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综合实践活动课程作为一门新设的国家必修课程,承载着新一轮课程改革的核心理念和价值追求。为实现该课程在实践场域中的"落地生根",成都双流中学实验学校经过12年的持续研究,在国内首次提出了综合实践活动"课题化开发·课程化推进"的指导原则,首创了"三级课题·序列开发"的课程开发体系和"三段六环"的实施框架,建构了以"写实记录·原创表现·综合素质"为核心要素的评价系统,形成了"全员参与·系统建设·常态实施"的管理机制,实现了"从分科学习到整合学习、从浅层学习到深度建构、从知识获取到实践创新"教与学范式的转型。  相似文献   


Employing Connelly and Xu’s (this issue) conceptualisation of reciprocal learning, the article explores the potential for reciprocal learning about pedagogy provided by a body of PISA-inspired literature on high-performing education systems. I argue that the opportunities for reciprocal learning provided by that body of literature is rather limited and problematic because of its uncritical acceptance of the OECD’s basic premises about PISA and because of its employment of the ‘best practices’ approach to policy borrowing. Using Singapore as a case, I contend that reciprocal learning needs to be informed by the cultural historical narratives behind the development of an education system and a theory of pedagogy that locates the practice of teaching within a broad social, institutional, and instructional context of schooling. I discuss lessons from and for Singapore concerning the purposes of schooling, institutional norms and arrangements, and pedagogical practice.  相似文献   

This study aims to report how Hong Kong teachers handle a seemingly conventional, orderly schooling phenomenon—the teaching of the newly arrived children (NAC) migrated from mainland China. Semi‐structured interviews with ten teachers from nine primary schools were conducted. The principal findings are that the teachers are not prepared for the challenges of teaching NAC, that the traditional approaches adopted by many teachers are ineffective, that subtle transformation of the pupil population due to the everlasting influx of NAC has yet to be appreciated by the teachers, and that teachers' logic—their worldview, mindset and conceptualisation of forces at work in Hong Kong schooling—remains unchanged. This paper highlights the various issues of monoculturalisation. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The current research investigated the variability of school effects on intelligence development in considering two economically and socially distinct groups of children. The data came from a nationally representative sample of primary school children from urban and rural areas of China. Two standardised reasoning tests were used to assess fluid intelligence. The between-grade regression discontinuity approach was applied to disentangle the schooling effect from the age effect. Results showed that the combined effects of schooling and age were 5.09 intelligence points per year, in which the schooling effect (4.37 points) was larger than the age effect (.72 points). The patterns of schooling and age effects were different in urban and rural subsamples. For the urban subsample, the schooling effect was smaller than the age effect for children from grade 1 to 3, but the schooling effect became larger than the age effect from grade 4 to 6. For the rural subsample, however, the schooling effect was always larger than the age effect. The effect of one year of schooling for rural children (5.59 points) was larger than that for urban children (3.15 points). These results suggest that schooling effects are closely related to the context where children are growing up.  相似文献   

《壬戌学制》是"五四"新文化运动推动下教育改革的产物,体现了教育的内在规律及社会经济文化的客观要求。该学制的制定、颁行过程具备民主、规范的程序及科学方法的精神,它的产生、形成与学制规程的文本内容相统一形成的整体,不仅具有推进中国现代教育理论及实践层面的深远意义,而且在教育政策视野下具有里程碑式的作用,开现代中国学制改革史之先河。  相似文献   

Globally, a range of new schooling accountabilities have created a complex and often contradictory context in which school leaders work. For principals of low socio-economic status (SES) and disadvantaged schools, they must balance the accountability, performance and reporting requirements against the other needs of their communities. These tensions require new ways of rethinking leadership in the current educational context. This article draws on the work of Foucault, particularly the notions of power and counter-conduct, to examine the case study of one principal in a very low SES school as she negotiates her way through these new schooling accountabilities. This case study illuminates the importance of leadership as a form of counter-conduct through the constitution of the principal as a political subject or form of advocacy leadership.  相似文献   

美国马萨诸塞州的中小学校长证书分为初级证书和专业证书。候选人要取得初级证书,必须完成高等教育机构或学区提供的校长证书项目;初级证书持有者有3年以上领导工作经验,并且完成学区提供的入职项目后,可以获得专业证书。借鉴其经验,我国应该加强校长人选的职前培养,制定校长专业标准,在培训中坚持理论和实践相结合。  相似文献   

The article traces the policy history of Kenya over more than 40 years (1963–2006) in order to tease out the tensions between the key themes of its own national agenda and the priorities of its principal development partners. The national concerns with the education-and-employment connection and with the orientation of schooling towards skills for work in the formal and informal economies can be contrasted with the aid agency priorities on quality and on education-for-poverty reduction. Equally, national preoccupations have been with the whole of the education and training system—from early childhood, to technical, to university. By contrast, external donors have frequently prioritised a particular sub-sector such as primary schooling. In the most recent period, 2002–2006, the paper identifies the emergence of common ground between the national and external agendas. Thus the international education agenda, as marked out by the UN Millennium Project, the Commission for Africa, and the World Bank's most recent education policy paper, is not dissimilar in its priorities to the latest Kenyan education agenda, as expressed in the Kenya Education Sector Support Programme. There is also an agreement that the education sector, on its own, cannot deliver the many benefits so often associated with schooling; rather, there needs to be an enabling environment in other sectors of the economy, if the investment in education is to be most productive. The one area where there is serious divergence, between the Government of Kenya, and, at least, its principal Western donors is on the treatment of corruption. At the point of writing, the extent of corruption remains a major threat to the external funding so necessary to Kenya's large educational ambitions.  相似文献   

作品中的人物形象是传达作家思想的重要载体。在徐訏的小说创作中,占据作品主体层面的人物形象无疑是一群光彩照人的女性形象。徐訏是个理想主义者,他在作品中塑造的女性形象也正显示出他灵魂的这种特点,有着执着追求爱与美的唯美倾向,呈现出一种超尘脱俗的出世之美。  相似文献   

虚谷是晚清上海画派的主要画家,近代中国画坛上的一位杰出大师。醉育虚谷绘画艺术作品的分析和探究,详细地阐述了虚谷形成这一独特的艺术个性和绘画风格的原因,从而进一步揭示了虚谷超凡的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

For this study, Prospects, a data set on schools and students in the United States collected during the early 1990s, was used to examine the effects of instructional and school organizational characteristics on the longitudinal mathematics and reading achievements of students from either a first- or third-grade cohort. Three schooling models were tested using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) while controlling for parental socioeconomic (SES) status. Factors and variables that represented instructional and school features were derived from teacher and principal responses to survey items. These features had direct and interactive effects on mathematics achievement, supporting both an environmental and interactive model of schooling. Further, schools characterized by teacher collegiality, support for innovation, principal leadership, goal agreement, and community support contained teachers who employed important instructional strategies more effectively, and students who had the highest mathematics gains over the observed period.  相似文献   


This research captures the personal experiences of Black student teachers at the University of Durban-Westville, South Africa, who were asked to write about one significant experience in their schooling careers. About 1,000 such individual stories, collected between 1991 and 1996, were analyzed and recast as broader portraits of Black schooling in South Africa before and after the transition to democracy in 1994. Five major themes were identified in these stories: (1) violence at school, (2) authoritarian climate at school, (3) learning as memorizing, (4) difficulties in schooling related to poverty, and (5) difficulties in schooling related to the language medium. The methodological strategy was influenced by the Dutch school of phenomenological pedagogy that takes the ordinary life-world as a starting point for inquiry. The findings of this research suggest that new education policies, to be effective, must take account of very significant continuities in students' experiences through the political transition.  相似文献   

戊戌变法是中国清朝光绪年间(1898年)的一次政治改革运动。从开始到失败仅持续了103天,因此戊戌变法又叫百日维新。变法失败后,光绪被囚,维新派康有为、梁启超分别逃往法国和日本。谭嗣同等6人(戊戌六君子)被杀害。所有新政,除京师大学堂(即今北京大学)和各地新式学堂被保留外,其余主要新政措施均被废止。戊戌变法失败之快,结局之惨,可谓历史仅见。变法者与生俱来的悲剧性在他们身上得到了最充分的体现。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):156-164
Taken from the popular magazine Oriental Outlook Weekly, this selection features interviews with two of the authors of the best-selling book China Is Unhappy, as well as an interview with Xu Jilin, one of China's most prominent liberal scholars, reflecting the wide range of opinions on the rise of China and its implications for the world.  相似文献   

徐旭生对考古学研究的理论贡献有三:一是“上古三大集团”理论;二是在古代国家形成的问题上,古代中国经历了氏族社会的解体——夏王国的建立——秦汉大帝国的形成;三是任何民族历史开始的时候都是传说和神话杂糅在一起的,掺杂神的传说同纯粹的神话有分别,可在传说中找出历史的核心。徐旭生考古学研究渊源除了深厚的国学功底及对古史研究的热情外,到西方留学经历使其接触到了西方先进的人类学理论和实践活动以及国内学者蒙文通、傅斯年对古代民族的划分理论都对其产生了重大影响。其理论对疑古学派的观点进行了有力反驳,推动了苏秉琦“区系类型说”的提出,为我们开创了一条通过研究神话传说来进行考古研究的新途径,推动了中国文明起源研究的进程。  相似文献   

The literature focusing on Christian home schooling has been entirely ignored in the educational context of China, because practising home schooling is illegal and such families have strong religious beliefs. In particular, in China, studies grounded in empirical research and dealing with the development of Christian home schooling are negligible. The findings of this study were generated by an analysis of qualitative data: they provided in-depth information about the motivation of those who practice Christian home schooling, types of existing Christian home schooling, teaching content, and teaching methods and outcomes. It was found that Christian beliefs and values philosophically support Chinese Christian families in the process of their practice of home schooling.  相似文献   

学龄人口年龄结构的变化对整个学龄人口的平均受教育年数会产生重要的影响。以与学制和年龄相对应的"标准(或适龄)受教育年数"为基本参数,以受教育程度构成的年龄变化为依据考虑学龄段内的错龄上学,对学龄人口的分龄及整体平均受教育年数的探索性研究结果显示,我国学龄人口的分龄及整体平均受教育年数普遍提高,总体受教育程度高移化趋势显著;其性别差异明显缩小并已出现逆转性变化,城乡差距在小学学龄段以上有所拉大;按出生队列分的平均受教育年数增长显示教育事业加快发展成效。为此,学龄人口平均受教育年数的研究必须细化到每岁并充分考虑年龄结构的影响;我国学龄人口分龄平均受教育年数增长变化反映教育资源配置基本适应年龄结构变化,同时也使教育事业的高质量均衡发展面临新挑战。同时,要深入关注城镇化的城乡教育差别效应,逐步推行十二年制普及教育,促进学龄人口充分适龄就学。  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of age-related factors and formal instruction on the development of reading-related skills in children aged 4 and 7 years. Age effects were determined by comparing two groups of children at the onset of formal schooling; one aged 7 (later-schooled) and one aged 4 (earlier-schooled). Schooling effects were measured by comparing the later-schooled group with earlier-schooled age-matched controls. There were significant effects of age and schooling on phonological awareness and visual–verbal learning, and an effect of age, but not schooling, on vocabulary and short-term verbal memory. We conclude that age-related factors and reading instruction contribute to the development of phoneme awareness and that vocabulary and verbal memory improve with age.  相似文献   

This article uses a queer lens in an intersectional analysis of students’ schooling experiences in rural China. I argue that a queer perspective has been largely neglected and issues related to sexuality have not been carefully investigated in Chinese educational contexts. Drawing on queer theory and an intersectional framework, I re-interpret one of my earlier qualitative studies ‘queerly’ and examine the different ways that the discourses of sexuality and gender shape rural Chinese students’ schooling lives. Findings reveal that these discourses marginalize both effeminate boys who demonstrate ‘too little’ masculinity and male ‘troublemakers’ who perform ‘too much’ masculinity. This queer route of rereading also disrupts other constructions of normalcy associated with class- and place-based identities, such as students’ ‘half-rural identity.’ The analysis shows the importance of foregrounding the intersectional dimensions of inequalities and embracing a queer theoretical framework in understanding rural education in China.  相似文献   


In international educational studies, cultural context matters and demands increased attention by educational researchers worldwide. Along with a globalized discourse, how to map historical–cultural understandings of teaching and learning without getting bogged down in modern Westernized epistemology has become a paradigmatic dilemma. This paper argues a Heideggerian–Foucauldian language perspective can provide a way to address this dilemma. As an example, the paper demonstrates how their language perspective has enabled the author to encounter a ‘wind-education’ discourse in China’s current schooling, and to explore, as the originary (re)source of the whole Confucian educational culture, Confucius’ ‘wind-pedagogy’ as expressed in Yijing. This unique historical–cultural ‘wind-education’ discourse is salient, yet goes unnoticed, in China’s current schooling largely due to a planetary signifier-signified style of reasoning. This paper sheds new light on educational literature on Confucian educational thinking and provides an alternative paradigm to the (cross-)cultural studies of education in China and beyond.  相似文献   

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