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越南人口现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
越南自1986年实行革新开放以来经济迅速发展,医疗卫生事业显著进步,人口素质有了明显改善,一直保持高位增长,截止到2009年4月底,越南人口总数已经接近8600万端口。当前越南的人口结构呈现出许多新的特点,主要有人口增长率呈递减趋势;人口地区分布不平衡;性别构成较为合理均衡等。在人口城乡分布方面,由于城市化进程的加快,农村和城市人口的相对量却呈反向运动态势,即农村人口逐渐减少而城市人口呈上升态势。人口的结构分析明确了越南已经步入人口黄金期,这对越南经济发展是一个突出的利好,但老龄社会也悄然而至,对越南提出严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

The science achievement of 226 5th graders from districts that have a kit-based inquiry science curriculum supported by intensive professional development (PD) is compared with data from a group of 173 5th graders from other districts that use nonkit science materials and do not have systematic science PD for teachers. Within the kit-based project, the sample of project teachers is stratified to select teachers with a high number of science PD hours versus those with few hours. While there were no significant differences in the mean total scores for kit-based students with low PD versus high PD teachers, the kit-based classrooms scored significantly higher than students in nonkit classrooms on both the pretest and posttest, though there were significantly more minutes of science instruction in the nonkit classrooms. Finally, nonkit teachers taught more units of shorter length and reported lower levels of preparedness to use reform pedagogical approaches.  相似文献   

中越两国的文化交流有着悠久的历史,中国文化极大地影响着越南文化。中国文化主要以直接推行、交通贸易、华人移居、跨境民族交流等方式传播到越南,探究中国文化传播越南的方式,有益于进一步认识越南文化和加强两国文化交流。  相似文献   

中国和越南自古在文化和经济、政治等方面有着密切的关系和交往。中国的儒学思想在汉代就已经传播到现在的越南,曾经对越南的社会产生了重要的影响,在儒学传播到越南后,通过和佛教等思想斗争以后逐渐取得了正统思想的地位,并和本国的思想结合起来,对儒学进行了改造和发展,对越南的社会产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

Education and Economic,Political, and Social Change in Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an overview of the complex relations among history, education, political economy, and social change in Vietnam. Vietnam has a long history of education and a literate culture. The evolution of Vietnamese culture and society is characterized by both persistence and change. Social and political persistence and change have been profoundly affected by education in Vietnam. In this paper major external influences on Vietnamese education and social change are considered, including Chinese Confucian influences, French colonial influences, Soviet and US influences during the Cold War, and more contemporary international global influences as Vietnam has become part of the global economy and international regimes. The importance influence of the policy of “doi moi” (economic renovation) introduced in 1986 is seen as resulting in a major transformation in Vietnam. The paper concludes with a discussion of Vietnam’s future and its goals of developing a modern economy through a priority on the development of human capital through a distinctive Vietnamese educational system, drawing eclectically and creatively on diverse external influences.  相似文献   


Education reforms worldwide, in both developed and developing countries, address the content of education programmes and/or changes education systems. There are different paths, and different socioeconomic contexts, for those nations which pursue education reform, and Vietnam makes for an instructive example. The country’s socioeconomic renovation, known as Doi Moi since the late 1980s, has put forward the discourse of socialisation, which generally advocates greater public participation in all areas of society. Although socialisation has been the central ideology of the Doi Moi process, there is still a dispute about its meaning and implications. This paper contributes to debates about reforms by examining the discourse of socialisation in Vietnam through analysis of government documents and public opinion in various media. These secondary documents on education socialisation in Vietnam, highlight the institutionalisation of education socialisation in an apparent movement from general public participation to a form of privatisation. This institutionalisation has dramatically transformed the conditions of people’s access to education in Vietnam.  相似文献   

1858年法国侵略越南后,针对越南长期受中国文化的影响,法国人在越南实行西化和去中国化政策,兴办新式的越南语、法语学校,变革学校教学和科举考试内容。一方面停止诗赋考试,减少儒家经典和中国历史内容;另一方面增加国语、法语以及西方格物内容,修改评卷标准。1919年,在越南实行了800多年的科举考试最终被废除。独立后的越南政府继续实行去中国化政策,汉字和汉文化在越南逐渐式微。  相似文献   


Since the 1980s, education in Canada has been through a process that led to school choice, targeting the improvement of students’ performance through school competition. These policies fostering an education quasi-market became an ideal framework for the expansion of IB schools. Since the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate (IBDP) offers a differentiated international curriculum and is perceived as a program that contributes to students’ achievements, it has been increasingly adopted in school districts and schools. This paper explores the marketing strategies developed in schools and districts in response to school competition by tracing the incorporation of the IBDP in high schools in different districts in British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. Based on interviews with school staff, district officials and IB local association representatives, this study analyzes schools’ marketing decisions from a consumer and producer orientation taking into account the macro environment (federal government) and micro-environment (provincial government and districts). Rather than fostering efficiency and improving students’ achievement as intended, marketization policies resulted in an increased focus on the recruitment of high achieving students, which led to a competition between schools, between districts and between other programs in the districts or in other words –an ‘all against all’ competition.  相似文献   

本文应用国内外有关越南和平谈判的历史文献,从中国学者的视角,对越南和平谈判期间的中国因素做研究和分析。从1968年5月开始的美越和平谈判几乎从一开始就陷入僵局,其中,不容忽视的一个重要因素是作为越南抗美斗争的主要支持者中国所起的作用。随着1971年7月基辛格秘密访华之后中美关系的实质性改善,中国对美越和平谈判的态度也发生了巨大的变化,实际上从主张以打为主解决越南问题,转向赞同积极进行和平谈判,并力促和谈成功。在中国的说服之下,越南方面终于在美越和平谈判作出必要的让步而最终使和谈得以在1973年初取得成功。  相似文献   


Using public choice theory as a conceptual orientation, the authors argue that politics in urban school districts have differed from those in suburban school districts. Urban school politics have been characterized by relatively well‐organized interest groups and weak market controls, although politics in suburban school districts vary also, as a function of the strength of market controls. The strength of these interest groups in city school systems is reflected in school board politics, in the administrative structure and in district policies. Interest group liberalism in urban school districts may be lessening due to the changing educational needs of urban students and due to reformers’ efforts to give parents more educational choices. However, the success of market reforms depends on a number of conditions which will be a severe challenge to reformers.  相似文献   

In response to the scientific evidence documenting both profound developmental changes in sleep and circadian biology during adolescence and the myriad of negative health, performance, and safety outcomes risks associated with chronic sleep loss, at least 70 public school districts in the United States, representing approximately 1,000 schools, have successfully implemented a delay in high school start times. However, despite the compelling evidence supporting school start time change as a key strategy in addressing the epidemic of adolescent sleep loss, many school districts across the country with early high school start times have not considered the option to implement later bell schedules for adolescents. Moreover, while the current scientific literature has clearly documented the positive outcomes associated with delayed high school start times, these studies contain limited information regarding the process by which school districts consider, approve and implement bell schedule changes. Thus, this in‐depth examination of those school districts that have been successful in changing their bell schedules is intended to support the efforts of other districts in various stages of contemplating this measure. We utilized a multi‐pronged approach (literature review, case studies, telephone interviews, online survey) to summarize the experiences of school districts across the United States in regard to challenges faced, strategies employed, and lessons learned in the hope that this information will be a useful tool for other school districts looking to chart a course forward to promote the health, safety, and academic opportunities of their students.  相似文献   

2012年,越南政治改革出现新动向;经济发展总体不容乐观,越南在面临诸多困难和挑战的背景下基本完成了2012年的各项经济任务;社会民生保障继续得到重视,文化及教育有了新进展;继续推进以"经济外交"和"军事外交"为重点的全方位对外关系。  相似文献   

雄王时代褚童子学佛道之说及一些出土的古文物、民间传说、留迹文物等资料在一定程度上说明公元前2世纪之前佛教开始传到越南。本文依据古代历史文献中记载的阿育王建筑佛寺塔与越南佛教的关系及一些相关材料,来讨论阿育王时代印度佛教在越南的传播,既有助于越南佛教历史研究,也为中、越佛教的关系研究提供了某些有益的启示。  相似文献   

越南黎朝进士科乡试考述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎朝是越南封建社会发展到繁荣并开始走向衰落的时期。这一时期中越文化交流频繁,汉文化在越南得到进一步发展。作为选官制度的科举考试逐渐完善,进士科成为黎朝选拔文官队伍的主要工具,成为黎朝士人向上流动的重要渠道。黎朝的进士科基本上仿照中国制度,分乡试、会试和殿试三级考试,无论是入试资格、试场设置、试场规则、考试内容,还是取士方法、资格铨除,黎朝乡试既模仿中国乡试规程,又适应越南国情而有所变化。通过对黎朝乡试的研究,可以窥见中国科举制度在越南移植与变异的情况。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立后,美国利用越南这一战略要地对中国进行遏制。面对美国侵越带来的威胁,中国援越抗美,但双方的对抗以不发生正面冲突为限度。由于美国深陷越战泥潭,尼克松为借助中国影响尽快解决越南问题,需要中国的支持协助,因此主动做出了与中国接近的姿态。中国对当时国际形势做了深入研究后.也相应地做出缓和的回应,利用越南问题推动了中美关系的缓和。越南因素在中美从对抗到缓和过程中具有不可忽视的重要地位和影响。  相似文献   

Given increasing interest in evidence-based policy, there is growing attention to how well the results from rigorous program evaluations may inform policy decisions. However, little attention has been paid to documenting the characteristics of schools or districts that participate in rigorous educational evaluations, and how they compare to potential target populations for the interventions that were evaluated. Utilizing a list of the actual districts that participated in 11 large-scale rigorous educational evaluations, we compare those districts to several different target populations of districts that could potentially be affected by policy decisions regarding the interventions under study. We find that school districts that participated in the 11 rigorous educational evaluations differ from the interventions' target populations in several ways, including size, student performance on state assessments, and location (urban/rural). These findings raise questions about whether, as currently implemented, the results from rigorous impact studies in education are likely to generalize to the larger set of school districts—and thus schools and students—of potential interest to policymakers, and how we can improve our study designs to retain strong internal validity while also enhancing external validity.  相似文献   


Since the Supreme Court’s 2007 Parents Involved decision, school districts have been pursuing integration in more legally and politically charged environments. The retreat of the federal government in the racial integration of schools is well documented, but less understood is what local school districts are doing to fill that void. This study documents the districts in the United States that are engaged in voluntary integration. We measure the racial and income segregation in these districts at the school level from 2000 to 2015, examining the relationship between integration methods and levels of segregation. We also measure block group-level segregation in these school districts during this time period to better understand residential patterns of segregation within the districts and contextualize school-level trends.  相似文献   

The study seeks to determine the underlying factors contributing to the overrepresentation of minorities in school disciplinary programs. Data from 207 Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs (DAEPs) in Texas are analyzed. The data represent more than 62 % of the student population of Texas school districts. Results support the hypothesis that the ‘whiteness’ of school district undesirably affects the overrepresentation of Black students (but not Hispanic students) in DAEP. Overrepresentation of Black students in disciplinary programs is significantly higher in urban school districts than in rural districts. The findings, however, add a new layer of complexity to the debate on the overrepresentation of minorities in disciplinary programs. This is because not only White school districts are more likely than other districts to exercise their discretionary authority to punish minorities but they also more frequently subject their minority students to mandatory disciplines that are well defined by the state. Plausible explanations of such overrepresentation is offered for future research. Neither wealth nor the districts’ type (urban, suburban, rural and mid-size) have been found to have significant impact on discretionary or mandatory disciplinary actions against minority students.  相似文献   

在对三门峡市农业生态环境进行分区的基础上,针对各区主要农业生态环境问题提出了包括生态农业在内的改善途径。  相似文献   

潘佩珠与梁启超及孙中山的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘佩珠是 1 9世纪末 2 0世纪初越南民族民主革命激进派的领袖。 1 90 5年 ,潘佩珠东渡日本求援。在日本横滨 ,潘佩珠会见了中国改良派领袖梁启超 ,就越南革命问题曾进行过多次笔谈。梁启超对越南民族独立和发展问题提出了许多宝贵建议。在梁的帮助下 ,潘在日本出版了《越南亡国史》等书 ,运回越南 ,作为国内革命运动的宣传资料 ,并发动了闻名国内外的东游运动。在日本横滨期间 ,潘佩珠还会见了中国革命民主派领袖孙中山 ,并就越南独立问题和中越两国革命发展的关系进行两次长时间的笔谈。会谈虽没有取得完全一致的意见和达成具体成果 ,但为潘后来在中国的革命活动也提供了很多方便。 1 91 1年辛亥革命成功后 ,潘受孙中山的影响 ,成立了越南光复会  相似文献   

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