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作为一种新的认知动机理论,兴起于上世纪80年代的自我决定理论获得了人们的广泛关注,显示出强劲的生命力.自我决定理论强调人类行为的自我决定程度,认为社会环境可以通过支持自主、能力、归属三种基本心理需要的满足来增强人类的内部动机、促进外部动机的内化、促使人类健康成长.本文主要对自我决定理论的四个分支理论进行阐述,并对其进行简要评价.  相似文献   

以往人们对中国民族高等教育的认识存在着简单化及自我约束化两大误区。多元一体化视角为我们提供了一个新的认识思路,中国民族高等教育要形成自身强大竞争优势,必须突破传统狭隘的观念,一要强调其鲜明的整合性中华民族化特色;二要强调其必须具有开放性,注意加强不同化的交流;三要强调其应当注意培养学生的跨化适应能力,提高学生在多元化社会中实现自我价值的能力。  相似文献   

从三方面论述了现代陶艺的化价值:现代陶艺是对工业明的负面影响的应对,反映了人们回归自然、返朴归真的需要;现代陶艺是对封建化压制艺术个性的反叛,反映了人类对精神自由的渴望;现代陶艺满足了现代社会人们的审美需要、休闲需要、自我发展和自我超越的需要。  相似文献   

第三代领导集体的科技思想蕴含着社会意识同社会存在及其关系原理的科技新内容。揭示了科学技术是现代生产力发展的首要动力;揭示了深化科技体制改革在社会主义社会发展中的直接动力作用,展示了新的社会发展动力观;揭示了科技对社会经济、生产关系、上层建筑的决定作用,蕴含着新的社会结构观。高度评价了科技人员开拓新生产力的卓著功勋,强调科技活动需要亿万群众的积极参与,开拓了群众科技史现的新视野。揭示了科技对于社会主义文明建设和社会进步的重大作用,丰富发展了社会文明进步观。第三代领导集体从科学技术的角度,对唯物史观的全面丰富与发展,形成了科技唯物史观。  相似文献   

学习是人类社会永恒的课题,也是无产阶级政党实现自身历史使命的重要法宝。江泽民作为中国共产党第三代领导核心,一贯强调全党特别是领导干部要重视学习,善于学习。他从政治和战略的高度揭示了学习的重要性,以三个面向的需要指明学习的内容;为学以致用、着力弘扬马克思主义学风指明了方向。这些重要思想极大地丰富和发展马克思主义的学习观。  相似文献   

人类历史上任何一项科学技术的发明和运用,在给人们带来便利的同时,也不可避免地带来了负面影响。网络给广大青少年带来的负面影响除了网络资源的良莠不齐对辨别力不强的青少年产生的负作用外,首先是诱导青少年只看不想,改变传统的思维模式;其次,自我意识发展不健全,造成青少年自我迷失;再次,网络的虚拟性,导致青少年情感问题的产生;第四,法制观念淡薄,网上犯罪活动时有发生。  相似文献   

自我扩展理论为人们认识和理解亲密关系中的基本动机和行为提供了一个新的视角。从选择一个合适的他人到建立关系、维持关系、寻求替代关系、关系解体,自我扩展的动机都在无形中发挥着影响,而将他人纳入自我效应的出现与否也决定了这个关系的性质和质量。自我扩展理论及其研究进展为人类发展自我潜能提供了重要的机制和途径:扩展自我以及将他人纳入自我,并将纳入对象从“他人”延伸到多种对象类型,比如“英雄形象”“小说中的人物”“品牌”等,这些研究结果为自我扩展理论提供了更丰富的实证依据。自我扩展理论对于亲密关系是由生物化学因素决定的大众观念是一个很有意义的补充,为人们建立、维持和改善人际关系提供了重要的理论指导。未来的研究可以尝试在自我扩展动机受限时,增加某些素质性因素或个体的整合能力以观测其对自我扩展效应的调节影响。  相似文献   

实践的观点是邓小平理论的方法论基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一个伟大的马克思主义,邓小平始终坚持实践的观点,在理论上提出了一系列新思想,新观点,在实践中解决了一系列重大的现实问题。实践的观点是邓小平理论的方法论基础:第一,坚持实践观点,实事求是,解放思想,为邓小平理论的建立奠定了坚实的思想基础;第二、注重总结经验,不断深化认识,从最基本的层面回答了“什么是社会主义,如何建设社会主义”的问题;第三,坚持实践第一的原则,强调必须联系中国实际,对马克思主义理论进行独立思考,开展创造性的实践;第四,提出“三个有利于”标准,把真理尺度和价值标准统一起来,丰富和发展了马克思主义的实践观。坚持邓小平理论就要坚持实践的观点,并在新的实践中进一步丰富和发展邓小平理论。  相似文献   

本文立足于新课程评价的目标,提出了一种基于质性评价的e-Portfolio(即电子档案袋)评价系统,并对系统进行了设计和开发。此e—Portfolio评价系统可以展现学生学习的整个过程:展示学生的创作成果;强调学生、教师、家长共同参与和完成对学生的评价;可以增强学生的积极性,激发学生的创造性;增强学生自我反思、自我监控、正确审美和评价他人的能力,以及对自己和他人负责的态度;实现学生、教师、家长的有效沟通;促进教学与评价的有机整合;促进学生发展.  相似文献   

马力文 《河北教育》2005,(21):11-12
中国有句俗语,“孩子是父母身上掉下来的肉。”这句俗语所蕴含的文化十分丰富,它强调了父母与子女之间的血缘关系和关系定位。父母传统的“爱”文化中,“血缘关系”是一个重要的元素,父母爱是对子女无条件的给予,中国父母讲奉献,父母可以为了子女牺牲自我;爱又不是施舍,父母随时都可以按照自己的好恶施与或收回他们的爱,他们是爱的主宰。  相似文献   

入世后经济结构调整和利益格局变化使得经济犯罪出现新的特点:犯罪领域繁博、犯罪类型多元化、手段更加复杂,因此对经济犯罪案件的审理需要进一步改革,逐步运用WTO的原则,诸如无罪推定,一事不再审理以及沉默权等.  相似文献   

在广州市流动人口日出行调查资料基础上,本文分别从出行强度、出行方式、出行空间分布和出行时间分布等4个方面对流动人口一日的出行特征作参数分析。结果表明,流动人口的出行强度较大,出行方式以公共汽车和步行为主,出行空间分布为高度集中型,出行时间分布呈连峰状。这些结果可为“改革开放”和“以城市为经济中心”的新形势下的城市交通规则提供依据。  相似文献   

网络田野考察——网络传播学研究的新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前的网络传播研究存在方法单一的问题.我们需要引进网络田野考察的方法进行网络传播学的研究.田野考察是一种人类学的研究方法,但人类学学者已经将此发展成为一个新的分支--"网络人类学",这和网络传播学的研究领域发生了交叉.因此,网络传播学今后可以利用网络田野考察的方法关注网络舆论等现实问题.  相似文献   

It is widely held among biology teachers that fieldwork is valuable, but little is heard about students' perception of fieldwork or about the reasons for their liking or disliking fieldwork. This paper uses data from students to explore the hypotheses (1) that biology students with a positive perception of fieldwork have a less positive perception of laboratory work and vice versa and (2) that perception of fieldwork is related to demographic/personal factors and/or to pre-university perceptions and experience of fieldwork. Numeric indices of appreciation of biology field and laboratory work (I field and I lab) were determined using questionnaire information from 54 students. I field and I lab were positively correlated and there was no evidence of polarization of views; the problem that some students have a poor perception of both needs to be addressed. Mature students had a more positive view of fieldwork than 18–20-year-olds. However, regression analysis of I field against principal components suggested that demographic/personal factors had relatively little overall influence (< 20%) on appreciation of fieldwork. Perception of fieldwork at university was related to the rank given to fieldwork when choosing a university course. However, students who had participated in pre-university fieldwork did not have a more positive perception of university fieldwork; although students who recalled a worst memory of pre-university fieldwork had a less positive perception of fieldwork at university. The seeming mixed relevance of pre-university fieldwork suggests that the relationship between perception of fieldwork undertaken at university and quality of pre-university fieldwork is an area for future research.  相似文献   

论我国原产地名称法之制定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从与Trips协议相协调角度出发,认为我国现行的《商标法》等法律不能实现对原产地名称的法律保护,制定原产地名称法,赋予原产地名称以原产地名称权,仍最有效保护模式,文章重点论述了制定我国原地地名称法的基本构想。  相似文献   

从课程本身的特点及体验式教学的优势出发,分析了"采风见习"课程应用体验式教学模式的必要性;提出了校企合作、产学共赢,理论联系实践,校内与校外交错进行的体验式教学设计方案,并给出了具体的实施流程和教学安排。  相似文献   

This article describes an initial attempt to find out students’ perceptions of class visits to natural history museums, with regard to the museum’s role as a place for intellectual and social experience. The study followed up approximately 500 Grades 6–8 students who visited four museums of different sizes, locations and foci. Data sources included the Museum Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (M-CLES), which was adapted from Constructivist Learning Environment Survey, an open-ended question and semi-structured interviews with 50 students. The three instruments highlighted some differences in students’ perceptions of the visit. Opportunities for concrete experiences and cognitive and affective engagement were not covered by the M-CLES, while the nature of science was not discussed by the students in their responses to the open-ended item and the interviews. This suggests that each instrument has its advantages and limitations and, therefore, the three means for data collection enabled a complementary view. Based on our findings, we suggest further development of museum learning environment surveys to capture students’ perceptions.  相似文献   

This article describes a 3‐year study of school visits to four natural history museums and addresses the research agenda with regard to out‐of‐school learning. More specifically, the findings focus on the process of learning in museums. Comprehensive data collection allowed for an analysis of patterns of guided visits, the way the scientific content was conveyed to students, and the extent and types of social interactions thus enabled. Observations of 42 guided visits (grades 3–11) indicates that the main visitation pattern consisted of guide‐centered and task‐oriented activity. Analysis of questions asked by museum guides reveals that most of these questions required mainly lower‐order thinking skills. A common questioning pattern was to ask rhetorical questions as a means of carrying on the lecture. Detailed analysis of the scientific vocabulary used by the guides indicates that they used much scientific jargon, with limited explanation. There was only limited social mediation provided by teachers and museum guides. A minority of teachers were involved in the activities or in helping the guide to clarify or in helping the students to understand the explanations. The overall data indicate limited opportunities for meaningful learning, suggesting that the museums should shift from the traditional knowledge‐transmission model of teaching to a more socioculturally contextualized model. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 747–769, 2007  相似文献   

Pre-service teachers need experiences in practical matters as a part of field trip preparations programmes. For 14 years, a private, non-profit university in Turkey has involved pre-service teachers in field trip planning, implementation and evaluation. A programme assessment was conducted through a case study to examine the long-term effects of pre-service field trip preparation. Through a survey created for the study, teachers shared their field trip activities and reported confidence levels. The survey was administered to 44 alumni of the biology education department with a response rate of 72.7% (N = 32). This study will help researchers learn which programme areas need to be improved and can serve as a model for other institutions interested in evaluating field trip preparation programmes.  相似文献   

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