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Excel® offers powerful features that can spare its users countless hours of tedious and unnecessary effort. Pivot tables and pivot charts are robust tools that can streamline the work of analyzing library data, making it nearly instantaneous, visually engaging, and efficient. Although electronic resource usage statistics will be used for illustrative purposes, countless types of data in a tabular format are suited to the application of pivot tables and pivot charts. This article will discuss background and approaches for using these tools, followed by a companion article that will demonstrate essential techniques and applications.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to establish the similarities and differences between the way of collaboration and the production of researchers when dealing with publications or with the development of projects and whether the collaboration patterns change across disciplines.We have studied the networks of researchers formed through the collaborations in papers or in projects in a research institution (the University of Zaragoza) and we have analyzed a series of individual and global magnitudes. As a general result, we have observed that the laws governing the individual productivity are similar for the cases of publications and projects but, however, the behavior is different when analyzing more complex magnitudes such as the collaborations or other structural variables. We consider also the subnetworks defined by the researchers of the different disciplines and characterize their topologies and compare the corresponding collaboration patterns.Because of the general approach, we expect most of the conclusions to be applicable to other universities or research centers.  相似文献   

This paper reports the conclusions and recommendations of the working group that synthesized the discussions on ‘How can science connect with and be of greater benefit to conservation practice?’ during the ICCROM Forum on Conservation Science. The author reflects on these findings from her own perspective and experiences, and places them in the context of two major shifts in heritage research: the first, a shift in focus from conserving materials to managing meaning. The second, a shift in organizational structures from single, centrally funded heritage institutions towards diffuse networks which include new players who have no direct responsibility towards heritage. Both shifts are taking place in an environment of decreased funding and increased accountability to society. Science and conservation connect and contribute to each other most effectively if they together contribute to the societal benefits of heritage. In this regard, heritage science strategies can stimulate collaboration, and direct science and conservation towards innovative, applicable outcomes. Moreover, they can promote a transdisciplinary approach which connects social, economic and business sciences and stakeholders. They should also ensure the creation of sustainable nodes for consolidating knowledge within these dynamic networks.  相似文献   

Drawing from my experiences as President of the Central States Communication Association, I examine how service allows for opportunities to create relationships, identity, and leadership in profound ways. I then consider how Communication scholars can unite to resolve ongoing economic issues that threaten both communication pedagogy and research. The academy as a whole faces serious economic challenges; this essay identifies some of these specific problems and potential action steps that academic associations can take in an advocacy role on this front. This is done in the hope that associations or even individuals begin (or continue) thinking about what they can do to help address the economic issues in higher education that so many face across the academy.  相似文献   

Courses: Interpersonal Communication, Relational Communication

Objective: This article teaches students to explain and evaluate Knapp’s Relational Staircase Model through the creation of personalized greeting cards for each relational stage. The in-class activity encourages students to be creative and succinct in capturing the essence of an assigned relational stage in their respective greeting cards. The activity also provides students with an opportunity to apply the model to their lives and to test the validity and usefulness of the model in the hook-up culture prevalent among many college students today.  相似文献   

While there is considerable research on interventions to support academic staff in writing for publication, there is limited literature on writing interventions for librarians. This article explores the potential of a blended learning approach to support librarians to develop the motivation and skills to write for publication. The program combines three elements: a formal writing seminar; a structured series of online exercises and mentoring support; and two peer-feedback days. The article suggests that the combination of online and face-to-face activities has the potential to be a sustainable model for helping to develop librarians as academic writers. It suggests that this type of model could provide a context, which is currently lacking, for librarians to develop their identity and skills as academic writers.  相似文献   

What factors predict listening to Limbaugh's program? Previous studies, many more than a decade old, analyze his audience at one or two data-points. This study differs from earlier studies of Limbaugh's audience in two ways: (1) the data come from six Times Mirror/Pew Research Center polls between July, 1994 and April–May, 2006, and (2) the paper focuses on the relationship between listening to Limbaugh and knowledge of public affairs. Conservative Republicans are in his audience, but educational attainment, family income, and race do not predict who listens. Listening to Limbaugh is significantly correlated with public affairs information.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):406-433
Adult bullying at work is an unbelievable and, at times, shattering experience, both for those targeted as well as for witnessing colleagues. This study examines the narratives of 30 workers, some of whom where targeted and all of whom saw others bullied. Their responses paint a complex picture of power in bullying situations that reframe the “power-deficient target” into agents who galvanize a variety of resources on their own or others’ behalf but also place them at considerable risk. In some cases, employees evaluate the abusive situation and quickly resign. Others protest but, if resistance fails to stop abuse, they also leave organizations. The paths of resistance, case outcomes, and dialectic nature of resistance and control are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines US network television coverage of the 1980 Kwangju and 1989 Beijing‐Tiananmen Square incidents in relation to American policy towards those East Asian nations and the increasingly global impact of television on foreign policy. Both episodes involved pro‐democracy movements, imposition of military force, violence, and implications for US policy. While both were covered by television, Beijing became a global media event while Kwangju was accorded more perfunctory coverage. The study documents heavy reliance on official sources in coverage of both events, but greater attention to pro‐democracy demonstrators in Beijing as more ‘worthy’ victims than those in Kwangju. It also points to the difficulty language poses for Western news organizations in East Asia, and the tendency of television to serve as a reference point for all reporting. The hypothesis that media index their coverage according to mainstream government debate must take into account such factors when being tested in an era of global television. When television is less actively engaged in covering an event, as in Kwangju, policymakers have greater power to shape the public dialogue. A broad question for the future regards the evolution of institutions to promote civil versus statist discourse.  相似文献   

The article illustrates the evolution of a research assignment in an undergraduate nursing course and the development of the information literacy session. The authors show how, through a variety of strategies, they were able to retain research and writing rigor and at the same time, decrease research stress in the students. Through feedback from students, observations, and analysis of the research articles, the authors were able to think critically on how and what to teach the students. The article supports the existing literature on research stress in nursing students and offers a model on how nursing faculty and librarians can collaborate to support students’ academic success.  相似文献   

This research explored the ways in which current liaison librarians feel their LIS programs prepared them for their role, focusing on two research questions: To what extent do librarians working as liaisons in academic institutions in the US and Canada feel their LIS programs prepared them for their liaison role? How much of the preparation of librarians to be liaisons can be attributed to their programs' curriculum, especially in terms of where in the curriculum the liaison role is addressed? Results of a survey of 366 liaisons demonstrate that across a variety of contexts, most respondents feel their programs prepared them to be liaisons, but those who completed the academic library track more often than expected indicated feeling prepared. A majority of participants indicated non-curriculum experiences, such as assistantships, paid employment, and internships in academic libraries, as useful in their preparation, with one exception: those who completed online programs less often than expected indicated non-curricular experiences as useful in preparation for their current liaison role. Overall, the most useful courses cited included specialized courses, reference, instruction, and collection management, suggesting some preparation from core courses, but additional preparation coming from elective courses not always taken by or available to everyone.  相似文献   

New opportunities presented by technological developments are being realised but more can be achieved in opening access to scientific reports and data. Funding agencies and universities are beginning to realise the benefits from an open access model for the dissemination of research results. European funding agencies and universities are following two strategies towards open access, the deposit of research reports in repositories and the conversion of journals to an open access business model. Various public statements have been made in support of open access, and several organizations-such as JISC in the UK-are undertaking work to assist all stakeholders in scholarly communication in introducing beneficial changes.  相似文献   

After a brief analysis of the founding and history of UNESCO, “The US and UNESCO: Is It Time to Rejoin?” examines the political, administrative and budgetary reasons why the United States withdrew from UNESCO in 1984, the several reforms undertaken by Director General Mayor in the last 2 years and whether the changes to date warrant US re-entry.After considering the arguments of both proponents and opponents, the paper sets forth three major criteria for rejoining: (1) budgetary and financial reform of UNESCO; (2) thorough reform of the secretariat; and (3) major programmatic changes with the intention of “returning UNESCO to the original ideals of its Charter”.While giving high marks to the personal integrity and remarkable energy of Director General Mayor, the paper questions whether he can persuade the organization to accept the radical reform he is proposing, noting the negative and even hostile response of the Executive Board and the General Conference to his Mid-term Plan.The paper concludes that it is premature for the US to make any definitive decision at this time, but predicts that the US will rejoin if the organization returns to its roots and concentrates on “practical achieveable projects”, not the “pretentious unrealistic goals” that have too often attracted UNESCO members and management.  相似文献   

This experiment assessed whether instructor credibility (low or high) moderated the effects of grade incentives (rewards or punishment) and advantage framing (gain or loss) of technology policies on students’ intent to comply and motivation to learn. Results indicate that credibility increased motivation to learn. Significant moderated moderated mediation was found: a three-way interaction affected both intent to comply, and motivation to learn as mediated by attitude toward the policy. Specifically, credibility positively influenced learning outcomes via attitude when the syllabus used opposing frame-incentive structure (i.e., gain-framed punishment and loss-framed reward).  相似文献   

Although librarians’ increasingly important role as teachers is among the most significant shifts and trends that have been reshaping academic libraries over the past few decades, most academic librarians have not received formal training in pedagogy and teaching. The authors describe how becoming familiar with educational theory and research enabled them to revamp freshmen library workshops. They provide a theoretical overview and present practical classroom applications of learning styles theory, active learning techniques, learning by analogies, collaborative learning, and group work. Learning theories and educational research findings, the authors suggest, can be readily translated into practice and inform the teaching of information literacy to freshmen.  相似文献   


Age and sex differences in willingness to communicate (WTC), communication apprehension, and self‐perceived communication competence were examined using three age cohorts of participants drawn from junior high, high school, and university student populations. Results indicate that junior high females are higher in WTC than their male counterparts and females at the university level are higher in communication apprehension and lower in self‐perceived competence than are male university students. Communication apprehension and self‐perceived competence show a consistent negative relationship that does not vary with age or sex in the present sample. The degree to which communication apprehension arid self‐perceived competence predict WTC varies with age and sex. In all three age cohorts, communication apprehension is a significant predictor of WTC among women. Among men, self‐perceived competence emerges as a significant predictor of WTC in all three age groups.  相似文献   

王重民是我国图书馆学专业教育的重要开拓者之一。本文从五个方面系统梳理了王重民对我国图书馆学和目录学教育的重要贡献:(1)发起创建北京大学图书馆学专修科,并不断推动专业发展,是新中国图书馆学教育最重要的开创者和奠基者之一;(2)制定图书馆学系教学计划,组建图书馆学、目录学教研室,筹建系资料室,不断充实图书馆学系的师资队伍;(3)构建立意明确、反映时代要求的图书馆学课程体系,并亲自讲授大量专业课程;(4)注意加强专业教材建设,制定教材建设计划并亲自编写大量讲义和教材;(5)尽职教育,倾心教学,培育专业人才,培养了众多爱岗敬业的图书馆工作者。王重民在整理古籍、发展图书馆事业,特别是创办图书馆学教育、培育专业人才等方面做出了不可磨灭的贡献。今天纪念王重民先生的意义在于:一是继承他以弘扬光大祖国优秀典籍为己任、献身工作和治学的敬业精神,二是不断梳理和深入研究他在发展图书馆学和目录学教育、培育专业人才方面留下的宝贵精神财富,努力推动具有中国特色的图书馆学及图书馆学教育发展。  相似文献   


This investigation provides survey data for a cross‐media comparison between newspaper photo editors and television news directors to assess the ethical response to digital image processing and enhancement technology. The results indicate that television news directors tend toward less strict ethical standards in application of the technology. However, the television people showed more sensitivity to aspects of the technology that relate to long‐standing themes of TV critics.  相似文献   

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