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当今世界,语言推广与文化传播已经成为各国增强国家软实力、提升国际地位的重要战略举措.为了维护并加强英国的国际地位,最大化英国的国家利益,英国政府于1934年设立了英国文化委员会这一海外英语推广和文化传播的准官方机构,积极推进英国的国际文化教育交流活动.英国文化委员会作为文化外交组织,其在语言文化推广方面所取得的成功是史无前例的.而世界“汉语热”持续升温,汉语正在迅速地以文化为依托向世界传播,这迫切需要我们总结发达国家推广语言、传播文化的经验、学习他们的成功方法,以制定出适合我国国情的语言文化推广方针和政策.以英国文化委员会为中心进行语言文化推广策略的研究,正好可以为汉语国际推广的核心机构—孔子学院的发展提供有益的参照和借鉴.  相似文献   

Whether aimed at satisfying the cultural needs of the nation or at organizing and promoting intellectual exchanges with foreign countries in order to spread national culture, cultural policy has become one of the dominant concerns of government today. One hardly need stress the central role universities are called upon to play in this policy. In the past, at a time when governments — absorbed in internal or external struggles — devoted all their efforts to asserting their authority in creating the structures needed for the survival of the state, the initiative for intellectual activities was left in the hands of universities. This was in the Middle Ages; the university, which was independent of the state both in Europe and in the Islamic world, constituted the center of the cultural life of the nation, serving as its guiding light. But today the right to culture has become a fundamental right of man proclaimed in a universal declaration; hence, it is incumbent on the state to ensure that this right is implemented.  相似文献   

世界是一个多元化的大家庭,各个国家因历史文化底蕴的不同,导致国家与国家之间存在着一定的文化差异。因受文化差异的影响,人们对其他国家文学作品的评论也有着不同的理解。中西文化存在一定差异,东方人民在对西方文学进行评论时会有其不同的观点。英美两国的发展历史不同,其相对的文学作品在类型、语言表达上也均有不同,文章讲述中西文化差异及两个文化差异对英美文学作品评论的影响,首先分析了英美文学作品的发展及特点、英美文学评论的概念,然后探究了英美两国文化差异对英美作品的影响以及中西文化差异对英美文学作品评论的影响。  相似文献   

Institutional isomorphists and other proponents of world culture theory argue that schools around the world are converging in many ways, whereas anthropologists and others question this conclusion, often arguing that local cultural differences belie superficial similarities. These viewpoints are not merely academic explanations of the spread and apparent convergence of education policies and practices around the world but are often present in policy and practice. The authors seek both to shed new light on these often-entrenched positions and to refocus the debate by considering the presence and influence of such views in the policies and practices of international teacher exchanges. In the context of the expanding global labor market for teachers, the authors consider the implicit theories underpinning international exchange policies and the ways in which the exchange teachers themselves make sense of these policies.

In particular, we recognize that although extensive work has been done on the dynamics of policy borrowing, little attention has been paid to international exchange teachers as potential agents of isomorphism, adopting and disseminating practices at the local level. Paradoxically, the exchange policies construct a universal teacher who is interchangeable across national (and cultural) contexts, a view resonant with institutional isomorphists, while justifying the exchanges rhetorically on the basis of their value as a cultural exchange, a view more consistent with the culturalists. The teachers who participate, however—and who effectively self-select by their beliefs that such exchanges are possible—accept the interchangeability thesis and view such exchanges as a professional development opportunity.  相似文献   

中国与东盟的文化交流对广西文化产业既是机遇,又是挑战。挑战体现在:政府必须对文化产业和市场管理政策进行调整,以及东盟国家文化交流对民族文化具有潜在的影响,给文化生产单位带来生存压力等;机遇在于:中国-东盟文化交流促进广西文化产业单位转变观念和解放思想,有利于广西文化产业政策的调整。通过阐述中国与东盟文化交流对广西文化产业产生的影响,辨证地分析了中国与东盟文化认同带来的文化交流合作前景。  相似文献   

对非物质文化遗产进行旅游开发,可以对其起到积极有效的保护,也有助于对其进一步挖掘与完善,以及促进文化的对外输出。非物质文化遗产因其深厚的文化底蕴而具有独特性,在外宣中如何进行汉英翻译以吸引更多的国际游客,是摆在我们面前一个亟待解决的问题。对扬州非物质文化遗产旅游资源及其汉英翻译现状进行调查研究,结合功能语境视角下专门用途英语翻译理论,探讨其汉英翻译,可以为扬州非物质文化遗产旅游外宣翻译提供参考。  相似文献   

文化相对论二分观:文化评价与文化交流的武器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化相对论认为衡量文化没有绝对、普遍的判别标准 ,一切道德评价标准都是相对的。这一观点对于促进各民族的相互理解和谅解具有现实意义 ,对于防止和抵制文化霸权主义也具有进步意义。但在文化交流、跨文化交际日益频繁的当今世界 ,文化评价不可避免 ,文化相对论的主张在实践上很难行得通。因此 ,我们认为 :不宜对任何民族的总体文化风貌作价值判断 ,但可以通过文化比较 ,对某些文化现象作出个人的价值判断 ,以便作出个人的抉择 ,另一方面 ,不同语言的特点可论 ,差异可论 ,优劣绝对不可论。  相似文献   

自从鸦片战争以来就发端的东西方文化交流方向的逆转 ,至今仍远远没有结束 ,在新世纪 ,我们要实现中华民族的伟大复兴 ,也包括文化的复兴。这种复兴不是简单的恢复过去 ,而是着眼于创造 ,增强综合国力是这种创造的根本动力。东西方文化的交流与碰撞是世界文化交流中最大的两股潮流 ,拒绝文化的互动传播与碰撞不是明智之举 ,全盘西化更不能保持世界文化的动态平衡。主流文化的引导、大众的文化需求、大众传媒的运作、西方大众文化、经济利益是影响我国目前大众文化建设最大的几种合力。这些合力的消长 ,都要受到我国综合国力增减的影响 ,从而左右着我国大众文化的形貌。  相似文献   

It would be convenient to pretend that the histories of educational philosophy in Britain and, by extension, the USA and Australia, were responses to a common social and intellectual history but convenience in this case could only be accomplished at the expense of explanatory power. The history of educational philosophy in these three places is parallel but not in common. Philosophy of education in Britain is more closely related to philosophy than is philosophy of education in the USA. Philosophy of education in the USA appropriated the lead of the American Social Science Association and initially retained closer connections with social science than did its English counterpart. Nevertheless, it is argued here that educational philosophy's reference to social science—Victorian and modern—is the missing explanatory element in modem histories of the discipline. The appropriation of education by social science—a common feature of the intellectual history of education in Britain, Australasia, and the USA—leavened the research agenda of educational philosophy in Britain. Peters’ educational work can be best understood as an attempt to reunite education with moral philosophy such that the study of education would resume a profile similar to its nineteenth‐century counterpart, when it was moral philosophy that provided the most interesting discussions of human nature, primitive customs, and social institutions—education among them.  相似文献   

借助表现游走于不同地理及文化空间中的人物的生存问题,奈保尔的小说旨在探讨现代人的命运和伦理困境。通过考察《浮生》与《魔种》中“内”与“外”这两个圆形结构,探讨奈保尔对现代人的伦理思考。在人物的“外部空间”这一层面,威利经历了由印度到英国、非洲、柏林,再回到印度,最终定居英国的生活,其人生轨迹构成一个轮回。在人际关系尤其是与女性的关系这一“内部空间”层面,威利经历了从家庭到家庭的回归,体现了获得幸福的不易。可以说,小说中几乎所有人物都在实践“人应该怎样生活”这一根本的伦理问题。  相似文献   

李璐 《海外英语》2011,(9):255-256
As a form of cultural exchanges,it isn’t avoidable for translation and culture to be closely connected and influenced by each other.In the translation process,target work is influenced by all kinds of cultural elements so that target work is different from source work in some degree.The content of source work remains the same,but the form of that is changed more or less as the result of the target language culture.Sometimes the culture of the source language and that of the target language may be on equal footing complementary but sometimes they might be unequal because of their different position of comparative advantages,one culture is neglected.The cultural elements of translator have a great influence on the target work.The target work is the recreation of the translator.  相似文献   

为了更加广泛地使社会成员认同开放大学的办学模式,提升开放大学的文化影响力尤为重要。在文化交流与积极推广、文化品牌与优质服务、文化传承与树立自信等三方面提升开放大学的文化影响力。在开放大学的建设中,积极推广和促进文化交流,以优质服务创造文化品牌,进一步提升开放大学的文化影响力和文化自信。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify some key issues involved in developing economic and societal impact indicators for vocational rehabilitation outcomes. A case study approach is adopted which focuses on the role and performance of the Victorian Accident Rehabilitation Council (VARC)—a key agency in the recently established (September, 1985) WorkCare system in the State of Victoria. This paper is, in part, an outgrowth of a recently completed management review of VARC (Parliamentary Joint Committee on WorkCare, 1988), but it also reflects a number of longstanding concerns by the author in the specification of objectives and performance indicators—internal, client specific, and societal—of public agencies. VARC has not been singled out because its approach and commitment to performance indicators is significantly different than those of other agencies in Victoria or other public sector jurisdictions in Australia, but because it is, in fact, typical.  相似文献   

文化帝国主义实质就是要解构他国文化的合理性和价值性,赋予自己文化价值观念的普遍性和绝对性,达到控制他国文化,促使对象国民众迷信和向往自己的文化价值观念和生活方式的目的。识别正常国际间文化的交流和文化帝国主义之间的区别,认清文化帝国主义带来的危害性,抵制文化帝国主义的扩张,确保本土文化的主导地位势在必行。  相似文献   

The high achievement of British—Chinese pupils in the British education system is established in the official literature, but few studies have asked British—Chinese pupils or parents about the factors contributing to their success. This paper explores value of education as a possible contributory aspect. It investigates the extent to which British—Chinese pupils and their parents value education, and the rationale behind their constructions in this regard. Cultural issues in the transmission of values are also explored. The findings demonstrate that British—Chinese pupils and their parents place an extremely high value on education, irrespective of social class and gender. However, pupils and parents do not necessarily provide the same explanations for this value. There is evidence, though, that the discourse of ‘value of education’ is mobilised as part of a cultural construction of racialised boundaries relating to the diasporic habitus of the Chinese in Britain. The paper discusses the benefits, costs and consequences for Chinese parents and pupils of their elevation and prioritisation of education.  相似文献   

在农业社会里,由于人类文化交往的封闭性和狭隘性,文化整合大多只发生在各种文化模式的内部,作为这一文化模式保持其发展的连贯性和协调有序性的重要机制而发挥着作用。全球化时代的到来,打破了人类文化交往的时空界限,给各国文化敞开了一个新的地平线,使各国文化有可能跳出原有的较为狭窄的文化视野,确立一个认识自我和全世界的更开阔的文化视角。在这样的意义上,我们说文化整合既是全球化过程中的必然现象,又是全球化时代民族文化发展的根本出路。  相似文献   

In the authors' research with Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage parents, some teachers, head teachers and other educational professionals referred to the South Asian parents as ‘hard to reach’. Whilst it was clear from the parents that they were not very, and in some cases not at all, involved in their children's schools and knew little about the education system or what their children were doing in school, it was also very apparent that the parents were not ‘difficult’, ‘obstructive’, or ‘indifferent’—the kind of behaviour ‘hard to reach’ implies. The article therefore considers that rather than parents being ‘hard to reach’, it is frequently the schools themselves that inhibit accessibility for certain parents. The authors challenge the cultural interference model, arguing that it is incorrect and pathologises parents. The article arises out of a two‐year, Economic and Social Research Council funded, qualitative study of Bangladeshi and Pakistani heritage families and schools, in the north‐east of England.  相似文献   

文化哲学视域中的围棋与藏围棋   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
藏围棋是藏族地区流传的民间体育活动形式,由于形式、理论及技术与中国围棋相近。因而被纳入中国围棋的研究范围。藏围棋虽说流行于藏区,但其存在本身说明了汉藏民族在认识观上的一致性及藏汉文化的交流,同时也体现出藏汉文化交融时形成的融合文化的特点。  相似文献   

曹谨是在中国台湾历史上产生过重要影响的历史人物之一。迄今学界围绕曹谨的生平事迹、施政措施、修建曹公圳、民本思想、抗英保台和文化资源开发等方面的研究业已取得较大学术进展。但总体而言,学界对于曹谨的研究仍有深入拓展的学术空间,还需进一步加强海峡两岸及与海外学界的交流与对话,多方挖掘和整理资料,拓宽研究视角,开辟研究新领域,尝试新的研究方法等。  相似文献   

十八大提出"扎实推进公共和人文外交",这是基于世情国情的必然选择。公共和人文外交源于全球化的国际背景和我国发展的内在需要。进入新世纪,中国积极主动开展公共和人文外交,取得了丰硕成果。面对新形势、新问题,需要进一步提升其战略高度,健全投入机制,完善组织机构,培育多元化参与主体,加强理论研究,整合人文资源,构建起面向未来的公共和人文外交战略体系。  相似文献   

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