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As an important imagist in American literary history,Ezra Pound's poems are famous for their originality both in style and language.The publication of Cathy,based on the adaptations of ancient Chinese poems,exerts a great influence on American poetry at the beginning of the 19th century.This paper is a comparison between the Ezra Pound's "The River-Merchant's Wife:A letter" and Li Bai's "Journey to Chang Gan".Through the comparison,it can be concluded that the translation of poetry is involved with not only the transfer in language,but also cultural image and thus a better understanding of the translation of poetry between different languages and cultures is achieved.  相似文献   

邓雪莹 《海外英语》2013,(13):237-239
For Chinese poetry to be effectively translated into English,one should take many factors into account,such as the translation of images,the conveyance of the general mood,and cultural transmission.Therefore,poetry translation has long been regarded as a significant part of literature translation,which arouses much discussion on translation strategies and methodologies.As a representative of post-colonial theorists,Homi K.Bhabha proposes the notion of"Hybridity",which sheds lights on the strategies and processes of translation.From the perspective of Hybridity,this paper makes a tentative analysis of two English versions of the Chinese Qu poem Tian-Jing-Sha-Qiusi,emphasizing the hybrid of different cultures as an important approach to poetry translation.  相似文献   

曾海波 《海外英语》2013,(6X):158-159
In the field of translation studies, scholars’ understanding of translation in its traditional sense; has shifted along with the popularity and prosperous development of cultural studies in the recent years. Translation is no longer regarded as merely a cross-linguistic activity but essentially cross-cultural communication. Cultural factors begin to gain more and more attention to translators. Nida even claims that"for truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism". Therefore, this thesis will focus on analyzing the influence of cultural differences between Chinese and English on the English translation. This thesis firstly discusses embodiments of cultural differences between Chinese and English; after that, it focuses on influences of cultural differences on translation; last but not least, this thesis also suggests some translating techniques.  相似文献   

韩畅畅 《海外英语》2014,(20):189-190
Image is a term that mainly embodies in the composition of classical Chinese poetry(CCP). Effective translation of images is crucial to the grasp of original meanings in a poem. As aesthetic beauty is the primary concern in poetry,the conveyance of beauty in image has a direct impact in translation. To analyze translation strategies of imagery beauty,the theory of“translation levels”by Xu Jun is adopted as a criterion in comparing variant English versions of CCP in the aesthetic level. Images are selected from Seven-character quatrains typified for abundant sources of images,and features of images are put forward at the aesthetic level. Through the analysis,images are rendered by recreation of the sensuous and emotional beauty.  相似文献   

People have different points of view on the criteria applicable to poetry translation.This paper focuses on what kind of principle should be followed in poetry translation.It starts with a brief introduction of one interesting dispute over the standards and criteria applicable to poetry translation.Based upon a brief summary of the two conflicting theories raised by Professor Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲)and Professor Liu Yingkai(刘英凯),this paper compares two Chinese versions of Thomas Hardy’s"The Darkling Thrush"for the purpose of establishing the idea that"faithfulness"should be treated as the paramount principle and criteria in poetry translation.  相似文献   

Poetry is a kind of literature genre that highly concentrates on reflecting social life.It is full of the author’s thoughts,feelings and rich imagination.It has a concise and vivid language,a distinct rhythm and harmonious rhyme.This paper mainly ana?lyzes the differences between Chinese and Western poetry in terms of artistic techniques due to cultural differences and other fac?tors as an argument.The poetry in eastern culture mainly presents the characteristics of concise and implicit words.Compared with the poetry in western culture,the poetry in eastern culture more presents the characteristics of precise language and logical meticu?lousness,and makes image comparison and analysis.It discusses the Chinese and Western poetry similarities and differences in po?etry.  相似文献   

IVStones from otherhills may serve to polish the jade of this one._ _ A Chinese proverbAmerican poetry,as Sam Hamill points out," has matured greatly in this century,and translation hasbeen a primary factor of influence" (31 6) .The translation of classical Chinese poetry has exerted anessential impact on American poets and enriched American poetry.For example,the influence on Poundcan be traced in terms of forms or techniques he adapted.To Pound,Imagism was not only a matter of technique…  相似文献   

Translation is an art.The translation of Tang poetry,the cultural treasure of our country,is even more"an art of arts",in the sense that Tang poetry not only pays heed to the content,artistic conception,and emotion expressed by the poet,but also to the refinement of language,the rhyme of antithesis,with its creation background behind even more obscure.At all times and all over the world,translation theories emerge one after another,but the highest standard of poetry evaluation should be the"Three Beauties Theory",that is,the beauty of image,the beauty of sound,and the beauty of form,which was put forward by Xu Yuanchong,the great master in Chinese translation circle.The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare the three different English versions of Spring Perspective by Du Fu.  相似文献   

林晓玲 《海外英语》2013,(6X):178-182
The translation practice is not only a change of language but also a change of culture. The"cultural default"is derived from the cultural differences between the SL (Source Language) and TL (Target Language), is a very troublesome thing for the translators. When there appears the phenomenon of cultural default, it is necessary to compensate for it, in this way, adding gloss translation is a very good way to do it , especially in the literary translation. This essay will discuss the phenomenon of"cultural default"and advantage of adding gloss translation in literary translation.  相似文献   

党风琴 《海外英语》2011,(15):135-137
Number, as an indispensible part of language, shows the cultural differences among different languages with its unique charm. And idioms play a crucial role in the studying of language with its characteristics of briefness and vividness. So the numerical idioms as a combination of numbers and idioms play an important part of language. The numerical idioms in both English and Chinese have their own strong ethnic color because of their cultural differences. Only by the way of understanding the cultural meanings of the numerical idioms deeply, can the translation of numerical idioms be more vivid and more expressive. The following essay is going to give a brief discussion of the translation strategies of English-Chinese numerical idioms based on the skopos principle of skopos theory. It will make the communication between America and China better and more effective.  相似文献   

陈燕萍 《海外英语》2011,(15):133-134
The relationship between context and translation is among the basic fields of pragmatic research and an insight into the nature may contribute to a better understanding of language use. In this article, the writer will examine the impact of context on the field of translation. The three major contexts will be identified in order to contribute to the differences in translation. In this way, we obtain insight into the particular relationship between context and translation, and have a better understanding of language use. The purpose f this paper intends to make a brief analysis on the functions of context to the language and its influence in pragmatic translation.  相似文献   

张琼 《海外英语》2014,(17):169-171,175
Movie is a popular art which occupies an important position in people’s leisure time. Movie title,as the most direct and accessible tool for audience to know about the movie,is very significant to attract audience into the cinema. Therefore,the translation of movie title cannot be ignored. However,due to the cultural differences in Chinese and English culture,the problem of movie title translation is obvious which needs to be paid attention to the translation and people working in movie industry.Traditional translation theory puts more emphasis on the important and authoritative status of original text and author. But this notion cannot satisfy the needs of movie title translation to the largest extent. Movie is not only a cultural and linguistic product,it also is a special commercial product. The ultimate objective of movie is to allure the audience into the cinema to watch and appreciate it in addition to provide the cultural information. Reception aesthetics,as a theory of literary criticism,gives priority to readers’ role in literary understanding and interpretation. According to reception aesthetics,the horizon of expectation should be taken into consideration when the translation work begins to be done. Horizon of expectation is composed of the readers’ or audiences’ previous cultural norms,assumptions,and criteria in the source language and culture at a given time. Movie title,as a special text,is also understood and influenced by the audience’s horizon of expectation. Chinese audience,before they decide to watch a movie,are naturally harbor their horizon of expectation about the movie. They will form their judgment and assumptions about the genre,plot,story,background about the movie from the movie title. These kind of horizon of expectation will consequently influence their ultimate decision to watch the movie or not. Hence,in doing the movie title translation,the translator is supposed to keep the audience’s horizon of expectation in mind and try his utmost to achieve the fusion of expectation. In this way,the comparatively satisfactory version is likely to come into being and finally will live up to the audience’s expectations. As a result,from the perspective of reception aesthetics,the author proposes three feasible translation methods of movie title: literal translation,free translation and adaptation.  相似文献   

娄丽雯 《海外英语》2014,(16):118-120,133
Language is the carrier of culture, bearing the national cultural information. As the most culturally-loaded element in any language’s vocabulary, idioms have aroused more and more attention. This paper starts with the analysis of the relationship between culture, idioms and translation, and makes an investigation of cultural factors affecting idiom translation such as subjective and objective factors. Based on these analyses, the paper will propose the cultural translation principles and strategies focusing on cultural connotations of idioms in order to transfer the English idioms translation from the language level to the cultural level.  相似文献   

Economic globalization has brought China into closer contact with the rest of the world. Chinese food, as an important part of Chinese culture, attracts foreigners who come to China. But in a lot of cases, when they look at the menus, they feel stunned and baffled. For the English translations of Chinese menus are often incomprehensible and misleading. However, such awareness has not led to an in-depth study on menu translation. In this paper, the author draws on theories of foreignization and domestication, and recommends foreignization as a main strategy and domestication as a supplementary choice. In conjunction with it, the author suggests a set of techniques for menu translation. It is hoped that this will contribute to the preservation and development of Chinese cuisine culture as a whole.  相似文献   

Reference is one of the cohesive devices of discourse,the comparison of which between English and Chinese will benefit translation practice,and a understanding of the differences in this aspect between the two languages is helpful in the reproduction of the original coherence of discourse.Based on the data of the Chinese novel "Kong yij" and its English translation,this paper will make a detailed analysis of the differences in reference and propose some translation strategies.  相似文献   

王牧兰 《海外英语》2011,(5):171-173
As is known to all,Tang Poem(TP) reflects the humanities,the place and the people,the political and cultural life of the Tang dynasty.TP must be translated cautiously and detail.Poetry translation may be considered a rivalry between two languages(or even between two cultures) which vies to express the original idea best.That is to say,it is most important to grasp the cultural background in that period before one can study the translation of TP from a cultural perspective.Culture will not fade as time goes by and will not vanish as the world changes.How do TP be translated into English by application of linguistic context analysis? Firstly,the translator should have a thorough understanding of the content and background,and accordingly use various techniques of translation,e.g.Literal translation,free translation,transliteration,etc;furthermore,the style of the original must be given serious consideration.Linguistic context analysis includes phonetic context analysis,syntax context analysis and syntactic context analysis.As for the syntax,as far as syntax is concerned,there are many differences between Chinese and English.Mr.Wang Li points out:"western language is rules-oriented,but Chinese is man-oriented"(Shen Xiaolong.1990:141).As for the syntax,he says:"structure of TP is close-knit and flaws less,which is inflexible,but western grammar isn’t." this theses attempts to analysis how does an English version of a TP embody the style of the original poetic work by using proper syntactical form.  相似文献   

Chinese abbreviation,containing fewer words and delivering a wealth of information,is a vital component of Chinese language.But the tremendous differences between Chinese and English make it an arduous task to translate Chinese abbreviations into English.Based on the analyses of the structure and patterns of word–formation of Chinese abbreviations,it makes a classification of Chinese abbreviations,summarize the translation methods,and point out some attention points in translation.A systematic analysis on the structure and classification of Chinese abbreviations will be beneficial to reduce the mistakes in its translation.  相似文献   

陈永江 《海外英语》2012,(14):135-138
There is a strange phenomenon that the translated works of Chinese classics have not been enjoyed by a large readership abroad,stemming from the untranslatability of poetry,an inherent nature of poetry translation.It is argued with theoretical analyses coupled by case studies that linguistic untranslatability(including intralingual inequivalence,interlingual inequivalence),cultural untranslatability(intercultural inequivalence),translator’s inadequacy and governmental or institutional translation briefs contribute to problem mentioned.It is hoped that once the factors influencing untranslatability of poetry is realized,translators’presumptuousness along with despondence can be lessened or even eradicated with a production of a better version free from overrepresentation or underrepresentation or misrepresentation of the originals.  相似文献   

陈雯 《海外英语》2011,(6):201-203
Languages and cultures of different nations have their own characteristics. In order to communicate with each other, human beings must make use of the methods of translation. Thus, it shows that translation, which is a social activity of inter-language, inter-culture and inter-community, is linked closely to culture. Meanwhile, the features of translation represent similarly in advertising translation. Generally speaking, when doing advertising translation,it can not only focus on language differences between the two sides, but also pay attention to cultural differences. Or else it would be difficult to translate satisfying advertisements. By taking examples from Chinese-English and English-Chinese, this paper compares the different aspects between Chinese and Western thinking sets, traditional ideas and values in order to reflect differences of advertising translation based on different cultures. Finally, it will sum up some strategies of inter-cultural advertising translation.  相似文献   

高雅 《海外英语》2014,(16):106-108,112
Great opportunities together with great challenges are brought to the development of Chinese economy with the globalization of the world economy. Foreign businessmen want to share the market of China, while Chinese enterprisers with a broader sight have been thinking about selling products to international markets. Languages and cultures of different nations have their own characteristics. In order to communicate with each other, human beings must make use of the methods of translation.Thus, it shows that translation, which is a social activity of inter-language, inter-culture and inter-community, is linked closely to culture. Meanwhile, the features of translation represent similarly in advertising translation. Generally speaking, when doing advertising translation, it can not only focus on language differences between the two sides, but also pay attention to cultural differences. Or else it would be difficult to translate satisfying advertisements.By taking examples from Chinese-English and EnglishChinese, this paper compares the different aspects between Chinese and Western thinking sets, traditional ideas and values in order to reflect differences of advertising translation based on different cultures. Finally, it will sum up some strategies of inter-cultural advertising translation.  相似文献   

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