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本文从"半路接手"的班主任工作中,探索到了一些行之有效的工作方法:真诚相待,以情感人;善待"心腹",广交朋友;心胸开阔,尊重前任;以身作则,严格要求.并在实际工作中取得了较为显著的育人效果.  相似文献   

I know many souls that toss and whirl pass, but none there are that intrigue me more than the Souls of White Folk. Of them I am singularly clairvoyant. I see in and through them... . I see these souls undressed and from the back and side. I see the working of their entrails. I know their thoughts and they know that I know. This knowledge makes them now embarrassed, now furious!

W. E. B. Du Bols  相似文献   

“我会走近民众,因为这是唯一拍到照片的方式,你要走到他们当中,即使是现在,我也不觉得这很容易。我不会宣布自己在拍照。我会假装聚焦于别处,如果你要拍某些人,那么之后你就很难不看着他们。但这会被发现,我不会试图隐藏我所做的事——那很愚蠢。”  相似文献   

简评:本文能够按照题目要求,展开叙述,内容完整、切题。详细介绍了作为一名初中生在学校、在家里应该怎样去做,而且对未来和谐社会寄予希望。作文中运用了studyhard,askfor,help…do,talkwith等动词短语,将身边事情的处理方式描述得非常详细。且结构严谨,语法准确,体现了作者快乐、健康、向上的积极心态。  相似文献   

采用梯度稀释涂布法从市售酸奶中分离纯化鉴定出嗜热链球菌(Streptococcus thermophilus简写T),保加利亚杆菌(Bulgaria Lactobacillus简写B),并对其进行乳发酵实验。在此基础上,进行了保健型胡萝卜汁酸奶发酵条件的探索。  相似文献   

This autobiography examines research in which I was involved while learning to teach science in an inner city high school. As an experienced science educator I had mainly experienced schools associated with students from the middle class. When I came to a university in an inner city environment I had to learn first how to be streetwise in the city and then, when I began to teach, I had to negotiate with students my right to teach them. Most students were very resistant to my efforts to teach them science. The paper describes many of the difficulties I experienced as I endeavoured to teach science to students who were ethnically, curriculum to the interests and extant knowledge of students is emphasised. Implications of my experiences are described for three aspects of urban high schools: teaching science, identifying and enacting appropriae science curricula, and educating prospective science teachers.  相似文献   

Carl Leggo 《Interchange》1998,29(2):169-184
In my work with preservice teachers I face daily a dilemma. My student-teachers come to me with an urgent practical agenda: What do I need to know in order to survive in the world of school? In effect they want me to tell them how to fit into a world that they assume is structured like a grammar, with traditions and conventions and rules and patterns. They are seeking ways to conform to the pedagogic world as it has been written, but I hope they will seek ways to transform the pedagogic world, always written and always in the process of being written. I hope my student-teachers will seek ways to write, actively and deliberately and imaginatively, the pedagogic world of students and teachers. I want them to learn to live un/grammatically, to challenge the ways in which the world has been written for them, to know that they are not only written by the world, but that they also write the world. I invite my students to write the unwritten sentences, the sentences that interrogate and subvert syntax and semantics, the sentences that create spaces where my students can live un/grammatically.  相似文献   

张孟豪 《海外英语》2014,(3):238-240
In our class,we have already learned some articles of Aesthetism.The famous aesthetes,such as Walter Pater,Oscar Wilde,Benedetto Croce,all give us huge impressions.And Russian Formalism is also very important school of thoughts.As they all study art,literature and form,I would like to know the relationship between them.In this paper,first I will show some of my own understandings on Both Aesthetism and Russian Formalism.Then I will compare them to find similarities and differences.At last,I will say something about my preference.  相似文献   

自我即我们每个人心中的那个"我"。"我"是人的根本,只有人才知道"我"是谁。"我"存在于连续的时间之中,"我"的本质是活的意识,"我"是大脑的机能和属性。自我意识是"我"对自己的意识,是意识对自己的反思,对象意识是"我"对外部事物的意识,对象意识是基础意识,自我意识是在对象意识的基础上形成的。无论对象意识还是自我意识其根源都来自于对外部世界的客观物质对象的反映(只不过自我意识是二级反映),因此,"我"是依赖于外部物质世界而存在的。"我"作为人脑的机能和属性还依赖于人的躯体。当"我"所依附的大脑死亡了,自我就消亡了、不存在了。"我死"是永远的、无法超越的现实,"我"与"死"是矛盾的,但"我死"却又是真正意义上的人的死亡,是哲学意义上的死亡。人因为意识到"我死",才使人生有意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that critical literacy is essentially a rationalist activity that does not sufficiently address the non-rational investments that readers bring with them to texts and tasks. I begin by looking at playful advertising texts that work with humour and the transgressive in order to consider the role of pleasure rather than reason. Then I examine the force of powerful identifications in relation to reason to show that educational interventions cannot ignore them. Finally, I tentatively suggest that we may need to find ways to combine socio-cultural and psycho-analytic theory in order to imagine new directions for pedagogy in the critical literacy classroom.  相似文献   

This article addresses the role of exemplary teachers of students of color in educational reform. Using an ethnographic study of two urban junior high schools in the beginning stages of restructuring, I describe threeculturally relevant teachers who create empowering educational experiences for low-achieving African American students. Despite their exemplary practice and their enthusiasm for educational change, thewisdom of practice of these teachers was largely discounted in the restructuring process. They were marginalized by ideological and political contexts which suppressed racial issues and advocacy for African American students and which supported a deficit model of low-achieving African American students. Restructuring fostered little examination of policies, practices, and beliefs which tended to marginalize African American students. This research suggests that professional dialogue and collaboration are mediated by teachers' ideologies and by relations of power in schools and communities. If exemplary teachers of children of color are to influence educational change, reformers need to legitimize their knowledge and sponsor their leadership. Also, reforms that benefit marginalized children of color may require the mobilization and participation of parents and communities of color as well as their teacher-advocates. Even though I'm not doing the Mentoring and Counseling Program any more, I can't reject them. They know I care about them. They know when you're not pretending. You don't turn off realness. Paulette I find them where they are. I say, “You've told stories. When you say, ‘The way I see it,’ that's point of view.” I just do it like that. When kids believe you think they can learn, they will. Samuel We have to challenge these students. When we don't give them an opportunity, we're taking something away from them. Helen  相似文献   

V. Rajaraman 《Resonance》2018,23(8):885-904
In Part 1 of this series of articles, I defined what is meant by a breakthrough in ICT, listed fourteen breakthroughs in chronological order, and described five breakthroughs. In this second part of the three-part series of articles on Breakthroughs in Information and Communication Technologies, I describe four more breakthroughs: Computer Graphics, Internet, Global Positioning Systems, and the World WideW eb. As in the last part, I will justify why I consider them as breakthroughs and briefly describe each of them.  相似文献   

劳伦·阿拉纳说:“我一直梦想着出一张专辑,真的不敢相信居然梦想成真了。正是我参加《美国偶像》的那些歌迷们为我投上了珍贵的选票.所以这张专辑是献给他们的.我希望歌迷们能够喜欢!”  相似文献   

Wearing a swastika armband, I entered the classroom carrying a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf. Placing it on the music stand I employed as a makeshift lectern, I peered around the room until the students became silent. Then I began to read sections of Hitler's venomous tome, the hateful words cutting through me like a knife. As I read, I noticed that a few students stiffened. I had students analyze Hitler's quotes, addressing them as either “Herr” or “Fraulein.” After this lesson, I explained why I used such tactics. I told them death and destruction during World War II was only part of studying the Holocaust. Learning where the Jew-hatred came from and its context within Nazism was also important. And that meant comprehending Mein Kampf. Closing the book, I removed the twisted cross and slowly tore it into small pieces.  相似文献   

如今我不再年轻。一些朋友的母亲已经去世。我曾听这些子女们说过。他们从没有向母亲充分表达过他们的感激之情。而待到要告诉时为时已晚了。  相似文献   

本文对《淮南子》的重言词进行了调查统计,辨析了重言与重言词,分析了《淮南子》重言词的词性及修辞作用,并探究了其构造及意义。  相似文献   

I have heard people complain as they age of what they may have missed
Well if they complain then that is for them, because for 30 years I have had your kiss  相似文献   

Sonia Gallucci 《Compare》2014,44(6):916-937
In this article, I describe the ways in which two British university students negotiated their identity as second language learners during a year abroad in Italy and the extent to which their struggles helped them to ‘fit in’ into the new social and cultural contexts. Building upon the lived experiences of the two participants, I follow a poststructuralist discourse on identity, which considers identities as dynamic and in continuous evolution. In this article, I argue that the extent to which individuals are prepared to negotiate second-language identities, or conversely to resist them, can be directly influenced by the ways in which they perceive their relationships to the new contexts and by the ways in which such relationships are constructed over time and across space. I also argue that the continuous evolution of identities tends to change more rapidly in new sociocultural contexts, such as those embedded in specific experiences of border crossing.  相似文献   

I believe that before all else, I am a reasonable human being just as your are–or at all events that I must try and become one. I know quite well, Torvald, that most people, think you are right, and that views of that kind are to be found in books. But I can no longer content myself with what most people say, or with what is found in books. I must think over things for myself and get to understand them.  相似文献   

我们退回到1998年,那时已经有了滑板和轮滑。后来,一名叫凯西·塞穆尔的设计师计划在一些疯狂的年轻人脚上装一只巨大的弹簧。他设计了一个能节省能量的“仿生弹跳靴”的样品,并声称穿上这种靴子的人一步可以走7英尺,跳离地面4英尺高。这种用铝和玻璃纤维作为材料、用杠杆装置和弹簧来提供动力的靴子经过几年的改进后,22岁的凯西从西米德兰的索利赫尔向加里弗尼亚进发,他希望他获奖的弹跳靴能在那里进行商业化生产。他说:“我十二岁的时候在看一个关于袋鼠的电视节目,于是便有了这个想法。袋鼠将能量储蓄在腿部的肌腱上。我想将这点转用到人类身上。我在大街上试验的时候闹了些笑话,不过的确很有趣。”  相似文献   

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