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聋校语文课本中有不少课文,描写了一些栩栩如生的可敬可爱的艺术形象,这些形象反映了现实生活的审美意向.在指导学生学习这些课文时,应注意充分发挥其审美功能,采取有效手段,培养聋生发现美、认识美、体验美、鉴赏美的能力.我们的做法是:  相似文献   

在聋校语文教学中,教师可以运用丰富多元的手段,创设具有感染力的情境,引导学生感知美、鉴赏美、创造美。在语文情境教学中渗透美育,将智育和美育融于情境教学之中,能有效培养聋生的审美能力,为聋生获取生动活泼的知识、构建健康丰富的精神世界提供有效途径。  相似文献   

书法艺术蕴含着丰富的美育元素,在审美教育中有着重要作用。在聋校书法教学中,教师可采用观察、比较、临摹、赏析、创作等多种手段,带领聋生在发现美、体验美和创造美的过程中丰富审美内涵、陶冶审美情趣、提高审美能力。  相似文献   

舞蹈教育在聋哑学生的学习和成长过程中扮演了重要的角色,使聋哑学生开始感知世界,从而提高审美能力、激发想象力和创造力来表达自己的情感,对美好的生活充满憧憬和向往,感悟人生的真谛,因为聋生听不到音乐,所以舞蹈使他们的肢体在愉快的气氛中得到活动,带动他们的积极性,还有利于他们身心健康发展,进一步促进聋生在德、智、体、美等多方面得到全面发展,提高聋生的综合素质。因此,舞蹈教学是一种最有效的途径。详细阐述了舞蹈教育的意义,并对舞蹈课对聋生教育的影响做了深入分析。  相似文献   

聋校数学教学不仅是传授数学知识,培养解题能力的教学活动,而是一种审美活动.聋校数学审美因素是多方面的,数学中的对称美、简洁美、和谐美和奇异美;教师的语言美、板书的结构美和形态美,等等.本文就数学的对称美、简洁美、和谐美与奇异美四个方面作一浅析.  相似文献   

目的:探索聋校数学教学中美育的功效。方法:采取等组实验法和心理测量相结合的方法。结果:数学美育有助于培养初中聋生的数学审美情趣,使学生对数学产生积极的情感,促进学生的数学学习,有助于学生的和谐、可持续发展  相似文献   

美育作为教育的一种方式,是人类全面教育的一个有机组成部分。苏霍姆林斯基说过:“教育,如果没有美,没有艺术,那是不可思议的。”《全日制聋校课程计划(试行)》中明确规定:“把聋生培养成德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的人。”《全日制聋校义务教育语文课程标准》也明确提出:“在语文学习的过程中,培养聋生爱国主义感情、社会主义思想道德和健康的审美情趣。”  相似文献   

吕艳芳 《教师》2010,(20):16-16
美育是一种陶冶情操、净化心灵的教育,是教育者借助自然美、社会美等手段,培养学生具有正确的审美观、高尚的情操以及感受美、鉴赏美的能力。把美育渗透到聋校语文教学中,培养聋生具有健康的人格、崇尚优美的感情、丰富的文化知识修养。是聋校教育的一个必不可少的内容。  相似文献   

美育是一种陶冶情操、净化心灵的教育,是教育者借助自然美、社会美等手段,培养学生具有正确的审美观、高尚的情操以及感受美、鉴赏美的能力.把美育渗透到聋校语文教学中,培养聋生具有健康的人格、崇尚优美的感情、丰富的文化知识修养,是聋校教育的一个必不可少的内容.  相似文献   

民间传统剪纸艺术在我国具有广阔的天地,将这一传统艺术引入特殊教育学校,为聋生开辟了一条艺术教育的新途径,丰富了艺术教育的内容。聋生充分发挥心灵手巧的特点,将自己对美好生活的向往融入作品之中,培养聋生动脑动手的能力和习惯,培养他们感受美、欣赏美、理解美、体现美和创造美的能力。  相似文献   

Deaf children of Deaf parents perform better academically (Ritter-Brinton & Stewart, 1992), linguistically (Courtin, 2000; M. Harris, 2001; Vaccari & Marschark, 1997), and socially (Hadadian & Rose, 1991; M. Harris, 2001) than Deaf children of hearing parents. Twenty-nine Deaf children in residential schools were assessed to determine if a significant difference also exists in motor development between Deaf children with Deaf parents and Deaf children with hearing parents. In the locomotor area, 78.6% of Deaf children of Deaf parents and 73.3% of Deaf children of hearing parents reached or surpassed average performance levels. In regard to object control, 92.9% of Deaf children of Deaf parents and 93.3% of Deaf children of hearing parents reached or surpassed average performance levels. The study results show no significant difference between the motor development of Deaf children of Deaf parents and Deaf children of hearing parents.  相似文献   

This study examined 74 deaf and hard-of-hearing (D/HH) and 91 hearing high school students regarding their own occupational aspirations and their evaluations of occupational competence (EOCs) for deaf adults. In the EOC, participants rated the suitability of 25 occupations (varying according to prestige and required level of communication) for deaf men and women. The results showed that occupations requiring intensive communication levels, regardless of their prestige, were evaluated as much less suitable for deaf individuals than were those requiring less communication. D/HH adolescents did not find highly prestigious occupations as suitable for deaf adults even when communication barriers were irrelevant. Both D/HH and hearing participants expressed biased evaluations of deaf women's competence, but no further evidence emerged for stereotypic attitudes. Higher educational aspirations among hearing adolescents, especially hearing males, correlated with a higher EOC of deaf adults. No such associations emerged for D/HH participants. No gender effects emerged. Implications of these outcomes for career development, especially for females, were discussed.  相似文献   

Self-esteem in deaf adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Diversity of deaf identities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social Identity Theory (Tajfel, 1981) posits that members of minority groups achieve positive social identity by (a) attempting to gain access to the mainstream through individual mobility or (b) working with other group members to bring about social change. Some people may use a combination of both strategies. Through the use of cluster analysis, the existence of three identities associated with these strategies was discerned in a sample of 267 deaf adults: culturally hearing identity, culturally deaf identity, and bicultural identity, each comprising about a third of the sample. A subset of 56 people were interviewed in depth; excerpts are presented to illustrate the identity types. Qualified support was found for the prediction that people with culturally deaf and bicultural identities would have higher self-esteem.  相似文献   

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