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One frequent complaint about basal readers is that, when they adapt high-quality literature, they make pointless simplifications that significantly detract from the value of the original stories. This article reports a study of adaptations of award-winning stories for three grade levels. The results suggest strongly that, at least during the past fifteen years, these complaints are unjustified. Jacqueline C. Comas is assistant professor of education at the University of Florida in Gainesville where she teaches courses in language arts and children's literature. She is a former classroom teacher, has served as a reading consultant, a reading/language arts supervisor, and has worked with textbook adoption committees for the improvement of instructional materials since the late 1970s.  相似文献   

One reason for the continuing popularity of basal reading programs is that they help to reduce the countless, decisions teachers must make every day. They do not, however, eliminate teachers' decision making. Using a basal series selectively and critically requires teachers to make daily choices and frequently to overrule the basal authors' suggestions. Considering the importance of the decisions to be made with respect to basals, preservice and inservice education should provide specific guidance in evaluating and using these instructional materials, at the same time that teachers are strengthening the general knowledge base that supports prudent decision making. Margaret Early, chair of the Department of Instruction and Curriculum in the College of Education at the University of Florida and past president of the National Council of Teachers of English, has served on the Board of Directors of the International Reading Association. She is the senior author of a basal reading program published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.  相似文献   

California has undertaken an ambitious reform of its language arts instruction. This article describes the reform and its implementation, as well as the state's adoption procedures, its selection and appraisal of new language arts materials, and its interaction with publishers. It also provides suggestions for policymakers in other states who wish to learn from California’s experience. Francie Alexander, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for the California State Department of Education, has extensive teaching experience and has been a language arts consultant for a large urban school district and a resource teacher in a suburban district.  相似文献   

Chinese Institute of Publishing Science (CIPS), China’s largest publishing research institution, started to carry out national reading surveys since 1999 and here is the executive summary of its fourth survey, analyzing five key aspects of reading in China, including book and Internet readings, magazine reading, relations between book price and consumption, reading orientation of Chinese readers, as well as copyright consciousness among Chinese readers.  相似文献   

Summary Now more than ever good translations are proving to be vitally important to fulfilling Shoichi Noma’s mission of advancing good relationships between cultures. With the emergence of dozens of world-class Japanese writers, the translators of Japanese literature have acquired a new significance and a new importance. No longer are they required to simply handle the language like an exotic and precious commodity but they must prepare a writer’s work to compete with literature from around the globe and let others understand the issues at their very heart of the Japanese people. Indeed, the selection committee’s choice of Murakami’s Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is an apt example of how literature at its very best can span cultural divides to promote mutual understanding of very complicated and important world issues. Written for Japanese to help them understand the devastation of war, it is a rare and timely book that confronts Japan’s experience head on. Ironically, Noma’s idea that books are silent ambassadors, an idea born from agony and defeat, so many years later is helping the world come together towards a unified vision of peace and understanding. “Literature has been described as a means of exchange between the hearts of people. Literary translation, then, is the building of bridges so that all peoples of the world can interact in this way.” Ye Weiqu, Chinese Institute of Social Studies.  相似文献   

This article reports on a pilot study which aimed to consider the e-book reading experiences of young children and their families, with currently available portable e-reader devices: Amazon Kindle, Nintendo DS-lite and Apple iPod Touch. Three families, each with two children in the 7–12 year age range, experienced an e-reader for a two-week period. They recorded their experiences in a diary and were interviewed at the beginning and end of the study. Key findings include the fact that, of the six children involved, four rate themselves as ‘enthusiastic’ readers, one ‘average’ and one ‘reluctant’; whilst all six of the parents enjoy reading. At the end of the study, all of the participants chose the Kindle as their preferred device and found it the easiest to use. In addition, there were indications that the one reluctant young reader (a boy aged eight years) was inspired to read by the Kindle. His parents were pleased with this enthusiasm, noting that he was reading rather than watching television, excited by downloading and choosing books and it was the only time they had known him to ask to read voluntarily. When asked whether they prefer printed or electronic books, all of the adults chose printed books, whilst the children were more ambivalent, with half preferring electronic books.  相似文献   

Learning how to evaluate reading texts should be an important part of preservice training. This study used a simulated textbook selection process to compare differences in the consistency of experimental and control groups in evaluating textbooks. The experimental groups, who were required to define their criteria operationally, were more consistent in their evaluations than the control group, who used traditional checklists. Jacqueline C. Comas is assistant professor of education at the University of Florida in Gainesville where she teaches courses in language arts and children's literature. She is a former classroom teacher, has served as a reading consultant, a reading/language arts supervisor, and has worked with textbook adoption committees for the improvement of instructional materials since the late 1970s.  相似文献   

Children’s literature is essentially different from textbooks used in classrooms. It was primarily developed in India after the establishment of Children’s Book Trust and National Book Trust in 1957. A truly multilingual phenomenon, Amar Chitra Katha was developed by India Book House and has sold over 80 million copies in some 30 years. The Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan programme started by the Government of India, has done exceptionally well in developing and encouraging the development of children’s literature in regional languages. English being the language of communication is understood in all parts of the country so more books have been published in this language. Reading habits of children have been developed through reading campaigns by Non Government Organisations (NGOs), Children Literary Festivals, Book Fairs, School Book Fairs and Book Clubs. International and Indian Characters have also increased the publishing of children’s books and reading habits of children.  相似文献   

An examination of the issue of literary massification and degradation of taste in the light of how locally organized reading groups select and respond to books. Although commodification does somewhat narrow the universe of choice for these groups it seems less important in shaping their use of books than are the opinions of cultural authorities or the reader’s own personal experience. Further, the responses of these readers of “good” books resemble in certain ways what is known of reader responses to mass market books, which also undermine a rigid dichotomy between high culture and mass culture.  相似文献   

In this review of revolutionary changes in methods and materials used to teach reading, Bernice Cullinan describes research that supports literature-based programs and reports on a survey of statewide reading initiatives. She also describes the activities of groups that help teachers and librarians implement literature-based programs. She has been president of the International Reading Association, is a member of the Reading Hall of Fame and received the Arbuthnot Award for Outstanding Teacher of Children’s Literature. Her major publications includeLiterature and the Child, Children's Literature in the Classroom: Weaving Charlotte’s Web, andChildren's Literature in the Reading Program.  相似文献   

博客的兴起和各门户网站及专业网站开通的读书频道,为民众提供了便捷的阅读渠道,它繁荣了网络创作,拓宽了阅读广度,加深了阅读深度,有利于良好读书氛围的形成,有利于国民素质的提升.但网络阅读者很难像过去那样仔细研读手中的文本,传统教育中所强调的语言规范受到了严重冲击,人们对书本的情结正在迅速淡化,传统的阅读心态被颠覆,导致出版部门改走通俗路线,浅显的图书文本风行.网络文本缺少出版环节把关,其知识性和学术规范无法保证.  相似文献   

Between 1880 and 1950, the role of women as authors of elementary readers flowered and faded. From 1880 to 1915, female authorship dominated. Over the next fifteen years female authorship withstood the challenge of the scientific movement in education. Women’s role as solo authors declined, however, during the Depression, World War II and the postwar years. These changes are explained by the deteriorating environment for female professionalism, changes in the concept of reading expertise, the expanded role of publishers in textbook development, and the differences between men and women in opportunities for graduate study. E. Jennifer is Monaghan a professor in the Department of Educational Services, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. She is the founder of the History of Reading Special Interest Group of the International Reading Association and author ofA Common Heritage: Noah Webster’s Blue-Back Speller.  相似文献   

After settling in to his second term, Brazil’s president Lula da Silva has pledged to improve on his country’s woefully inadequate education system. This means addressing illiteracy, which is one of Brazil’s most serious development issues. While Brazil has the potential to be one of the world’s largest economies, it is hampered by high rates of functional illiteracy. Furthermore, those that can read are non-readers. Consequently the Brazilian government has pledged to resolve illiteracy and launched a nationwide reading program in 2005 with the optimistic goal of increasing the national reading rate by 50%. The article analyzes the political risk in Brazil in light of the da Silva administration’s stated objectives. It will also assess the impact of state literacy campaigns will have on the publishing industry and the potential for investment in the country. Finally, it will discuss the importance of foreign investors in Brazil’s development goals.  相似文献   

The development of the publishing industry for children and young adults is very recent in Morocco. Indeed it was in the 1980s that people became aware of its importance for future generations. The first national publications were mainly in Arabic language, stories were very short, books were of paperback format and the subjects were very much dominated by moral, social and religious didacticism. In the late 1990s, publishers started being more and more concerned with the appearance of the book (size, cover, illustrations, topic, etc.) and there are nowadays two publishers specialized only in children’s books—Yanbow al Kitab and Yomad—who produce books that respond to international norms. They are both very active in promoting reading and especially allowing children from disadvantaged social backgrounds to have access to books, price being a main constraint for those children. But there is still a lack of publishers specialized in children’s books in Morocco (two publishers for the whole country), not enough pleasant reading spaces and no real government policy to allow mass access by making books cheaper.  相似文献   

This article summarizes research findings on instructional strategies and textbook features that benefit diverse students. It then reports the conduct and findings of a study in which educators, researchers, and publishers collaborated to improve the usability of textbooks. Jean Ciborowski was the director of the project “Improving Textbook Usability.” She currently directs the educational services in the school function clinics at Boston Children’s Hospital. Mary Antes has served on a variety of curriculum development and educational projects at Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), and was project assistant on the textbook project. Judith Zorfass, technical monitor of the project, is currently directing two federally funded research projects at EDC. One studies the integration of technology into the curriculum for handicapped adolescents and the other investigates reading development in language disordered students. Nancy Ames is director of EDC’s Center for Family, School, and Community, and helped in the initial design of the textbook project on which this article is based.  相似文献   

Conversation is key and as the communication landscape shifts rapidly, harnessing ‘e’ is pivotal in extending ‘story’ as digital evolves, catapulting publishing from analogue to digital. Harnessing ‘e’ is an exciting and effective way to add value, but for ‘e’ to be implemented successfully and seamlessly requires more than a standard ‘roll out’ of strategy. Staying Single [1] was my MA dissertation project in the form of a fictional blog that bridged a fictitious digital world with a real physical one as I supplemented Sophie’s story with souvenirs, additional digital content, UGC, and social media elements, all channelled through Sophie’s fictional storyworld. This study was an investigation into the effects that interactivity and community might bring to contemporary fiction, traditionally published in print form, by women, for women. The presentation of Staying Single as a cross-media, digital story challenged conventional boundaries for story enjoyment and involvement and attempted to vastly expand the story universe, recording how the option for interactivity impacted the story. Readers were offered choices to receive Staying Single through blog feeds, by email or downloaded podcasts, with additional options for involvement through multiple platforms—‘Pulling Power’ ‘relationship’ documentaries, SMS alerts and ‘meeting’ Sophie in Second Life. My current transmedia romantic comedy fiction, Loving NY will push these resources and opportunities further, enhancing and driving the story whilst engaging and interacting with readers. Transmedia storyworld development is extremely fast-moving and with magazines offering web-cam enabled augmented realities and iPhone apps allowing readers to GPS tag co-readers, these are extremely exciting times! To harness ‘e’ is to offer options—levels of immersion and engagement, multi-platform choices, perhaps even linear or non-linear narratives with the intention of organically reaching a wider readership far beyond the restrictions of print based novels.  相似文献   

了解地方院校不同层次读者利用外文资源的情况,对于外文资源的购置、读者导读和读者培训具有十分重要的意义。泰山医学院239位读者利用外文资源的调查显示:地方院校外文资源的利用率偏低;印刷型外文期刊仍有一定的读者市场;高资历教师外文资源利用率偏低。应采取如下措施:印刷型外文期刊不能仓促停订;对读者特别是高资历读者的宣传培训工作亟待加强;应将外文文献深加工,做成汉化的二次文献数据库;开展馆际合作,实现资源共享。  相似文献   

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