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转基因食品生态安全的伦理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是生物技术的世纪。转基因食品作为转基因技术的产物,其安全性评价引起了人们的高度重视。通过探讨转基因食品生态安全的伦理问题并进行哲学反思,旨在唤起我们对转基因食品安全性的重视,使转基因食品更好地造福于人类。  相似文献   

随着生物技术的发展,转基因食品对环境及健康潜在的风险开始为人们所认识,现阶段为转基因食品加贴特殊标识能有效保护消费者的知情权,本文在介绍了美国、欧盟、日本有关转基因食品标识立法,分析了我国有关转基因食品标识的法律规范,提出了制定专门的转基因食品标识法、制定统一的转基因产品标识国家标准、和设定转基因食品强制标识的阀值等建议。  相似文献   

随着生物技术的发展,转基因食品对环境及健康潜在的风险开始为人们所认识,现阶段为转基因食品加贴特殊标识能有效保护消费者的知情权。本文分析了我国有关转基因食品标识的法律规范,提出了制定专门的转基因食品标识法、制定统一的转基因产品标识国家标准和设定转基因食品强制标识的阀值等建议。  相似文献   

黄静 《林区教学》2011,(6):48-49
转基因技术的发展中存在着伦理困境。因为转基因技术既能为自然和人类社会的发展创造出巨大社会效益、经济效益和环境效益,也可能危及人类健康和自然环境的安全,产生许多社会问题。所以,为了保障转基因技术的健康和可持续的发展,我们应该正确地认识到转基因技术发展中的伦理困境。  相似文献   

转基因食品是指以转基因生物为食物或为原料加工生产的食品。通过对转基因食品的安全性进行分析和讨论,对转基因’食品与人类健康关系进行剖析和审视,指出转基因食品的安全性评估应该将健康效益放在第一位,既以慎重的态度确保转基因食品的安全,又以积极的观念对待这一新生事物的发展。  相似文献   

农作物基因改良技术已显示出其独特的技术优势和全新的开发前景,同时也引起了转基因食品的安全之争。目前,有关转基因食品安全问题国际尚无定论,各国大多采用转基因标识法,尊重公众的知情权和商品选择权。根据我国国情,借鉴国外经验,对加强我国转基因食品的安全管理颇有益处。  相似文献   

转基因生物产品及其安全性综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物技术的发展和应用,使得转基因食品进入了人类的食物链,由此也引发了转基因作物及产品的安全性争端.目前对此争端已逐渐达成共识.通过严格管理和科学检测、监控,发展转基因技术,将会为人类生活创造美好的未来.  相似文献   

现今,在世界范围的研究领域中有多于100种农作物已被进行转基因改造,与转基因有关的食品多达7000种,包括婴儿食品、巧克力、冷冻甜品等。转基因作物能更好地抗病虫害、抗干旱、抗寒冷、抗盐碱、抗除草剂、提高产量等。此外,利用转基因技术还可以有选择地培育有利于人体健康和抗病作用的动植物新品种,为人类提供大量功能保健食品。而随着人类社会的不断发展,人口数量飞速增长和自然资源严重减少和匮乏之间的矛盾如何解决?本文通过对转基因食品的发展、对转基因食品安全性的评价和管理,以及转基因食品所引发的争论进行探讨和思考,以期能更科学地认识转基因食品。  相似文献   

转基因技术被广泛应用于当今社会生产生活的各个领域,在给人类带来巨大利益的同时,也产生了一定的风险和负价值,因此,我们有必要对转基因技术发展的伦理问题进行审视:从健康伦理学视角审视转基因技术发展,从生态伦理学视角审视转基因技术发展,从正义伦理学视角审视转基因技术发展。  相似文献   

生态伦理视阈下的转基因作物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因作物是人类科技发展史上的又一新生事物,然而新生事物的产生总会伴随着科学之争与伦理之辩。转基因作物的迅猛发展给人类带来巨大经济效益和社会效益的同时,对生态环境产生的危害具有科学上的不确定性。本文就转基因作物的潜在优势和生态风险做出深入分析,并提出相应的可行性的伦理生态伦理原则加以规范,以促进转基因作物的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the composition of bioactive substances and the antioxidant effects of jujube fruit under gut microbiota fermentation(GMF), and the inhibitory effect on cytotoxicity caused by ethyl carbamate(EC). Methods: Changes in the contents of flavonoids, polyphenols, total sugars, and reducing sugars of jujube fruit after GMF(0, 2, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h)were determined. The oxidation resistance of fermented jujube fruits(from 0 to 48 h fermentation) was evaluated using in vitro2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonate)(ABTS) and ferric reducing antioxidant power(FRAP) assays. Inhibitory effects of 48 h-fermented jujube fruit at various concentrations(0.25, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00 mg/m L) on EC-treated toxicity and DNA damage of Caco-2 cells were estimated using 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2 H-tetrazolium bromide(MTT)and nuclear staining assays, respectively. Effects of different concentrations of jujube fruit on EC-treated Caco-2 cells' intracellular reactive oxygen species(ROS), glutathione(GSH) levels, and mitochondrial membrane potential(MMP) were also evaluated. Results: Jujube fruit has rich bioactive components after GMF and shows strong antioxidant capacity. Fermented jujube fruit can inhibit the cytotoxicity and DNA damage of Caco-2 cells caused by EC and reduce intracellular ROS generation, as well as restoring GSH and MMP. Conclusions: Fermented jujube fruit extracts produced by GMF still contain biologically active substances which retain biological activity and antioxidation capabilities.  相似文献   

Professionals serving as internal and external consultants, whether as performance technologists, human resource development facilitators, training specialists, organizational development change agents, or quality improvement engineers, are uniquely positioned to influence ethical awareness in the workplace. Yet it is unlikely that they will be able to exert much influence without knowledge of the factors that influence ethical behavior in organizations and knowledge of ethical decision making. Although the literature on ethics is proliferating, little of it is directly related to performance improvement professionals. Those who want to educate themselves in ethics have been left to their own devices. Part One in this series of two articles presents a review of key ethical theories and research. Part Two is a list of references available for those who are ready to examine the ethical responsibilities of HPT professionals, who have encountered ethical issues, who want to include an ethics audit in their needs assessment tool box, or who need to suggest ethics-related solutions to performance problems.  相似文献   

Action research (AR) comprises a diverse family of methodologies. Common amongst most types of AR are both an emergent design – leading to action or change – and participation or community involvement. While this type of research has expanded considerably since the early 2000s, the criteria used for ethical review have apparently been slow to adapt to the emergent and participatory nature of this research. This has resulted in researchers reporting negative attitudes towards, and experiences with, review boards and ethics review processes; painting ethical review committees, at times, as insufficient or unnecessary. A review of the literature was undertaken to assess the state of play in this regard. Few articles disclose the side of the ethical review boards or committee members and the issues they face in undertaking ethical review of studies with an emergent, action, or participatory focus. A larger number of peer-reviewed journal articles report on the views of the researchers, but mainly through specific case examples where ethical review processes presented challenges to researchers and communities employing a participatory approach to research. The focus of this article will be on both the generic challenges researchers report in managing ethical review and of strategies utilized or recommended to conduct participatory research in an ethical manner. The contrasting experiences of researchers and ethical review committee members will be considered where available.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that when university researchers engage in democratic participatory action research with schools the process requires a special type of attention to the ethical difficulties which can arise. We note how current professional standards of ethics are inadequate to fully address many of the dilemmas faced in collaborative research. We then share examples of ethical dilemmas that have arisen in our work with schools and demonstrate how each has contributed to the (developing) framework we have created to avoid or manage the kinds of messy ethical issues we describe. We argue that this framework reflects a continuous commitment to an ethics of practice. We believe that those engaged in this type of work must assume an ethical stance and view all decisions in the research process as ethical ones that potentially affect the lives of all of those involved.  相似文献   

传记的伦理功能是传记伦理的一项重要内容,传记家认为,传记应该对人们的道德产生某种好的影响.但随着现代社会的转型、价值观的多元化与新的传记形式的发展,一方面,现代传记的伦理功能呈现淡化趋势;另一方面,现代传记尤其是应用精神分析方法写作的传记进而引发了一些伦理问题.传记家能否选择活着的人作为传主,传记家能不能采用涉及传主隐秘的和有损传主在公众心目中的理想形象的材料,传记家应该持有怎样的传记动机,传记家应该怎样对待死者的意愿等问题,成为当代关于传记伦理论争的焦点.  相似文献   

普世伦理的正义及其对功利价值的优先性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
力求在普世伦理的理论框架内重新解释伦理正义这一基本概念。通过检省目的论与道义论两种经典的普遍伦理学探究方式,深入探究了正义或道义与功利或人权两种基本的社会伦理选择方略及其正当合理性;进而借助于比较分析的方法,努力厘定伦理正义的规范特性、伦理正义原则的制定程序及其获取普遍有效性的条件,并证明在普世伦理的价值系统中,伦理正义相对于功利价值的优先地位。  相似文献   

Studies (for example, Dellaportas in Making a difference with a discrete course on accounting ethics. J Bus Ethics 65(4):391–404, 2006; Saat in An investigation of the effects of a moral education program on the ethical development of Malaysian future accountants, 2010) on final year accounting students show that industrial training has a positive impact on the ethical development in a way that students improved in their ethical judgement after attending a 6-month training. Thus, this research aims to evaluate the influence of industrial training in the development of ethical awareness among final year students from a Malaysian public university. These students were from multiple academic backgrounds—engineering, science and social science. A pre and post study was adopted in order to achieve the objectives. A set of survey was distributed to students before and after they have attended industrial training. In assessing students’ ethical awareness, 15 business-related and workplace ethical situations were given and students had to rate their acceptance on these situations from not acceptable (1) to most acceptable (7). From the findings, it can be observed that although the level of ethical awareness among students is fairly good, industrial training has minimal impact in improving or developing students’ ethical awareness. The impact is such because students who undergone industrial training may have observed certain behaviour that they thought are acceptable in a workplace; this may have changed the way students perceived their acceptance on the situations.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of physician-assisted death (PAD) has opened up a novel means of making donated bodies available for anatomical dissection. This practice has come to the fore in Canada, but is unlikely to be confined to that country as legislation changes in other countries. The ethical considerations raised by this development are placed within the framework of the ethical guidelines on body donation promulgated by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists. The discussion centers on understanding the ethical dimensions of moral complicity, and whether it is accepted or rejected. If rejected it is possible to separate ethical concerns regarding PAD from subsequent use of donated bodies, as long as there is fully informed consent and complete ethical and procedural separation of the two. Openness about the origin of bodies for dissection is essential. Students should be instructed on the nuances of moral complicity, and consideration be given to those with moral doubts about PAD. Two issues are raised in considering whether these moves represent an ethical slippery slope: the attraction represented by obtaining relatively “high quality” bodies, and the manner in which organ donation following PAD has led to challenges to the dead donor rule. Although body donation raises fewer concerns, the ethical dimensions of the two are similar. The ethical constraints outlined here have the capacity to prevent an ethical slippery slope and constitute a sound basis for addressing an innovative opportunity for anatomists.  相似文献   

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