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议程设置是大众传播的重要社会功能和效果之一,这一理论最初由美国传播学者麦库姆斯和唐纳德·肖于20世纪70年代通过实证研究发现。而随着网络时代的到来,传统传播学中的诸多理论框架都受到了冲击,讨论最多的就是议程设置理论。同样引起广泛讨论的,还有新闻专业性。  相似文献   

在国内框架分析的实证研究中,框架建构与议程设置的混用极为普遍,即将媒体对于新闻事件的报道频率、稿件安排方式及组织方式等议程设置的内容解释为媒体对于报道框架的建构。而实际上,媒体议程设置与媒体的报道框架影响受众的路径与结果是不同的。本文拟从媒体选择框架与符号框架两个方面入手,对大陆、香港与美国的六家媒体关于弗格森事件的报道进行框架分析,来具体说明不同国家地区媒体的新闻报道框架之间的差异,以及报道框架与议程设置之间的区别。  相似文献   

议程设置理论认为,媒体通过设置新闻议程以达到影响受众的目的.传统媒体时代,议程设置权力掌握在媒体手中,不同媒体的新闻议程虽有差异,但基本不会产生议程冲突,尤其在国际新闻报道中更是如此.数字媒体时代,自我赋权把议程交到用户手中,其议程设置与传统媒体存在显著差异,甚至直接导致"冲突议程"的产生,这一现象在国际新闻报道中日益增多,已经引起越来越多新闻学者的注意和重视.  相似文献   

本文以台湾中天新闻台《晚间新闻》生活消费类新闻为研究对象,以量化分析为主,结合媒体议程设置理论和媒体文化两个维度进行思考。研究认为正是在媒体与受众的共同议程设置中建构了媒体的消费文化,而这两者的作用也正是台湾电视新闻高度同质化的原因。  相似文献   

郑燕梅 《新闻世界》2014,(8):344-345
议程设置功能是西方传播效果研究所取得的重要成果之一。议程设置理论认为大众传播对特定社会事务的关注与报道,能够通过新闻信息的传播将公众及社会引向特定的关注方向。马航事件是一次突发的重大航空事件,对这一事件的处理体现了政府部门的应对能力及媒体的社会责任感。本文重点分析议程设置功能在马航事件报道中是如何发挥作用的。  相似文献   

孙艳 《新闻世界》2013,(5):155-156
媒体根据自身的定位,为受众进行信息的筛选,在某种程度上有舆论引导的意味。事实上,一个真正的社会舆论热点的形成,应该是受众自己对新闻事实进行选择的过程。公民新闻的发展,受众对新闻信息参与度的提高,使议程设置的主体逐渐发生变化;同时,议题的内容和传播的流程也有了新的发展。本文从议程设置理论在融媒时代的变化、公民新闻的特点以及公民新闻中议程设置理论的发展三个部分,来认识议程设置理论逐渐从"权威议程设置"到"大众议程设置"变化的过程。  相似文献   

议程设置是传播效果研究领域的经典理论。研究学者发现,传媒议程在影响公众议程方面具有相当大的作用,充分运用议程设置功能,可更好地实现媒介的舆论引导功能。引申出的研究认为,议程设置可分为政策议程、媒体议程与公众议程三个阶段,而这三个阶段又相辅相成,互相影响。两次参与中三角报道,我一直关注其媒介传播效果。可以发现,在中三角报道中,能清晰地理出一条从媒体议程、公众议程和政策议程的叠加  相似文献   

1972年,麦库姆斯和肖提出了著名的议程设置理论,"新闻中强调的这些议题随着时间的演化会成为公众认为重要的议题",换句话说,媒介议程设定了公众议程。新媒体的迅猛发展使得已有的传播理论受到新传播环境的挑战。而在新的情境下,议程设置理论有了新的应用模式。本文通过对网络议程设置的量化研究来探究媒介引导力的效力。  相似文献   

新媒体时代下议程设置的新变化及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年是议程设置理论正式诞生40周年。作为新闻传播学领域最重要的理论之一,议程设置理论在这40年中经历了不断发展完善的过程。特别是进入新世纪以来,媒介环境发生剧变,颠覆了传统的传播模式,议程设置也发生了相应的变化,呈现出不少新的发展趋势。研究这一问题将有助于剖析新媒体时代议程设置如何发展完善,并进一步发挥媒体正确引导社会舆论的作用。  相似文献   

周敏 《新闻界》2013,(5):14-17
议程设置理论是大众传播媒介影响社会的重要方式,作为一种理论假说,议程设置理论的发展经历了三个重要的发展阶段。但是在传播媒介和传播模式发展的新的传播环境下,议程设置理论的内涵和外延不断得到修正和发展。本文做一梳理,并在此基础上结合央视新闻频道《新闻1+1》对钓鱼岛事件的报道,提出新的见解。议程设置不仅影响当下受众去想什么和怎么想,同时受众的态度也影响大众媒体对议程设置作适度修改。另外,通过钓鱼岛事件反思当下媒体报道中存在的问题,并提出改进的建议。  相似文献   

议程设置理论与后大众媒体时代的民意研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关于媒体与民意的理论大部分提出于 1 93 0到 1 980年之间 ,这是一个仅仅拥有传统信息选择方式的时代。麦库姆斯和肖 (1 972 )最初提出议程设置理论时 ,用北卡罗莱纳州的教堂山 (ChapelHill)社区作为研究对象 ,而现在那里的媒介使用情况也已经发生了巨变。当我们迎来议程设置理论提出 3 0周年的时候 ,教堂山的受众现在面临的信息选择令人惊叹。在 2 0世纪 90年代 ,肖提出 ,美国的大众媒介已经经历了“兴和衰”(riseandfall)。肖认为 ,大众媒体时代结束于 2 0世纪 80年代。议程设置研究是否能像之前的 3 0年那样 ,继续开展下去 ?当受众使用着上百个信息来源时 ,议程设置和民意研究会产生何种变化 ?这是本文将要回答的问题  相似文献   

Changing functions and techniques of today's libraries have led to questioning the very substance of the library of the future. Ralph Shaw points out that the total library must be "a living force for the enrichment of mankind." The Medical Research Library of Brooklyn at its very inauguration is uniquely prepared and equipped to work toward that goal. It imaginatively serves the needs of the immediate area by generous sharing of resources, use of its computerized program, and participation in a state-wide system. The large collection of the Academy of Medicine of Brooklyn offers thousands of volumes for the historian, both great works as highlights of medical achievements and more modest contributions of both early and recent date. The total library must serve as an intellectual resource, as well as a mechanism for the rapid transfer of current information.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):454-475
What are the current working conditions and future prospects of Latino journalists working for any type of news media outlet? This question has not been addressed in any national study since Federico Subervi's 2004 research on behalf of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. This paper revisits the same subject matter seven years after (2011) the original work was produced, updating the figures and expanding the study by incorporating Latino journalists working for ethnic media, as well as those working for general market media. The results indicate that the dominant “motivation” factors present in 2011 that influenced US Latino journalists' job attitudes were work itself, advancement, and growth. The leading “hygiene” factors that influenced US Latino journalists' job attitudes were salary and relations with peers. Survey respondents agreed that opportunities to obtain professional training would significantly increase the likelihood of keeping their job and their preference for a training topic was digital/multimedia reporting. Journalists suggested three elements to assure a better coverage of the Latino community—a Hispanic/Latino supervisor, an educated supervisor, and media owned by Hispanic/Latino person/family. Additionally, news staff feel underpaid and dissatisfied with promotion opportunities as well as opportunities to increase their salary. They have felt job discrimination based on race.  相似文献   

The development of digital technologies for the production, processing, dissemination and use of information is leading to the emergence of a new society based on a far reaching transformation in the relationship between people and institutions and on a radical change in many professional, economic, educational or cultural practices. The crucial question facing us today is whether our traditional societies are ready for such a shift in ways of thinking, communicating and acting. Are people sufficiently aware and adequately equipped to become citizens of this new information society? Are they prepared to be active, efficient and responsible participants in the new communities living on information exchange? Are we really ready to be part of a new culture based on a swifter and broader flow of information, ideas and knowledge? The development of that special culture, or infoculture, depends first and foremost on education, both general and vocational, and on initial and continuing training as well as on raising awareness among the public at large. Achieving a real infoculture calls for full-scale mobilization of all those who in their various ways are involved in the information society. Partnerships must be encouraged; national, regional or world projects must be given support; there is more than ever a need for a new form of solidarity to develop the infoculture.  相似文献   

The development of digital technologies for the production, processing, dissemination and use of information is leading to the emergence of a new society based on a far reaching transformation in the relationship between people and institutions and on a radical change in many professional, economic, educational or cultural practices. The crucial question facing us today is whether our traditional societies are ready for such a shift in ways of thinking, communicating and acting. Are people sufficiently aware and adequately equipped to become citizens of this new information society? Are they prepared to be active, efficient and responsible participants in the new communities living on information exchange? Are we really ready to be part of a new culture based on a swifter and broader flow of information, ideas and knowledge? The development of that special culture, or infoculture, depends first and foremost on education, both general and vocational, and on initial and continuing training as well as on raising awareness among the public at large. Achieving a real infoculture calls for full-scale mobilization of all those who in their various ways are involved in the information society. Partnerships must be encouraged; national, regional or world projects must be given support; there is more than ever a need for a new form of solidarity to develop the infoculture.  相似文献   

Self-service is the trend of today's libraries. The Run Run Shaw Library at the City University of Hong Kong therefore is transforming itself in the same direction and offers to its users what it calls the Easy-service. However, the need to handle cash-based micropayments at the service counter is a stumbling block. There is an urgent need for the Library to choose, out of the different payment technologies available, the most suitable one to automate these administrative costly but small-valued payment transactions. The Library's different attempts in this regard and ultimately the integration of the most popular e-purse in Hong Kong in its different payment transactions are therefore mentioned. Overdue fine payments are identified as the micropayments that must be automated if the administration costs are to be reduced and manpower is to be released to make Easy-service a total success.  相似文献   

Although owned media formats that pursue brand-policy objectives have been receiving considerable attention in industries since the beginning of the millennium, virtually no research results are available about their conceptual background and strategic management. Using total interpretive structural modeling, this study examines two research questions: (1) Which success factors for the evolving brand-owned media concept can be identified? (2) How can these factors be systematized in terms of interrelations and hierarchies? Results indicate that the success of brand-owned media depends on a complex interrelation of eight factors. Content-centric factors such as content quality and the non-advertising character of brand-owned media are most important for creating relevant content and for achieving media success in terms of reach and frequency. In contrast, brand strength is not regarded as a precondition of brand-owned media success but rather as a result.  相似文献   

What is the organizational impact of becoming a digital library, as well as a physical entity with facilities and collections? Is the digital library an add-on or an integrated component of the overall library package? Librarians see sweeping environmental and technological changes. The staff members feel exhilarated and challenged by the pressures to adapt quickly and effectively. Librarians recognize that a Web presence, like other technology components, must be continuously enhanced and regularly re-engineered. The Health Sciences Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is reinventing its digital presence to better meet the needs of the community. This paper provides a case study focusing on major changes in planning processes, organizational structure, staffing, budgeting, training, communications, and operations at the Health Sciences Library.  相似文献   

The autograph of John Shaw Billings, dated 1855, was recently found in an 1855 edition of George B. Wood's A Treatise on the Practice of Medicine. This may be the earliest Billings autograph extant, and it is certainly the earliest association of John Shaw Billings with the study of medicine.  相似文献   

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