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刘帅一 《海外英语》2014,(21):198-201
As a carefully designed work, Flannert O’Connor’s short story“A Good Man is Hard to Find”is a brilliant example for skillfully using narrative techniques to convey her Catholic faith. Mieke Bal’s theories of time in narratology provide a fresh perspective to explores the characterizations in Flannert O’Connor’s“A Good Man is Hard to Find”. Time functions greatly to the characterizations of the characters through the narrative text in terms of the story and the fabula. It helps to present the characters’ personalities by playing with the sequential ordering, rhythm and frequency. By using these narrative techniques, grandmother’s selfishness, her moral inanition and her considerations that she is morally superior to others is fully expressed to the reader as well as Misfit’s struggling and renascence to his disbeliefs of God and so on.  相似文献   

杜丽芳 《海外英语》2011,(11):234-235
Different people have different opinions about the heroine of Wuthering Heights.Catherine Earnshaw is a woman who possesses a dual personality in the novel.On the one hand,Catherine is a simple and innocent girl free away from any worldly desire.On the other hand,there is a trace of vanity in her personality.This thesis analyzes her experience from her childhood to death,her family and social background at that time,and analyzes the influences that time brings to her disposition,at last,gets the final conclusion:Catherine is an irreproachable woman in Wuthering Heights.  相似文献   

耿祺 《海外英语》2012,(1):194-195
As narratives are composed of the content encoded and the medium giving concrete shape to them,narratives are inseparably intertwined with temporalities,those of story time and narrative time.In the poem When We Two Parted,there is the co-existence of story time and narrative time.The story time covers three sections depicting separately the past events,the present and the future.They are boiled down into the poem in thirty two lines in total,which gives rise to the variance between duration of story time and duration of narrative time.The durations endow the poem with distinguishable narrative effects.  相似文献   

Through the study of The Memoirs of a Survivor,This paper attempts to analyze her magnificent frame-shifting narrative technique,unifying the author’s vision and the real world.Chapter one briefly introduces Lessing’s background,including her scholarship,recent studies on her book and the arguments about it.Chapter two explains the narrative theory of frame-shifting and its application in The Memoirs of a Survivor.Chapter three focuses on the magic gate between the two worlds- the "wall" playing a space-time medium.This internationally renowned writer,with her amazing words and dramatic writing skills,brings us into her imaginative world and imbues us with her glamorous thoughts.  相似文献   

Jane Austin,a renowned British novelist,is a great master of language.She is skilled in depicting ironic,dramatic effect of narrative and dialogues.Pride and Prejudice is her masterpiece,whose unique artistic characteristics with dramatic effect attract generations of readers.To explore Austin’s dramatic effect and to further appreciate her amazing writing techniques,this paper conducts stylistic analyses of Pride and Prejudice.Firstly,Austin’s narrative techniques are explored stylistically from syntactic structure and schema refreshment perspective.Secondly,the dramatic dialogues between Bennet couple are analyzed from speech presentation and cooperative principles.  相似文献   

Sympathy is one of the essential themes that George Eliot discusses in her novels. She uses various effective narrative strategies for the emergence of that theme. This paper, based on a close reading on the passage from Middlemarch, explores one of them——the incarnation of the narrator as a character. In Middlemarch, the narrator, as a character, both shows sympathy to the characters and asks for sympathy from the readers. To show his sympathy to the characters, he provides his comprehensive analysis of the characters and authorizes his characters to present their opinions. To ask for the sympathy, he directly addresses to the readers, uses free indirect speech in the narration, and expresses his own emotions. By the strategy of incarnation of the narrator as a character, Eliot clearly presents the readers her purpose of writing.  相似文献   

王昌红  杨丽芳 《海外英语》2012,(10):116-118
Teachers play an important role in the successful implementation of the current curriculum innovation and their personal practi cal knowledge is a decisive factor in their teaching and that teachers’ knowledge affects every aspect of the teaching act.This paper tries to explore teachers’ personal practical knowledge of a college English teacher and her reading class.It shows how to present her teaching contents,design teaching methods and activities in order to accomplish her teaching tasks and teaching goals.The study combines narrative analysis of the reading design with a process inquiry about teaching and learning.Hopefully,the findings would shed some light on teach ers’ professional development.  相似文献   

O·Henry is living in the time when novelists are in the great pursuit of narrative pattern research. Hence his works is inevitably influenced. Beside his humorous language, surprising ends and expressions, O·Henry’s novels in my opinion is also marvelous for his outstanding narrative patterns arrangement. In this article, a research will be conducted onto his narrative pattern in the aspects of narrative perspectives, narrative space and narrative time. By this research, more information and references is intended to obtain for the further study on this area.  相似文献   

This paper is intended to explore the social values reflected in Mrs. Gaskell‘ s novels in terms of her way of portraying her characters, and at the same time, to study the reason and mentality behind it so as to have a better understanding of her works and her progressive ideas, and form a fresh judgement about the artistic value of her novels.  相似文献   

A little girl goes to a wedding for the first time.She says to her mother in a low voice, "Mom.why is the bride dressed in white?" "Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life," mother answered.  相似文献   

龙豫 《海外英语》2020,(6):220-222
Under the instruction of the author's own confession in the preface of The House of the Seven Gables, it's easy for readers and critics to take the theme of this novel as past and present, stasis and change, aristocracy and democracy, and then to unfavor?ably judge Pycheon siblings, the representatives of the former, by Holgrave, that of the latter. However, by using two narrative voic?es simultaneously in the novel, an intradiegeitic one and an extradeigetic one, Hawthorne actually reveals his equal disapproval of both the Pycheon siblings and Holgrave. In the intradiegetic narrative, the narrative voice as a whole takes its side with Holgrave and reveals Pycheon siblings'isolation from the united struggle of mankind. In the extradiegetic narrative where the narrator ad?dresses directly to his readers, the narrator expresses a similar disapproval of Holgrave, who is equally isolated from the chain of hu?manity for lacking sympathy for his fellow beings. With the co-existence of two narrative voices, Hawthorne's true concern lies in calling attention to the equally dangerous situations of isolation from the chain of humanity:an isolation from the chain of progress and that of human sympathy.  相似文献   

李若楠 《海外英语》2012,(9):217-218,226
Jane Eyre is the masterpiece of Charlotte Bronte,who was a famous British woman novelist.In Jane Eyre,the author describes a heroine Jane Eyre who shows her rebelliousness to the indifferent and unequal society in her time and revealed the tragic life of common people,especially of women and children,under Capitalism.Meanwhile,this novel also provides such an important theme that women should enjoy an equal position with men both in family and social life.The heroine Jane is neither beautiful,nor rich,but her rebellion,independence and her pursuit of love strike us deeply.Jane Eyre sets a good example for women.Therefore,Jane Eyre becomes the typical figure with female consciousness.This paper is to analyze the typical character in Jane Eyre from the different periods of her life and conclude that Jane comes to self consciousness in this process.From the analysis of Jane’s splendid character,we can see the awakening of female consciousness in that period of time.  相似文献   

管艳郡 《海外英语》2013,(8X):176-177
Thomas Hardy’s works are considered to have"contained new wine in an old bottle"by critics and reviewers. The"old bottle"refers to his authorial omniscient narrative and his form inheriting from the tradition, which is often criticized, especially by those modernists, while"new wine"designates his other sides apart from his old-fashioned writing style, the modernistic themes in his writing. Tess, is a novel that records the transition from conventional to modern. By reading the text and analyzing Tess of the D’Urbervilles under the social context three main modernistic themes can be probed out:Firstly, the spiritual isolation and loneliness in the novel are apparent, and the lack in mutual understanding and sympathy between each other is universal. Besides, the title heroine, she was impossible to fulfill her dreams with various hostile powers set against her, coercing into predicaments one after another, tougher and tougher. Furthermore, another theme popular with later modernists, the alienation, is also embodied in the novel.  相似文献   

郭丽莉 《海外英语》2013,(16):171-172
The Love Wife is considered to be a breakthrough of Gish Jen either in theme and narrative techniques. While, as the critical distinguished narrative technique from the perspective of Post-classical Narratology, the infinitive internal focalization will be analyzed in this paper so as to investigate the five protagonists’search for their own identity and eagerness to achieve the acknowledge both from their family and the whole society. Furthermore, the author’s own view in breaking up the barrier and discrimination around the world is also well-illustrated.  相似文献   

陈晗凝 《海外英语》2011,(11):226-227,231
Emily Dickinson is widely regarded as one of American’s premier poets of the nineteenth century.In both style and content,her verse was,"revolutionary" in her day.Owing to the deep exploration of death and immortality,Emily Dickinson has become a puzzle in literary.As show in her poems,Dickinson’s spiritual journey led her from na?ve nature-mysticism through disappointment,to a sacramental approach to immortality afterlife and further discouragement,culminating in a mature attitude of faithful unknowing and even more interrogating the immortality.This paper will base on the theory of the death and immortality through common people’s fear to death,the essence of death,the significance of death to show the poetess’s whole life-childhood,love,life condition,spiritual contradiction,and mainly her skeptical concept of death and immortality.  相似文献   

WU Ying 《海外英语》2014,(9):228-229
In Christianity,God is always a significant role no matter in the physical or mental world.As for early Puritans,who proclaimed to purify God’s doctrine and lead an economical life,had an even stronger belief in God.When they began to set a colony in New England,they faced extremely tough challenges both from the native Indians and natural environment.During such a procedure,their reliance on God was clearly witnessed.Mary Rowlandson is an early colonist of New England,who was captured by native Indians and was finally redeemed.Basing on a close discussion of the narrative of her captivity and restoration,the paper would explore the importance of God in the eyes of early Puritans.  相似文献   

蒋天晨 《海外英语》2014,(5):178-179
Kate Chopin,one of the most outstanding women writers in the late nineteenth century in America,focused on women’s social position,marriage and family,love and freedom to fight against patriarchalism.She wrote two novels and about a hundred short stories in the 1890s.And over a long period of time,critics have considered The Story of an Hour as a work of feminism which offers a strikingly feminist perspective on an American housewife of that time.This thesis analyzes the inner experience of the heroine within an hour and shows us that freedom is so essential to her while her marriage is a yoke to her.  相似文献   

马聪 《海外英语》2020,(6):225-229
Murder on the Orient Express, a masterpiece in the detective fictions, is one of the most prevailing works of Agatha Christie. It provides special modes and new ideas for the later creation of the detective stories. Suspense is embodied largely in this book. A variety of suspense interweaves, overlaps and creates the stirring effect. This thesis first introduces the lifetime of the au?thor, the typicality of the book among the same kind of detective fictions. Then it aims at explaining and analyzing the suspense set?tings from the narrative time, the narrative point of view, clues in the book and the ending of the story by using the text analysis. Fi?nally, it states the significance of suspense settings. The study of suspense settings can not only dissect the artistic value and the charm of suspense in detective fictions but also contribute to improving readers'abilities of appreciating mystery stories. It can help them to shape a unique aesthetic perspective.  相似文献   

刘冬亚 《海外英语》2013,(8X):189-191
As one of the greatest Afro-American writers of the 20th century during the period of the Harlem Renaissance, Zora Neale Hurston drew on her own experiences as a feminist Afro-American female to create a story of a female character Janie Crawford in her book There Eyes were Watching God. In the history of literature, it has come to be regarded as a"seminal work in both African-American literature and Woman’s literature."(Louis Gates 1993). The main character Janie Crawford is definitely a typical representative of feminism and feminist movement and as a women who successfully achieved her self-consciousness, she has been commenting and criticizing for a long period of time. This research paper will analyzes how Janie achieves her self-awakening in the man-dominated society through Janie’s childhood and her three periods of completely different marriages.  相似文献   

孙颖琼 《海外英语》2013,(2X):50-53
As a qualitative research method, the educational narrative inquiry is widely used in educational research. However, there exists some misconceptions about what is narrative inquiry and how to do educational narrative inquiry among the beginners who are interested in this method. Educational narrative research can not invent education event, nor is seen as a conventional research method. And the narrative inquiry should not be considered equivalent to ordinary way of telling stories. This paper will make a brief analysis of misconceptions and problems of educational narrative inquiry to help the beginners to better understand narrative inquiry and do this kind of research in a proper way.  相似文献   

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