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我国非法证据排除规则的确立是维护我国司法权威,体现我国依法治国基本方略,根治司法实践中超期羁押、刑讯逼供等问题的必要手段.在我国刑事诉讼法中明确确立非法证据排除规则,对于非法取得的实物证据实行严格裁量排除,建立相应的非法证据排除规则的配套制度体系,这有利于我国非法证据排除规则的完善.  相似文献   

非法证据排除规则在美国的证据规则中起着举足轻重的作用,与世界其他国家相比具有系统化、清晰化、配套制度完善化的优越性。它不仅设置了非法证据排除的一般规则、"毒树之果"规则,还通过司法判例创设了非法证据排除规则适用的例外。其严密的非法证据排除规则体系,对我国非法证据排除规则的完善产生了重要启示,笔者提出了在立法上明晰非法证据排除规则、"毒树之果"不可"食"、为非法证据排除规则开启退却的"后门"、律师讯问在场权不可缺位、"双录"制度"应当"化、构建对非法取证人员的惩戒制度等方面的完善建议,以期能够指导我国非法证据排除规则的逐步完善。  相似文献   

新刑事诉讼法在吸收《非法证据排除规定》内容的基础上,结合《非法证据排除规定》施行两年来存在的问题,对非法证据排除规则做了规定,使得非法证据排除规则更趋于完善。但是有些规定仍然过于原则,同时仍有一些体制方面和观念层面的阻碍。仍有对"非法证据排除规则"在我国适用的基本情况作出介绍,指出非法证据排除规则落实难的原因,为非法证据排除规则的运行指明出路。  相似文献   

非法证据排除规则被誉为“审判中的审判”。实践中,有罪推定思想及刑讯逼供、法律程序违法、证据文书制作违法等因素可能导致公安机关收集的证据非法而面临被排除的结果。公安机关为防止冤假错案,应转变办案思想,杜绝刑讯逼供,依照法定程序办案,规范文书制作,做到规范取证。  相似文献   

新《刑事诉讼法》关于检察机关排除非法证据的创新规定,凸显其监督执行者、法律守护人和证据裁判官的诉讼地位。但是,由于新法对非法证据排除适用未作详尽措置,检察机关的证据监督操作依然陷入静态监督与动态监督、自向证明与他向证明、配合协作与监督制约、证据证明力与证据能力四个方面的困境与迷思。鉴于此,结合我国检察权的法律监督属性,检察机关应从诉前环节完善非法证据排除机制由单一制裁向合意、联动、参与监督转型的程序性建构,拓展预防和监控公安机关非法取证行为的能动角色。  相似文献   

非法证据的排除一直是法律界争论不休的问题,很多人对非法证据的排除仍然存有疑问。因此,本文从"排除"这一概念开始探讨,消除人们对非法证据的排除的误解,并简单介绍两种不同的非法证据,最后强调非法证据排除的重要意义。  相似文献   

顾华 《天中学刊》2011,26(6):25-30
非法证据排除规则是刑事证据领域最有争议的证据规则之一,在我国已具备入法条件,因为制定和适用非法证据排除规则是履行国际法义务的必然要求,也是落实我国宪法关于“国家尊重和保障人权”规定的必然要求,更是完善现有刑事诉讼法规定的必然要求。就非法证据排除的范围和程度而言,我国在现阶段对非法取得的言词证据予以严格排除,并以非任意性为标准,但原则上应该承认非法取得的实物证据的效力,同时。从保障人权的角度出发,应把握一项例外,即严重侵犯公民、法人合法权利,严重妨害司法公正的例外。就非法证据排除的程序建构而言,应考虑审前非法证据排除程序的设计和审判阶段非法证据排除程序的设计。  相似文献   

文章在介绍国外非法证据排除规则的司法实践和我国非法证据排除规则立法现状的基础上,分析了当前我国全面确立非法证据排除规则的现实障碍,并提出了符合我国国情的非法证据排除规则。  相似文献   

多次、反复、随意发回重审问题一直是中国司法审判中存在的问题,而最高人民法院《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》的出台增加了需要发回重审的刑事案件的数量,包括:二审法院对排除非法证据的请求不予理睬应当发回重审;二审法院对排除非法证据的请求不置可否,而实际上会以事实不清、证据不足为由发回重审;一审法院没有支持排除非法证据的请求,而二审法院认为应当排除的,取证行为严重侵害被追诉人宪法权利的情况下,应发回重审;一审法院支持排除非法证据的请求,而二审法院认为不应当排除的,一审法院没有对证据进行质证的情况下,案件应发回重审。对此,检察机关应当建立检察机关内部、外部的联动沟通机制,强化检察机关的法律监督职责,加强对公安机关侦查程序合法性的监督以及法院可能滥用发回重审裁量权的监督。  相似文献   

2010年两院三部颁布的《关于办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定》和《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》以及2012年《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》中有关非法证据排除的规定,均对检察机关审前排除非法证据的职责予以明确。但有关检察机关审前排除非法证据的规定并未在实践中得到很好的贯彻,审前排除非法证据的具体程序有待规范。为强化检察机关对审前非法证据的排除,应从规范检察机关职权行使、健全检察介入引导侦查取证机制、规范检察官考核方式三个方面努力,同时对排除程序的启动、非法证据的审查及审查后的处理进行规范。  相似文献   



A commonly cited, but unproven reason given for the rise in reported cases of child sexual abuse in Sub-Saharan Africa is the “HIV cleansing myth”—the belief that an HIV infected individual can be cured by having sex with a child virgin. The purpose of this study was to explore in Malawi the reasons given by convicted sex offenders for child sexual abuse and to determine if a desire to cure HIV infection motivated their offence.


Offenders convicted of sexual crimes against victims under the age of 18 were interviewed in confidence in Malawi's two largest prisons. During the interview the circumstances of the crime were explored and the offenders were asked what had influenced them to commit it. Each participant was asked the closed question “Did you think that having sex with your victim would cure or cleanse you from HIV?”


58 offenders agreed to participate. The median (range) age of offenders and victims was 30 (16-66) years and 14 (2-17) years, respectively. Twenty one respondents (36.2%) denied that an offence had occurred. Twenty seven (46.6%) admitted that they were motivated by a desire to satisfy their sexual desires. Six (10.3%) stated they committed the crime only because they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. None of the participants said that a desire to cure or avoid HIV infection motivated the abuse.


This study suggests that offenders convicted of a sexual crime against children in Malawi were not motivated by a desire to be cured or “cleansed” from HIV infection. A need to fulfil their sexual urges or the disinhibiting effect of drugs or alcohol was offered by the majority of participants as excuses for their behaviour.  相似文献   

This investigation examined whether infants display boundary extension-a tendency to remember more of a visual scene than was presented. Three- to 7-month-olds were familiarized with a photograph of a visual scene, and tested with wide-angle versus close-up views of the scene. Infants preferred the close-up, indicating that they perceived the wide angle (the one consistent with boundary extension) as more familiar. Converging experiments showed that: (a) infants did not spontaneously prefer the close-up, (b) adults did not judge the wide angle to be more similar to the familiarization stimulus, and (c) infants spontaneously preferred the close-up when the photographs depicted outline objects without backgrounds. The findings suggest that infants anticipate information that lies beyond the borders of a scene view.  相似文献   

The Anatomy Department at Tel-Aviv University Medical School offers its students an elective course of 26 didactic hours on human evolution. The course is open to students from all faculties, who must fulfill all academic requirements, without a prerequisite of a background in anatomy. Approximately 120 students attend annually, a third of them are nonmedical students who major in philosophy, archeology, and sociology. This article discusses the course's contributions to students' understanding of a scientific concept that a scientific theory can be contradicted by new evidence, because facts govern science. Also, research methods of applying scientific principles establish the understanding of the human body, which evidently contributes to health and medicine. In the classes, the students are divided into mini-groups of 2-3 students, while the lecturer moves among students to examine fossils. In addition, analogies, open-discussions, and explanations accompany the tangible experiences. The lecturer of the course is an experienced anthropologist-anatomist researcher. He is a role-model and a mentor, sharing with the students his belief that a scientist should be persistent in his research to overcome difficult circumstances. Students, regardless of their backgrounds, express high appreciation of the course in their feedback questionnaires. The message conveyed by this course is that not only knowledge counts but also its integration with scientific principles. This course teaches us that science can bring students from different areas to study together and share ideas. In conclusion, this is a unique course in the eyes of the faculty and students alike.  相似文献   

从史铁生的两部长篇小说《务虚笔记》与《我的丁一之旅》的文本出发,重点分析《务虚笔记》小说人物性格,从而通过文字表面的映像,来了解史铁生现实生活经历,发现史铁生最内里的“自我”与“印象”,阐述史铁生小说中的“质疑真实,推崇自我”的哲学思想,发掘文学与哲学的重合方式。  相似文献   

文章从隐喻的意象图式角度分析"两"与"双"、"口"与"嘴"在语言表达中的同现限制。"两"与"双"的字形不同,它们的意象图式也不同:"两"是平分图式,"双"是配偶图式;"两"、"双"词语在言语交际中的意义和用法也就不同:选择"两"的语境强调"分而为二、两相对立",在选择"双"的语境强调合二为一、配成一对。"口"与"嘴"隐喻投射到对事物域的认识当中,但是各有侧重:"N+口"强调的是"容器通往外界的地方","N+嘴"强调的是"容器中形状突出的部分"。  相似文献   

通过对《孟子》中“正”、“长”、“贤”、“良”、“轻”5个形容词的语义和语法功能作较为细致的描写,试图从中寻找出《孟子》中不同的形容词在语法功能上的共性与个性,并进一步提出问题,即这些共性与个性的历时和共时的差异,以及造成这些差异的原因。  相似文献   

论《受戒》的"淡"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪曾祺的《受戒》最大的特点是“淡”,它主要表现在情节的散淡,时代背景和人物情感的淡化,语言的平淡等方面。这与汪曾祺的人生经历、思想情感和艺术追求等有着密切关系。  相似文献   

现代人类学的开端,可追溯到19世纪,但人类学作为现代科学真正被确立起来,则要到20世纪20年代。长期以来,学科内部由于理念不同逐渐分野,形成两大主要分支,即以英、法两国为首的社会人类学,和以德、美两国为主的文化人类学。两派虽在学术理论、方向、思考方式等方面有所分歧,但并不妨碍他们各自为人类学学科所做出的巨大贡献。本文旨在介绍两派的主要学术观点,以及在人类学四大领域研究当中的理论实践。  相似文献   

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