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Ambiguity is certainly instructive in that it reveals‐ that the problem itself persists at the heart of the solution presumably given to it.’ 1 1’George Canguilhem, The Normal and the Pathological (New York. Zone Books, 1391) p. 76.   相似文献   

Human beings whose primal impressions come from a machine — it's the first time in history this has occurred ... a cloud settles over the country from coast to coast, a cloud of visual and aural symbols creating the new kind of thought‐environment in which Americans now live. 1 1Ruth Goldsen, The Show and Tell Machine, (New York: Delta Pub. Col, 1975), pp. ix, l.

The ubiquitous box influences what we squirt, squeeze, smear. It has become the predominant inculcator of values. It has changed the long standing institutions of government, religion, and family. 2 2Gail West, “The Effects of T‐V: A Bibliography,” The Living Light, 17 (Fall ‘80), p. 220.


To start with polytechnics, and so on, is like presenting a naked man with a top‐hat when what he wants is a pair of trousers. 1 1D. Dilks, Curzon in India, (2 vols., New York, 1969), I, 244.

Lord Curzon, 1901


‘Congratulations on getting Geography in the national curriculum‘ 2 2This is taken from responses to a questionnaire survey of the Geographical Association's products and services to members conducted in 1988. In all quotations the original punctuation, spelling and grammar have been retained.   相似文献   

《History of education》2012,41(1):87-102

At the time I began work in university, I entered a world which was leisured, privileged and patriarchal, in the United Kingdom at least…. I came from a world in which only 3% of the population aspired to university. I belonged to a world in which, having got where I was through the eleven-plus and ‘A’ levels, there was almost a sense that society owed us a living. (Roy Lowe, 2002 1 1Roy Lowe, ‘Do We Still Need History of Education: Is it Central or Peripheral?’ History of Education 31, no. 6 (2002): 492–3. )

Women were not obviously on the outside when I attended my first conference – a day conference in 1976 at what was then the Birmingham Polytechnic, now University of Central England. Many women attended although in the first years few were keynote speakers. More importantly there was little about women in the history itself except in the meetings of the Women’s Education Study Group where Carol Dyhouse, June Purvis, Penny Summerfield and Gaby Weiner were all dominant. (Ruth Watts, 2005 2 2Ruth Watts, ‘Gendering the Story: Change in the History of Education’, History of Education 34, no. 3 (2005): 226. )

In 1967, aged 11, I moved on from my primary school in south London, and was selected to enter the local grammar school. I left most of my friends behind and began a daily routine of walking nervously through the council housing estates in my school uniform. By the time I left this school, seven years later, it had moved to one of the more prosperous suburbs of London to avoid being turned into a comprehensive. In the early twenty-first century, it is one of the leading academic secondary schools in the country, which it certainly was not in 1967. (Gary McCulloch, 2007 3 3Gary McCulloch, ‘Forty Years On: Presidential Address to the History of Education Society, London 4 November 2006’, History of Education 36, no. 1 (2007): 6. )  相似文献   

This article offers a brief theological biography of Sophia Lyon Fahs, a religious educator whose life and work unfolded during the first seven decades of the Religious Education Association and reflected many of the identity-bearing modalities that continue to give shape and continuity to the organization. In 1972, Boardman Kathan, the General Secretary of the Religious Education Association, described Fahs as “one of the truly great pioneers of religious education in the 20th century, in the company of Harrison Elliott, Frank McMurry and George Albert Coe.” 2 2 Boardman Kathan, “A Pioneer Religious Educator: Sophia Lyon Fahs at 95, an interview,” UU World (February 1, 1972). Fahs anticipated many theological challenges to religious education that were ahead of her time. 3 3 Within the text of this article all quotes appear as they were originally written. No attempt has been made by the author to alter the quotes for the purpose of rendering them gender inclusive. Radically inclusive in all aspects of her theology and philosophy, it is evident that Sophia Lyon Fahs was following the literary style of her time and in no way intended gender exclusivity.


Book review     

Gender & Technology: Empowering Women, Engendering Development** London and New York: Zed Books Ltd. . By Everts, Saskia (1998)

Privatising Agricultural Extension in India** Policy Paper 10, National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, P.O. Box 11305, New Delhi 110 012, India, February 2000. 95 p. 64 . By Rasheed Sulaiman V and V.V. Sadamate.  相似文献   

We did not take much part in the life of the university, and we suffered many restrictions. We were asked always to wear gloves in the town (and of course hats!); we must not ride a bicycle in the main streets, nor take a boat out on the river in the daytime unless accompanied by a chaperon who must be either a married woman or one of the college dons. 1 11 Quoted in Ann Phillips ed., A. Newnham Anthology (Cambridge, 1979), 38.   相似文献   

Approaches to achieving and managing equity for Māori 1 1. Indigenous people of Aotearoa/New Zealand. and Pasifika 2 2. Used collectively to refer to the people or students from the islands of the Pacific who have identified as coming from, or having their ethnicity originate from, there; used in Statistics New Zealand Census reports. tertiary students differ among the eight universities in Aotearoa 3 3. Māori word for New Zealand. /New Zealand. Achieving equity in educational attainment for Māori and Pasifika tertiary students is stated as a key objective in nearly all of the universities’ mission statements or charters, and equity committees have been set up to ensure equitable outcomes. These committees are generally made up of junior academic or administrative staff members. In contrast, managing the university's equity plan is the role of those in senior academic positions within the university. This article investigates the perspectives of six equity leaders at an urban university in one of the country's largest cities on the objectives and characteristics of equity committees and the influence of the dominant paradigm in achieving equity.  相似文献   

An earlier article in this journal 1 1E. Hoyle, “How does the curriculum change? I. A proposal for enquiries,” J. Curr. Studies, Vol. I, No. 2, 1969. Based on course work for the degree of M.Ed., University of Liverpool. discussed two aspects of curriculum change: the relationship between social change and educational change, and the diffusion of innovation in education. The present article focusses upon two further aspects of curriculum change: the innovativeness of schools and strategies of planned curriculum change.



Ever since the 19th century–when the Unitarian state came to be–Western countries have accepted the principle of (state) intervention in the interest of the child.1 1 Cf. G. Tillekens (Ed.), Het opgelegde leren. Hoofdstukken uit de geschiedenis van de school (Nijmegen, 1986). T. Peters and L. Walgrave, “Maatschappelijk‐historische duidingen bij het ontstaan van de Belgische jeugdbescherming”, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, XX (1978) 2, pp.57‐70. This readiness to intervene has led to an ever expanding and increasing interventionism in the actual development of youth care.2 2 Cf. E. Verhellen, Jeugdbescherming en jeugdbeschermingsrecht (Antwerpen, 1989). With respect to any of these interventions, one can distinguish specific environmentally related effects.3 3 Especially in matters of education, these specific environmentally‐related effects have been the object of research and compensating action. For a survey, see for instance H, Brutsaert, Gelijke kansen en leerlinggerichtheid in het secundair onderwijs (Leuven, 1986). A. Dewaele, De onderwijssituatie van de verschalende sociale groepen in Viaanderen. Een literatuurstudie met bijzondere aandacht voor de arbeidersgroep (Leuven, 1982). A. Demeyer, Het lager scolair rendement van arbeiderskinderen als sociaal probleem (Doctoral dissertation, Gent, 1975). C. Smets (Ed.), Onderwijs en vorming als hefbomen voor armoedebestrijding (Brussel, 1987). For specific environmentally‐related effects in juvenile justice, see M. Andriessen, “Kinderbescherming en gezinspolitiek”, in: P. Engelen e.a., Ouderschap in verandering (Lisse, 1986) pp. 260‐270. L. Walgrave, Uitgeleide aan de jeugdbescherming (Leuven, 1978). E. Verhellen, “Statusdelikten‐situaties: nieuwe variaties op een actueel ouder thema”, in: Het Statusdelikt (Gent, 1982) pp. 85‐103. Lower or unskilled working‐class children in particular tend to be highly “socially vulnerable’.4 4 The term was launched by N. Vettenburg, L. Walgrave and J. Van Kerckvoorde in: Jeugdwerkloosheid, jeugddelinquentie en maatschappelijke kwetsbaarheid (Antwerpen, 1984). It refers to the danger encountered by population groups to suffer the negative effects of their contacts with social institutions. Yet, this social vulnerability cannot be considered apart from the overall frame of policy, in which both social institutions and youngsters with their families are actors. See, M. Bouverne-De Bie, ‘Over jeugdwerkloosheid, of: de gedwongen kwetsbaarheid van een generatie’, in: Panopticon, V (1984) 6, pp. 495–506. Findings like these raise questions as to the processes through which youth care has developed, as well as to the processes which contribute to the preservation of these specific environmentally related effects.


She (Lady Darling) was rarely not pregnant. (She gave birth to a son in October 1826)... to another son in 1827 (who died in 1828), a daughter in 1829, she miscarried in 1830, and was heavily pregnant when she left the colony in 1831. Often indisposed, for nearly a year she was hardly able to leave her couch. 2 2Heather Radi ‘Fanny Macleay’, in Heather Radi, ed., 200 Australian Women (Broadway: Women's Redress Press, n.d.), 7.   相似文献   

Apprentice training is and always has been a somewhat delicate subject and is often handled in discussion between employers and the trade unions much in the same way as a chemist handles T.N.T. 1 1W.J. Carron, ‘Address of the President of the AEU to the Seventh Annual Conference of the British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education: East Midlands Area’, in British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education (BACIE), The Changing Pattern of Apprentice Training (place of publication not given, 1958), 38.   相似文献   

I. [A] host of new educational devices ranging from lantern lectures to the Mechanics’ Institutes set up in many towns propagated the ideology essential to the creation of that new and viable class society which was progressively ousting the old aristocratic ethos. Thomas Dick of Methven, Secession clergyman, popular author, pioneer of Mechanics’ Institutes, saint and astronomer, summed up in himself many of the strengths of the new society.? 1B. Lenman, Integration, Enlightenment and Industrialization: Scotland 1746‐1832 (The New History of Scotland, VI, London, 1981), 167.   相似文献   

There were moments when the weirdest things made a new and deep sense beyond sense — when Confession did not mean cleaning up oneself (the blackboard erased again) but cleansing a whole world, the first glimpse of sky or grass as one came out of church. When communion was not cannibalism, but its reverse, body taken up in Spirit. Being inwardly shaken by unsummoned prayers, as by muffled explosions. Moments of purity remembered, when the world seemed fresh out of its maker's hands, trees washed by some rain sweeter than the world's own. All these things were shared, part of community life. Not a rare isolated joy like reading poems. These moments belonged to a “people,” not to oneself. It was a ghetto, undeniably. But not a bad ghetto to grow up in. 1 1Garry Wills, Bare Ruined Choirs (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1971), 37.

To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul. It is one of the hardest to define. A human being has roots by virtue of his [sic] real, active, and natural participation in the life of a community, which preserves in living shape certain particular treasures of the past and certain particular expectations for the future. 2 2Simone Weil, The Need for Roots (New York: Harper &; Row, 1952), 43.


Scholars like J.H. Van den Berg and P. Ariès 2 2J.H. Van den Berg, Metabletica of leer der veranderingen (Nijkerk, 1956); P. Aries, L'enfant et la vie familiale sous I'ancien régime (Paris, 1960). not professional historians by origin — introduced a dramatic innovation in historical approaches. Influenced by their pioneering research on children in the past, many modern psychologists, sociologists or historians don't consider childhood (or youth, old age, maternal love...) as a natural, universal, ageless and self‐evident “phenomenon “ anymore. For F. Musgrove, for example, the concept of youth as a separate age of man is fairly recent. This sociologist expresses his opinion in a radical way: “The adolescent as a distinct species is the creation of modern social attitudes and institutions. A creature neither child nor adult, he is a comparatively recent socio‐psycho/ogi‐cal invention, scarcely two centuries old. [...] The adolescent was invented at the same time as the steam engine. The principal architect of the latter was Watt in 1765, of the former Rousseau in 1762”. 3 3F. Musgrove, Youth and the Social Order (London, 19682) 13 ff. ("Making adolescents") and 33 ff. ("The invention of the adolescent").

Such statements are a simplification of historical reality. The view of A. Kriekemans is more balanced: depending on the cultural environment, the term “youth “ may cover a different period of life and may be more or less complicated, involving varying levels of conflict, having its own identity, its own way of living, its own status, and its own expectations. 4 4A. Kriekemans, Geschiedenis van de jeugdpsychologie (Tielt‐Den Haag, 1967) p. 298. Let us apply these. words to Roman antiquity and examine the place of youth in the human life span as well as the circumstances which made possible its existence as a separate entity. Before starting the exposition itself, it should be noted that we are dealing with upper‐class youth (we know a/most nothing about youth in the lower classes) and with the young man (girls mostly married between the ages of 12 and 15 and there was no real interval between childhood and adulthood).


This article identifies strengths and weaknesses in the introductory course sequence in computing, 1 1Read as “computer science,” “computer science and engineering”, or any similar title. View all notes and proposes an alternative sequence using a “breadth‐first” approach. This approach integrates theoretical material, includes scheduled laboratory work, and covers a broad range of subject matter in the discipline of computing. We also summarize our early experience teaching the first course in this sequence.


Accumulation of capitalised wealth, vast mineral resources, a splendid geographical position ‐‐ these advantages avail less and less as the advances of science place all nations on one footing. We shall hold our own in the world as people if our teachers are determined that children shall be trained in the discipline that leads to wisdom, the discipline that leads to health, and the discipline that leads to strength, and such disciplines, I am convinced, will be found in Swedish Sloyd. 1 1Rooper, T. G. School and Home Life (London, 1896), 479.   相似文献   

Looking back on the [eighteen] sixties, we may feel satisfied that among girls’ schools of the country, Quaker schools were indubitably in the front rank. The very narrowness of the curriculum ‐ no music, dancing, or singing, no fine needlework ‐ left space and time available for better grounding in history, arithmetic, and geography, and for relatively wider reading in English literature. 2 2H. Winifred Sturge and Theodora Clark, The Mount School York (London: I. M. Dent &; Sons, 1931), 109–10.   相似文献   

“. . . human experience is shaped, molded, and in a sense constituted by cultural and linguistic forms. There are numberless thoughts we cannot think, sentiments we cannot have, and realities we cannot perceive unless we learn to use the appropriate symbol systems ... to become religious involves becoming skilled in the language, the symbol system of a given religion.” — George Lindbeck 1 1George Lindbeck, The Nature of Doctrine (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1984), 34.

“My child is not learning anything. All they do in there is play.” — disgruntled parent after observing a preschool church school class.


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