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五邑大学广东侨乡文化研究中心博士、教授石坚平长期致力于中国传统乡村社会与华南宗族问题研究。《创造祖荫——广州沥潘村两个宗族的故事》一书,是其从事相关研究所取得的一项重要成果。该书被列选为广东侨乡文化研究中心资助出版的侨乡丛书,由广东人民出版社于2013年7月正式出版。  相似文献   

历史上的祁门黄龙口汪氏宗族是一个典型的徽州宗族,由于相对封闭的自然地理环境、单一的大姓宗族繁衍、完整的宗族文书、强烈的宗族自觉意识,宗族文化积淀深厚。随着时代的发展,宗族丧失了赖以生存的经济、政治、文化基础,并面临着现代生活方式的冲击。这种经历与嬗变,对研究当代宗族的演变提供了启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

中国本土心理学在其深厚的本土文化资源的滋养下,彰显出了极其旺盛的生命力,但是,当前中国心理学本土化还缺乏一定的发展规范,在原创性研究、概念的建构以及研究策略等方面存在明显不足,并已成为本土心理学健康发展的障碍。因此,重视本土文化研究,批判性地吸收国外心理学的先进成果和其他文化的精髓,注重理论探讨与解决实际问题相结合及采取多样化的研究方法,是实现心理学本土化的有效途径。  相似文献   

血缘性是浙南宗族文化最为重要的特点,它造就了浙南宗族注重男性继承人,追求子子孙孙无穷尽的延宗理念,影响着族人的生育观、尊卑观、亲疏观。瓯语语汇承载着浙南宗族文化,体现着浙南宗族的延宗理念。  相似文献   

传统徽州是一个宗族社会,因此对徽州宗族的研究一直深受学界关注。20世纪90年代以来,学者们对于徽州宗族的产生与发展态势、徽州族产与宗族业权、徽州族谱与家谱、徽州宗祠、徽州宗族的社会控制、徽州宗族教育、徽州宗族婚姻、徽州宗族文化等问题均予以较为详尽的考察、分析和探讨。回顾和总结当前的研究状况,有利于今后的研究在更高层面上获得发展。  相似文献   

村落宗族文化伴随着村落和宗族的形成发展而形成发展。村落宗族文化何以长盛不衰?许多学者多从宏观的角度,从宗族文化或村落宗族文化与国家政治及经济制度的关系乃至宗族自身的凝聚力等方面进行研究。宏观研究当然无可厚非,但仅凭宏观的研究往往会忽略掉村落宗族文化长盛不衰的某些重要原因。而微观的探讨则能较具体和较周密地揭示村落宗族文化长盛不衰的各种因素。本文以金氏宗族村落文化为个案,从微观角度较深入剖析村落宗族文化的传承动力。  相似文献   

宗族文化与农村现代化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
农村宗族文化在新时期的迅速复活、蔓延有其深刻的社会原因。宗族文化在本质上是与农村现代化相悖的,体现在:宗族文化的“宗法”与现代化的法治相悖;宗族文化的血缘性与现代化的业缘性相悖;宗族文化的封闭性与现代化的开放性相悖,等等。  相似文献   

高校旅游英语教学一般较为注重英语语言教学及欧美文化传输,而对于中国文化特别是景区景点所承载的地方本土文化关注甚少,中国文化和地方本土文化在教学中有所缺失,在一定程度上制约了我国涉外旅游的发展。结合安庆市的旅游资源,尝试在高校旅游英语教学中融入和渗透安庆市本土文化。精选教学内容,蕴含安庆本土文化;改革教学模式,融入安庆本土文化;强化实践教学,渗透安庆本土文化。  相似文献   

为了进一步阐明宋以后宗族形态特质与中国历史发展道路,南开大学中国社会史研究中心于2007年8月28-31日在天津红楼大酒店举办了“宋以后宗族形态的演进与社会变迁”国际学术研讨会。本次会议共收到美国、日本、韩国、中国大陆及港台学者相关论文48篇,与会学者中既有历史学家,也有人类学家,是一次高层次、跨学科的国际学术会议。开幕式上,南开大学中国社会史研究中心主任常建华教授致开幕词,南开大学冯尔康教授、香港中文大学科大卫教授分别以“秦汉以降古代中国‘变态型宗法社会’述论——以两汉、两宋宗族建设为例”和“明清华南宗族的社会…  相似文献   

译者在翻译时不但要注重语言,更要注重语言所负载的文化。要尊重文化背景,调整翻译方法,研究文化底蕴,精选关键词语;运用译文语言艺术,加强本土文化传真。  相似文献   

In his article in the March 1997 edition of BJSE , Professor Mel Ainscow speculated on some of the reasons for the lack of progress towards a more inclusive school system in Britain, and identified possible ways of moving forward. Implicit in his penetrating analysis is that policies for implementing change in schools need to be supported at all levels, both within the education system itself and throughout society. Jesper Holst, associate professor at the Royal Danish School of Educational Studies, focuses on these wider issues and uses examples from Denmark and Mongolia to identify successful strategies for change which rely on professional and economic support (from both central and local government), and the backing of parents and local communities. In Denmark the concept of inclusive education is reflected in the new (1993) Danish Education Act and the basis of the work described is the assumption that by supporting change schools can be better prepared to respond to pupil diversity.  相似文献   

地方高校以服务地方经济社会发展为主要使命,建立一支有发展潜力的人才队伍是地方高校可持续发展的不竭动力源泉。地方高校人才发展潜力是表述一所高校人才动力性的概念,对它进行量化之后能够衡量一所地方高校人才的发展现状以及可持续发展的潜力和后劲。本文通过对地方高校人才发展潜力指标体系进行构建,确定地方高校人才发展潜力指标体系中的各个分指标,在此基础上,利用层次分析法、德尔菲法,确定各指标的权重系数,并进行辽宁地方高校的实证研究。  相似文献   

多元文化教育兴起于20世纪的西方国家,也是当今国际教育界普遍关注的热点领域之一,其产生有着深刻的历史背景和文化根源.传入我国之后,对于我国的教育有诸多启示.文章关注在多元文化背景下教师角色的发展和变化,重新审视教师在多元文化教育中的地位和作用.笔者认为在多元文化背景下,教师的角色是:学生心灵的守护者、多元文化的欣赏者、多元文化教育环境的创设者和维护者、多元文化教育研究的积极行动者和地方文化的传承者.  相似文献   

文章舍象了其他方面有关思想的引进和深化成果,重点关注本土学说的进展.并按研究主题梳理了30多年来财政基础理论研究的脉络。转型期财政学基础理论的发展直接源自体制转型的压力。在转型期,学界先是重新思考财政本质、财政职能等问题,继而在财政模式上展开学术论战。在不断的争论、辨析、再争论中深化了对相关问题的认识,产生了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the development and use of alternative reading measures that are performance based (authentic and direct), technically adequate, and help teachers make instructional decisions. Although performance assessments are promulgated as better than many traditional, published measures of achievement, few studies on technical adequacy have been conducted. We present 2 studies that focus on concurrent criterion validity and instructional decision making; the studies are framed as examples of reading measurement within the debate on whole language programs. The first study focuses on the relation of the performance measure of oral reading with several other reading measures; the second study focuses on teacher decision making, using quantitative and qualitative outcomes reflecting individual student change in performance (in reading fluency and prosody) over time. In this article, both studies are described briefly, and the emphasis of discussion is placed on appropriately evaluating programs so that the measures match the interventions (are systemically valid) and support their effec- tiveness for use with individual students.  相似文献   

在全球语境下,地方电视面临境内外电视媒体以及各种媒介传播的重压,对地域化的开掘、张扬成了地方电视自救的重要手段。地域化有其存在的独特意义与表征,找到地域化与现代化之间的契合点.并承载这一本土资源,是地方电视之特色经营。  相似文献   

This article reports the development of the first two years of a three-year project that examines the effectiveness of adult–child interactions in the early years, and tracks the development of teachers’ thinking and practice as they engage in practitioner-led action research. The Adult-Child Interaction Project involves practitioners who work with children from six months to six years in one local authority in England as they aim to develop their practice. On the basis of action research cycle, the methods include systematic video observation and stimulated recall; individual, paired and collaborative reflective dialogue; project logs and critical engagement with research. A distinctive feature is continuous engagement with an early years expert as a co-researcher and reflective partner in the processes of change and development. This article focuses on the impact and effectiveness of the project methodology, specifically the strategies that support critical reflection, dialogue and change processes.  相似文献   

1840年以后,传统超稳态的中国社会面临着“三千年未有之大变局”,从此形成了以变求通的历史洪流。清末民初上海曹氏“谯国族会”等一类宗族议会的出现,便是这一历史洪流中的一朵小小的浪花。  相似文献   

This study uses data summaries and interviews to analyse changes in Hungarian higher education since 1989. The first part of the article relies on statistical data and puts the Hungarian higher education system into the international context. It focuses on enrolment changes, spending patterns and the number and quality of teaching personnel. Available data suggest a dramatic increase in enrolment, coupled with declining or stagnant resources. The second part of the study focuses on micro-level activities of selected universities and departments, with special emphasis on research, teaching, administration and institutional change. The study argues that the creation of a stable, performance-oriented, well-financed higher education system in ex-socialist Hungary has been achieved imperfectly.  相似文献   

地方政府债务融资是一把"双刃剑",在经济运行良好的时候可以促进当地经济的发展,但是过高的债务则可能拖垮当地的经济[1]。随着我国市场化与城市化的程度日益加深,建设资金缺口越来越大,但是目前的融资体系不规范,使我国地方政府债务风险高企。如何完善融资体系,降低地方债务风险已经成为当前一大课题。本文在研究地方债务内涵的基础上,分析了地方债务风险产生的原因,探讨了过高的债务可能产生的后果,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

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