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Action learning has emerged as one of the most effective and powerful teaching and learning approaches used in graduate studies in human resource development at George Washington University (GWU). In this article, both faculty and student perspectives are presented to describe action learning teaching, research, and organizational interventions. First-hand experiences of doctoral students with action learning sets are presented in their own words. Students benefit from action learning experiences by building strong networks of personal and professional support. Improved group processes and greater interaction between executive level students and faculty have resulted in a strong doctoral cohort experience for Executive Leadership Program students at GWU. The initial energy to generate action learning programs in students' organizations requires active faculty involvement and follow-up to ensure that organizations accept and benefit from action learning programs. HRD (human resource development) faculty can profit from additional orientation and understanding of action learning to incorporate this methodology into their courses and problem-solving activities.  相似文献   


Action learning is a central part of many work-based learning programmes, and, to be effective, requires the learner to engage in reflective learning. This article looks at how the reflective learning cycle can be integrated with action learning processes to create the dynamic of enhanced business effectiveness and individual understanding. Through a case study of a university‐corporate partnership, the article explores how a virtual learning environment (web-based materials and interactive forum) can be integrated effectively into the action learning-reflection cycle. It is suggested that the combination of action learning and virtual technology has the potential for enhancing learning, providing data for interactive discussions, and a means of disseminating new knowledge and management best practice within organisations.  相似文献   

This account of practice describes how a manufacturing company in the North of England transformed their approach to problem-solving and action through the use of a Critical Reflection Action Learning (CRAL) methodology. The company, who had been in business for over 25 years, experienced problems due to a diminishing customer base and substantial changes in customers’ buying behaviour. The account presented here is based on a 12-session CRAL project I carried out as part of my Ph.D. Research at the University of Hull Business School [Shepherd, G. 2011. “An Inductive Exploration of Group Learning and Knowledge Generation through Group Reflection and Psychoanalysis.” PhD Thesis, University of Hull Business School]. This paper describes how the organisation changed the way in which they tackled complex, messy problems through the adoption of a CRAL technique using their own hand-drawn images as the focus for their individual, group and critical reflective efforts. As the action learning set improved their reflective practice, the group began to understand and untangle the complex links between the problems they were experiencing and the way in which the business environment had changed. The group completed the project with a more nuanced appreciation of the problems they experienced and developed their own unique problem-solving style, which mixed reflective questioning with emotional honesty.  相似文献   

Reginald W. Revans, who is widely known as the “father” of action learning, has written numerous books and articles over the years on action learning. They are filled with insights and serve to place the concept in historical perspective. These sketches represent an assembly of such insights excerpted from Revans' writings. The opening sketches were expressly developed by Revans for this issue of Performance Improvement Quarterly. What follows is an array of sketches selectively drawn from Revans' earlier work.  相似文献   

Action learning was developed by British physicist and professor Reginald Revans over 50 years ago and has had a growing degree of success in the Western/Anglo-Saxon cultures of the U.S., Canada, northern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Few examples of successful implementation of action learning exist, however, with the remaining 90% of the world. Un-awareness of action learning may account for some of the limited use of action learning in these regions. The author contends, however, that another reason may be that cultural values and practices in many part of the world do not “fit” as naturally with action learning values and practices. Key action learning elements such as diversity of set membership, taking action absent the presence of authority, and frankly sharing the learning experience are more difficult for non-Western cultures to implement. The article concludes with strategies for overcoming these cultural obstacles and steps for building on the synergies of culture in having successful action learning programs in multicultural groups.  相似文献   

This article gives a brief overview of what is happening in action learning in the United Kingdom. In thumbnail sketches, some 20 programs are described, showing the diverse applications and possibilities. The article also explores some questions that practitioners and “users” of action learning are asking and debating: How should projects be decided on? How to determine the make-up of a set? Should the processes in the set be adhered to? Do you need set advisers? Lastly, the article reports on the debate about whether there should be an orthodoxy in action learning.  相似文献   

Small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in creating a dynamic and successful European economy. Time‐poor managers in these organisations generally have fewer opportunities for training and development than their counterparts in larger organisations. As a result, different requirements are placed on training. The aim of this study was to test the principles of action learning in a virtual environment. The action‐learning programme was based on virtual working but did also involve face‐to‐face workshops, thus providing a blended approach. The project was designed to be “evaluation‐led”, with evaluation progressing alongside the project from design to finalisation. The focus of this paper is on how the evaluation‐led approach unfolded. To this end, we start by explaining our research approach, we then move on to an analysis of the project to conclude with a discussion of the findings and of the lessons learnt. We conclude by highlighting some further research needs.  相似文献   

New Trends in Swedish Educational Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What new tendencies can be made out in Swedish educational research in the last three decades? Briefly, the following developments are described: In the 1970s, a long‐prevailing emphasis on quantitative research was challenged by a number of different qualitative methods. Traditional sociology of education, meanwhile, was challenged by the new sociology of education. During the 1980s, the dominant trend was a “didacticisation” of educational research, and here two main strands can be discerned, based in phenomenography and curriculum theory. Didactics very soon made its presence felt in educational policy, and in a major evaluation of Swedish educational research the two largely didactics‐based traditions of “teaching and learning” and “curriculum theory” were identified as internationally the most significant. In the 1990s, educational research took a “linguistic turn”—involving a wide‐ranging shift in emphasis towards language and communication—with the result that new perspectives emerged. In addition, the philosophy of education experienced a powerful renaissance, partly as a reflection of the new focus on language and communication, but also in other respects, leading to a reawakening of interest in both classical and modern philosophy (of education).  相似文献   

This paper considers the shared characteristics between action learning (AL) and the research methodology constructivist grounded theory (CGT). Mirroring Edmonstone's [2011. “Action Learning and Organisation Development: Overlapping Fields of Practice.” Action Learning: Research and Practice 8 (2): 93–102] article, which explored the relationship(s) between AL and organisation development, a case is made that AL and CGT are powerfully overlapping fields of practice. An account of practice is included to provide a contextual explanation of the ‘overlap’, and a new methodological praxeology is proposed to the field of practice/practitioner-focused research.  相似文献   

随着我国跨境电商的迅猛发展,对跨境电商人才需求不断扩大。文章根据行动学习理论,基于团队学习,强调从实战出发,提出了政、校、企合作背景下的全程嵌入式跨境电商人才培养模式,并在此基础上设计了以能力培养为核心的“做中学、学中做”的校企合作教学体系,以探索跨境电商人才培养的教学模式、教学方法的改革。  相似文献   

An interesting aspect in the current literature about learning networks is the shift of focus from the understanding of the “whole network” of a course to the examination of the “personal networks” of individual students. This line of research is relatively new, based on small‐scale studies and diverse analysis techniques, which demands for more empirical research in order to contextualize the findings and to meta‐analyze the research methods. The main objective of this paper is to review two research questions posed by a previous British Journal of Educational Technology contribution by Shane Dawson in order to know whether the differences in personal network composition impact on the performance of students. The two questions were defined by Dawson as follows: (1) Are there significant differences in personal network composition between high‐ and low‐performing students? and (2) Do high‐performing students have larger personal networks than their low‐performing peers? In addition, the “clustered graphs” method used in this study allows the inclusion of the structural analysis of personal networks. In doing so, a new research question is addressed: (3) Are there significant differences in personal network structure between high‐ and low‐performing students? This paper tries to answer these questions in the context of two undergraduate, inter‐university and fully online courses, and two different technology‐enhanced learning environments (a virtual learning environment and a personal learning environment) where interactions took place indirectly through shared resources. The results show that the network behaviors of high‐ and low‐performing students' are strongly correlated, and that high‐performing students developed larger personal networks than low performers.  相似文献   

学习是人类社会发展的核心任务,也是社会科学研究领域的关键问题。基于自然属性视角、社会属性视角、教育属性视角出发,全面分析和理解“什么是学习”,智能化时代背景下职业教育在学习内容、学习方式、学习互动、学习动机存在着“四维度”的反思命题。以此职业教育学习论的路向应该包括:以“社会”为核心,搭建“多元跨界”的学习内容新平台;以“开放”为理念,建构“多维扩展”的学习方式新平台;以“对话”为方式,创设“多维互动”学习情景新平台;以“幸福”为目的,生成“个体完善”成为学习内驱动机新平台。  相似文献   

张建军教授的学术研究呈现“整体推进”的特征,明确指认逻辑悖论之语用学性质,构成其研究过程中一个重要的转折点,推动了逻辑悖论研究的语用学转向,促进了长期处于薄弱环节的关于悖论的一般方法论研究之深入展开,加深了对位于“高阶认知”致思层面的逻辑悖论研究之认识。在逻辑悖论与其他逻辑哲学难题长期探索的基础上,张建军教授近期致力于系统建构辅之以“情境实在论”和“悖境辩证法”的“逻辑行动主义方法论”,并已初步呈现其多方面解题功能。  相似文献   

D.H. Hargreaves's “traumatic theory of aesthetic learning” is reviewed in the light of research on educational events in the areas of creative writing and drama. If the full educational benefits of conversive drama are to be realised, they have to be seen within the context of more gradual cumulation of skills and knowledge. Before the trauma, students are prepared by confidence‐building, having their sensitivities sharpened, abilities encouraged, and acquiring control and power of expression. During and after the trauma there is considerable personal development, students discovering new things about themselves, maturing, and in some cases being transformed. They acquire more of the art of learning, involving skills of both expression and appreciation. There is also notable social development, resulting in the experience of communitas, wherein participants rise above institutional structures and statuses and develop exceptional community spirit. Above all, conversive trauma excites the emotions, at first in uncontrollable ways, but the educational experience involves the individual coming to terms with, and understanding, the disturbance. A theory of aesthetic learning is advanced involving a constructivist teaching style, charismatic personal qualities, naturalistic context, co‐operation, appropriate content, and grounded and open enquiry.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between action research and policy and the kind of confidence teachers, policy makers and other potential users may have in such research. Many published teacher action research accounts are criticised on the grounds that they do not fully meet the conventional standards for reporting social scientific research, and by implication are held to be less trustworthy. Action research is nevertheless often seen by some academics and policy makers as a potential method for developing theory, disseminating good practice, or raising standards. Through a discussion of three major approaches to action research—seen variously as professional learning, practical philosophy and critical social science—it is argued that judgements about confidence depend upon understanding the various kinds of knowledge claim that can be made by action researchers, and appropriate judgements concerning the strength of evidence or reasons.  相似文献   

The merits of action learning as a change tool and enabler of deep learning are well recognised. However, there is a gap in the literature of participants’ stories regarding their experiences on accredited postgraduate executive programmes underpinned by an action learning philosophy. The following account of practice addresses this gap and recounts participant experiences, in their own words, combined with my insights into these learning experiences of a Master of Business Studies. While the programme is underpinned by an action learning philosophy, it does not discount programmed learning. However, programmed learning is not privileged over the executives’ own experiences and knowledge of their own problems; they are seen as the experts. Throughout the programme, the participants are members of an action learning set in which they address real problems in their own organisations, problems on which they can take action. This account examines the experiences, as told by the executive participants, and so provides rich and in-depth insights into their learning experiences. It provides an opportunity for educators to appreciate the depth and richness of learning and change which can occur as a consequence of adopting an action learning approach on such programmes. Furthermore, this account provides evidence of how action learning can contribute and be an enabler to the development of executives as reflective and critical practitioners able to better face an ever more complex and challenging world.  相似文献   

行动因果论(CTA)是行动哲学领域对行动进行界定和解释的标准理论,它认为行动可以化归为一种事件,且作为行动者心理状态的基本理由就是行动的原因。然而,CTA面临一些挑战,比如门德尔等哲学家所认为的,CTA有时候无法刻画行动者在实施行动时所发挥的能动性。近年来,斯洛瑟等人试图给出“能动性消失问题”的回应,进而为CTA的主流地位进行辩护。分析这些辩护的缺点可以发现,CTA的能动性消失问题是一个很困难的问题。站在一种较为温和的立场上,能动性消失问题对于CTA具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Philosophy, Methodology and Action Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to examine the role of methodology in action research. It begins by showing how, as a form of inquiry concerned with the development of practice, action research is nothing other than a modern 20th century manifestation of the pre-modern tradition of practical philosophy. It then draws in Gadamer's powerful vindication of the contemporary relevance of practical philosophy in order to show how, by embracing the idea of 'methodology', action research functions to sustain a distorted understanding of what practice is. The paper concludes by outlining a non-methodological view of action research whose chief task is to promote the kind of historical self-consciousness that the development of practice presupposes and requires.  相似文献   

This paper presents the proposition that a variety of differing hierarchies exist in an action learning set at any one time, and each hierarchy has the potential to affect an individual's behaviour within the set. An interpretivist philosophy underpins the research framework adopted in this paper. Data were captured by means of 11 in-depth interviews that formed part of wider research into set members' perceptions of what makes an effective action learning set. The interviewees were all former students of the researcher and her colleagues. The research draws upon grounded theory as a dominant research paradigm and uses thematic analysis to interpret the research findings. The findings of the research serve to simply illustrate that there is the potential for a variety of differing hierarchies to exist in an action learning set at any one time. Some of the hierarchies may exist for the full duration of the set; others are somewhat ephemeral. The findings from this research also present themselves as points of consideration for academics and practioners who have used or are about to use action learning as a learning vehicle.  相似文献   

行动研究长期陷于理论哲学的窠臼,理论与实践的对立并没有在研究中消融,而行动研究也难以真正成为对"实践"的研究。晚近以来,实践哲学成为西方行动研究之理论重建的重要方向。实践哲学倡导实践优位,主张以实践理性为行动研究的根基。实践哲学的复兴与发展,为我们重新理解行动研究提供了新的视域。  相似文献   

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