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试从语义场理论出发,探讨学习词典-《柯林斯合作高阶英语学习词典》6版如何构建语义网络,从而帮助二语学习者快速习得二语词汇。  相似文献   

构建学习词典的中观结构可以借鉴认知语言学中对语义认知的一些观点,以学习者词汇认知的心理表征为依据,建立合理的词典结构体系,再现自然词汇语义网络,帮助学习者形成有效的词汇推理和生成能力。  相似文献   

大脑中的语言按照一定的语义关系排列在语义场之中,这些有着某种语义关联的词汇之间构成了一个语义网络。《剑桥高阶学习词典》3版在词汇语义网络构建方面做了大量的工作,主要使用的方法有:词库、词汇构建、参见、搭配、释义及插图等。《剑桥高阶学习词典》3版在语义网络构建方面也存在不足:同义关系和反义关系没有在词典中展现;虽然提供了大量与词目词相关主题词汇或词目词的近义词,但众多词汇信息堆积在一起,显得有些凌乱;在宏观结构没有提及语义网络信息等。  相似文献   

语义网络信息是词汇习得的重要组成部分,学习者通过语义网络信息习得词汇可以取得事半功倍的效果。学习词典是二语学习者获取语义网络信息的主要渠道,学习者了解英语学习词典的语义网络信息处理,将极大提高其英语词汇习得效率。本文在阐述词汇习得与语义网络、语义网络与学习词典关系的基础上,以词汇习得为视角,以《牛津高阶英语词典》(第9版)为例,分析了英语学习词典在各个结构层次的语义网络信息处理。研究表明,OALD-9在总体结构、微观结构和中观结构等各个结构层面上均采用多种方式呈现了语词的语义网络信息。  相似文献   

词典是英语学习的重要工具,其涵括的丰富语言素材成为语言学习天然的重要语料库。词块即词汇组块,是语言学习的记忆单位,词块教学符合学习者的认知,能最有效地提升学习者的话言综合运用能力。本文就普通高中英语教师如何充分利用词典作为语料库,编制词块学习练习提出建议。  相似文献   

词汇量的扩大和正确使用词汇的问题是外语教学中的研究重点.本文从心理语言学词汇记忆的过程来分析有效的词汇记忆策略,解释心理词典是如何在人脑中储存以及提取的,可以帮助学习者利用俄语词汇的各种心理联系采强化和扩展心理词典网络,提高俄语学习者的学习能力.  相似文献   

二语学习者的心理词汇是心理词汇研究中独特的领域,相关研究将有助于人们了解语言的表征和使用,解释二语学习中的常见现象、对二语词汇教学和语言使用能力的提高具有指导作用。文章从二语心理词汇的表征结构和发展阶段着手,探讨易混淆词的内部表征,从微观角度发现易混淆词的认知心理动因,对易混淆词的教学和词典等教学材料的编纂将会有一定启示,从而促进学习者对汉语词汇的习得。  相似文献   

研究旨在调查双语词典、双解词典、单语词典对中等水平的英语学习者有意识词汇学习的影响,通过接受性词汇和产出性词汇测试题以及问卷调查的方式考察词典类型对学生短期记忆和长期记忆的作用。研究发现词典类型的选择对于中级英语水平学习者词汇学习有显著影响,进一步对外语教学提出一些实际性的建议。  相似文献   

张萍 《考试周刊》2011,(60):31-34
二语心理词库的构建模式有别于一语心理词库,不仅非语义联结较强,其词间的横组合知识发展也远弱于纵聚合知识的掌握,这与一语心理词库的知识结构即语义和搭配均衡呈现的表征相距甚远。现代教育技术下的二语学习者词典是有效帮助学习者拓展语义网络、重构词汇搭配的重要工具,其编纂理据必须基于大脑对词汇的认知规律,映射心理词库的建构特征。  相似文献   

非英语专业新生在实施网络自主学习后的产出性词汇水平与实验班相比较,实验班在类符、词比及词频分布(除次1 000词外)上与对照班存在显著性差异.此外,产出性词汇水平与写作水平关系密切,学习者的词汇产出能力直接影响其作文质量.研究证明了网络自主学习对学习者的词汇习得及产出能力都具有积极的作用.  相似文献   

该研究试图发现学生在医护英语词汇学习上所运用的不同方法,来改进现阶段医学类高等职业院校教师的词汇教学手段。研究者主要采用问卷调查的研究方法,力图了解学生对医护英语词汇与基础英语词汇学习的不同态度和方法。经过一学期教学实践,研究者发现:学生更倾向运用构词法与参加医学类讲座来学习医护英语词汇。因此,医护英语词汇课堂教学的重点应该是放在构词法的讲解和指导上,提高学生学习医护英语词汇的效率。  相似文献   

词汇是语言学习的基础,词汇能力的高低影响学习者各种语言技能的发展。对上下义关系进行研究并加以运用,能激发学习者特别是基础教育阶段的学习者的词汇学习兴趣,培养词汇习得策略和自主学习能力,从而进一步提高语言学习的效率。  相似文献   

谈英语同、反义词教学中的“反教”现象   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
英语词汇教学中的“反教”现象, 就是说, 教师运用英语同义词或反义词教学法对学生的词汇学习有时会产生负效应, 因为大多数同义词或反义词之间不但具有共性, 同时又有许多区别。它们之间的共性增加两词之间的联想, 而两者之间的区别又互相排斥和干扰, 这就使学生容易产生词义的交叉联想, 或者区别两词的难度增加了词汇学习的负担和难度。  相似文献   

在英语学习中,学生要掌握的一个最重要、最基本的方面就是词汇。词汇教学中需要加强的五个方面:1、要注重灵活多样的教学法的结合。2、重视最常用词多样性的教学。3、重视词汇短语的教学。4、重视具有中西化差异的词汇教学。5、教师要有意识地帮助学生对词汇进行整理和分类。  相似文献   

Very little previous research has considered the contributions of family relationships and interactions on the language input of mothers and fathers to their young children. This study examined the contributions of marital love and conflict, and broader family-level conflict, cohesion, and expressiveness to mother and father vocabulary in triadic interactions with their young children in 70 dual-earner families. It was found that after controlling for parent sensitivity and parent directive behavior, marital love and family conflict when children were 12 months of age were significant predictors of both father vocabulary and mother vocabulary to children at 24 months of age. In families with higher levels of marital love when children were 12 months of age, mothers and fathers used a more diverse vocabulary with their 24-month-old children. In families with lower levels of family conflict when children were 12 months of age, mothers and fathers used a more diverse vocabulary with their 24-month-old children.  相似文献   

The Critical Role of Vocabulary Development for English Language Learners   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
English language learners (ELLs) who experience slow vocabulary development are less able to comprehend text at grade level than their English‐only peers. Such students are likely to perform poorly on assessments in these areas and are at risk of being diagnosed as learning disabled. In this article, we review the research on methods to develop the vocabulary knowledge of ELLs and present lessons learned from the research concerning effective instructional practices for ELLs. The review suggests that several strategies are especially valuable for ELLs, including taking advantage of students' first language if the language shares cognates with English; ensuring that ELLs know the meaning of basic words, and providing sufficient review and reinforcement. Finally, we discuss challenges in designing effective vocabulary instruction for ELLs. Important issues are determining which words to teach, taking into account the large deficits in second‐language vocabulary of ELLs, and working with the limited time that is typically available for direct instruction in vocabulary.  相似文献   

To enhance the basal vocabulary instruction for kindergarten students at risk for reading difficulties, lessons provided in typical curricular materials can be supplemented with instructional elements derived from research. This article addresses how teachers can add 15 minutes of higher order instructional activities to daily reading lessons to deepen students’ understanding of target vocabulary and offer multiple exposures to the words in different contexts. This enhanced basal vocabulary instruction model was field tested in two configurations of the kindergarten reading block to refine the procedures. These experiences provide insights into how the model can feasibly be implemented in small‐ or whole‐group formats to improve students’ learning and engagement.  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,是文化的重要组成部分,词汇是语言的重要表现形式,是联系语音和语法的中间环节,它承载着丰富的文化信息和内涵。从英汉词汇,包括价值观念的表现、动物词、鸟禽词、颜色词、植物词、褒贬意义的取舍、英汉习语等方面进行比较和分析,可以看出英汉词汇含有不同的文化内涵。教师在进行英语词汇教学时,应充分体现词汇中丰富的文化内涵。学习和研究英语词汇中的文化内涵对于英语的教学和培养学生的跨文化交际无疑会起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

通过回顾国内外二语词汇知识的研究现状,认为应将词汇知识广度纳入一个总体理论框架中,从而构建相对完整的二语词汇知识理论框架,为二语词汇的教与学提供了较完整的理论依据。  相似文献   

Early competencies in reading, mathematics, and science are associated with later school achievement and adulthood socioeconomic status. This cross-sectional study examined how fundamental domain-general capacities, including language, spatial, and self-regulatory skills, together relate to competencies in reading, mathematics, and science in young Chinese children. A total of 584 Chinese children aged approximately six years were tested individually on their language (receptive vocabulary), spatial (spatial perception, spatial visualization, and mental rotation), and self-regulation (behavioral regulation and working memory) skills, as well as their academic competencies in reading, mathematics, and science. The results showed that vocabulary, spatial, and self-regulatory skills were all associated with Chinese reading, mathematics, and life sciences, whereas only vocabulary was related to earth and physical sciences. The relation between vocabulary and formal mathematics and that between mental rotation and life sciences were found to be stronger in boys than in girls. The findings suggest that foundational domain-general skills may provide the building blocks for children’s academic competencies.  相似文献   

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