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The Black self-consciousness is an eternal literay theme seriously treated in American Literature and Black Literature in particular,This paper gives a survey of the progress of Black self-consciousness in which Black Americans have neen struggling continously to earn their freedom and equality,and later to restore their own self-respect and confidence.The progressive self-consciousness is evidently demonstrated in this paper by comparative analysis of various Black figures,from the obedient and meek Ngro slaves represented by Uncle Tom to the rebellious and difi-ant characters portrayed by Richard Wright and Ralph Ellison,In reality,the promising generation involved in the Harlem Renaissance have taken some measures to search for their own identity in a highly organized and prejudiced society.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):274-287

This article draws on a larger study that examined the constructions of childhood by young children in early childhood centres. Ten boys and girls, between the ages two and four, from two early childhood centres in urban KwaZulu-Natal, participated in the study. The article explores the multiple ways in which young children use discourse and context to interpret differences around race, gender and other social identities. We draw on data produced through observations, storytelling and persona dolls to argue that, although young children reproduce multiple social realities they encounter in their daily lives, they are active subjects in constructing differences. Story telling with persona dolls provides opportunities for young children to talk about their experiences with regards to difference.  相似文献   


While the ‘natural hair movement’ has grown in popularity and criticism, educational researchers have not attended to how Black adolescent girls with all textures of natural hair are navigating the implications of foregoing chemical alterations to their curl patterns. This article reports on an investigation of self-talk in 56 internet video logs constructed by Black adolescent girls with natural hair, describing the messages of self-love, hair care, and counter narratives to dominant discourse that emerged from an in-depth ethnographic content analysis. Hair politics may seem irrelevant to the field of education, but findings suggest that the topic should matter to anyone who cares deeply about the social and academic worlds of Black adolescent girls.  相似文献   

Inequalities continue to exist in higher education, with Black and minority ethnic (BME) academics less likely to be professors or occupy senior decision-making roles compared to their White colleagues. In order to increase BME representation in senior decision-making roles, specific programmes targeted at BME groups have recently been introduced in higher education institutions (HEIs). This article draws on research carried out on two such programmes in England. By using principles of critical race theory (CRT), I argue that racism continues to play a key role in the lack of BME groups in senior leadership roles and that such programmes benefit HEIs rather than contributing to a commitment to inclusion, equity and creating a diverse workforce. Furthermore, such programmes work for the benefit of HEIs to perpetuate and reinforce White privilege, rather than addressing structural inequalities.  相似文献   

Very few English secondary schools now include ‘Comprehensive’ in their titles, and political enthusiasm for comprehensive schools is hard to detect. According to David Skelton of Policy Exchange, politicians, like anthropologists, have often ‘investigated them, read thoroughly about them and even visited them, but they don’t really understand them’. Drawing on a variety of source materials, this article discusses the early comprehensive schools movement, the period of intensive circulars and legislation in the 1960s and 1970s and the subsequent waning of interest in comprehensive schools as a policy topic. At the heart of the discussion is a focus on politics and politicians at both the national and local levels, with close reference to some key personalities of the post-war period. It is argued that the story of comprehensive schooling in England needs more balance and that we should look to the present generation of politicians and historians to provide this.  相似文献   

Ogbu  John U. 《The Urban Review》2004,36(1):1-35
After more than 15 years of comparative study of minority education, I concluded that I would have to study two additional factors, namely collective identity and cultural frame of reference to more fully explain the variability in minority school performance. In 1986, I published an article with Signithia Fordham on how oppositional collective identity and cultural frame of reference or oppositional culture contributed to Black students' school performance. Many critics have misinterpreted the joint article and even constructed a different thesis of oppositional culture than the one we proposed in the joint article. The thesis is that Black students do not aspire to or strive to get good grades because it is perceived as acting White. Furthermore, they have translated my cultural–ecological theory into an oppositional culture theory. I am writing this paper to correct the misinterpretations of the joint article in order to advance scholarship on the subject. I begin by explaining the meaning of collective identity and distinguishing it from other concepts of identity. Specifically, I summarize the evolution of oppositional collective identity and cultural frame of reference or oppositional culture among Black Americans and discuss the Black experience with the burden of acting White in the contemporary United States. Finally, I suggest some continuity between Black historical and community experiences with the burden of acting White, as experienced by Black students.  相似文献   

Black Shadow     
IreadashortnovelnamedBLACKSHADOW.ThewriterwasfromMalaysia.Thisnovelgavemeadeepimpression.Itissaidthataboy熏whenhewasfiveyearsold熏hefoundhisshadowcoulddothethingsbyitself.Hislittlesister熏wholikedcryingandsmiling熏wastakengoodcareofbyhismotherattheageofeightmonths.Onedayatnight熏whiletheboywasgivinghislovelybeartohissister熏hisshadowhadalreadystoodbeforeher.Andthen熏theshadowpushedhissisterdowntheground.Theworstthingis熏theboy’smothergaveupallhope熏andshepaidnomoreattentiontohim.Finall…  相似文献   

Black Cat     
Itisprobablybecauseofitsslyness(狡诈)andshrewdness(精明)熏thecatisoftensup鄄posedtobeconnectedwiththewitch(女巫)andthedevil.Thisfearmaystemfrom(起源于)theMiddleAges.InEurope熏thetimebetweentheMiddleAgesandthe18thcenturyisknownasthewitch-huntingera(猎巫时代).Inmostofthecases熏the“witches”weretypically(典型的)olderwomenwhowereeccentric穴行为怪癖雪andsolitude(离群索居).Frequently熏theevidencethewitch-huntersgavewasthattheoldwomanownedademon(魔鬼)intheshapeofananimal熏mostcommonlyatoad穴癞蛤蟆…  相似文献   

This viewpoint draws on discussions at two seminars to consider ambivalent attitudes amongst a group of Black women towards considering themselves and/or other Black people as ‘middle class’. The first seminar highlighted the experiences of a group of Black ‘middle‐class’ parents and the second, which was organised as a result of the reaction the first seminar received, sought to explore attendees views as to whether they thought Black people could be Black and ‘middle class’. The viewpoint contends that the concept ‘Black middle class’ is incompatible with some Black women’s notions of self, and that their ambivalence about the ‘Black middle classes’ is partly rooted in an emotional need to remain connected to the wider Black community. Whilst these women’s understandings of the ‘Black middle classes’ are informed by their gendered and racialised experiences, there is also evidence of a denial of (class) privilege.  相似文献   

Sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education, retention trends indicate that there is a Black teacher shortage. Research shows that Black teachers’ retention rates are often lower than the retention rates of White teachers. Black teachers report low salaries, lack of administrative support, and other school variables as reasons for leaving the teaching profession. Seeking to alter the predominantly White, middle class teaching force and potentially impact students’ educational experiences, this qualitative study examines twelve Black female teachers’ intentions to remain in the K-12 classroom. Utilizing conventional content analysis, three themes emerged regarding the retention of Black female teachers. Conclusions, recommendations, and implications are offered for school administrators and educational policymakers.  相似文献   

Ohito  Esther O. 《The Urban Review》2019,51(1):123-145

With concern to critical pedagogy, the concept of love is fairly frequently (ab)used, yet under-theorized. In this exploratory study, I ask: How does a critical pedagogy of love—or critical pedagogical love—look, sound, and feel? Regarding feeling, how does a critical pedagogue engage the sensations of pleasure attendant to love? Lastly, how does the pedagogue invite love and pleasure into the pain-filled field of urban teacher education? Using Black feminist theorizing of love as an analytic filter, I investigate a university-based urban teacher educator’s navigation of the nexus of love, pleasure, and critical (specifically, antiracist) pedagogy. Extrapolating from the resultant narrative portrait, I consider the affordances of a critical pedagogy of love that accesses embodied pleasure, emphasizing how such a pedagogy might present racially marginalized persons—particularly urban teacher educators of Color—with opportunities for reprieve from the suffering that characterizes many of our experiences with/in teacher education.


Black and White     
随着人类社会文化的发展与进步,缤纷的色彩不仅停留在人们的视觉上,而且也反映在人们的感情、意识、情绪和爱好等诸多方面。与此同时,在语言上也形成了大量与颜色有关的习语。black和white这两个反义词往往是作为对立面出现的。除了本身的颜色含义外,白色通常表示光  相似文献   

This study investigates how much the racial composition of communities influences the private school enrollment rates of members of different racial groups. Some scholars argue that private school enrollment contributes to racial segregation in public schools because White families attempt to enhance the social status of their children by leaving public schools serving communities with higher percentages of children who are Black. A second group of scholars argue that private school enrollment is primarily based on nonracial factors. A third, related perspective argues that race is of diminishing importance in driving behaviors such as school choice. This study explores these perspectives using 1990 and 2000 Public Use Micro Data Samples to estimate private school enrollment rates by student race and community racial composition. Findings indicate that private school enrollment rates among Asian, Black, and Hispanic students do not fluctuate much with community racial composition. By contrast, private school enrollment rates among White families are strongly and positively correlated with the percentage of children in their communities who are Black—even after holding constant a series of individual and community-level factors that may account for this trend. Moreover, the association between race and choice has changed little between 1990 and 2000.  相似文献   

一、教材分析:   知识目标:1.能听懂、认知三种颜色:black,white,brown.2.听懂、会读、会说:on,in,under.3.听懂、会实际运用:Where is ?It‘s…/I don‘t know.Let‘slook.能力目标:使学生能够熟练认知本课知识并运用在实际生活中.……  相似文献   

一、教材分析: 知识目标:1.能听懂、认知三种颜色:black,white,brown.2.听懂、会读、会说:on,in,under.3.听懂、会实际运用:Where is ?It's…/I don't know.Let'slook.能力目标:使学生能够熟练认知本课知识并运用在实际生活中.  相似文献   

Black and White     
黑白颠倒、黑白分明、黑白混淆……黑与白一直都是一对难分难解的“弟兄”。英语中黑与白的用法有时候跟汉语的用法完全不同,下面我们就来看几个例子吧,顺便学习学习东西方文化的差异。与黑色有关的词语:call white black/call black white混淆是非black m oney黑钱(指来源不正  相似文献   

一提到black,大家一定会感到有一种不祥之兆,也许会联想到漆黑的夜晚、黑色的恐怖、甚至于死亡。因为black有悲哀(grief),死亡(death)等抽象语意。任英语中black也有此意,因此与它合成的单词或短语中有许多都含有不安之感。例如:Don’tblacken my good name by spreading  相似文献   

Mrs.Blacklivedinacity .Shewasveryrichandneverdid  1 athome .IntheeveningsheoftenwatchedTVandwenttobedlateatnight.Shealwaysgotup  2 lunchtime .Shenevertookany  3  ,andshewasgettingfatterandfatter.Itworriedherandshehadtoseeadoctoroneday .Thedoctorlookedherover  4 andsaid ,“I msorry ,madam .Nobodycanhelpyou !I msureyou ll  5 inamonth !”  6 this ,Mrs.Blackwasvery  7  .Shegothomeandate  8 dranknothing .Shecriedandcriedandcouldn tsleepatnight.Nobodycoulddoanythingforher .Amon…  相似文献   

A Black Sunday     
One On sunday it was so hot.My brother and I went to swim.My brother was very cheerful.Did you know swimming why?He is a good swimmer and he enjoys himself in  相似文献   

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