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将人本主义理论融入到教育游戏的设计与开发中,探讨学习者、教育和游戏之间辩证统一的关系,提出了"基于人本主义理论的教育游戏设计框架"(EGL)。该框架认为,人是教育游戏设计的核心,人的个性特征、心理需求等是游戏设计与开发的前提。教育游戏以满足玩家的心理需求为目的,同时将玩家预想要达到的满足感的那种欲望转化为对教育内容学习的动机,将学习效果作为实现心理需求满足感的通道,是一种心理需求与学习动机转换的过程。基于EGL框架并凭借Unity3D引擎技术开发的3D版的"护林小熊"英语单词学习游戏,其实验效果较好,说明EGL框架对教育游戏的设计具有一定的有效性和指导作用,但仍然需要对框架进行进一步的检验和发展。  相似文献   

构建有效的教育游戏设计模型是当前亟待研究的课题。在国内外心流理论和教育游戏设计相关成果的基础上,使用基于设计的研究方法,构建了基于心流理论的教育游戏设计框架。继而分析了该设计框架的构成要素及其设计方法,并基于该研究框架研发了特殊儿童言语学习游戏案例且进行了实证研究。研究发现,学习者在教育游戏中产生心流体验的前提条件有三个:清晰的任务目标、及时的反馈和任务与技能的平衡。为生成以上前提条件,教育游戏设计应分为四个阶段:游戏目标分析、游戏情境创设、游戏玩法设计和游戏元素设计,每个阶段应采取对应的设计任务使阶段性设计成果具备心流体验产生的条件。  相似文献   

移动设备具有便携性、连通性和互动性,这些特点使它成为目前首选的学习平台.移动学习的灵活性和游戏的优点使得教育游戏有巨大的发展空间.本研究主要提出了一个基于移动学习环境下数学教育游戏的整体设计框架和布局结构,该框架描述了移动学习环境下教育游戏设计和开发中所要明确的要素,该要素主要包括学习理论基础、游戏标准、游戏媒体选择、设计框架和布局结构等,在该游戏的设计与开发过程中把教学系统设计和游戏的开发方法相结合.因此,在移动设备上通过玩游戏来学习是可能的,也可以成为一种有广阔发展前途的学习方式.  相似文献   

三维情境式教育游戏软件的设计与案例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前教育游戏"娱教分离"的问题还比较严重。文章结合情境认知理论,提出情境式教育游戏的理念,尝试利用虚拟现实技术创设适合学习者探究的游戏化学习情境以激发学习者的动机和探究兴趣。文章对情境式教育游戏软件的设计和开发要点进行了详细的阐述,并概要介绍了该研究设计的游戏案例,试用效果表明学习者对情境式教育游戏有着较高的认同度,将结构化的知识融入到情境式教育游戏中是可行的。  相似文献   

基于游戏化学习体验的基本理论框架,通过对学生游戏化学习体验的质性分析,本文探究了游戏化学习体验中认知体验与主体性体验的核心内容。本研究基于对多种资料的分析,归纳了游戏化学习过程中认知体验的过程要素,包含知识探究、学习迁移和认知成果;建构了主体性体验的核心要素,包括学习过程中的情绪状态、游戏与学习动机和反思意愿。对游戏化学习体验的核心内容的探究有助于理解游戏化学习行为,了解学生游戏化学习体验的个体差异,为教育游戏的设计和评估提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

幼儿心理学研究表明:游戏是促进学龄前儿童心理发展的最好活动形式。在游戏活动中,儿童的心理过程和个性品质能够得到更快的发展。在创造性游戏中,幼儿是主体,游戏材料是客体,教师是"媒体"。幼儿游戏的过程是幼儿、教师、玩具材料三者相互作用、相互促进的过程。  相似文献   

教育与游戏的结合开拓了新的学习途径,RPG游戏由于其角色的体验特性将学习活动融入游戏的过程中,以体验学习的方式激发学习者的学习兴趣。文章基于教育游戏概念,在建构主义和体验主义学习理论的框架下,从学习过程、学习资源、学习环境和学习方式的层面探究了通过RPG游戏开展外语学习的可行性,讨论了外语学习的交际情景和兴趣驱动,以期为教育游戏和外语学习相融合的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文章从考察自我决定理论出发,用该理论对学习动机进行了解释并对电脑游戏涉及的动机要素进行了综合归纳。从满足学习者自主需求、能力需求与关系需求出发提出了教育游戏中激发学习动机的设计策略。  相似文献   

在商业、健康、环境、政治、教育等领域,游戏化的应用旨在提高人们的参与度或鼓励某些行为。文章在追踪国内外游戏在教育领域应用成果的基础上,对"教育游戏化"进行概念定位,并在游戏化的元素结构框架下解析教育游戏化的动力结构:教育游戏化的实践起点是促进学习者参与,以规则、情感、关系、进阶、叙事等五个动力元素为基本动力,以促进人的全面发展为实践归宿。最后,文章结合实践提出了五条教育游戏化的设计策略,即目标规则明确化、参与主体情感化、学习关系社交化、学习进阶可视化和教育过程叙事化,为教育游戏化筹划存在的可能性。  相似文献   

学习者游戏经验差异是影响游戏化学习动机、体验与效果的重要因素,但其机制尚不明确,且未形成针对游戏经验差异的游戏化学习对策。鉴于此,研究基于大理论视角,构建游戏经验差异对游戏化学习的影响机制假设模型,并招募具有高、低游戏经验的大学生被试各25名,借助眼动仪与问卷采集被试游戏化学习时的视觉认知、学习动机、学习体验与学习效果数据,分析游戏经验差异对游戏化学习的影响并验证假设模型。结果表明:高游戏经验学习者内部动机、积极情绪与学习效果都相对更高,而低游戏经验学习者仅外部动机较高;游戏经验差异影响游戏化学习的机制表现为高游戏经验学习者能够通过降低外部动机、提高内部动机和积极情绪来提高学习效果,还能通过积极情绪体验获得高水平心流体验、感知成就与学习满意度。研究提出四条针对不同游戏经验学习者的游戏化学习设计对策:促成“外驱”向“内驱”转化、推动游戏化学习“挑战”与学习者“技能”高度匹配、诱发“积极情绪”以促进游戏化学习认知加工、巧用“游戏元素与机制”改善游戏化学习行为。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of narrative design in a game‐based learning environment. Specifically, this investigation focuses the narrative design in an adventure‐styled, game‐based learning environment for fostering argumentation writing by looking at how the game narrative impacted player/learner (1) intrinsic motivation, (2) curiosity, (3) plausibility and (4) transference of game‐based experiences into prewriting activities. The methodological framework for this qualitative investigation is a case study with grounded theory methodology. The setting is an educational, three‐dimensional, immersive game‐based learning environment titled Murder on Grimm Isle, used to foster argumentation and persuasion writing for Grades 9–14. The participants included 20 college students. The findings of the investigation reveal that intrinsic motivation, curiosity and plausibility were first supported by the game‐like environment, and then sustained through the narrative and the environment. Additionally, game‐based experiences were transferred into prewriting activities. Unanticipated findings revealed some student resistance. The goal of this research is to gain a better understanding of narrative design for game‐based learning environments.  相似文献   

对传统学习模式中的学业情绪研究进行评述,对比教育游戏与传统学习模式的异同,发现教育游戏中学业情绪的特殊性,以期能借鉴传统学习模式中学业情绪研究成果,为教育游戏的情感体验设计提供思路。  相似文献   

This article describes a situative approach to studying motivation to learn in social contexts. We begin by contrasting this perspective to more prevalent psychological approaches to the study of motivation, describing epistemological and methodological differences that have constrained conversation between theoretical groups. We elaborate on issues of the unit of analysis, the conceptualization of contexts, and the role of identity as a central construct. Finally, we argue that the design of learning environments and interventions to change learning environments are informed by attention to the relationships among meanings, identities, and motives in context. We illustrate our argument with examples of design-based research and design-based implementation research focused on motivation to learn in children and adults.  相似文献   

游戏式学习研究综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
具有游戏特征但以非娱乐为目的的游戏式学习,具备有效学习环境的关键特征,为e-Learning的未来发展提供了新的范式,对传统教育的设计和原则形成了挑战。游戏式学习的研究主要包括三个方面,即游戏的教育价值研究、游戏式学习的特征和机理研究、设计开发理论研究。  相似文献   

Given the growing popularity of digital games as a form of entertainment, educators are interested in exploring using digital games as a tool to facilitate learning. In this study, we examine game-based learning by describing a learning environment that combines game elements, play, and authenticity in the real world for the purpose of engaging students’ learning of science and enhancing student motivation. We discuss the design of the environment and present research conducted. Our findings demonstrate that the design of an engaging, interactive environment using a game-based approach can help students have fun while learning.  相似文献   

Casual games are everywhere. People play them throughout life to pass the time, to engage in social interactions, and to learn. However, their simplicity and use in distraction-heavy environments can attenuate their potential for learning. This experimental study explored the effects playing an online, casual game has on awareness of human biological systems. Two hundred and forty-two children were given pretests at a Museum and posttests at home after playing either a treatment or control game. Also, 41 children were interviewed to explore deeper meanings behind the test results. Results show modest improvement in scientific attitudes, ability to identify human biological systems and in the children’s ability to describe how those systems work together in real-world scenarios. Interviews reveal that children drew upon their prior school learning as they played the game. Also, on the surface they perceived the game as mainly entertainment but were easily able to discern learning outcomes when prompted. Implications for the design of casual games and how they can be used to enhance transfer of knowledge from the classroom to everyday life are discussed.  相似文献   

Educators and learning theorists suggest that play is one of the most important venues for learning, and games a useful educational tool. This study considers game activity preferences of middle school-aged children, so that educational games might be made more appealing to them. Based on children’s activity modes identified in our prior research, we developed the Educational Game Preferences Survey, which collects information on children’s preferences for play activity modes, their attitudes about each activity mode, and their preferences for game characters, settings, and forms of help. Survey results suggest the appeal of the Explorative mode of play for all children, especially girls. Gender differences in children’s preferences and attitudes for Active, Strategic, and Creative play modes were also found. We close with recommendations for game design to appeal to both boys and girls, as well as for boys and girls individually, to build engagement and hopefully lead to learning.  相似文献   

徐莉  安涛 《教育技术导刊》2021,19(12):199-204
根据传播功能理论,从环境监视、社会联系与协调以及娱乐3个方面调查农村儿童网络行为及其影响因素,并假设农村儿童网络行为影响因素包括性别、年级、父母学历、学习成绩、网龄以及网络行为动机等。使用SPSS24.0软件分析农村儿童网络行为特点,并对研究假设进行验证。研究发现,农村儿童网络行为以娱乐为主,需加强媒介素养教育;农村儿童的性别、年级、网龄以及网络行为动机对网络行为均有显著影响,初中生压力释放动机较大,应加强心理疏导;农村儿童缺乏信息素养,且网络学习意识弱,需加强儿童的信息素养教育,促进其网络学习。  相似文献   

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