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The Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 introduced for the first time in the United Kingdom a statutory basis for the collection by the legal deposit libraries of non-print, principally electronic, publications. Since the establishment of the Legal Deposit Advisory Panel in 2005, progress has been made in starting to turn this enabling act into reality, through a mixture of voluntary codes and statutory regulation. Work so far has concentrated on three categories of materials, offline, “free Web,” and electronic periodicals, and on the conceptual division of the remainder of the universe of electronic publications. Electronic deposit introduces several issues not present in print deposit and new dimensions to more familiar issues, including detailed involvement of the publisher in setting up the deposit process, “territoriality” (the place of publication), electronic user access, digital rights management, digital preservation, and data protection.  相似文献   

俄罗斯文献呈缴制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯文献呈缴制度由联邦和联邦主体呈缴法及相关法规组成,是以《联邦呈缴法》为核心的现代文献呈缴制度,俄文献呈缴制度是支持图书馆事业发展的重要举措,对图书馆发展具有积极的影响。但目前该文献呈缴制度仍然存在着呈缴本缴送数量不足,文献呈缴本分配不均衡等问题。参考文献12。  相似文献   

论我国电子出版物呈缴服务环境的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子出版物呈缴是图书馆在数字世界必须采用的战略手段和服务方式。实施电子出版物呈缴,建置良好的电子出版物呈缴服务环境必不可少。本文基于我国现行呈缴本制度存在的问题,从制度体系、呈缴管理、技术方案和合作机制四个方面,对我国电子出版物呈缴服务环境的变革提出了建议和思考。  相似文献   

Since 1994, the National Library of Russia has accepted electronic media according to the federal law On the Obligatory Copy of Documents, which established the system of legal deposit in Russia. The Scientific-Technical Center “Informregistr” is responsible for collecting legal deposits of electronic media and provides regular analysis of the National Library's collection of electronic editions. The results of these analyses are given in this article. Bibliographic records of deposited electronic media are available online in the electronic catalog Russian Electronic Editions. Catalog data are used to evaluate the characteristics of electronic editions and publishers. Acquisitions librarians use this catalog as a national bibliographic resource for adding electronic editions to their collections.  相似文献   

This article discusses the legal deposit system in Poland, outlining important issues, legal regulations, cooperation with publishers, and the importance of delivering books for academic environment. It emphasizes the significance of legal deposit for shaping collections and improving institutional quality. Poznań University Library is presented as an example of the Polish approach to the issue of book acquisition, including the library’s mission statement and elements of its collection development policy. The author also writes about tasks for the Legal Deposit Office and the library in the near future, including implementation of electronic legal deposit in Poland.  相似文献   

澳大利亚电子出版物法定缴送依据是1968年的版权法。文章介绍了澳大利亚图书馆采购、收集电子出版物的原则、电子出版物缴送具体规定,并概括了澳大利亚在实现电子出版物缴送进程中的做法及对我国的启示。参考文献14。  相似文献   

Nearly half a century after it first came into effect, Israel's legal deposit law has been amended to make its provisions in accordance with and appropriate for the digital age. Other considerations guiding legislators were the necessity to adjust the law in response to laws (particularly Basic Laws) passed since the original deposit law was enacted. This paper traces the legislative history of the law through primary documents and compares it to similar laws passed in other countries over the past decade. It concludes that while the deposit of electronic materials was the primary justification for the new legislation, the legislators failed to craft the language of the new Books Act to reflect this goal. While some elements of the new law are a vast improvement over the older legislation, the Books Act is not suitable for meeting the challenges of preservation and documentation of cultural heritage in electronic formats.  相似文献   

通拉嘎 《图书情报工作》2019,63(14):141-148
[目的/意义]探索俄罗斯图书馆法律体系整体脉络,揭示俄罗斯图书馆法律的科学体系,补足国内俄罗斯图书馆法律体系研究的短板,为我国图书馆法律体系建设提供理论支持与实证参考。[方法/过程]梳理俄罗斯及我国图书馆法规代表性成果,评述俄罗斯图书馆法律体系的发展沿革、基本框架与主要内容,探索俄罗斯图书馆事业法、文献呈缴法、图书馆事业文化法支撑、图书馆事业信息法支撑等图书馆法律重点领域。[结果/结论]认为俄罗斯图书馆法律、文化事业、信息产业、特殊群体服务相关法规政令较为密集与集中。俄罗斯建立了以图书馆事业法、文献呈缴法为基础,图书馆专门法、图书馆相关法、图书馆事业相关命令决议、图书馆行业协会规范相互补充与制约的完整的图书馆法律保障体系。俄罗斯图书馆事业的现代化规范发展、图书文物的立法保护、特殊群体权益保障尤其值得深入学习。  相似文献   

数字信息总体上可以分为两大类型:一类是实体电子出版物,另一类是网络信息。文章从国内电子出版物呈缴制度觋状分析,国外电子出版物呈缴制度研究和借鉴上,对我同电子出版物呈缴制度重要问题进行阐述。网络信息由于载体的虚拟性,其呈缴问题要复杂得多,文章粗浅地分析国内外有关网络信息呈缴的立法实践以及建立网络信息呈缴制度需要解决的难题。  相似文献   

我国自20世纪初便制定了相关的图书馆文献资料呈缴制度,并随着时代的发展将电子出版物纳入呈缴范围。国家图书馆作为我国最大的呈缴文献收藏机构,收缴效果不理想,一些出版单位存在不缴、少缴、漏缴的行为。对此,国家图书馆应与图书馆界同仁共同努力,督促国家尽早出台《图书馆法》,扩大宣传呈缴的重要性,加强与新闻出版职权机构的合作,减轻呈缴单位的负担,同时建立对呈缴单位的补偿机制,建立呈缴奖惩制度。  相似文献   

Legal deposit is essential for the accumulation of a national collection of published works such as scientific research, literature, etc., and its transfer to future generations. It is also a vital tool for maintaining bibliographic control at both the national and the international level. Hence, there is an international convention to establish a legal deposit system that works under legislative arrangements. However, a legal deposit law does not always guarantee a full implementation. The fact is, unless coordination and cooperation are provided between stakeholders, implementation of legal deposit cannot be effective. This paper, taking Turkey as an example, attempts to examine the problems concerning implementation of legal deposit and proposes solutions in this context.  相似文献   

Selective archiving of Web sites in Australia has been under way since 1996. This approach has seen carefully selected sites preserved after site owners granted permission. The labor-intensive nature of this process means only a small number of sites can ever be acquired in this manner. An alternate approach is an automated “whole-of-domain” capture of sites, which has been undertaken in a number of countries, including Australia. This article considers the existing legal position in taking this approach and looks at how legal deposit and copyright legislation constrains the process. It also considers recent amendments to the Copyright Act to provide more flexibility along the lines of the U.S. fair-use approach and the possible impact these new provisions may have for those involved with large-scale Web archiving in Australia.  相似文献   

为了保存国家数字文化遗产,传承民族记忆,需将法定呈缴制度的客体延伸至数字出版物。通过调研国外典型立法,发现数字出版物概念的内涵发生了显著变化,公开提供获取利用的数字资料都可视为数字出版物,应将其纳入到法定呈缴的客体范围。国际立法经验显示,网络出版物客体的界定是需要解决的核心问题,可以从创建发布者、资源内容角度判断纳入一个国家法定呈缴体系的网络出版物客体。为了适应客体的变化,需要革新法定呈缴实施的方式。图1。表1。参考文献38。  相似文献   

我国通常所称出版物样本缴送,即国际上通行的出版物法定呈缴。目前,在我国的样本缴送制度实施很不理想。国外的出版物呈缴制度有许多值得借鉴之处。出版物样本缴送制度改革需要解决两个前提性问题是:对制度本身的正确理解和认识;按国际惯例使制度走向法律化。改革的思路和方向是:建立单一的国家呈缴体系;建立补偿机制;实施政府出版物向所辖公共图书馆缴送的规定;建立催缴制度和国家公告制度;规范免费利用制度。参考文献47。  相似文献   

出版物样本缴送制度对于完整收藏与保存本国出版物、传承历史与文明具有重要意义。我国现行出版物样本缴送制度立法层次偏低、缺乏统一规范、规定较为滞后,出版物样本缴送立法应该选择适宜的立法模式,整合调整对象,适度扩大缴送范围,建立多元化缴送模式,完善归责体系。  相似文献   

保护电子出版物的思考与建议   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
出版模式的演变对图书馆带来冲击 :采集无目标 ,选择无标准 ;收藏的含义变得模糊。对图书馆保存电子出版物的建议包括 :图书馆与出版者在电子出版物的收集与保存上展开合作 ;图书馆间加强合作与协调 :国家制订的呈缴本制度是保护电子出版物的支柱。参考文献 5。  相似文献   

缴存本制度的扩展与电子出版物的采集   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
论述了馆藏数字资源建设的重要性 ,探讨了电子出版物的采集原则、采集方法、保证电子出版物可采集的举措 ,以及将已有的缴存本制度扩展到电子出版物中的构想。参考文献 11。  相似文献   

为了更好地保存我国的网络信息资源,通过对国家图书馆开展的网络信息存档项目——网络信息资源采集与保存实验项目(WICP)发展现状的分析以及与其他国家网络信息资源存档项目的比较,发现我国网络信息资源保存项目需要在资源采集方式、经费支撑、法律保障、合作保存、开发利用等方面继续努力,特别是要争取早日实现网络信息资源的法定呈缴与合作保存。  相似文献   

我国图书馆出版物缴送情报源缺失,出版物资源流失严重。网络环境下的出版物缴送情报源可分为主体类型、书目类型、载体类型。图书馆界应尽快采取有效措施,积极建设出版物缴送情报源。  相似文献   

The Internet and its World Wide Web (Web) have an important role to play in the economic development of China. The government of the People's Republic of China has declared its intention to open opportunities for foreign trade and investment in China. Part of the commitment is a commitment to rule of law. Rule of law acceptable to commercial interests requires transparency and decisional rationality. These two features can be realized most quickly by connecting legal institutions through the Internet's Web to bodies of international commercial law, thus creating a virtual library for Chinese legal decision makers, and using the Web as a quick and cheap electronic “printing press” for Chinese legal decision makers. As a result, their statutes, rules, and decisional law become available to commercial interests. But technology is not enough. Innovative cross-cultural exchange programs aimed at the legal, managerial, and Web-master professions will round out this rule of law support for commercial globalization.  相似文献   

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