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<正>《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》要求:“开展丰富多彩的户外游戏和体育活动,培养幼儿参加体育活动的兴趣和习惯,增强体质,提高对环境的适应能力。”户外游戏为幼儿亲近自然、亲近社会提供了契机,为幼儿探索自然奥妙、尽享童年乐趣提供了载体。幼儿园应充分挖掘和利用区域资源优势,开展具有地域特色的户外游戏。我园作为一所滨海乡村幼儿园,与海边直线距离仅几百米,步行十来分钟即可到达,我们充分挖掘沿海资源优势,开展了一系列具有本土特色的户外游戏活动。  相似文献   

在课程游戏化教学中,幼儿园应根据幼儿的游戏需求,立足户外环境现状,基于科学的儿童观和课程观,结合园所“科艺”课程特色,因地制宜地巧妙改造,最大限度地从多维的角度开拓游戏场地,创设多样化的户外游戏空间。文章通过转变教师观念、合理规划场地、投放多元化材料、以幼儿为环境创设的主体等策略,实现幼儿园户外游戏场的变身,使幼儿园真正成为孩子们的成长乐园。  相似文献   

王丽梅 《知识文库》2023,(8):173-175
<正>幼儿园户外游戏环境是构成幼儿园整体环境的重中之重,也是对幼儿园室内环境的有效补充。通过落实幼儿园户外游戏环境构建工作,为学生提供一种既安全又舒适的活动环境,这不仅有助于幼儿身心健康,还能够推动幼儿全面发展。以下首先分析幼儿园户外游戏环境构建的意义和误区,接着就生态学视野下幼儿园户外游戏环境以及活动的优化路径展开探究,希望提供参考。  相似文献   

构建良好的游戏环境是发挥游戏与环境的教育功能的重要手段。幼儿园游戏环境是一个多层次的环境体系,在建构中应突破班级和区域等观念的限制,注重不同环境功能的内在通融性和逻辑关联性。具体而言,幼儿园可以通过构建益智健体的公共环境,为幼儿游戏提供广阔而开放的空间;构建以"真"为本的区域环境,密切游戏与幼儿生活的联系;构建充满乐趣的教室环境,充分激发幼儿的游戏兴趣。  相似文献   

薛丹 《家长》2024,(7):135-137
<正>户外活动是幼儿园教育活动的重要组成部分,以户外环境作为主要的教育资源,利用户外的场地和户外环境中自然、非自然设施来设置幼儿教育活动,在锻炼幼儿身体素质与思维能力的同时,也能达到深化幼儿自然感知与自然认知的效果。而游戏化理念则是幼儿教育的基本理念,指的是用幼儿喜闻乐见的游戏形式和游戏内容来替代传统的教学活动,引导幼儿在学的过程中玩,又在玩的过程中学。因为爱玩是幼儿的天性,游戏又是“玩”的一种主要形式,所以游戏化的教学活动更贴近幼儿的心理需求,也更能满足幼儿的精神和成长需要,这就为游戏化理念在幼儿教育活动中的落实和推广提供了天然的助力。  相似文献   

户外游戏对幼儿成长具有重要作用。当前,我国农村幼儿园在开展户外游戏时存在如下问题:场地面积小,区域设置简单;户外游戏材料投放数量不足,利用率低;户外游戏活动时间难以保证;教师户外游戏方面专业知识不足;家长"重知识,轻游戏"等。根据农村幼儿园的实际情况,可采取如下对策推进农村幼儿园户外游戏的开展:利用农村地理优势,因地制宜创设游戏区域;丰富户外游戏材料,关注户外游戏中的儿童视角;做好安全教育,保障幼儿游戏的权利;加强农村幼儿教师专业培训,提高教师户外游戏组织能力;开展家园合作,实现教育合力。  相似文献   

近几年,幼儿园“包装之风”风起云涌,幼儿的游戏玩具也追求精美、高价,在这高楼大厦组成的“城市森林”中,幼儿远离了自然。我们应合理利用环境,充分挖掘自然材料,使我们的幼儿亲近自然、了解自然,适应自然,使幼儿的学习和游戏进一步得到发展。  相似文献   

幼儿园户外环境可以让幼儿呼吸到新鲜的空气,提供充分自由的活动空间,满足幼儿身心发展的需要。任何以儿童利益为首的幼儿园,在其户外环境游戏场所的设计时,都应考虑到幼儿的看法和建议。  相似文献   

本文从物理环境和心理环境两个方面探讨如何为幼儿创设良好的游戏环境以促进高质量游戏的发生。物理环境主要从户内和户外两方面入手,从空间密度、游戏区设置及空间安排的角度对户内环境进行分析;户外环境主要针对材料投放与重要游戏类型进行分析。心理环境主要是为了给幼儿营造一个宽松、自由的心理氛围,促进幼儿游戏中的创造性行为发生,心理环境的创设主要由教师与幼儿之间的多重关系构成。  相似文献   

王淑梅 《甘肃教育》2023,(1):109-112
幼儿园体育活动是幼儿园体质健康教育的重要组成部分,主要是体育活动与游戏的有机融合,旨在提高幼儿的身体素质,培养幼儿持之以恒的体育精神。在幼儿园阶段开展户外游戏体育课是非常重要的,户外体育游戏不仅能让幼儿亲近大自然、陶冶幼儿情操,使幼儿的身体和机能得到发展,而且能促进幼儿优良品格的形成,培养其创造力和想象力。幼儿教师要积极创设户外体育游戏环境,科学地利用现有资源,让幼儿在锻炼中感到快乐,在运动中健康成长,使每一个幼儿的身心都能健康发展。  相似文献   

戚志娟 《成才之路》2022,(1):100-102
开放性户外环境观察活动有利于增强幼儿户外体验感,提高幼儿的观察能力、分析能力及发现问题和解决问题的能力,让幼儿在自主探究观察中,实现全面发展.在户外环境观察活动中,教师要充分利用幼儿园的资源,有效挖掘幼儿的潜能,激发幼儿的兴趣,引导幼儿主动地探究和思考,实现幼儿的全面发展.文章从幼儿园开展开放性户外环境观察活动的问题、...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore kindergarten teachers’ views and roles regarding outdoor play environments in Omani kindergartens. Thirty kindergarten teachers from 15 private kindergartens were observed and interviewed. The results indicated that teachers recognize the importance of outdoor play in children’s development and learning. Although teachers are satisfied with the safety conditions of the outdoor play environments, they feel they need to know more about how to maintain safety criteria in this environment. Teachers most frequently took on the role of supervising and guiding children’s behaviour or setting up materials for play, whereas providing verbal comments and participating in play were less common. Omani outdoor play environments were found to face specific difficulties, such as the hot climate, a shortage of materials and equipment, a lack of natural surroundings and the short length of time spent outdoors. The article concludes with policy implications and pedagogical recommendations.  相似文献   

幼儿园学习环境与幼儿发展结果之间存在密切的关系。本研究以来自我国5个省区89所幼儿园267个班级的1592名幼儿为研究对象,采用广义相加混合模型,分析幼儿园学习环境质量各要素与幼儿语言、数学认知、情感社会性发展之间的关系。结果发现,学习环境与幼儿发展结果之间的关系具有一定的复杂性,其中园舍建筑和幼儿语言、数学认知存在非线性关联;户外空间与设施和幼儿语言、数学认知存在线性关联;区域规划与材料和幼儿语言存在线性关联,与幼儿情感社会性存在非线性关联;心理氛围与幼儿情感社会性存在线性关联,与幼儿语言、数学认知存在非线性关联;班级空间与设施和幼儿发展不相关。与此同时,园舍建筑、心理氛围、区域规划与材料对幼儿发展结果分别具有一定的阈值效应。高质量的幼儿园学习环境阈值范围为4.3~6.0分,表明教育经费投入需要保证幼儿园学习环境质量在此阈值之上,学习环境对幼儿发展的促进效果才能显现。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of spending time outdoors on young children’s physical and socioemotional development. We observed preschoolers’ activities in two naturally provisioned outdoor environments over the course of one year. Eleven preschoolers were videotaped continuously for 16 days at a local river and 9 days at a creek adjacent to the school. In addition to the quantitative analyses of children’s behaviors, a case study of three children’s experiences over the course of the year was conducted. Both the river and the creek settings encouraged a multitude of physical and play behaviors with similar types of affordances, including flat surfaces for running, rocks for climbing and jumping off, and water for exploration and play, but the wilder environment (river) afforded more risk and personal challenges. Observations of children’s motor activities, play and responses to challenging environmental features supported the importance of accumulated experience and social context for the development of confidence in the face of risk, individual exploration and positive social support and engagement with peers.  相似文献   

家庭学习环境是幼儿成长初期最早接触的学习环境,对幼儿学习品质发展具有重要作用。为考察家庭社会经济地位、家庭学习环境与幼儿学习品质的关系,本研究随机抽取来自宁波50所幼儿园的1131名幼儿样本,由幼儿父母报告家庭社会经济地位和家庭学习环境,由教师报告幼儿学习品质。描述性分析、验证性因素分析和中介模型检验的结果显示,年龄较大幼儿的学习品质整体及各维度表现较好;女孩的学习品质整体表现较好,特别是在注意/坚持和学习策略维度上;家庭社会经济地位对幼儿学习品质的总效应显著;家庭学习环境显著正向预测幼儿学习品质;家庭学习环境在家庭社会经济地位与幼儿学习品质之间具有完全中介作用。父母应重视家庭学习环境的作用,并提高实际创设家庭学习环境的能力,促进幼儿学习品质的积极发展。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Outdoor play is important for children’s health and development, yet many preschool-age children in child care settings do not receive the recommended 60 min/day of outdoor play. Child care providers have previously described parent-related barriers to increasing outdoor playtime, including parents not providing appropriate clothing for their children and parents’ preference for academics over active play. This study explored parent perceptions and knowledge of outdoor playtime in child care environments. On average, parents reported wanting their child to spend significantly more time playing outside during a full day of child care than the recommended minimum. However, more than half of parents reported that they did not know how much time their child actually spent playing outside, and 43% reported that they did not know their child care center’s outdoor play policies. Practice or Policy: Child care providers may overperceive parent-related barriers to outdoor play. Parents generally support outdoor play for their preschooler during center-based child care but are not well informed about outdoor playtime and policies. Encouraging communication between parents and early childhood educators about these topics could lead to more universal support and strategies for promoting outdoor and active play opportunities for children, which are important for children’s health and development.  相似文献   

自由游戏在充分保证儿童游戏性体验的同时也体现了适宜儿童的学习方式。但是由于人们对自由游戏的片面认识使得它并未在幼儿园中发挥积极作用。幼儿园需要走出认识的误区,对自由游戏形成科学、全面的认识并合理运用。  相似文献   

As one of the most advanced play forms in childhood, pretend play often demonstrates positive associations with children’s development. However, results from research that examines the association between social skills and pretend play are mixed, especially when the complexity of pretend play is taken into account. Moreover, few studies on pretend play are conducted in outdoor environments; a setting which affords many opportunities for engagement in pretend play and unstructured social interactions. By observing children’s outdoor pretend play, the primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between different types of pretend play and children’s social skills. Twenty-eight children from high quality childcare centers in a southeast suburban area were observed during outdoor free play time. Using a reliable time sampling protocol, each child’s play was observed and recorded for a total of 45 min to an hour over a 2-week time period. Lead teachers rated children’s social skills in the areas of cooperation, self-control, and assertiveness. Results showed high amounts of pretend play behavior overall, and differential relationships between the type of pretend play children engaged in and children’s social skills. Surprisingly, these relationships were not associated with gender. Findings are discussed in light of the value of pretend play to promote social skill development and the potential for outdoor contexts specifically to encourage these play behaviors.  相似文献   

使幼儿从事的活动游戏化,是顺应幼儿喜好游戏之天性的必然要求,能够给幼儿带来浸润放松性警觉感的情境体验,并为幼儿创建最近发展区,激活其经验联结。所谓教学游戏化,就是"化"教学为游戏,是陈鹤琴提出的幼稚教育的原则之一,与杜威的"做中学"教育思想相呼应,是中国幼儿教育的本土化创举。课程游戏化既是对教学游戏化的传承,也是对教学游戏化的超越。实施课程游戏化就是要保证幼儿有充足的游戏活动时间,保障幼儿的游戏权利;就是要赋予幼儿园一日活动以游戏的性质,让幼儿感受到心智的自由,产生丰富的"游戏性"体验;就是要聚焦幼儿生活,帮助幼儿在生活化、游戏化的活动情景中逐步养成良好的学习品质。课程游戏化的持续推进,既需要政府的规范引导与幼儿园的努力实践,也需要家园加强合作,共同建构和谐共育的社会生态。  相似文献   

The focus of this article is children’s self-organisation of peer-groups through play. The play was initiated by encounters with the environment. The use of ethnographic methods in early childhood research has proved helpful to elucidate, interpret, and understand children’s experiences and the creation of meaning in their everyday lives. This inquiry draws on field notes, informal conversations with the children, and photos from a study of kindergarten children’s experiences of outdoor places and landscapes in Norway. Going out of doors together with the children regularly over a period of 10 months revealed aspects of how children’s interactions in play connect to their use of natural landscapes and its place in peer-group social organisation. The data are presented as ‘narrative maps’ and episodes written as ‘emplotted’ narratives.  相似文献   

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