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教师的教育教学水平与一个国家的教育水平密切相连,没有高质量的教师队伍就没有高质量的基础教育。我国在实施人才强国战略时必须重视教师资源优化。美国科学技术、经济实力都在世界上占据首要位置,这与其拥有大量的高科技人才有着重要的关系.有必要探讨美国的教师教育,吸取可借鉴之处,更好地促进我国教师教育课程改革。本文从教师教育的职前教育方面对中美两国课程建设进行比较。  相似文献   

小学三年级数学在整个小学数学教育中起着承上启下的作用,三年级的数学题相较于小学二年级的数学题来说,题型较为复杂,运算步骤也较多,使得学生在心理上难以接受。因此,在实施三年级数学教学课程中,教师要注重教学方法,抓好三年级数学教学。小学生处于学习的启蒙时期,在数学教学中,创新教学方法,对于提高学生的学习乐趣和提高教师教学的质量有着重要的作用。通过对当前三年级小学数学教学存在的问题进行分析,并指出了如何实施三年级数学教学的有效策略。  相似文献   

美国是在线开放课程实施时间最长、经验最丰富的国家,而中国与之相差甚远,因此进行中美开放课程的对比研究显得十分重要。本研究从教与学的视角运用质与量相结合的方法和工具对中美在线开放课程进行六个维度的对比分析,通过立意抽样的方法分别选取了中美各六门课程,分析的维度包括师生互动、教师提问、教学风格、教育技术、教学模式、教学流程。数据分析表明,中美开放课程在这六个方面存在着较大的差距,即美国教师更善于通过情境创设与问题引导的方式,运用极具富有感染力的语言和非语言表达,结合恰当的媒体技术运用,以建构主义的思想为主导进行形式多样的课堂学习。根据这些差别提出了"中美开放课程融合方法"、教师相关能力素养培养方式等观点,希望能够为中国开放课程的建设与发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

2020年疫情期间,中美两国高校都采用了大规模线上教学,两国学者分别对本国高校的在线教学进行了调查和实证分析.本文选取美国学者2020年7月发布的《在线教育全景报告》和厦门大学教师发展中心2020年4月发布的三份《疫情期间线上教学调查报告》进行对比,研究发现:美国高校对于教学设计、教师培训更加关注,中国高校对教学质量监控、教学资源、教学组织保障更加关注;中美高校的大部分教师都缺乏大规模在线教学经验,美国高校有教学设计团队支持在线教学,中国缺乏设计团队支持;中美高校约一半学生在疫情之前未参加过在线教学,多数学生未做好充分的在线学习准备,在线学习参与度不高;中美高校大部分教师需自行转换在线课程;美国高校主要依托高校自身自行解决,少数美国院校求助第三方公司来解决大规模在线教学技术平台的问题,中国高校依靠政府、高校和社会机构协同组织;中关高校所使用的在线教学平台呈现出较大的差异性,美国高校使用的在线教学平台相对集中,中国高校使用的在线教学平台呈多样分散状态.总之,中美高校对于疫情期间的大规模在线教学总体较为满意,对于疫情后是否继续使用在线教学以及在线教学最需要改进的部分仍存在分歧.  相似文献   

文章对美国犹他州针对七年级学生开设的生涯技术教育入门课程进行了介绍。该入门课程包括课程的目标、内容、实施的方法和教师的资格要求等。在此基础上,文章分析了美国犹他州七年级生涯技术教育课程的特点.并得出对我国初中阶段生涯技术教育的启示。  相似文献   

由教育部课程教材研究所(人民教育出版社)举办的中美基础教育课程与教学交流会于2007年7月4日在京举行。会上,中方代表介绍了我国基础教育课程改革、英语教学改革及科学教育改革的有关情况;美方代表介绍了美国基础教育课程与教学的有关情况。中方课程与教材研究人员与美方到会的学区督学和中小学校长、教师,[第一段]  相似文献   

罗丹 《教育探索》2003,(12):63-64
我国和美国是两个有着不同化的国家,两国高中教育存在很大的差别。中美教师在教学方法和教学态度上有很大差异;中美学生的校内生活和校外生活也有很大差别;中美高中学校在理分科和课程类型上也有很大不同。对这些差别的分析比较,能够对我国的教育改革提供一些有益的参考。  相似文献   

中学数学教学论是我国高师数学教育类课程的一门主要课程,对这门课程的中美教材进行比较分析,对中学数学教师的职前专业发展具有重要意义。文章通过比较分析发现,中美高师中学数学教学论教材在知识内容、体系结构、能力培养、非智力因素培养、适应水平等方面都存在着较大的差异,对这些差异的对比研究可以为解决我国当前中学数学教学论课程的教材中存在的问题提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

信息化教学能力是作为未来教师的师范生必备技能之一。本文根据中美教师教育技术标准的内容,结合我国教师教育现状编制了一套“师范生信息化教学技能调查问卷”,对7所高师院校的三、四年级师范生进行了调查。调查结果表明当前师范生的信息化教学技能普遍不高,由此指出高师院校师范生职业技能培养体系、课程设置有待于进一步完善和优化。  相似文献   

中美案例教学的比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
源于美国哈佛大学的案例教学是诸多教学法中最有效的一种教法。中美两国案例教学产生、发展的背景不同,在教师与学生角色、教学效果、课堂组织以及在课堂教学中所占比例和学时分配等方面,中美两国案例教学均存在差异。借鉴美国的做法,取长补短,提高我国案例教学水平,对我国新一轮课程教学改革具有现实意义。  相似文献   

This article examines a technology-rich curriculum project that was implemented in China with in-service teachers during a three-year period. The findings suggest the need to support in-service teachers to implement new technology-rich curriculum. The findings also imply the need for curriculum designers to have a good understanding of not only their team members, but also of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers in order to provide appropriate and relevant technology-rich curriculum. The authors suggest important related topics for further research, such as job-embedded professional development and professional learning communities.  相似文献   

为了追求教师质量卓越,强化教师专业主义以及彰显课程改革理念,英国教育部颁布了新修订的《英国中小学教师标准》,并于2012年9月正式实施,这是针对所有中小学教师的一项新的教师标准,其框架内容包括教师教育理念、教师教学纲要和教师专业素养。中国可以从教师质量的提升需要强化责任意识、课程改革的深化需要提升教学效能和教师专业的发展需要培养人文素养等方面探究教师专业发展的道路,推动教师专业化发展。  相似文献   

In China, preschool curriculum has undergone reform and profound changes. Much remains unknown, however, regarding preschool teachers’ teaching beliefs after 30 years of curriculum reform and adaptation. This study aimed to address the issue and investigate teachers’ beliefs concerning teaching mathematics. Twelve preschool teachers in China participated in the study: they watched videos of mathematics lessons conducted in the US and were interviewed with questions regarding the lessons. Qualitative analysis was then applied; themes were searched from the participants’ responses. The study revealed that Chinese preschool teachers acknowledged the features of (a) active learning, (b) involving every child, and (c) connecting lessons with everyday activities. However, they believed that their own teaching would be more purposeful: they would choose a specific content focus, use a series of steps, and make explicit summary at the end. The study also revealed Chinese preschool teachers’ solid specialized content knowledge in mathematics.  相似文献   

In 2004 the Finnish National Board of Education launched a new curriculum framework that includes principles, instructional aims, and a brief list of content by subject areas. The intent of this framework is that teachers should interpret the core curriculum at the local level and apply it in their own schools and classrooms. This approach encourages teachers to use their professional knowledge and take into account their students and the learning environment in applying and implementing the curriculum. This case study sought to understand how this core curriculum has been implemented by way of observations of language and literacy lessons in 8 grade 1 and grade 2 classrooms during a 2‐month period. The observations and the analysis were guided by earlier research conducted in classroom identified as ‘excellent’ in the US. The resulting data, in turn, were compared with the core curriculum. The findings show that, although some of the principles and the content of the core curriculum were reflected in practice, there were inconsistencies between the instructional methods used in the classrooms and the principles set in the core curriculum. Although some areas of the core curriculum were well represented in classroom language and literacy practices, others were covered only in part or not at all during the observation period.  相似文献   

课程实施是课程研究的重要组成部分。理想的课程设计只有得到有效的实施才能使课堂教学发生真正变化。因为课程实施是"一个预期的课程如何在实际中运用的"过程,教师是影响课程实施的重要因素,在课程实施过程中教师起着至关重要的作用。教师对课程的理解程度直接影响着课程实施的效果,而教师对课程的理解程度又受到教师自身素质的影响。因此提高教师的素质是有效进行课程实施的操作原点。  相似文献   

Mathematics education aimed at empowering students for economic and democratic participation must address two critical issues: the long‐standing function of mathematics as a gatekeeper, and the complicated nature of designing and implementing systematic reform at the school department level. The study reported here examines a curricular redesign implemented by teachers in one US high school department. The department was redesigning its curriculum to remedy high failure rates in targeted courses disproportionately populated by students of colour. Using a case‐study methodology, this study examines the process of curricular redesign and its influence on these students’ access to more advanced mathematics courses. It describes redesigned courses and department characteristics that aided or challenged the redesign process, and discusses the significance of the identified challenges in constructing placement policies that did little to increase students’ likelihood of taking additional, and more advanced‐ level, mathematics courses. The analysis revealed a department that, despite its intentions, implemented a curriculum design which perpetuated inequities. This study discusses the teachers’ expectations of their students and perspectives about the nature of mathematics as a partial explanation for the department’s failure. The resigned curriculum failed to promote mathematics course‐taking because it created more defined tracks with less rigorous courses for students in low‐level courses.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this exploratory study is to identify variations in the ways in which individual teachers in different educational contexts interpret their curriculum and plan their lessons and in particular to explore the possibility that cultural differences as identified by Hofstede (1991) may be a contributing factor to understanding how teachers understand their work. “Educational reform” has become a catchphrase in the Anglo-American world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and England and Wales, as well as in the Confucian Heritage Areas such as Mainland China, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Across the world, the educational reform measures being implemented are surprisingly similar. This paper describes a study of how geography teachers in Queensland, Australia, Hong Kong, and Changchun, China, plan their lessons and curriculum. From classroom observations and interviews with the teachers involved, we confirmed marked differences in each location regarding their cultural traits of power distance, individualist and collectivist preference and uncertainty tolerance, and that these traits appear to be highly influential in their curriculum planning. Despite the small scale of this study, we contend that there are good reasons for caution before national education systems import policies and curriculum reform initiatives from other countries for unthinking adoption.  相似文献   

The study examined the impact of curriculum reform on teaching practice in primary mathematics in mainland China. The participants included 58 fifth grade mathematics teachers from 20 schools. Thirty-two of the classrooms had utilized a reform curriculum for 5 years prior to conducting the study, and the remaining 26 had been using the conventional curriculum. Each of the 58 teachers was videotaped for 3 of his/her classes during a 3-day period and the videotaped class sessions provided the data source for the study. The focus of the study was on the instructional tasks that were implemented in the classrooms and on the teacher and student interaction. Results indicated that a greater proportion of high cognitive level tasks were implemented in the reform classrooms when compared to those in the non-reform classrooms. Numerical symbolic representation as well as single-solution strategies were dominant in the instructional tasks for both groups. However, in the reform classes a higher proportion of instructional tasks were used that involved visual illustrations and hands-on manipulation and multiple-solution strategies. An analysis of classroom discourse showed that most of the teacher questions were related to memorizing exercises and explanations of answers. However, the teachers from the reform classrooms were more likely to ask students to describe the procedure that led to an answer and to inquire further into students’ responses. The results indicated positive changes in classroom practice resulting from implementation of the new curriculum.  相似文献   

This study examines 1) how Korean elementary teachers implement curriculum integration in their teaching practice and 2) what Korean elementary teachers experience in implementing curriculum integration. Several issues evolved from the analysis of three teachers ’ experiences: firstly, the teachers ’ lack of theoretical frameworks for curriculum integration, secondly, the teachers ’ pragmatic approach to curriculum integration, and thirdly, the limitations on implementing curriculum integration. In order for curriculum integration to be properly implemented and sustained, teachers ’ roles in and understanding of the curricula are crucial. Thus, the implications of the findings are discussed in terms of teacher preparation and training.  相似文献   

当前的学前课程是否能促进教师与幼儿的共同发展与持续发展,需要我们更深入地思考和研究。本文针对学前教育专业课程设置的理论依据进行分析,提出学前教育美术课程设置的方案,希望为有效提高学前教育专业人才素质提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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