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章经阐述焦虑情绪在体育运动竞技比较中对运动员运动技能水平的发挥所造成的影响为主线,分析如何调节运动员焦虑情绪,提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

谈举重运动的焦虑对运动成绩的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在举重运动竞赛中,由于情绪过度紧张而产生的运动焦虑,影响了运动成绩的正常发挥。教练员必须在训练比赛中合理调节运动员的运动焦虑,加强心理素质训练和智力训练,确保运动员充分发挥自身潜力,创造出优异成绩。  相似文献   

心理应激对网球运动员免疫球蛋白变化的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以48名在校高水平男、女网球运动员作为研究对象,采用STAI量表测量其焦虑特质,采用比浊法测量其免疫球蛋白含量,分析不同焦虑特质的网球运动员在心理应激后的免疫应答。结果表明:心理应激后,高特质焦虑组免疫球蛋白IgM高于低特质焦虑组,而高状态焦虑组免疫球蛋白IgA含量明显低于低焦虑组,高焦虑组的运动员免疫抑制表现更为明显。结论:根据运动员的焦虑特点,有针对性的进行心理训练,稳定运动员的情绪,提高运动成绩,促进运动员的身体健康。  相似文献   

用《赛前情绪量表-T》和《集体项目运动员比赛表现自我评价表》,对209名中学生排球运动员进行了调查.通过T检验、方差分析和相关分析,结果发现:(1)中学生排球运动员的赛前情绪在其性别、年级、是否主力队员、运动等级及训练年限等方面存在显著差异;(2)个体失败焦虑、自信、社会期待焦虑和躯体焦虑与比赛表现自我评价均存在显著相关,运动员比赛表现自我评价与比赛胜负结果存在显著负相关.  相似文献   

一、体育竞赛对运动员是一种强烈的刺激,容易引起紧张、烦躁、不满、焦虑等心理问题,产生一定的心理压力,这是正常的生理和心理现象在参赛前、参赛中、参赛后,许多运动员会表现出不同程度的焦虑情绪,在参赛前、参赛中的表现更为明显,想赢又怕输,不相信自己的技术水平,对自己缺乏信心,严重影响了运动水平的正常发挥。对于击剑运动员来说,过度焦虑情绪对比赛成  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数据统计和对比分析法就运动员在田径竞赛中出现焦虑情绪进行调查,调查结果表明:大部分的运动员在参加田径竞赛时都存在心理焦虑、紧张等情绪,并对此焦虑情绪进行了深入分析,提出了一些相应的建议,让田径运动员在竞赛中能更好的克服心理焦虑情绪,发挥正常水平,取得好成绩。  相似文献   

本文应用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数据分析法等多种方法,对省、市级专业运动员运动成就动机与训练态度及赛前情绪的关系作出了相关分析.结果表明,被调查运动员在运动成就动机方面不存在显著社会取向;两种取向运动成就动机、不同等级的运动员在训练态度上没有显著差异;对现有相关文献综述后得出,社会取向运动成就动机是影响赛前个体失败焦虑...  相似文献   

王剑 《考试周刊》2012,(34):105-106
在篮球教学过程中,学生的情绪变化直接影响着教学的质量与效果。而在篮球活动中情况错综复杂,比赛失利、发挥失常等都会引起运动员的情绪波动,产生焦虑和紧张心理。教师要对运动紧张和焦虑所产生的原因进行分析,并采取相应的措施.有效地调控学生的情绪,更好地开展教学活动.提高教学质量。  相似文献   

试论影响足球运动员竞赛焦虑的个体性因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
焦虑情绪影响到足球运动员在运动场的发挥,对运动焦虑影响因素的研究不应只着重于外在焦虑源的探讨,还应注意到一些个体性因素影响了运动焦虑的性质及水平:个体的特质焦虑,神经类型,对焦虑(应激)源的认识评估,个性特征,自我效能,个体差异及对社会性评价的反应等。因此,在对运动焦虑进行测评与调控时也应根据上述因素有的放矢地进行。  相似文献   

在体育运动中,焦虑一般是指在当前或即将到来的竞技运动情景中,一个运动员所体验到的紧张、不安、惧怕、愤怒、烦燥和压抑等综合性情绪体验.美国心理学家斯皮尔伯格对焦虑的  相似文献   

体育训练的科学化,缩小了排球运动员个体之间的技术差距,因此运动员要在比赛中取得胜利,需要具备战无不胜的士气。本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,探讨了士气的含义及其在排球比赛中的重要性,在分析了影响士气因素的基础上,进一步探讨了增强队员士气的对策。  相似文献   

教师师德对教书育人至关重要,师德兴,教育兴。师德具有广深含义;正确认识其广深性,有助师德建设。师德建构的内容包括爱岗敬业、关爱学生;刻苦钻研、严谨笃学;勇于创新、奋发进取;淡泊名利、志存高远。从政治素质、学识水平、无私奉献等方面进行构建,师德将达到较高层次以适应现代教育的需要。  相似文献   

While morale among the elderly has been widely and extensively studied, results are varied and at times conflicting. Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting elderly morale of a select group of Filipinos in a community setting. A 64-item questionnaire was utilized to survey 323 Filipinos aged 60 and above residing in the National Capital Region of the Philippines in May 2013. Respondents completed a robotfoto, a checklist of chronic illnesses, and measures of the social support, functional ability, geriatric depression, and morale. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesized model. Two competing models emerged in the study. Model 1 followed causal relationships indicated in the hypothesized model while model 2 considered modification indices that surfaced more acceptable fit indices (X2/df = 1.414, GFI [goodness of fit index] = 0.988, CFI [comparative fit index] = 0.987, RMSEA [root mean square error of approximation] = 0.036). Chronic illness, social support, and depression were found to be major predictors of morale. Number of chronic illnesses and depression were also found to have a negative relationship with functional ability, and chronic illness and social support were negatively correlated. Findings can assist health professionals such as nurses to identify the factors that shape elderly morale vis-a-vis the use of effective strategies that promote the well-being of elderly people. The emerging model can serve as reference to assess the effectiveness of quality of care rendered as manifested by morale.  相似文献   

创建良好师德师风是教育发展的需要,爱心的减弱和缺失是师德师风水准下降的深层原因,克服片面追求升学率,真正实施素质教育,创建良好的教学环境,加强对教师的心理健康教育是培养爱心创建良好师德师风的切入点。  相似文献   

孟子为了实现“天下平”的理想社会,他在规劝统治者正确处理官民关系中,形成了自己的民心观。孟子所说的民心,是指民众利益和愿望的反映。孟子提出要重民爱民为民,要发展经济,要提高治理水平,要进行道德教育。孟子民心观中民主性的精华,对我们构建社会主义和谐社会有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Drawing on qualitative research evidence, this article offers an interpretation of morale which focuses on individual needs fulfilment. Three conceptual areas are discussed: morale as a group or an individual phenomenon; the dimensionality of morale; and the relationship between morale and satisfaction. It is suggested that work on morale has often been weakened by misinterpretation and misapplication and that what has often been presented as morale is, in fact, group cohesiveness or job satisfaction. Inappropriate generalisation has tended to obscure the intricacies of morale and greater attention should now be paid to the individuality of influential factors. Salary and working conditions may be much less influential on morale than is generally thought. More significant, it is suggested, is the extent to which the job fulfils the individual's ‘ideal’.  相似文献   

论宋初百年士风的演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋明理学的光环往往误导了人们对宋初百年士风的看法,宋初士风承袭晚唐五代余风,道德节义观念缺位。宋初百年士风演进的过程,是宋代儒学复兴的过程,是道德逐步振兴、士风由颓废消沉逐步走向高昂的过程。  相似文献   

努力提高高校教学督导质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校教学督导是高等教育教学质量监控和教育管理的重要手段。科学高效的教学督导工作,可以促进校风、教风、学风建设,疏通教学质量信息,强化教学管理,深化教学改革。只有完善高校教学督导工作,才能有力地提高教学质量、实现高校教学工作健康发展。本文通过分析教学督导的内涵和高校教学督导工作中出现的问题,从督导的功能定位、督导的组织机制和督导的人员培训三方面来探讨如何提高教学督导质量问题。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an empirical study of psychological morale in further education students. Success in A‐level examinations is dependant on a number of factors, not only intellectual ability but also morale and other personality factors. This investigation aimed to assess the influence of these factors in the 16–18 years age range. The sample consisted of 357 A‐level students (156 male and 201 female). Students were asked to complete a number of inventories measuring various dimensions of personality, including morale, self‐esteem, extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism and state and trait anxiety. Significant and positive correlations of morale with self‐esteem and extraversion were reported. Significant but negative correlations of morale with neuroticism and state and trait anxiety were reported. A factor analysis of the Well‐being Inventory revealed that the most significant factor was student optimism and belief in their future, but this was often moderated by the influence of anxiety. These findings have implications not only for the students who were participants in this investigation but also managers and teachers in further education colleges.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that teacher morale is at an all time low in Australia (Hicks 2003, Smyth 2001) with teachers feeling undervalued, frustrated, unappreciated and demoralized (Smyth 2001; Senate Employment, Education and Training References Committee (SEETRC) 1998). In this paper the author utilizes the data gathered in a recent study into teaching excellence awards (Mackenzie 2004) as the medium to explore and discuss the issue of teacher morale and to provide some tentative suggestions for improving morale as proposed by the study participants. If we accept a reciprocal relationship between teacher morale and student learning (Ramsey 2000, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 2000), students in some schools may not be getting the best possible value from teachers affected by low morale. Participants in the Mackenzie (2004) study agreed that morale was generally lower than in previous times, although many suggested that morale was positive in their own schools. This suggests that morale may be more complex than has been previously understood, with three levels of morale operating concurrently for teachers, a concept which is explored in this paper.  相似文献   

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