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This article explores practices of representation and role stabilization in an emerging innovation ecosystem in Beirut, Lebanon. With little local track record of software startup activity, any overt practices of venture or business process representation were of immediate utility. The two moments explored, a pitch session at a mentorship committee meeting and a startup founding competition, capture parts of the nascent topology of a venture development setting in the making. In both, pitches for software products were at the heart of the productive process, and this paper argues that these moments of performative representation were not surplus to the process of founding a startup, but rather are crucial productive elements in themselves. Early-stage software development consists of a constant oscillation between making and modeling. The interdependence of writing software code, stabilizing social platforms for work and industry development, and finding specialists who could relate these tasks was crucial to the development of this business ecosystem in Lebanon. It was a system in motion, built of code and confidence. The circulation of information crucial to decision making within a single project required distinct practices of publicity, which in turn required articulatory platforms.  相似文献   

This essay investigates the possible relationship between noise and ethics through the music of improvising musician Evan Parker and the ‘post‐post‐structuralist’ philosophy of Alain Badiou. According to Badiou, one of the most important features of an ethical attitude is the recognition of a void in a situation, that is, the attention for something that cannot be thought, felt, or experienced within a conventional system, something that always already escapes established and existing structures. This seems to bear some resemblance to the way French thinker Jacques Attali describes noise. According to Attali, noise interrupts and disconnects. It is an aggression against all sorts of code, against all kinds of order. Noise is an evental break from the status quo or ordinary situation, which compels recognition of something new. Rethinking noise this way means that noise does not exist in and of itself, but only in relation to the system within which it is inscribed. Noise is a void in a situation and can therefore be connected to Badiou's ideas about ethics. In a relative rather than an absolute sense, the improvised music of Evan Parker – and this essay especially draws attention to one of his projects, Drawn Inward, in which electronics and acoustical instruments meet and hold a dialogue – produces noise, precisely in and through improvisation; in many ways it disrupts musical conventions. The essay thus explores the space within the triangle noise–improvisation–ethics.  相似文献   

Two issues of great interest in the field of lasers in artwork conservation are the so-called yellowing effect and the discoloration of pigments. We have viewed these issues from a comprehensive point of view, considering all our present experimental results as well as ongoing modeling and theoretical calculations. The first concern to be discussed is the yellowing effect in laser cleaning of marble or stone artifacts. Although, in most cases, a yellowish layer exists underneath the black encrustation, the so-called ‘patina’, it has become clear that there are situations where yellowing cannot be attributed to an existing layer. In the present study, a light scattering model that may account for the yellowing is presented. This model considers a thin absorbent layer and the surface roughness and/or created voids and accounts for the reflectance spectra measured by (i) hyper-spectral imaging and (ii) integrating sphere. Additional experimental data, such as the absence of yellowing when the third harmonic of a Q-swihed Nd:YAG laser is used, support this model. A thorough understanding of the quantitative characteristics of pigment discoloration, on the other hand, has been attempted by means of X-ray diffraction and theoretical studies. The model developed suggests a nucleation process for cinnabar resulting in a structural modification within the volume of a pigment’s crystal or particle close to the ‘ablation front’, which extends for a few nanometers from its surface.  相似文献   

This article develops a detailed overview of literature on the relationship between monetary organization, understood as currencies and central banks, and issues of national identity and nationalism. It demonstrates how the literature on this subject for the past 20 years has developed into a distinct research field and the article sketches a set of different methodological approaches as well as geographical and thematical variations within the field. In particular, the overview points to a recent shift in focus from a preoccupation with the identity-cultivating qualities of monetary organization to an emphasis on how collective identities legitimize monetary organization. Based on the literature review, the article points to two underdeveloped themes for future research to investigate: (1) further studies on the interrelation between the legitimacy of monetary organization and national identity, (2) an increased focus on central banks and monetary authorities, as well as the historical development in which monetary organization evolved in concert with ideas of the national identity and nationalism.  相似文献   

国语 《文化交流》2009,(8):23-26
1991年,痴迷国学的李涅从家乡四川出发,去拜访大师季羡林。那天,当李涅寻到季羡林的家门前时,时间已十一点多了。因为激动而心脏狂跳的他真想冲过去敲开季老的门,但是他最终克制住了自己的想法:季老该吃午饭了吧?饭后也应该午休的UE?因而他便在老人门外的楼梯上坐等,决定到下午3点钟以后再敲季老家的门。等的过程中,李涅内心依旧忐忑,期待着下午敲门的时刻早些到来,却又猜想不到敲门之后将会发生怎样的一幕情景。这时,季羡林散文里常提到的那只他非常喜欢的自猫正巧从门边跳出来亲热李涅,顿时让他感到温暖与亲切,才又重新鼓起勇气,坚定了决心。  相似文献   

In the U.S.A., advocates of academic freedom—the ability to pursue research unencumbered by government controls—have long found sparring partners in government officials who regulate technology trade. From concern over classified research in the 1950s, to the expansion of export controls to cover trade in information in the 1970s, to current debates over emerging technologies and global innovation, the academic community and the government have each sought opportunities to demarcate the sphere of their respective authority and autonomy and assert themselves in that sphere. In this paper, we explore these opportunities, showing how the Social Contract for Science set the terms for the debate, and how the controversy turned to the proper interpretation of this compact. In particular, we analyze how the 1985 presidential directive excluding fundamental research from export controls created a boundary object that successfully demarcated science and the state, but only for a Cold War world that would soon come to an end. Significant changes have occurred since then in the governance structures of science and in the technical and political environment within which both universities and the state sit. Even though there have been significant and persistent calls for reassessing the Cold War demarcation, a new institutionalization of how to balance the concerns of national security and academic freedom is still only in its nascent stages. We explore the value of moving from a boundary object to a boundary organization, as represented in a proposed new governance body, the Science and Security Commission.  相似文献   

On the basis of ethnographic and historical material this article makes a comparative analysis of the relationship between public events, ceremonies and academic rituals, institutional identity, and processes of transition and power at two universities, one in Mexico and the other in South Africa. The public events examined here play a major role in imagining and bringing about political shifts within universities as well as between universities and external actors. It shows how decisive local histories and constituencies are in mediating and transfiguring identity projects initiated from above.  相似文献   

Michael Chayut 《Minerva》1994,32(3):297-308
Conclusion Carothers's polymerisation theory, and Flory's enunciation of equal reactivities, were hybrids of ideas, extensions by analogy of the principles and methods of rigorous scientific disciplines into a new field, still in a state of conceptual unclarity. Their hybrid-ideas were radical innovations which contributed towards establishing polymer chemistry as a separate chemical discipline. Joseph Ben-David's theory of hybridisation can cast new light on the social and technological origins of significant innovations in twentieth-century science. Carothers and Flory's enunciations of radically novel ideas were inseperable from their identification with the new role of polymer chemist.Quasi-academic or academically peripheral milieux have had a systematic, indeed historic, role in bringing about innovations in fundamental science, in isolating significant problems and fruitful analogies, and in shaping new types of academic careers. This mechanism at the periphery offsets the pressures for conformity and orthodoxy which otherwise tend to prevail in academic science at the centre.  相似文献   


News translation, which takes many forms, encounters two types of cultural resistance that hinder intercultural understanding. The first is apparent in the need to transform a text in order to make it meaningful in a new context, while the second results from the irreducibility of culture as a way of life to the form of a text. This article illustrates both forms of resistance by analyzing a story originally broadcast on The National in Canada in 1992, and it concludes by considering the implications of the power relations between journalists and the people they describe in acts of news translation.  相似文献   

The major distinctive feature of cultural goods is that consumers must learn how to consume them, implying that preferences should be modelled as intertemporally dependent. The canonical model in the literature uses a habit formation analogy. In this paper, we discuss in detail, though in the simplest setup, a consistent preference structure for that model. Then, we derive the implications for the dynamics of two aggregate equilibrium models, a fixed price model and a flexible price model. The learning-by-consuming behaviour is characterised by a preference structure displaying bounded adjacent complementarity in the demand for the cultural good. This implies that there will be short run complementarity between the stocks of culture and financial wealth and that the adjustment of the demand for cultural goods, or of their relative price, will have some inertia. In the exogenous price model, we find that increases in income will raise the long run demand for cultural goods while increases in the relative price will decrease it. In the endogenous price model, an increase in the supply of cultural goods will imply an initial undershooting of the price of cultural goods followed by an upward transition process. Our results seem to be consistent with the empirical results on the demand for cultural goods and seem to offer an explanation for the Baumol and Bowen paradox.JEL Classification: Z1, E21Earlier versions of this paper have been presented at the 1st Conference of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Economia (SPiE, 1997) and at the Xth Conference of the Association for Cultural Economics International, 1998, Barcelona.  相似文献   


This essay diagnoses how humanitarian non-governmental organisations are filling a sovereign vacuum created ironically by governments outsourcing their governing functions; this outsourcing marks a transformation of the Westphalian order of states. The proliferation of non-state actors facilitates the politicisation of human rights around how to recognise who or what is a human being endowed with natural rights, and who is a terrorist or outlaw. By tracing the connections between human rights and governmentality, I contend that human rights advocates must acknowledge that their cosy relationship with powerful militaries has resulted in humanitarian interventions using the language of rights to justify neocolonial projects that often intensify human suffering. Humanitarianism may function as a deterritorialised form of governmentality that offers a theatrical illusion of protection and security, while undermining their possibilities structurally. Indeed, I demonstrate how powerful states not only use human rights and humanitarian legitimations for their particularist geopolitical and economic ends, but also direct humanitarian NGOs strategically by proxy for their own interests.  相似文献   

In recent years, questions of ‘character’ have become increasingly prominent in a range of policy contexts, from education to social welfare and from business to healthcare. What unites these various contemporary paens is an assumption that building ‘character’ is a crucial component of ethics and that it holds the key to establishing and maintaining virtuous conduct; moreover, that the cultivation of ‘character’ is at best under-valued and at worst actively undermined and denigrated in any number of contemporary economic and organizational practices. In this paper, we seek to interrogate key aspects of this upsurge of interest in ‘character’ as it has been articulated in particular recent and on-going debates about the reform of organizational life. We argue that this ‘turn’ suffers precisely from an abstraction and lack of contextual specificity – not simply in relation to questions of ‘character formation,’ but also in regard to matters of organization, and indeed the relationship of the one to the other – that severely curtails both its ethical reach and explanatory power.  相似文献   

This essay is inspired by Benedict Anderson's theorisation that communities are products of collective imagination. Literature and cartography, as Anderson points out, exert considerable influence in marking the imaginary contour of a specific community. To Anderson's theorisation, this essay will add a few notes, suggesting that literary mapping and cartographic writing convey dialectic messages and thereby chart contending communities. Through an examination of Victorian adventure stories (The Coral Island, King Solomon's Mines and Kim), domestic novels (Wuthering Heights, The Way We Live Now and The Sign of Four), an imperial map and a fictional treasure map, this essay will unfold the ideological underpinnings of writing and charting, analyse the rhetoric of wish and anguish in both acts, and interrogate Britain's conflicting doctrines of global imperialism and insular nationalism. The ultimate aim is to argue that literary mapping, analogous to cartographic writing, captures a Britain that is at once an invincible empire flexing its muscle worldwide and a vulnerable island besieged by the Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea, English Channel, and North Sea. Between Britain's wishes and anguish, Victorian writers sketch in their contemporaries' imagination a contour of the British Empire in which the centre itself is decentred.  相似文献   

In 1973, German historian Arno Peters unveiled the “Peters projection,” a map that challenged the Eurocentric Mercator style by redrawing the so-called “Third World” to appear more prominent on the global landscape. The projection sparked intense debate among cartographers about the overt use of ideology in mapping, while simultaneously championed by international groups (from the UN to church organizations) as a corrective against the marginalization of developing nations. This essay addresses how the Peters map became a rhetorical emblem for an internationalist identity within the contentious spatial conceptions constraining the Cold War. Ultimately, the Peters projection, despite its radicalism, constituted a “recolonization” that supported logics of Western liberal development in the Third World.  相似文献   

“Ontario and its Universities” embodies the views, on several central issues in higher education in Ontario, of members of a seminar which met regularly in the autumn of 1973 and early winter of 1974. The seminar was initiated by a group of professors from the University of Toronto and York University. They invited a number of their academic colleagues and several interested and informed persons from the wider public to discuss with them the responsibilities and essential requirements of the contemporary university in Ontario.  相似文献   

Using the neo-classical justifications for government support of the arts that Dick Netzer discussed in The Subsidized Muse as a starting point, the article contends that market failure is not an useful concept to understand and explain cultural policies and the degree of government involvement, particularly when viewed from a comparative perspective. The basic fault is that historical- institutional arrangements and the role of non-state actors in the formation of cultural policies are not taken into account. Discussing some aspects of the institutional framework in the development of French, Swedish and U.S. cultural policies, the article concludes with a call for the use of neo-institutionalist perspectives in analyzing government intervention in the arts field.  相似文献   


This paper explores how pricing has historically been involved in the making up of persons and how the ability to ‘personalize’ price is reconfiguring the ability of markets to discriminate. We discuss a variety of contemporary pricing practices, and three types of personhood they produce: generic, protected, and transcontextual. While some contemporary developments in pricing draw on understandings of the person that are quite familiar, others are novel and likely to be contested. We argue that many newer pricing techniques make it harder for consumers to identify themselves as part of a recognized group. We conclude that contemporary price personalization should be understood in terms of the intensification of individualization in combination with dividualization, and as such, contributes to novel and consequential forms of classification.  相似文献   

3年前,一位做外教的美国姑娘爱上了一位在出租屋安身的衢州小伙子。不久,男友患上了尿毒症。美国姑娘不离不弃,一直守护着他。她说:你若安好,便是晴天。屋内没有奢华的摆设,也没有高档的家电,除了一些并不时兴的桌椅床凳外,客厅地面上还散落着几件儿童玩具。摆在  相似文献   

Culture,economics and sustainability   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper it is argued that systems analysis can provide a means of bringing economic and cultural systems together in a unified framework. It is then proposed that a link between economics and culture can be established through the concept of culturally sustainable development, definable in terms of a set of criteria relating to advancement of material and nonmaterial wellbeing, inter-and intra-generational equity, and recognition of interdependence. The paper suggests that conceptualising the interaction between the cultural and economic systems in these terms might provide a workable model for policy analysis.  相似文献   

《临安水龙》曾去北京参加广场文化献演,又两次远赴法国表演,赢得一片赞誉。使这条龙活起来、舞起来的是一个名叫程行的人。他原是农民,现在还住在临安青山朱村。  相似文献   

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