediating such experience. David Whitley is Lecturer in English in the Faculty of Education at Cambridge University, where he teaches English Literature, Film and Children’s Literature. He is particularly interested in film, poetry and environmental perspectives on the arts. He has published a number of articles, especially on Aesop’s Fables, and has recently completed a book on Disney animation.  相似文献   

We measured student knowledge and motivation at the beginning and end of a three-week general psychology course. Two large lecture sections (N = 215 and N = 154) were compared; one used a cooperative learning process, and one did not. Student knowledge significantly improved in both sections, but there was no additional benefit derived from using cooperative learning. Interestingly, student motivation significantly decreased in the cooperative learning section. With recognition of the study’s limitations, we conclude that cooperative learning has limited efficacy in large enrollment, compressed courses. Dawn Vreven is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. She received her Ph.D. from Brown University. Her research interests include visual perception and cognition. Susan McFadden is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. She received her Ph.D. from Drew University. She co-edits the “Teaching Tips” column for the Association for Psychological Science’s Observer and has published a number of articles on teaching and learning. This work was supported by the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program.  相似文献   

Professional practice can be conceptualised holistically, and in fact during the 1990s the ‘Australian model’ of integrated or holistic competence emerged empirically. This piece outlines that story, and then develops a more rigorous conceptual analysis of what it is to make competent practical judgements, through inferences, in context-specific and accountable ways (such as to one’s peer group of professionals, or to the public). Current research interest in the Schonian swamp-like messiness of judgements (e.g. in clinical medicine) is drawn upon to advance a new epistemology of practice, which takes seriously the ‘know how’ of real work situations, as the basis for a revival of Aristotelianphronesis. Part 2 of this paper is based on Beckett (2004). Quotations are data from a UTS project on professionals’ workplace learning, directed by Paul Hager and David Beckett (2000-1).  相似文献   


Scotland has been in the forefront of media education developments in Britain in recent years. Here, David Butts reflects on the research which he has been carrying out over the past three years into what is happening in the classroom and how teachers themselves perceive their work in this area. David Butts is a Research Fellow at the University of Stirling.  相似文献   

Alex Attewell 《Prospects》1998,28(1):151-166
Conclusion Florence Nightingale once quoted from an address on education delivered at the Universities of St Andrew's and Glasgow, which perfectly reflected her own standpoint: ‘[…] education is to teach men not to know, but to do’ (Nightingale, 1873, p. 576). It would seem fair to judge Florence Nightingale's contribution to education by the practical effect which her reforms had. A letter written to her by Benjamin Jowett should stand as her epitaph: There was a great deal of romantic feeling about you 23 years ago when you returned home from the Crimea […] and now you work on in silence, and nobody knows how many lives are saved by your nurses in hospitals; how many thousand soldiers […] are now alive owing to your forethought and diligence; how many natives of India in this generation and in generations to come have been preserved from famine and oppression and the load of debt by the energy of a sick lady who can scarcely rise from her bed. The world does not know all this or think about it. But I know it and often think about it (31 December 1879). Original language: English Alex Attewell (United Kingdom) Assistant curator of a hospital museum in the west of England before joining the Florence Nightingale Museum, London, in 1989. He became an Associate of the Museums Association in 1993 and Curator of the Florence Nightingale Museum in 1994. He often lectures, gives broadcasts and organizes temporary exhibitions in the area of his expertise.  相似文献   

Sonya Hartnett's Thursday's Child was published in Australia by Penguin Books in 2000. Editions are available in the UK (Walker Books, 2002), the USA (Candlewick, 2002), as well as in Canada, Germany, Italy, Norway, and Denmark. In 2002, the book was awarded the Guardian's Children's Fiction Prize in the UK. Like Harper, the narrator of the novel, Sonya Hartnett began to write early—her first book, Trouble All the Way, was written when she was 13 and published 2 years later. It seems that adults read Thursday's Child and talk about it without any reference to young readers; we see it as one of those books you read and immediately look for someone to discuss it with. And then go back to the book to reread. It's one of those novels that, like many poems, offers multiple readings and the reader may be content to accept several of them. The UK editors of this journal wanted to bring this intriguing novel to the notice of readers who may not yet have discovered it, and, we felt sure, those who already knew the book would welcome two close readings to set alongside their own. We invited Judith Armstrong to begin the discussion. Then David Rudd, with the benefit of Judith's insights, adds his exploration of the novel. Between the two essays, we have included some comments, extracted from a taped conversation, of two 14-year-old readers. This article comprises two sustained responses to Sonya Hartnett's award-winning novel, Thursday's Child. Both essays explore multiple readings of a complex and intriguing text. Set in the Great Depression in Australia, the novel is seen as at once realistic, mythic, and even fantastic. Judith Armstrong considers Tin, the subject of the title, as a feral child and examines his influence on the other members of his family. As he tunnels through the earth, so does the narrator Harper (Tin's older sister) “dig” with her pen. Their excavations leave both children forever marked by the bleak and sometimes violent events recorded in the book. David Rudd continues the discussion, finding Freud's exploration of “the uncanny” and J. M. Barrie's character, Peter Pan, illuminating in his reading of the novel. He also asks how far Harper can be trusted as narrator: can we even be certain that her brother survived a mudslide that occurred early in the story?  相似文献   

In this commentary, some remarks are offered on David Pimm, Mary Beisiegel, and Irene Meglis’ article “Would the Real Lakatos Please Stand up.” The commentary focuses on relatively recent developments in the philosophy of mathematics based on the work of Lakatos; on theory development in mathematics education; and offers critique on whether Lakatos’ Proofs and Refutations (1976) can be directly implicated in mathematics education.
“Nature and nature’s laws lay hid in night; God said, Let Newton be! and all was light.” (Pope, 1688-17441)

The extraordinary nursery library produced by Jane Johnson (circa 1742–1747), entirely in the private domain with no thought of publication, holds pride of place in the Lilly Library's collection of early children's books at the University of Indiana, USA. It has already been celebrated in an exhibition and international conference held at the Fitzwilliam Museum and Homerton College respectively in Cambridge, UK, in 1995. One outcome of the interest aroused in Jane's educational materials by scholars from a wide range of disciplines was the publication of Opening the Nursery Door in 1997, which included two essays devoted to her enterprise by Shirley Brice Heath and Victor Watson. Since then, the Bodleian Library in Oxford has acquired and published in facsimile form a story written by Jane in 1744, alongside a fascinating assortment of family letters and other papers. In Opening the Nursery Door, Watson explored the sources for Jane's story, while Brice Heath considered the materials from a linguistic and anthropological point of view, but no one has yet examined them as reading materials. This is the focus the present authors have taken, based on their research into her life and work, alongside their exploration of the historical and educational context in which a mother might have taught her children to read in the eighteenth century. This article is devoted to examining Jane's nursery library, the philosophical and pedagogical influences on her approach, and the methodologies she used to teach reading, thus throwing a spotlight on domestic literacy and providing insights into the culture of Georgian family life.  相似文献   

“Post-modernists look to the past and future equally and position themselves in the present, seeing time as a broken continuum in need of acknowledgement” (Jencks, 1992b, p.6). Traditional views in instructional technology are often based on the application of scientific knowledge. Post-modernism, an alternative paradigm, questions whether science alone offers the best approach to teaching and learning. Post-modernism holds promise for guiding research and development in instructional technology.; however, its potential contributions to the field require clarification. Accordingly, cogent definitions of post-modernism have been constructed—from an instructional technologist's point of view—and implications for the field have been presented to address the concerns of critics. This paper received the 1999 ETR&D Young Scholar Award and the author notes that the termpost-modern shall be hyphenated to symbolize “the continuation of Modernism and its transcendence” (Jencks, 1995, p. 30). David Solomon is completing his dissertation in the Instructional Technology program at Wayne State University. In addition to teaching college students at the secondary and postsecondary levels, he has more than 13 years experience designing, developing, and implementing instruction and performance improvement solutions for multinational and privately held businesses, and can be reached.  相似文献   

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