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Research Findings: This study examined correlates of parents’ reported school engagement in an ethnically diverse, rural sample (N = 346) of parents and teachers in kindergarten through Grade 2. Of particular interest were role expectations and family–school relationships in American Indian families, who historically have been marginalized by schools. In terms of role expectations, parents and teachers agreed that they should support each other’s roles, parents should have more responsibility than schools for teaching social skills, and families and schools should have shared responsibility for children’s academic success. Teachers had higher expectations than parents for parent engagement, which in turn was greater when parent–teacher communication was more frequent and the school climate was more welcoming. American Indian parents more strongly endorsed a separation of family and school roles and felt less welcomed at school; ethnicity moderated correlates of reported parent engagement. Practice or Policy: These findings have practical promise given that parent–teacher communication, school climate, and role expectations are more easily altered than are structural barriers that also may hinder parents’ involvement in supporting their children’s early education.  相似文献   

综合版画是在传统版画的基础发展起来的一个新版种,近几年来逐渐得到学术界的肯定,并迅速发展.随着社会的不断进步,当代版画的综合材料创作趋势还会进一步加强,高雅和大众的审美需求都会得到人们的认可和接受。  相似文献   

Conclusions The kinds of materials that we would include in a lending library on parenting will displace some of the mystery or uncertainty about the raising of children. In doing so, the materials will help parents to raise their children better and make the experience of parenting more joyful and rewarding. Providing useful knowledge through a lending library is one aspect of a comprehensive and coordinated effort by educators to work with parents in behalf of children. Charles D. Cary is an independent researcher.  相似文献   

探究式科学活动因其自主性,实践性、过程性及开放性等特点为广大幼儿所喜爱,在探究性式科学活动中教师要注重材料的选择与投放,注重材料的安全无毒,种类多样、数量充足、同时又具有层级性和探究性等要求,切实保证幼儿的自主探究,提升幼儿及教师自身的科学素养。  相似文献   

"孩奴"对父母是一个辛苦而无奈的称谓,身为父母者劳其一生、倾其所有,为的是让孩子能有一个光明的未来。当父母沦为"孩奴",孩子就会承受巨大的压力,不利于他们的发展,这样的孩子走上社会反而缺乏竞争力。"孩奴"不仅是一个社会问题,更是一个教育问题,为了使更多的父母摆脱子女的"奴役",政府及相关教养机构要转变观念,给幼儿一个自由、健康的成长环境;为了使孩子健康快乐地成长,父母不妨从自身做起,做个优秀的"农夫",在关键的时刻给孩子指引,给孩子创建一个自由宽松的成长环境。  相似文献   

Educational vouchers have been proposed as a way to give parents more choice in their child's education. The economic and social consequences that vouchers will have for education is discussed. From a historical perspective, vouchers have never been fully implemented. Educational vouchers have the potential to drain public education of valuable resources. Educators have suggested that vouchers will not increase choice among parents or improve the quality of education in general. It is likely that vouchers will lead to larger inequalities between children of the middle and poor classes. Alternative approaches are provided that will give parents more choices within the public school system.  相似文献   

As the American population continues to become more diverse there is a need to provide children in early education with factual information about all ethnic groups to decrease prejudice. First, teachers must examine their own beliefs prior to implementing a multicultural approach into the curriculum. Three questions are presented that will assist teachers in evaluating their views and behaviors toward ethnic groups. Informative resources are provided for teachers to educate themselves, parents, and students. Through children's literature, instructional materials, and Internet sources, teachers can promote more positive attitudes among students and educate children to be respectful and accept the individuality of others.  相似文献   

高师儿童文学课程进行双语教学具有自身的优势。从教材方面而言,高师儿童文学课程有许多儿童文学素材,内容浅显,简单明了,这部分内容用英语教学,不影响学生对学科知识的学习;教师教学方面,儿童文学教师职业的特点使他们具有活泼、生动的教学风格,与双语课堂对教师的要求合拍,教师可以进行合作教学;由于大学英语教学改革等原因,高师学生对英语的重视程度及英语水平日益提高,在一定程度上为儿童文学课程的双语教学做好了第二语言的准备。基于以上优势,高师儿童文学课程开展双语教学可以从教材改编、教师合作教学、学生参与三方面进行积极的探究。  相似文献   

Ontario’s current education system is struggling with the task of fully including children with disabilities in the regular classrooms of their neighbourhood school. While many educators understand that it is wrong to deny admission to publicly funded schools because the child may be Black or female, they nonetheless feel that segregation of students with disabilities is warranted and not discriminatory. This paper will present the stories of two groups of people, separated by 150 years, who have been discriminated against by the public education system in Ontario. Archival data will tell the story of the experiences of Black parents in Ontario in the early to mid 1800s, and an interview with the mother of a child with cerebral palsy will represent the voices of those with disabilities. An examination of their experiences using a narrative format seems to suggest that the institution of education has never welcomed difference in any form and at issue is not whether education can ever welcome students with disabilities, but whether it was created to be anything but an exclusive enterprise.  相似文献   

Internationally and in Ireland, the adoption of inclusive education frameworks have been broadly welcomed, particularly by parents of children with special educational needs (SEN). Mainstreaming these children is generally viewed as positive primarily because of the social factors associated with attending mainstream schools for children with SEN. Despite this commonly held view, there is increasing evidence to show that children with SEN have difficulties participating in mainstream environments. Using data from the Growing Up in Ireland study of 8,578 nine year olds, this paper examines whether peer relations differ among typically developing students and students with different types of SEN. We focus on the quantity and quality of peer relations using data on the child’s number of friends and, using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, the quality of relations with their peers. These measures are examined by controlling for a range of individual, home and school-level factors simultaneously in a regression model. Our findings show that, all else being equal, students with SEN, particularly those with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD), are more likely to have fewer friends and experience negative peer relationships compared to their peers without any additional needs. Based on these findings, we argue that specific interventions may be needed to promote positive peer experiences for children with SEN in mainstream education.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,互联网技术已经普及千家万户。特别是多媒体技术,已经普遍地存在于各个行业中。另外,当前的课堂教学工作,多媒体技术更是受到了师生和家长的热烈欢迎,无论是对于教师教学的开展,还是对于学生学习积极性的激发都带来了积极的影响。基于此,本文将以生物课堂教学工作为参考,具体研究和探讨互联网技术中多媒体技术在生物课堂教学工作中的具体使用情况。  相似文献   

It has been claimed that there are universal goals of child-rearing, such as survival of the child or the promotion of their capacity to contribute to economic and social reproduction. Yet in certain circumstances parents appear to pursue child-rearing practices that actively harm children, threaten their survival and inhibit their ability to grow up to be effective adult members of their communities. This article will discuss these issues in the case of one group of child prostitutes in Thailand and their families at a particular point in time. Although the work they did was physically dangerous and difficult, both parents and children claimed that their families were loving and functional and that selling sex was a way to keep the family together. Morality was seen in terms of reciprocity rather than sexual transgression and this article will explore the morality of child-rearing in this context and the relationships between family members.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The desire for parent involvement in children's schooling is based on the assumption that parents play a significant role in children's educational achievements. As a policy goal, parent involvement includes the participation of both mothers and fathers. However, in practice, parent involvement refers more often to the work of women in support of children's schooling. The coordination and supervision of children's educational activities often demands a significant portion of mothers' waking hours, particularly in the case of mothers whose children are doing poorly in school. This article draws on interviews with parents of children who struggled academically in school to examine the effects of 'school troubles' on mothers who, among the parents interviewed for this study, were much more likely to assume the material and emotional burdens for school troubles.  相似文献   

Teachers' and parents' conceptions of children's curiosity and exploration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although curiosity is a characteristic often observed in young children, it has not received much academic interest in recent years. Among its many dimensions, the epistemic nature of curiosity, or the quest for knowledge, deserves attention. To explore the potential application of ‘epistemic curiosity’, it is important to understand how lay conceptions complement theoretical conceptualizations. As people who are significant in organizing children's environment, how teachers and parents view curiosity is essential to how they will respond to the manifestation of this characteristic in children. A questionnaire was developed to examine teachers' and parents' conception of children's curiosity and exploratory behavior and whether they value this characteristic. The participants of this study were preschool teachers and parents with a preschool‐age child. The findings indicated that the participants have a positive view toward curiosity and exploration and that teachers are more willing than parents to encourage this characteristic in young children. A factor analysis indicated that teachers' and parents' conceptualization of curiosity is multi‐dimensional, showing some similarities with theoretical conceptualization.  相似文献   

对于近代早期的英国家庭关系历来备受学者关注,家庭关系淡漠说一直为众多史家所接受,近年来这一传统观点越来越受到质疑。事实上,近代早期的家庭关系并不像一些学者所称的那般冷漠。父母不仅关心疼爱孩子,而且会在其人生道路上给与其必要的帮助和安慰。子女也会对父母报之以情,在父母年迈或生病的困难时期伸出援手。本文就从家庭亲子关系入手,着重阐释父母与子女之间的这种互助关系。  相似文献   

An advance organizer is introductory material presented prior to accompanying learning material as a means to facilitate learning and retention. Although there have been many studies on using advance organizers to teach children various types of subject matter, none has examined computer programming as the subject matter. The study reported in this article explored the use of the advance organizer to teachbasic programming to primary-grade children. Results indicate that the advance organizer may have confused rather than clarified the more difficult material for the subjects. It is suggested that the post-organizer may be a more effective tool for enhancing computing instruction in the primary grades, in that it provides learners with a tool for review and recall of learned material.  相似文献   

Using Technology to Increase Parent Involvement in Schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of parent involvement in Parents who monitor their student’s schoolwork and daily activities, communicate frequently with teachers and help develop schools and its relationship to student achievement have been widely studied. Nevertheless, many principals and teachers report that lack of parent involvement continues to be an obstacle to increasing student achievement at school. The purpose of this study was to determine whether emerging technologies facilitate better parent-teacher communication and parent involvement. Data were collected through surveys and semi-structured focus group interviews to analyze the relationship between parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of student achievement when electronic communications are used between parents and school. The study revealed that parents and teachers both place a high value on proactive parent involvement. Because proactive involvement does not require parents to be physically at their children’s school, the question of how technology can be used to keep parents involved in their children’s academic lives becomes important. As access to technology continues to expand, the capabilities for connecting parents to schools will continue to grow. As schools invest in websites, phone calling systems, parent portals, online curriculum, and other types of technologies that connect schools to home, research needs to continue to focus on the effectiveness of these technologies to increase parent involvement.  相似文献   

Previous research focused on schools that serve low-income and minoritized communities has demonstrated that families often do not feel that their schools are receptive to family involvement. This interview study, which comes out of a long-term ethnographic project at a rural school that primarily served low-income, African American families, reports on the ways that mothers in this school felt welcomed by school staff during their children’s first three years of schooling (Prekindergarten to Grade 1). Many of the parents identified the rural context as contributing to their positive feelings about involvement with the school because the context supported long-term relationships with school staff, and the small school allowed parents to feel that both they and their children were known. Mothers reported that these characteristics supported their efforts to intervene on behalf of their children.  相似文献   

Early childhood programs have been in the forefront of implementing a multiracial curriculum. Early childhood educators need to extend these approaches to support and embrace multiracial and multiethnic children. These are children whose biological parents crossed traditional U.S. Census categories to have children. To meet the unique needs of these children and their families, early childhood educators need to engage in staff training, provide classroom materials, work closely with parents, and challenge the single race approach to multicultural education.  相似文献   

It is obviously better if child abuse can be prevented in the first place. There are many problems in society which doctors and nurses and other health care professionals can hardly be expected to fix up, but there are many weaknesses in what we do which can and should be repaired. As a group we are weak in our appreciation of the demoralizing strain that an awkward or crying baby can bring upon a household, particularly that of the nuclear family. The media paint a mythical picture of parenthood, possibly unreal, and leading to the isolation of the mother who wants to complain that her child is very trying. As a group, doctors and nurses are more concerned about reassurances that a child is not seriously ill or else will outgrow his particular symptom and are not very good at bending their energies towards providing relief of the symptom. The sanity of many families has been preserved by the judicious use of safe analgesics and sedatives. Many people obtain these in spite of the physician and not through him.To turn to an even earlier phase of infancy, where hospital personnel are intensely involved and could well mend their ways often — in Western countries more and more babies are being born in hospital. Frequently, insufficient efforts are made to ensure that the labour and delivery are pleasant emotional experiences for the mother. In the name of safety, sterility and administrative needs, many of the emotional needs of the parents are unmet. It is now being shown that actual physical attachment between mother and baby in the time — hours and days — after the baby is born can be extremely important in developing the mother/child bond which is the child's greatest protection. In many countries including mine there have to be associations of mothers who want to breast feed their own children, and these mothers often find that their greatest difficulties are with hospital personnel.The very necessary scientific measures required to ensure the safety of low birth weight and premature infants can separate mother from baby even more and this is reflected in the well-known increase in later child abuse among babies who have spent their early weeks in intensive care units. If the hospital personnel really try, they can make the mother and father feel at home in these ultrascientific units. The staff must not merely permit but must actively invite the parents into the special nursery, explain the surroundings and equipment, show how to gown and hand wash, how to open the Humidicrib, touch the baby and take part in the nursing management from the earliest possible time — the second or first day. Explanations appropriate to the parental level of understanding must be given and repeated.Anything which will strengthen the bonds within the family must be welcomed as something that will prevent child abuse.  相似文献   

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