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申鹏 《新闻世界》2011,(3):146-147
马克思主义新闻理论的基本原理是马克思恩格斯在通过自己的办报实践和对新闻事业的一般规律的理解中不断充实形成的,从他们新闻自由思想发展的轨迹可以看出马克思新闻思想是对资产阶级自由主义新闻理论的批判性继承。  相似文献   

阎昭 《新闻世界》2014,(8):226-227
新闻自由思想对于中国来说是不折不扣的舶来品,它发端于十九世纪上半叶传教士报刊活动的兴起,这些报刊最早将西方新闻自由的大致情况进行了介绍,虽传播范围不广,影响力不大,却引起了敏锐开明的中国先进知识分子的注意。虽然他们对新闻自由的理解多停留在工具理性层面,并未在价值理性层面进行系统研究,但他们也完成了学习、介绍西方新闻自由思想这一历史使命,为中国近代新闻事业的发展,推动民族和社会进步作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

梁启超是中国近代卓越的报刊活动家和新闻理论家,他继承了早期维新派的办报主张并吸收借鉴西方新闻理论的成果加以发挥创造,形成了自己的新闻思想,达到了时代的最高水平.然而,梁启超把新闻自由和平等民权作为振兴国家的工具,对其作为具体的个人权利也很少提及,忽视了对新闻自由观念自身价值的合理性,因而,梁启超的新闻自由思想带有一定的历史局限性.  相似文献   

刘莉 《新闻知识》2005,(1):49-51
梁启超是中国近代卓越的报刊活动家和新闻理论家,他继承了早期维新派的办报主张并吸收借鉴西方新闻理论的成果加以发挥创造,形成了自己的新闻思想,达到了时代的最高水平。然而,梁启超把新闻自由和平等民权作为振兴国家的工具,对其作为具体的个人权利也很少提及,忽视了对新闻自由观念自身价值的合理性,因而,梁启超的新闻自由思想带有一定的历史局限性。  相似文献   

一些学生在闹事中,提出了“争取新闻自由”的口号。开始,颇觉纳闷:与新闻事业很少接触的青年学生,为什么对“新闻自由”如此热衷?细细思察,此乃事出有因。近年来,新闻界有的人对新闻事业是党和政府的喉舌持有异议;有的热衷于揭露黑暗面;还有的大声疾呼“要争取新闻自由”。可见,那些天真的同学们只是跟着新闻界某些人叫喊而已。近代新闻事业从它诞生之日起,就是社会集团、政党、阶级、政府实现自己政治目标或  相似文献   

改革开放的形势要求党的新闻事业必须来一番变革,进一步理顺各方面的关系,真正按照新闻自身的规律办事。而新闻改革的关键就是新闻自由,要冲破传统模式的束缚,摆脱僵化思想的影响,保障新闻工作者能充分行使自己的权力,更好地为社会尽职尽责。社会主义新闻事业,应该是自由的事业。宪法明文规定了“言论出版自由”,新闻自由是言论出版自由在  相似文献   

改革开放的形势要求党的新闻事业必须来一番变革,进一步理顺各方面的关系,真正按照新闻自身的规律办事。而新闻改革的关键就是新闻自由,要冲破传统模式的束缚,摆脱僵化思想的影响,保障新闻工作者能充分行使自己的权力,更好地为社会尽职尽责。社会主义新闻事业,应该是自由的事业。宪法明文规定了“言论出版自由”,新闻自由是言论出版自由在新闻领域的体现和运用。它包括记者采访写作的自由、新闻传播的自由和批评监督的自由等若干方面的问题。社会主义的新闻自由,同社会主义民主政治是密切相关的。人民是国家的主人,人民当然应该享有知情权、参政议政  相似文献   

通才·史家·政治家--中国新闻人才观的变迁   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
凡事都是人做的,人才是事业发达的基础。因此,自19世纪中国新闻事业诞生以来,不同历史时期的报人、学者和政治家都非常重视新闻人才的培养和对新闻人才理论的探讨,提出了许多造就新闻人才的理论主张。回顾100余年来中国新闻人才理论发展的历史,我认为,“通才”办报、“史家”办报、“政治家办报”是中国新闻人才观中最具代表性的理  相似文献   

王韬,作为中国早期维新派的重要代表人物之一,是中国近代报业的开拓者,有着"中国报业之父"的美誉。他在长期办报过程中,积累了丰富的办报经验,形成其特有的新闻思想。我国新闻事业能够得到更好的发展,得益于王韬所建立的新闻思想以及他所开创的报刊政论文体。本文以《循环日报》为例,从报刊性能、办报宗旨以及报刊人才培养三个方面探析他的新闻思想,探索其新闻思想给中国新闻传播事业的发展所带来的深远影响。  相似文献   

现代新闻事业,其影响力可说是瞬息无远弗届,久长而深远。它不仅影响群众生活、社会秩序、公共道德、风俗习惯,而且直接相关于国家和社会的发展。如此重要的现代新闻事业,对于它所享有的自由,应承的责任,对于它所表现出的品质不可不在法律的基础上,予以明晰的规定和具体的标准。对于新闻活动中所发现的种种滥用新闻自由的行为必须加以纠正和限制。滥用新闻自由在实际工作中有着多种表现,并带来了许多现实的问题,产生厂许多负面效应。因而限制滥用新闻自由是发展当今新闻事业中的一项不可或缺的工作。影响新闻自由的两个最主要的因素…  相似文献   

欧美发达国家政府信息资源市场化开发利用的实践与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈雅芝 《图书情报工作》2009,53(19):121-125
对欧美发达国家政府信息资源市场化开发利用的实践进行系统考察,并从政策态度、信息商业化问题涉及到的一些概念、政府角色及信息自由与信息私有的紧张状态等角度分析美国与欧洲的根本性差异。提出中国的政府信息资源开发应借鉴欧美发达国家的经验,采取积极的政策法规推进策略确保政府信息公开,建立相应的法律保障系统,及时引入市场机制以推动政府信息资源的深度开发利用。  相似文献   

政府信息公开是现代政府的必然选择,政府网站是政府信息公开的主渠道。作为使信息得到清晰表达、易于理解的手段和方法,信息构建在网站建设中发挥着重要作用。本文采用多案例研究方法,选取上海市、北京市以及浙江省政府网站信息公开栏目作为研究对象,运用信息构建的思想对其进行了定性分析,比较其优点与不足,以期为我国政府网站信息公开栏目的建设提供指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

In election times, political parties promise in their manifestos to pass reforms increasing access to government information to root out corruption and improve public service delivery. Scholars have already offered several fascinating explanations of why governments adopt transparency policies that constrain their choices. However, knowledge of their impacts is limited. Does greater access to information deliver on its promises as an anti-corruption policy? While some research has already addressed this question in relation to freedom of information laws, the emergence of new digital technologies enabled new policies, such as open government data. Its effects on corruption remain empirically underexplored due to its novelty and a lack of measurements. In this article, I provide the first empirical study of the relationship between open government data, relative to FOI laws, and corruption. I propose a theoretical framework, which specifies conditions necessary for FOI laws and open government data to affect corruption levels, and I test it on a novel cross-country dataset. The results suggest that the effects of open government data on corruption are conditional upon the quality of media and internet freedom. Moreover, other factors, such as free and fair elections, independent and accountable judiciary, or economic development, are far more critical for tackling corruption than increasing access to information. These findings are important for policies. In particular, digital transparency reforms will not yield results in the anti-corruption fight unless robust provisions safeguarding media and internet freedom complement them.  相似文献   

国立中央图书馆筹备处的成立,是南京国民政府建设文化新都的现实要求和国际知识交流的需要,同时也是近代中国中央图书馆思想发展的结果。筹备处存续期间,适值抗战,但该处并不消极,而是在逆境中蓄势,坎坷中奋进。筹备处广泛搜罗文献、规范文献资源建设、影印四库全书、推进抗战事业,在弘扬国学、沟通中西文化中发挥了极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

While the UK government has faced increasing pressure to introduce freedom of information legislation, freedom of information and open government are becoming crucial questions in relation to the operation of the European Community and European Union. The European Community and Union are under growing pressure to make themselves more open and “transparent” in their operations, and recent reforms have allowed greater access to Community documents by individuals. However, these reforms have left many questions unanswered, or even unaddressed, and the whole subject of national parliaments and their right to Community and Union documents is unresolved. What is emerging is a very difficult and complex set of relationships which must be addressed if the European Community and Union are to maintain credibility as democratic institutions among member states and their citizens. The author believes that achieving greater openness at the European level is vital if the Community and Union are to succeed.  相似文献   

Governments for most of recorded history have surrounded their information and decision-making with a culture of secrecy. By the latter half of the 20th century western liberal democracies, driven by right-to-know movements, slowly moved away from secrecy towards more openness of government through public access to its information. Australia, with a series of reforms beginning in the late 1970s, declared in 2010 that government information was a national resource, and public access was the default position. This paper, by providing a history of the Australian Commonwealth legislative and regulatory reforms, their impetus and interpretations, explores the ebb and flow of openness and the intended and sometimes unintended, consequences for traditional government secrecy. Using the complete freedom of information datasets made available by these reforms, the paper presents an insight into government attitudes to openness by providing access to its information. These datasets also enable research into government and bureaucratic actions to pushback against these reforms for pragmatic or ideological reasons. The paper concludes that although there continues to be worrying vestiges of secrecy, on balance, Australia has achieved much in countering a culture of secrecy and the delivering more openness of government.  相似文献   

我国政府危机管理中信息公开存在问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过分析政府危机管理与政府信息公开的关系以及政府危机管理工作中政府信息公开的作用,指出我国政府信息公开存在法律体系不健全、信息公开制度不完善、危机信息管理水平低、知情权意识薄弱等问题,并针对这些问题提出相应对策,以期提高我国政府应对危机的能力和效率。  相似文献   

图书馆自由:定位及其责任主体   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:12  
蒋永福 《图书馆》2006,(5):8-11
图书馆自由的实质是读者利用图书馆平等获取知识信息的自由权利。思想自由是图书馆自由的思想基础。图书馆自由的宗旨是维护读者的知识自由权利,而读者的知识自由权利是宪法赋予公民应该享有的权利,因此图书馆自由具有合法性基础。政府、图书馆行业组织、图书馆和图书馆人是保障图书馆自由权利的四大责任主体。  相似文献   

The Fifth Amendment right to travel freely abroad notwithstanding, the Supreme Court has upheld on national security grounds a de facto travel ban by which the U.S. government prohibits its citizens to spend money necessary for visiting the island of Cuba unless they receive prior approval from the Treasury Department. However, this article argues that the licensing regime used by Treasury to authorize some academic researchers and news gatherers to report from Cuba probably is unconstitutional. The First Amendment right to publish carries with it the antecedent freedom to gather news and information. The government may limit that freedom only for compelling reasons and only if the restrictions are not based on some constitutionally impermissible criterion or condition. The reason for this is to prevent the government from restricting the flow of information necessary for the American people to make enlightened choices in the democratic process and hold their government in account. Therefore, requiring news gatherers and academic researchers to obtain licenses undermines democratic self-government by placing the government in the position of determining the terms and conditions under which the electorate is informed about a matter of public importance. This article further argues that the criteria used in granting licenses are arbitrarily applied, not reasonably related to the stated goals of the economic embargo of Cuba, and discriminate against some information gatherers according to their employment status and content of their work. Based on this conclusion, the author decided to participate in a legal challenge, in which he and two other academic researchers traveled to Cuba without Treasury licenses in order to test the constitutionality of the regulations. The author’s personal experience is recounted, and the inconclusive outcome of his civil disobedience is reported.  相似文献   

The Chinese government initiated a policy of 'corporatization of cultural entities' in 2003. Most Chinese book publishing houses were required to complete this transformation by 2006 and journal publishers by 2012. Chinese academic publishers, who no longer receive any general subsidies and allowances from government, have struggled to survive since then. During the reform process, many Chinese journals charged their authors page fees, and academic book publishers raised the prices of their publications. The continuing existence of other subsidies, however, means that there is still a degree of dependency in the Chinese system, and it will take time for its academic publishers to grow into real market players and to enhance their competitiveness.  相似文献   

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